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Jordanian pilot burned alive by IS


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Millions of jews,christians,muslims lived peacefuly during the ottoman era.

The west should fund moderate islam groups.

Moderate islam is nothing to be scared of.

The West DOES try to fund moderate Islam groups and look where it gets us. The leaders in Pakistan are fairly moderate BUT...

Jordan also...

But they always have a percentage of nutters that even they have to deal with.

I don't trust any of them. If they are so moderate why don't they police themselves? They know best who the extremists are. But nooooo....

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Ironically, I think ISIS will herald the end of Islamic extremism.


"Today we stand shoulder to shoulder with the family of the martyr hero Moaz, with our people and our armed forces in this tragedy," he added. "At these difficult times it is every Jordanian's duty to stand together in the face of crises and ordeals, which will only make us stronger." - King Abdullah of Jordan.

MJP, you are right... but you are wrong.

Kind words cost nothing but they are worth nothing as well.

Unfortunately it is the end of the Western civilization that is heralded not Islamic extremism.

There is no Islamic extremism as such. There is Islam. And it is on the move. And it is in our midst.

West cannot fight Islam in its midst. West cannot fight Islam's ruthlessness armed with its pissweak ideology. West cannot get rid of its ideology.

This will be its undoing. There is no inevitability in the West succumbing to Islam but it will. Because it is weak. I am truly sorry.

It's actually long been my fear that this is the case. However, I suspect ISIS will cause Islam to reconsider the way it values human life, the rights of women and children.

Other than that we always have nuclear weapons.

This will be forgotten in a few weeks. Just like the Muslim Australian hostage taker and, even, the Charlie Hebdo hullaballoo which not only has begun to disappear but has now begun to be attacked as intolerant and racist against Muslims by mainstream media. Anybody remember Daniel Pearl? Darned few, I bet.

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There;s nothing left to say, the pussy footing has to stop and radical actions call for radical solutions.

It's time for an all out assault on ISIS from every possible angle in whatever form it takes.

Any Brit or other nationality flying the ISIS flag, or going to fight with them or any other jihadist group should receive at the very minimum a mandatory 25 year prison sentence! The same applies with hate speech from the Muslim clerics.......25 years minimum with no parol.


I know what I would do...

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My Grandfather was the squadron leader who led the fire bombing of Dresden et.al.

I agree that tactics will win. But right now the tactics are wrong.

Your grandfather was a great man, if I knew him the drinks would be on me........forever!

He was.

But you understand what I'm saying about tactics? It's easy to kill the man. But so difficult to kill the ideology. Choosing the easy option simply isn't going to work this time. Yes, ISIS terrorist all need to go, but until you change the mindset against Islamic extremism this will just keep rolling on down the same old road.

Not as difficult as you might imagine, I think. Simply make it prohibitively expensive to express or practice the ideology. In Europe, being a National Socialists after the war put you in prison. It still might do so today. It robbed you of employment and economic opportunity. It still might do so today. Make practicing Islam a prohibitively expensive exercise on the part of its adherents and 98 percent will immediately change for a life of ease and economic well being.

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Millions of jews,christians,muslims lived peacefuly during the ottoman era.

The west should fund moderate islam groups.

Moderate islam is nothing to be scared of.

The West DOES try to fund moderate Islam groups and look where it gets us. The leaders in Pakistan are fairly moderate BUT...

Jordan also...

But they always have a percentage of nutters that even they have to deal with.

I don't trust any of them. If they are so moderate why don't they police themselves? They know best who the extremists are. But nooooo....

West created ISIS

Saddam was toppled which led to a lack of authority, and suddenly these lunatics started running around.

Yeah sure Saddam didnt think highly of the west, but would he allow extremist groups to terrorise? These guys would be tortured and executed if they were under saddams rule.

The west got what was coming to them.

Where is the WMD?


And you created this monster.

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Barbaric indeed. But Jordan seems to have a suitable response, they have said they will execute all ISIL prisoners at dawn today!

Hopefully the will do it the same way as their prisoner died!

Hopefully not. To reduce themselves to that level of barbarism does not help the cause. In fact, don't kill them. Lead by example and hopefully it will turn Muslims away from extremism.

What Planet are you residing on mate.........Jeez

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If I wanted to be a fundamentalist Christian, I would have to give up a lot and a lot of things I like. If I want to be a radical Islamist, I don't have to give up much of anything, I probably gain more. I can rape, pillage and plunder.

When you have countries with large populations of young men with little to look forward to, radical Islam doesn't look quite so bad.

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Ironically, I think ISIS will herald the end of Islamic extremism.


"Today we stand shoulder to shoulder with the family of the martyr hero Moaz, with our people and our armed forces in this tragedy," he added. "At these difficult times it is every Jordanian's duty to stand together in the face of crises and ordeals, which will only make us stronger." - King Abdullah of Jordan.

MJP, you are right... but you are wrong.

Kind words cost nothing but they are worth nothing as well.

Unfortunately it is the end of the Western civilization that is heralded not Islamic extremism.

