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Another Damning Report on Thai Fishing Slavery


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What on Earth is going on in this Country? We hear all the time about 'Happiness" "Attitude Adjustment" and all that related excrement. What have the 'Powers That Be' actually achieved in the last 10 months - NADA - practically nothing. Absolute chaos on the so called 'clean-up' of the beaches, minor improvements ( for about 48 hours) of taxi mafias, etc etc. Honestly it seems that these clowns couldn't organise a 'bonk in a brothel'.

When are the powers that be realise that things such as slavery on fishing boats, child labour are far more important than the price of a lottery ticket (they couldn't even get that right).

Here's that report....http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2015/feb/18/thailand-failing-tackle-fishing-industry-slavery

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I think the main reason this happens is because Thais want to pay as little as possible to whoever is working for them.

It's the same in the building industry: they employ Burmese who work for 180 Baht a day perched precariously on bamboo poles tied together with twine six floors up on the outside of a building and no safety net to catch them if they fall. And in the blazing hot sun too. I really feel sorry for these poor souls.

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