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Dress respectfully if attending the Phuket Immigration Office

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I guess you don,t get it do you? I bet i can guess what country you come from. YOU are a guest in THEIR country. Don,t like that idea please L:EAVE!

Immigration trying to drum up some biz for all those poor tailors you find on every street corner?

But it's not their business to tell a tourist how to dress especially with the police ordering tourists to provide a urine sample in public. Where's the respect in that?

Hear we go again Jungle Jim, we are not guests in this country, you do not order 'guests' to report to anyone every ninety days, you do not send 'guests' out of the country for certain visas.

I agree that Thailand has the right to make their rules as they see fit, but if we don't like them we don't have to live here. But stop referring to us as 'guests', 'guests' are people who get invited to a place,

how many of us Farangs were invited to come here?

Yeah, guests does rather imply that you're invited.

Say you threw a party. What word would you choose to describe someone who turned up uninvited, dressed inappropriately, drank all the booze and then tried to screw your sister?

Wow, we have come along ways from the initial immigration office dress code discussion. Edited by SpokaneAl
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I remember going to the LTO for either a vehicle transfer or licensing issue. I was wearing 'long' shorts, over the knee with cargo pockets, clean sport shoes and a shirt probably a short sleeved collar but possibly a T shirt, this was years back so hard to remember. It was clean, respectable, tidy clothing.

One of the bosses there flipped out.. No shorts, cannot.. really shouting and raving.. Eventually I did get service but was told absolutely never return if not in long trousers and next time no service.

Total over the top flip out based on some dress code that was never published and I really dont see I was in violation of.. Not wifebeater or short shorts.

I always insist visitors wear long trousers just to go into town, so you were in the wrong turning up at a government office wearing cargo pants. How long have you been here?

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It seems if you want to exhibit rude inappropriate disrespectful and bizarre behavior you should be well dressed. This pic at local post office. apparent young and able bodied lady unable to stand for a few minutes while her envelopes were mailed. had no problem walking before she decided to sit on postal counter.


Edited by atyclb
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I personally have no desire to see those muscle shirts or wife-beater T-shirts that some people wear that show people's armpits. But I would think a decent pair of shorts and a polo shirt with a collar should be allowed. Gosh it is the tropics and it is hot and humid on Phuket.

Not shorts, they are revolting looking on a grown man. You would not wear shorts to a job interview, so why to an Immigration office?

The last time I checked, we are in a tropical climate with the really hot weather headed our way.

As a public service and in the hope of avoiding any revulsion on your part, please stay away from my neck of the woods - I am 64 and wear shorts everywhere, everyday, including my morning runs where I suspect I could run you into the ground.

You are getting away from it a bit here, I should have said as I have before, shorts are fine for sporting activities, going to the beach etc. As for running me into the ground, don't be too sure about that, I won't explain why.

I will say it again, IMO, shorts are revolting looking on a grown man, or should I say, dress shorts like cargos.

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Thing is, we can argue all day about what we should or shouldn't wear, but it won't change the fact that here in Thailand, people judge you by your appearance - whether you think they should or not.

That is true, after how deep your pockets are.

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I personally have no desire to see those muscle shirts or wife-beater T-shirts that some people wear that show people's armpits. But I would think a decent pair of shorts and a polo shirt with a collar should be allowed. Gosh it is the tropics and it is hot and humid on Phuket.

Not shorts, they are revolting looking on a grown man. You would not wear shorts to a job interview, so why to an Immigration office?
The last time I checked, we are in a tropical climate with the really hot weather headed our way.

As a public service and in the hope of avoiding any revulsion on your part, please stay away from my neck of the woods - I am 64 and wear shorts everywhere, everyday, including my morning runs where I suspect I could run you into the ground.

You are getting away from it a bit here, I should have said as I have before, shorts are fine for sporting activities, going to the beach etc. As for running me into the ground, don't be too sure about that, I won't explain why.

I will say it again, IMO, shorts are revolting looking on a grown man, or should I say, dress shorts like cargos.

Possum dear, you seem to be unable to distinguish between genuine tourists extending their stay who should not have to give a flying sh1t about dress code, and, a long term expat or WP employee extending their permission to stay. The former is on holiday without DJ and bow ties , the latter should indeed know better and dress appropriately. The OP regarding the former group is ........ I'm speechless.

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Thing is, we can argue all day about what we should or shouldn't wear, but it won't change the fact that here in Thailand, people judge you by your appearance - whether you think they should or not.

Thais judge you by the money you have or don't have , not by the clothes you wear.