There is no Islamic extremism as such. There is Islam. And it is on the move. And it is in our midst.

West cannot fight Islam in its midst. West cannot fight Islam's ruthlessness armed with its pissweak ideology. West cannot get rid of its ideology.

This will be its undoing. There is no inevitability in the West succumbing to Islam but it will. Because it is weak. I am truly sorry.

Other than that we always have nuclear weapons.

So does Pakistan, and Iran, add to that North Korea.

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There;s nothing left to say, the pussy footing has to stop and radical actions call for radical solutions.

It's time for an all out assault on ISIS from every possible angle in whatever form it takes.

Any Brit or other nationality flying the ISIS flag, or going to fight with them or any other jihadist group should receive at the very minimum a mandatory 25 year prison sentence! The same applies with hate speech from the Muslim clerics.......25 years minimum with no parol.


I know what I would do...

Movies are soooooooo nice.


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The problem the West is facing is no rocket science.

It is actually a simple exercise in applied logic.

1) Get rid of your PC Leaders. Some of them deserve to be jailed.

2) Implement Policy - "Islam is outlawed" - demolish all mosques, export all Muslims back to their origins. Never mind their passports - just annul them.

Do not think it will be easy to practically do. But you must do this. It is much more humane than shooting, killing or putting them in concentration camps.

3) Once this is done - PEACE will come automatically!

And if not - than you will use your bombs, even nukes, but it will not be necessary, take my word for it!

BUT, the actual problem the West is facing is its own <deleted> brains, - therefore you will never accomplish any of the above 1) - 3).tongue.png

I somewhat agree. Unfortunately, Europe needs to devolve down to a level similar to the Spanish Inquisition. I hate the Spanish Inquisition, but you can't fight a forest fire with a wet napkin. There are no painless solutions, but here is what I'd do, similar to the note above:

>>> close mosques. You wanna go to a Mosque, go somewhere else

>>> Shut down any private/public Muslim preaching, whether the sermon appears to be peaceful or inciting violence. In other words, don't leave it up to authorities to have to decide the content. If it mentions 'Allah akbar' (praise Allah) Just shut it down and deport the leader(s).

>>> Any Muslim residing in a European country less than 10 years, ship 'em back to country of origin. If they don't claim a former country, then just send 'em to Syria or Libya. If they have British (or other European) passports, tough tamales. It's just too potentially dangerous and unsettling for Europeans to have to reside alongside people, some of whom could explode (literally or figuratively) at any moment.

>>> Tell them also: 'You made your bed, now you've got to sleep in it.' In other words, you chose to be a Muslim, so you've got to go to a Muslim country, because it too often happens a Muslim (or their son or daughter) causes grave harm, and we decent people just don't want to increase the odds of that happening.

>>> Anyone involved with genital mutilation of a female (involves either or both parents, and surgeon) - sentence then to 10 yrs in prison, then deportation.

There could be a provision for leniency, if a Muslim publicly denounces and quits their religion. Again, it's like the Spanish Inquisition, but if we (decent westerners) have to deal with primitive-thinking people in our midst, then perhaps we have to adopt primitive measures to get then to comply. It's obvious prior methods of dealing with it (discussion, pleading, welfare, threats of imprisonment, tolerance, assuming Muslims are peace-loving, etc) haven't worked.

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The problem the West is facing is no rocket science.

It is actually a simple exercise in applied logic.

1) Get rid of your PC Leaders. Some of them deserve to be jailed.

2) Implement Policy - "Islam is outlawed" - demolish all mosques, export all Muslims back to their origins. Never mind their passports - just annul them.

Do not think it will be easy to practically do. But you must do this. It is much more humane than shooting, killing or putting them in concentration camps.

3) Once this is done - PEACE will come automatically!

And if not - than you will use your bombs, even nukes, but it will not be necessary, take my word for it!

BUT, the actual problem the West is facing is its own <deleted> brains, - therefore you will never accomplish any of the above 1) - 3).tongue.png

I somewhat agree. Unfortunately, Europe needs to devolve down to a level similar to the Spanish Inquisition. I hate the Spanish Inquisition, but you can't fight a forest fire with a wet napkin. There are no painless solutions, but here is what I'd do, similar to the note above:

>>> close mosques. You wanna go to a Mosque, go somewhere else

>>> Shut down any private/public Muslim preaching, whether the sermon appears to be peaceful or inciting violence. In other words, don't leave it up to authorities to have to decide the content. If it mentions 'Allah akbar' (praise Allah) Just shut it down and deport the leader(s).

>>> Any Muslim residing in a European country less than 10 years, ship 'em back to country of origin. If they don't claim a former country, then just send 'em to Syria or Libya. If they have British (or other European) passports, tough tamales. It's just too potentially dangerous and unsettling for Europeans to have to reside alongside people, some of whom could explode (literally or figuratively) at any moment.

