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Mystery over death of Irish man in Buriram


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This kind of thing just keeps on happening, starting to make me wonder why anyone would consider residing in Thailand.

I don't know why someone with money would retire to Thailand. If you have money you're better off in Malaysia

or Ireland

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One doesn't sustain extensive head injuries from a fall in ones home unless you possibly fell off of the roof of course. extensive head injuries would seem to suggest a battering of the head ,

I have over the years years as a policeman seen such injuries, indeed there are reasons to suppose all is not as we have been told.

Falling over in the shower, tripping up getting in or out of a bath, falling off a step ladder or from standing on a chair or table to reach something, tripping up on a loose mat and hitting head on the floor or hard object, falling down a flight of steps or stairs, slipping on a wet floor and the list goes on.

All really depends if the injuries are a single impact or multiple ones, in which case you may have to add "Hung himself with elastic" to your list.

Also if a fall is enough to kill someone with "extensive head injuries£ then it would not be too difficult to find the place where his head actually impacted, seeing as head injuries bad enough to kill someone will leave at least some blood, hair, skin etc........

Edited by PepperMe
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Beetlejuice post # 11

Falling over in the shower, tripping up getting in or out of a bath, falling off a step ladder or from standing on a chair or table to reach something, tripping up on a loose mat and hitting head on the floor or hard object, falling down a flight of steps or stairs, slipping on a wet floor and the list goes on.

Read that which was in the O.P and that which was in my post Extensive head injuries.

Just stop being an apologist creep of the week for the Thai police farce force in which you so proudly proclaim your sons serve in.

Do you actually live in Thailand? If you do then why stay in a country where you feel there are no freedoms and everything is a conspiracy and a cover up? What actually keeps you and others with the same opinions in Thailand? Because I am assure you that if you left, you would not be missed, better for you, better for us here.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Just another "suicide" in The Land of Smiles..

Forget circumstances, forensics, friends reports etc etc.

As far as the police are concerned it's an easy "open & shut case".. no investigation needed and no paperwork necessary, ship him home !!!

Lets go get some more tea money !!!

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To aid your conspiracy theories and conjecture....I knew this man well.

What was misquoted was that he did not have extensive head injuries ie those that can be gained from a fall. What he had was 'an unrecognisable face'...clearly not gained from a simple fall in his house!

I'm not at liberty to say more right now I'm sorry. And know it's not a troll post.

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None of his friends believe the police what has the world come to when people doubt the word of the police hope that the police will find out what truly happened because who else is there to find out the truth in Thailand regarding a death call in the soldiers, hope that the deceased can RIP and sincere condolences to family and friends.

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You'd think that following a spate of suspicious deaths, and the subsequent international media interest, that somebody upstairs at Police HQ would write a simple memo to police officers: Treat all deaths as suspicious until proven otherwise. Seal-off all potential crime scenes. Search for and collect ALL evidence not just that which supports the most convenient theory. Investigate before reaching conclusions. Do NOT spew unsupported theories to the media.

However simple it might be, it's probably not going to happen. Thai's in general, and it would seem Thai police officers in particular, suffer from a condition known as 'ility-blindness': credibility, responsibility, accountability etc.

RIP John Brett, thoughts with your family and friends

Couldn't agree more! Why do they have to cause suspicion and mistrust by putting out such a statement? To say that he appeared to have died from "a head injury" after a fall would have been sufficient, (especially as it had happened on 2 previous occasions) but to say that he died as a result of suffering "severe head injuries" after a fall is bound to cause questions to be asked.

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It has reached the point where reporters must have a template for reporting the news.

HEADLINE: Mystery over death of (Nationality) (Gender) in Thailand.

(Victim Name) (Age) was found dead (at his apartment, in front of bar, on beach) in (city name) yesterday.

(Victim Name) is understood to have died from (extensive head injuries, death by asphyxia, drowning, suicide).

A complete investigation has been completed and foul play is not suspected.

*** Is it just me, or am I seeing these ...like ... every day now?

Pretty much correct apart from the bit about "a complete investigation has been completed"

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“He had very serious head injuries. He had been seeing the daughter of a local official and everyone knew there had been a row about this.

“That was on Friday night and he hadn’t been seen since the row. http://www.thestar.ie/star/suspicion-over-sligo-mans-death-in-thailand-58212/

Pure coincidence I suppose?

Now don't you go starting "conspiracy theories" or a certain TV "Fourpack" will be after you!

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IF...and I mean IF...because I didn't know him, If he was a long term heavy drinker a single fall could cause death. Minor trauma could result in bleeding in the brain if atrophy has occurred.

But the police said he had "extensive" head injuries!

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Surprised no one else on here knows him? The farrang community in Buriram is quite close knit and many that I speak to frequent this forum.

A second post mortem could conclusively prove he was beaten to death if the body is re-patriated quickly. However whats the point? Does anyone think the Buriram police will actually apprehend the killer? Odds are they already know who it is and are protecting him.

My Mrs hails from Buriram and we visit once or twice each year. My observations of the police there -

- The biggest house in each village is usually a cop despite their tiny wages.

- I always keep plenty of 100 baht notes handy. Unlike in Bangkok (where it is much more rare) ill be forced to pay a bribe at least 2 or 3 times in a stay of a week.

They are even worse than their Bangkok counterparts and I actually didn`t think that was possible.

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Any conclusion should be drawn after investigation is completed. Police speculation about any and all case(s) - all treated as a crime scene in the first place, unless evidence is clear cut - should not be permitted. Reporting to media controversial findings with their own premature interpretation are the stupid things they are doing lowering their own credibility and awaking suspicion and negative reaction in the media.