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I personally have no desire to see those muscle shirts or wife-beater T-shirts that some people wear that show people's armpits. But I would think a decent pair of shorts and a polo shirt with a collar should be allowed. Gosh it is the tropics and it is hot and humid on Phuket.

Not shorts, they are revolting looking on a grown man. You would not wear shorts to a job interview, so why to an Immigration office?

Yes, because it's the same isn't, obviously.

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How many guests are invited to come here ? Far too many already. I think the Thais are finally getting sick of our trailer trash behavior.

I guess you don,t get it do you? I bet i can guess what country you come from. YOU are a guest in THEIR country. Don,t like that idea please L:EAVE!

Immigration trying to drum up some biz for all those poor tailors you find on every street corner?

But it's not their business to tell a tourist how to dress especially with the police ordering tourists to provide a urine sample in public. Where's the respect in that?

Hear we go again Jungle Jim, we are not guests in this country, you do not order 'guests' to report to anyone every ninety days, you do not send 'guests' out of the country for certain visas.

I agree that Thailand has the right to make their rules as they see fit, but if we don't like them we don't have to live here. But stop referring to us as 'guests', 'guests' are people who get invited to a place,

how many of us Farangs were invited to come here?

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"We are a 'guest' in their country"

Oh, please! A well used phrase by farangs who are deluded. I've been here over 13 years. I regularly jump through hoops to stay here. The authorities would use any excuse to kick me out but as long as I'm jumping through their hoops and parting with wads of cash then I'm tolerated.

I've never had a problem with immigration. I usually wear decent shorts and a polo shirt. That is acceptable. Anything less says something about the wearer.

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If your not into the hoop jumping you could also move to another country and jump their hoops. My hunch is your just a common foreigner who can care less about the Thais as long as you have money to flash. Try your little stunt in more conservative countries and see how long you last that is if you don,t get hauled off first. Nothing but sickening arrogance if you want to dress like a clown. If you can,t follow the rules in a certain country best you leave. GET IT!

"We are a 'guest' in their country"

Oh, please! A well used phrase by farangs who are deluded. I've been here over 13 years. I regularly jump through hoops to stay here. The authorities would use any excuse to kick me out but as long as I'm jumping through their hoops and parting with wads of cash then I'm tolerated.

I've never had a problem with immigration. I usually wear decent shorts and a polo shirt. That is acceptable. Anything less says something about the wearer.

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\\\\Dress respectfully\\\

..and don't forget to bow down and kiss the hand of the officer,,bah.gif

Ah, the almighty foreigner speaks. Why shouldn't their clients dress appropriately and show respect. What would you say if they dressed like slobs when serving you? I can just imagine. How much effort does it take to show a little pride in the way one presents oneself?

The way someone dresses when conducting business highlights their attitude toward others that they are dealing with, or weren't you taught how to show regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others. But then, if one does not have respect for oneself, then how would one know how show respect toward others. Think about it?

No one but you has suggested hand kissing, or is it your expectation that they should cow tow to us foreigners, guests in their country,? Just remember, many men and women turn up and show little, if any, respect to the officers owing to the way they present themselves and the attitude they display? I have seen it every time I have gone to immigration. I think you should remember that this is Thailand, either accept their rules or if you don't like it, you know the options.

Edited by Si Thea01
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Oh Jungle Jim, aren't you the entertaining one!

I've lived here with my Thai family for a long time. Been married here for more than 20 years. I have a quite large family living here in HH and BKK. I consider that I've blended in with both the Thai culture, customs and language. If I was to relate your posts to them, they would laugh and you'd hear the common phrase 'stupid farang!'

But keep it up. Life would be boring without your kind!

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They don't really deserve any more respect than anyone else as far as I'm concerned. The fact that they use their "power" to "demand" more than usual amount of respect is telling of their weak and cowardly natures. Pathetic ... the lot of them.

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Some immigration officers need to iron their yellow T shirts before wearing them too.

Iron those sport pants with 3 stripes on side too thumbsup.gif

I should wear long suit pants or jeans and nice shirt not mention shoes to stand there for full day to show them my respect... maybe it should work both ways, show me some respect back and no problem i dress in suit if need. ;)Quid pro quo Imigration Quid pro quo.

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Maybe they should form a tourist fashion police unit with fancy badges and colorfull uniforms for people like Jungle Jim. So that you pathetic clowns could feel somehow "superior" to us mere "common foreigners'. I'd bet Jungle Jim would pay 1000 dollars if there were such title as Foreigner Plus in Thailand without any other benefits except the title.