>>> Tell them also: 'You made your bed, now you've got to sleep in it.' In other words, you chose to be a Muslim, so you've got to go to a Muslim country, because it too often happens a Muslim (or their son or daughter) causes grave harm, and we decent people just don't want to increase the odds of that happening.

>>> Anyone involved with genital mutilation of a female (involves either or both parents, and surgeon) - sentence then to 10 yrs in prison, then deportation.

There could be a provision for leniency, if a Muslim publicly denounces and quits their religion. Again, it's like the Spanish Inquisition, but if we (decent westerners) have to deal with primitive-thinking people in our midst, then perhaps we have to adopt primitive measures to get then to comply. It's obvious prior methods of dealing with it (discussion, pleading, welfare, threats of imprisonment, tolerance, assuming Muslims are peace-loving, etc) haven't worked.

Just to be sure, why not get these suggestions 'approved' by the do gooders?

e.g. UN, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International etc etc etc.

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The kneejerk reaction on this forum as with the News Medium in general is excactly what this Act of Barberism

was meant to acheive. But by whom ? IS or whoever is behind IS.

This is all part of a much grander stratatergy -

1. To instigate conflict between Suni and Shia

2. Create greater fear and hatered of muslims in the west.

We are being played as are IS and the muslim states.

The ultimate goal is the securing for the West the remaining supply of Oil in the Middle East.

Edited by pattayasnowman
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The west wont take this lying down. The Brit a*sehole and his henchmen will be 'processed' before Obama's presidency draws to a close. Cameron will secure another term if they pull it off by May.

RIP to the deceased and condolences to his family.

Edited by evadgib
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This is all part of a much grander strategy -

1. To instigate conflict between Suni and Shia

We are being played as are IS and the muslim states.

I think this is a big one...After all some surely do not want a Middle East that is united in any way shape or form.

So for decades now instability there has been a goal. Not just Sunni vs Shia either

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Yet another USA foreign policy driven mess backfired.

Thank you for ISIS Obama.

Edited to add..... That goes for you too Blair, I hope you end up in prison for your wreckless actions...... Bush never will.

Edited by PepperMe
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Clearly there are polemics and diatribes concerning this topic and that is understandable.

If contributions are to be deleted, it would be useful to know why (even by personal message)

Personally, I find it cathartic!

If I can not get it off my chest, I may need to go find a few beards to twist!

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Clearly there are polemics and diatribes concerning this topic and that is understandable.

If contributions are to be deleted, it would be useful to know why (even by personal message)

Personally, I find it cathartic!

If I can not get it off my chest, I may need to go find a few beards to twist!

Do you read the notices posted by moderators?


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Yet another USA foreign policy driven mess backfired.

Thank you for ISIS Obama.

Edited to add..... That goes for you too Blair, I hope you end up in prison for your wreckless actions...... Bush never will.

Are you keeping up?

Blair is now one person who is speaking out about the dangers of Islam

(No excuse for the Iraq cock-up though, I found his pathetic fawning to the Bush/Cheyney dynamic due pathetic)

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I watched the video. Would love to see the ISIS scum get the same treatment as that poor man got.\

High quality video production by the way…not just some rag head with a phone in the middle of a sand pit.

Edited by nottocus
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Millions of jews,christians,muslims lived peacefuly during the ottoman era.

The west should fund moderate islam groups.

Moderate islam is nothing to be scared of.

Actually, don't laugh before giving this one a thought.

The Chinese resolved the problem in Xinjiang. Sure they still have some problems but they will go away.

What did they do? They decided on a plan to breed them out.

They sent in more Han people than Uighurs and sooner or later they will disappear.

I say sell the whole middle east to the Chinese and let them breed them out.

Or perhaps maybe the Indians could do it instead. Might be a better choice with not so far to travel.coffee1.gif

"The Chinese resolved the problem in Xinjiang. Sure they still have some problems but they will go away.

What did they do? They decided on a plan to breed them out.

They sent in more Han people than Uighurs and sooner or later they will disappear.

I say sell the whole middle east to the Chinese and let them breed them out."

That's precisely what the Muslims are in the process of doing in Europe. And they seem to be succeeding.

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These deluded butchers are only following in the footsteps of their perfect man the so called prophet (of doom) Although he is not on record of burning people alive he did have a pregnant woman torn apart by horses and hundreds of Jews he promised safe conduct to slaughtered in cold blood. It is the words, or rather the ravings and lies of the prophet later written down in his book of hate and death known as the 'Holy' Koran which directly inspire these acts of barbarity, cruelty, oppression and violence around the world. Islam is a cancer.

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"In a statement released on Tuesday night, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of al-Azhar University in Egypt, called for the "killing, crucifixion of IS terrorists"."

"The head of Sunni Islam's most respected seat of learning has expressed his outrage over the purported burning to death by the Islamic State group of a captured Jordanian pilot, calling for the killing, crucifixion or chopping off the limbs of the militants.

Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Grand Sheik of Cairo's Al-Azhar Mosque, said the Islamic State group militants deserved such Quran-prescribed punishment because they were in effect fighting God and his Prophet Muhammad."

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