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My Body Has Turned into a Bag of Jelly


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I am witnessing a strange phenomenon.

It's not that i am putting on a bit of fat, that is expected since i am getting older.

What is strange is the consistency and texture of my new fat. It is very jelly like. I hadn't expected that. I notice that other chubby guys seem more solid and robust, rather than like a wobbly jelly.

Its sort of like girly fat, for lack of a better description. Do I have too much estrogen?

It pretty much my whole top half. My lower body solid.

Any insights?

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Are you drinking water from that (poison) white nalgene bottles sold for 5b at shops/40b for a 20liter refill tank? In that case you might have developed a hormonal disorder and in fact are changing into a woman, hence you are getting 'woman fat'.

Edited by Mcffee
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Yes, i am drinking that water.

Everyone here drinks it and i have noticed several men with this type of fat. I thought it was something in the diet here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can hear you through your Avatar. It was perfectly selected for this post.

On a more sober note, You should analyse your diet carefully - and get more exercise. It will take some time reverse this process somewhat. it is NOT inevitable, so fight the good fight.


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maybe start doing some push ups every morning.

Everyone should do some sort of exercise.. if I compare my mom 67 with my dad also 67 there is a world of difference of how healthy and strong they are. My dad has always exercised and now bikes 10.000 km a year (quite a lot if you know that in the real bad winter he does not bike and he goes on holiday a few months.

The guy has rock solid muscles and is in great shape.. mother on the other hand never exercised or did anything and is a bag of jelly even though she is not fat. (slim does not mean no fat).

Everyone should do something they like.. i prefer lifting weights and using a rowing machine. But in the end you need to find something you like and something you can keep on doing.

Most farangs here could care less about their body because they know their wallet can make up for their bad appearance.

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I can hear you through your Avatar. It was perfectly selected for this post.

On a more sober note, You should analyse your diet carefully - and get more exercise. It will take some time reverse this process somewhat. it is NOT inevitable, so fight the good fight.


Change to a diet of pure booze, such as vodka, wine or beer, that will solve all yer problems.

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Diet and exercise are to two key features of keeping in shape. And by that I DO NOT mean dieting and I DO NOT mean visiting the gym. Both are wrong, wrong, wrong!

The best exercise regime should be natural exercises such as walking, gentle jogging and cycling is good. But the best, in my opinion is swimming. By a long way. Forget gyms, they are an unnecessary rip off.

As far as diet goes, forget slimming diet regimes. They create a yo-yo affect on your weight. Switch to the 'Mediterranean Diet' or as best you can make it. Plenty of fish fruit and vegetables. Reduce carbs and red meat to a minimum. You can actually still enjoy Thai food whilst still following this regime.

And stay off the booze! If you must have a drop, I suggest red wine in low quantities.

Try it for six months then come back and tell me if I'm right or not. Good luck.

I'm 69 by the way, but most folks think I'm about 50.


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Even in this heat, I get up and walk EARLY 3-4km at a good pace at least 3-4 times each week. Add walking to local market, Tesco, or Big C..., stepping out for dinner at night and walking versus taxi, I probably walk 20-25km/week. I judge walking distance relative to taxi meter. If the meter runs only to 45THB, I walk it.

I go to fitness center 3 times each week, not trying to bulk but rather keep some tone. I focus more on upper body there. I eat fruits and vegetables, en masse, and still consume meats and seafood (no beef).

At 57, I just took a battery of tests for heart, lungs and overall cardiovascular at Bumrungrad (about 70K THB but comprehensive). Got a nice clean bill of health and was told they see many my age who need to follow more my lead. Blood work was excellent.

Height 178cm - Weight 77kg When I came here 5 years ago I weighed 88kg.

Experiential - hope it helps.

Edited by AlphMichaels
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Got to agree with Moonlover.

I was 94kg when I cam to Thailand. I found the local Sports Stadium had a free swimming pool so started going about 5 times a week for an hour or so. After 6 months, people started to comment I'd lost weight. I weighed myself............72kg.

It closed for renovations for a couple of months and my weight went back up to 82kg.

I'm now back in the pool again.