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Why do so many posters think every time some one dies it is foul play?

Several years ago, when i lived in Prakonchai near Buriram.

A french man who lived near me , was found dead in his bathroom .

He lived alone . Doors /windows locked from inside.

He was found in the shower DEAD fell in shower struck head.

No foul play nobody else involved just a tragic accident.

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Deaths of Farang residents are in the news far to often now. You used to never see anything like this. Not to mention all the tourist that are dieing in tour bus, or Van crashes and swimming and boating mishaps. Thailand is truly becoming a dangerous place for Farangs and Thais alike. Its not like the old days where Thailand was probably the safest country in the world.

I think that due to modern technology (e.g. the internet etc.) there is now more media coverage of all news, and sometimes to say "You never used to see anything like this" although probably true does not necessarily mean that there has been a vast increase in these type of accidents - it's just that they were not reported as often. Which is probably one of the reasons why the RTP are under so much fire as they are now more under the microscope than ever before, but unfortunately they do not seem to realise it - either that, or they don't care. (take your pick!)

And when you talk about the old days when Thailand was probably the safest country in the world, exactly how far back are you going back? Must have a good memory, or you are VERY old!

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Why do so many posters think every time some one dies it is foul play?

Several years ago, when i lived in Prakonchai near Buriram.

A french man who lived near me , was found dead in his bathroom .

He lived alone . Doors /windows locked from inside.

He was found in the shower DEAD fell in shower struck head.

No foul play nobody else involved just a tragic accident.

And when he was found, did he have extensive head injuries, or just one?

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This kind of thing just keeps on happening, starting to make me wonder why anyone would consider residing in Thailand.

Wow. Only four minutes after the O/P was posted the conspiracy theorists are out in force. The Bar Stool Crime Scene Investigator (BS-CSI) just never sleep.

"This kind of thing just keeps on happening ..."

I doubt any farang has ever died without the death being enveloped in mystery in the minds of the armchair experts at TV.

"... starting to make me wonder why anyone would consider residing in Thailand. "

Yes because back in Farang Uptopia, from which all these farang fled, old people never die.

4186-11436.jpg Thai Visa analysts on the case.

Edited by Suradit69
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One doesn't sustain extensive head injuries from a fall in ones home unless you possibly fell off of the roof of course. extensive head injuries would seem to suggest a battering of the head ,

I have over the years years as a policeman seen such injuries, indeed there are reasons to suppose all is not as we have been told.

And over the years as a "policeman" did you analyze incidents from miles away based on a dodgy news report?

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Any conclusion should be drawn after investigation is completed. Police speculation about any and all case(s) - all treated as a crime scene in the first place, unless evidence is clear cut - should not be permitted. Reporting to media controversial findings with their own premature interpretation are the stupid things they are doing lowering their own credibility and awaking suspicion and negative reaction in the media.

"Police speculation about any and all case(s) - all treated as a crime scene in the first place, unless evidence is clear cut - should not be permitted."

"Permitted by whom?" But let the speculation run wild here at the hub of heavy CSI viewership.

It seems all the medical, legal and criminal "experts" here at Thai Visa are pontificating more frequently & more absurdly from their bedsits and Internet cafes.

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One doesn't sustain extensive head injuries from a fall in ones home unless you possibly fell off of the roof of course. extensive head injuries would seem to suggest a battering of the head ,

I have over the years years as a policeman seen such injuries, indeed there are reasons to suppose all is not as we have been told.

There is at least one exception to falling in ones home,"sustaining extensive head injuries" a friend of mine died from slipping on a wet tiled floor! and smashing his skull. Wet tiles are literally deadly!

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Surprised no one else on here knows him? The farrang community in Buriram is quite close knit and many that I speak to frequent this forum.

A second post mortem could conclusively prove he was beaten to death if the body is re-patriated quickly. However whats the point? Does anyone think the Buriram police will actually apprehend the killer? Odds are they already know who it is and are protecting him.

My Mrs hails from Buriram and we visit once or twice each year. My observations of the police there -

- The biggest house in each village is usually a cop despite their tiny wages.

- I always keep plenty of 100 baht notes handy. Unlike in Bangkok (where it is much more rare) ill be forced to pay a bribe at least 2 or 3 times in a stay of a week.

They are even worse than their Bangkok counterparts and I actually didn`t think that was possible.

Blimey, I must get out more. I drive easily 600Km a week into and around Buriram and have never yet paid a 'fine' in the three years I am here.

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This kind of thing just keeps on happening, starting to make me wonder why anyone would consider residing in Thailand.

I don't know why someone with money would retire to Thailand. If you have money you're better off in Malaysia

I think we all would, especially teachers.

This kind of thing just keeps on happening, starting to make me wonder why anyone would consider residing in Thailand.

It happens everywhere. Take your blinders off.

Not in the same cavalier fashion. Try to find as many incidences of random foreigner "falls" or "suicides" in another country. I mean how many have we had in the past year? OK, it has been an eventful year, but look at previous years too.

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HOW MANY ARE NOT REPORTED.Thailand has to cover all the deaths up.If they tell the truth.Tourism will suffer.REMEMBER.Thai logic.If he was not in thailand,He would still be alive.So it was his own fault.Will things change.NO.Every year the crimes increase against farangs.What i dont understand.English papers.Do not report the many deaths in thailand.Or anywere on the internet.There have been hundreds over the past year.We have heard of only a handfull.?,,Does anyone know why.

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