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Thai govt reiterates wish to cherish friendship with all countries


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Democracy is a hard thing for the Thais in my family to swallow. Political corruption has been extreme. I live in what is a red shirt area. After all the killing, they are all happy with the current situation. They make me welcome and all of the authorities, (police, army and govt officials) have gone out of their way to welcome me. Give the unelected man a bit of time. Something had to be done to stop the mayhem. It is a shame that the US has criticised so much that Thailand needs to rush to China and Russia to get some support. China (except some of their tourists) I have no worries with. Russia, well I will just say that I have negative views about this Country.

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Democracy is a hard thing for the Thais in my family to swallow. Political corruption has been extreme. I live in what is a red shirt area. After all the killing, they are all happy with the current situation. They make me welcome and all of the authorities, (police, army and govt officials) have gone out of their way to welcome me. Give the unelected man a bit of time. Something had to be done to stop the mayhem. It is a shame that the US has criticised so much that Thailand needs to rush to China and Russia to get some support. China (except some of their tourists) I have no worries with. Russia, well I will just say that I have negative views about this Country.

It is too much to see people continue to blame the US for Thailand "rush[ing] to China and Russia." The US had no choice, because of US law terminating aid to countries where the government comes to power in a coup. People continue to compare the situation to Egypt, but that is an invalid comparison because of what the generals did. If you remember in the immediate aftermath of the coup, it was speculated that if the Thai government, LIKE EGYPT, just avoided calling the coup a coup, then the US could muddle through the situation. And what did Thailand do? The junta not only came out and called it a coup but actually established a coup council. That was either the world's most intentional act to drive away the US or a staggering show of ignorance of US foreign policy and law. This Thai government is not playing one side off against the other. It clearly prefers the Soviets, er, uh, Russians and the Chinese. And that is their decision. I don't think the US should interfere or try and dissuade them. I do think the US should protect its own interests. And if that means cancelling all military, economic, and defense contacts with Thailand, including trade allowances to export to the US, then so be it. I believe in both Thai and US sovereignty.

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In the last 5 years the global price of rubber has plummeted, from a high around $2.50 per pound, to about $0.75 per pound today.

This price decline aligns well with the depreciating value of surplus Russian military gear.

Throw in a few cases of vodka, and we'll call it a deal. thumbsup.gif

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I certainly don't want to get offside with zydeco. Sorry if I offended you. But the US continues to support countries like Saudi, and you say that Thailand is something different. Thailand is strategic, it is/was corrupt and the murderous mayhem of the previous govts needed to cease. Sure it is not paradise, and it is not some phony democracy but it is mostly peaceful now. The little ex general has big plans for reform. Give him a go, at the moment the country over all is far better off than it was before. The US could say that they want democracy restored but are willing to wait until next year until corruption and lawlessness are contained. Something had to be done and a coup has solved many problems. This is not me talking too much, it is the opinion of my small village.

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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

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Just a guess, but it sounds like Thailand came up with zip from the Russians and Chinese. No money for Thailand. Probably only offered them a deal on the military version of day old bread.

You might be correct. That's why Thailand needs a general election pretty soon. Once we see an election, then Thailand will be back in with the West. Without an election, Thailand might be eating day old bread for years to come.

That's why Thailand must have an election. The issue of Thaksin coming back into power is no big deal compared to America and Europe refusing to have full links with Thailand.

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Just a guess, but it sounds like Thailand came up with zip from the Russians and Chinese. No money for Thailand. Probably only offered them a deal on the military version of day old bread.

You might be correct. That's why Thailand needs a general election pretty soon. Once we see an election, then Thailand will be back in with the West. Without an election, Thailand might be eating day old bread for years to come.

That's why Thailand must have an election. The issue of Thaksin coming back into power is no big deal compared to America and Europe refusing to have full links with Thailand.

Almost every person under 35 in Thailand is aligned with, if not addicted to, Western culture, especially American culture. Even in the small, remote villages--thanks to smartphones, TV, and Facebook. Suddenly trying to make them live like Chinese is the one thing that could cause a civil war here.

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