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Are you drinking water from that (poison) white nalgene bottles sold for 5b at shops/40b for a 20liter refill tank? In that case you might have developed a hormonal disorder and in fact are changing into a woman, hence you are getting 'woman fat'.

What kind of water / brand is best to drink.

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No one can give you specific medical advise unless you visit a doctor but often a patient reveals exactly what is wrong, though they are not certain how they know. It is possible that you are in fact processing hormonal changes- period! Yes, men will have an andropause period but within and even separate to this sometimes men have an issue regarding the final disposition- breakdown- product- the final metabolite of testosterone. The body uses and reuses many things. One of the things testosterone becomes on the way to finally going bye bye or estrogen/estraidol, etc., like metabolites. These will cause exactly what you note.

My concern for you isnt that you described the same crap we are all witnessing as we age but you describe the deposition of fat and its quality in a way that defines the point I make above. If you think I am wrong, OK. But if you were my brother you would be getting a hormone profile asap, or wearing a bra when we went out. (PS: These tests are common, cheap, and tell you lots about your body. Know this, the type of fat is different from belly midsection, man/woman. Why do you think women have such a harder time getting rid of it? Its because the fat contains special cells that in turn make... yep.... fat cells! ie, jelly).

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maybe start doing some push ups every morning.

Everyone should do some sort of exercise.. if I compare my mom 67 with my dad also 67 there is a world of difference of how healthy and strong they are. My dad has always exercised and now bikes 10.000 km a year (quite a lot if you know that in the real bad winter he does not bike and he goes on holiday a few months.

The guy has rock solid muscles and is in great shape.. mother on the other hand never exercised or did anything and is a bag of jelly even though she is not fat. (slim does not mean no fat).

Everyone should do something they like.. i prefer lifting weights and using a rowing machine. But in the end you need to find something you like and something you can keep on doing.

Most farangs here could care less about their body because they know their wallet can make up for their bad appearance.

I agree with you Rob, but with one proviso. I was a rugby prop forward and played judo when a schoolboy and teenager. I wanted to do other martial arts and took off nearly 5 stone in weight when I stopped playing rugby. I remember my waist going from 44 inch to 32 inch! Mostly this was through diet, vastly reducing carbs and increasing healthy vegetables and proteins. I studied many types of martial arts and found that was the training I really enjoyed.

About 2003 I returned to work in EU and had a medical at a private facility in UK. The doctor told me that, as we know, all metabolisms are different. But, all men will go through a change of life, after which it is harder to maintain fitness, muscle tone and control fat. Exercise can no longer burn off the calories and diet change is therefore paramount. This change can happen anytime from about 45 onward depending how lucky or unlucky you are. Your dad is lucky. My late father was too, never put fat on, always active till the last.

If you are the type of person whose metabolism is prone to putting on fat easily you must adjust your diet, what you eat, how much and how often. Exercise will help, and of course is good for strength, fitness and health, but won't control weight on its own.

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Are you drinking water from that (poison) white nalgene bottles sold for 5b at shops/40b for a 20liter refill tank? In that case you might have developed a hormonal disorder and in fact are changing into a woman, hence you are getting 'woman fat'.

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CHEAP bottled water (20tl) is NOT the problem; I drank it for years and kept slim.

I also swam vigorously about half hour per day in my lake.....definately the best exercise in this climate.

I don't take sugar.....keep clear of cola and other sugary crap.

I eat a high protein diet, and plenty of raw veg and chilli.

I have moved to Malaysia, and do not yet have swimming facility.

Food here is also loaded with sugar, so I'm trying to cook myself.

I have gained over 10kg in 4 months.....not good!

I've always been a boozer, but here drink more cans because cheaper / easier. This could be part of the problem, because most cans are lined with BPA....this lousy chemical mimics oestrogens, and should be banned!

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I noticed the same thing a few years ago, a line of jelly-like fat around the belly. I read it is a possible side effect of the raw fish worm they have in Issan, the one that causes the special type of liver cancer, so got some medicine for that. Also laid off the noodles and tried to order more pure meat and veggie dishes (no white rice). It went away, not sure if it was the worm infestation or the different diet.

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