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\\\\Dress respectfully\\\

..and don't forget to bow down and kiss the hand of the officer,,bah.gif

Ah, the almighty foreigner speaks. Why shouldn't their clients dress appropriately and show respect. What would you say if they dressed like slobs when serving you? I can just imagine. How much effort does it take to show a little pride in the way one presents oneself?

The way someone dresses when conducting business highlights their attitude toward others that they are dealing with, or weren't you taught how to show regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others. But then, if one does not have respect for oneself, then how would one know how to be respectful toward others. Think about it?

Is that after they've finished on their phones on Facebook or candy crush.

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from the sounds of it a FMP mushroom shake.

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It has absolutely nothing to do with respect - it's about conformity and control.

For most of you I suspect that you resent the freedom of beauty and youth. It's opposite of what you are - enslaved, trapped in old painful bodies, ugly.

I'm trying to be respectful when asking this, but what are you on?

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I personally have no desire to see those muscle shirts or wife-beater T-shirts that some people wear that show people's armpits. But I would think a decent pair of shorts and a polo shirt with a collar should be allowed. Gosh it is the tropics and it is hot and humid on Phuket.

I guesss its the same climate for the officer and the tourist !

So please look how the officers are dressed !!

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Sorry you feel so unloved. If you really hate it here why don,t you leave. Question is why do you stay ? Let me guess. Cheap booze, cheap women.


Like the Thais really really care about us.

How long have you been here jungle boy?

Don't be sorry jungle boy. I get all the loving I need on soi 6 after a skin full of ale at 55 baht a beer. Love it.

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They don't really deserve any more respect than anyone else as far as I'm concerned. The fact that they use their "power" to "demand" more than usual amount of respect is telling of their weak and cowardly natures. Pathetic ... the lot of them.

You are quite right... They don't deserve any 'more' respect than anyone else, However, they as with anyone else deserve respect until proven otherwise...... people ought to be more aware and respectful of their surroundings and accommodate the social norms as observed by others...

This means dressing appropriately in any situation, shops, restaurants, flights, offices, etc.....

I'm not saying we should be characterless robots, I'm saying we should make efforts not to look like slobs.

In this case I feel immigration have got it right.

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They don't really deserve any more respect than anyone else as far as I'm concerned. The fact that they use their "power" to "demand" more than usual amount of respect is telling of their weak and cowardly natures. Pathetic ... the lot of them.

like in your country ??

officials dont use their power ?

and clients come like nutts dressed to gvt offices ??

where you born ? in Chibuti ??

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They don't really deserve any more respect than anyone else as far as I'm concerned. The fact that they use their "power" to "demand" more than usual amount of respect is telling of their weak and cowardly natures. Pathetic ... the lot of them.

You are quite right... They don't deserve any 'more' respect than anyone else, However, they as with anyone else deserve respect until proven otherwise...... people ought to be more aware and respectful of their surroundings and accommodate the social norms as observed by others...

This means dressing appropriately in any situation, shops, restaurants, flights, offices, etc.....

I'm not saying we should be characterless robots, I'm saying we should make efforts not to look like slobs.

In this case I feel immigration have got it right.

Just like immigration have got it right making people report every 90 days. Having to show proof of this and that, list goes on.

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just what i figured. well have fun with your booze and Thai bar girls. hope you don,t dress like a common sex tourist in public or at Immigration.

Sorry you feel so unloved. If you really hate it here why don,t you leave. Question is why do you stay ? Let me guess. Cheap booze, cheap women.


Like the Thais really really care about us.

How long have you been here jungle boy?

Don't be sorry jungle boy. I get all the loving I need on soi 6 after a skin full of ale at 55 baht a beer. Love it.
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just what i figured. well have fun with your booze and Thai bar girls. hope you don,t dress like a common sex tourist in public or at Immigration.

Sorry you feel so unloved. If you really hate it here why don,t you leave. Question is why do you stay ? Let me guess. Cheap booze, cheap women.


Like the Thais really really care about us.

How long have you been here jungle boy?

Don't be sorry jungle boy. I get all the loving I need on soi 6 after a skin full of ale at 55 baht a beer. Love it.

I have all the latest fashion jungle boy, beer Chang vest tops, cargo shorts and a lovely pair of flip flops.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

They don't really deserve any more respect than anyone else as far as I'm concerned. The fact that they use their "power" to "demand" more than usual amount of respect is telling of their weak and cowardly natures. Pathetic ... the lot of them.

like in your country ??

officials dont use their power ?

and clients come like nutts dressed to gvt offices ??

where you born ? in Chibuti ??

The fact that it occurs in other countries is totally irrelevant. Using positions of power to gain leverage over something petty is pathetic. Where ever it occurs.

...Now on ya bike.

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