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German Man Arrested With Weapons Cache.


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German Man Arrested With Weapons Cache.



On Wednesday evening police from Pattaya station were called to the area near the Long Beach Hotel in Soi 16 in Naklua after receiving reports of a foreign man allegedly threatening local people with a sword.

When the police arrived at the scene the man, a 36 year old German national named Mr Guido Kleefuss, allegedly threatened the officers as well. The police told him to drop his weapon but when he refused to do so they used rubber bullets to bring him down.

After Mr Kleefuss was subdued the officers were brought to his room where they discovered more than 100 long-bladed knives, samurai-style swords and other sharp implements. He was brought back to Soi 9 station along with the sharp pointed cache.

Mr Kleefuss will face court charged with possession of illegal weapons

-Pattaya City News

Thursday 31st August 2006

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Mr Kleefuss will face court charged with possession of illegal weapons

these items are for sale everywhere

would that mean when i bought a samurai sword as a decorative item, and was stopped on the way back to my hotel, would i be charged with carrying an offensive weapon. :o

mind you i think this chap had a few too many decorative items :D

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Mr Kleefuss will face court charged with possession of illegal weapons

these items are for sale everywhere

would that mean when i bought a samurai sword as a decorative item, and was stopped on the way back to my hotel, would i be charged with carrying an offensive weapon. :o

mind you i think this chap had a few too many decorative items :D


a foreign man allegedly threatening local people with a sword.


allegedly threatened the officers as well

if you avoid the above two steps he took, you should be fine taking it back to your hotel.

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As a German, I feel ashamed!

What an idiot, wearing two wrist-watches to the handcuffs!

Punish him hard!

his strudel is only half-baked, patex... :D

he would probably ENJOY being punished hard... :D

send him back to germany and keep him there dont vwant thse ratbags here :o

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I have just seen the footage on Pattaya News T.V.

What a psycho: a dangerous one at that! He is a sitting timebomb, maybe ready to go on a ninja-style massacre at any time. The number of weapons (he had) was sickening. Some looked like East African machetes, some looked as if they had been pre-fabricated (so as to cause maximum mutilation of human flesh). It is almost certain this could be a dangerous man.

I say deport him back to Germany now. I will pay the air-fare!

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Well, he probably IS a pyscho...

But don't assume that because you have a collection of lethal weapons, you are automatically a pyscho!

When I lived in the UK, I had a collection of more than 40 shotguns that were disguised as walking sticks, umbrellas etc. All were legally held and I never felt the urge to g on a rampage.

Sadly, I couldn't import them into Thailand. So they were surrendered to the police for destruction :o


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Well, he probably IS a pyscho...

But don't assume that because you have a collection of lethal weapons, you are automatically a pyscho!

When I lived in the UK, I had a collection of more than 40 shotguns that were disguised as walking sticks, umbrellas etc. All were legally held and I never felt the urge to g on a rampage.

Sadly, I couldn't import them into Thailand. So they were surrendered to the police for destruction :o


This (German) man was just stopped in time with rubber bullets whilst threatening persons on soi 16 (Long Beach hotel).

People who have large collections of lethal weapons are rarely 'collectors'; they suffer from some kind of latent power-fixation which can develop and become murderous.

SIMON 43: I am happy that you have abandoned your collection of 40 shotguns, and have wisely surrendered your arms cache to British police. I am happy that you find such a forum confession cathartic. Collecting postage stamps or coins would be far more healthy.

I think some of you did not see the entire T.V. footage: some of this German's collection were murderous stainless steel weapons that were of no collective value, just fabricated in order to remove muscle and sinew from human bone and cartlidge.

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I must just come in here again to say that there are many people who collect weapons and have large collections especially antique weapons It may be swords, pistols, rifles, daggers, and even blunderbusses. All these are lethal weapons.

These collectors in the main are normal people who enjoy their hobby and certainly do not suffer any delusions of power fixation.

This man if mentally ill could have gone on the `rampage` even if he possessed just one weapon.

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I must just come in here again to say that there are many people who collect weapons and have large collections especially antique weapons It may be swords, pistols, rifles, daggers, and even blunderbusses. All these are lethal weapons.

These collectors in the main are normal people who enjoy their hobby and certainly do not suffer any delusions of power fixation.

This man if mentally ill could have gone on the `rampage` even if he possessed just one weapon.

I agree, that there are many people who collect antique weapons and even swords for historical or perculiar interest. Lemmy from Motorhead, for example has a fine collection of WW2 memorabilia including lethal weapons.

However, this man was a German residing in Thailand, with an extensive collection of lethal, swords, daggers and knives, some prefabricated stainless steel cleavers, many of which were not serious collectors items. (I did not see any proud display cases!)

The philosophic argument is that, in a free society, adults should be permitted to do whatever they please, always provided that they are prepared to take the consequences of their own choices and that they cause no direct harm to others.

The locus classicus for this point of view is John Stuart Mill’s famous essay On Liberty: “The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of the community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others,”

Mill wrote. “His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant.” This radical individualism allows society no part whatever in shaping, determining, or enforcing a moral code: in short, we have nothing in common but our contractual agreement not to interfere with one another as we go about seeking our private pleasures.

However this argument is flawed............(in my opinion)........

Human affairs cannot be decided by an appeal to an infallible rule, expressible in a few words, whose simple application can decide all cases, including whether guns and knives should be freely available to the entire adult population and because the desiderata of human life are many, and often in conflict with one another.

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