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Police sergeant in suspected murder-suicide

Lite Beer

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The emotional immaturity of yet another Thai man on display.

The sad thing is these people are the leaders. What chance do the rest stand.
A Sargent is a leader in your mind?

At 29 years and 31 years old these were not leaders.

They were in the police force. A force that is meant to lead a country. Does that make them leaders or followers ?

You should look up to a countries police force. Tho I can see why you wouldn't look up to them in this country.

You are very misguided if you seriously think the existence of a police force is to lead a country, bizarre. Police forces are not there to be "looked up to" they are there to uphold the law, nothing more, and I doubt if anyone would look up to a police force anywhere in the world.

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Why is it that every event, a murder, a normal death of an old person; anything at all; is blamed on Thai's or Thailand. He we are, TV posts questioning Emotions and Leadership of Thai's. All you need to do is to read the U.S news where everyday gruesome stuff are reported. Police brutality, gun violence, school kids murdering their own mates and teachers, even cannibalism. Why don't these bastards who whine about everything here crawl back to wherever they come from...

This is a story of a Thai man murdering his wife. Why would we be discussing cops and school kids killing each other in America ?

Have you seen the news whenever a American cop kills a black man or a school massacre happens in U.S. school ? Have you noticed no one starts a news report by saying "this happens all the time in Thailand".

There's also the childish ' if you don't like it here ' leave comment.

So to fit in perfectly we can never say anything negative or criticise to prove how much we love the country ?

I'm sure the people who come out with the ' leave ' comments have never had cause to complain about anything. rolleyes.gif

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A Sargent is a leader in your mind?

At 29 years and 31 years old these were not leaders.

Mark Zuckerberg one of the richest people on the planet is 29 - what's your point ?

Zuckerberg isn't a leader either, what has his age and wealth got to do with this?

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Why is it that every event, a murder, a normal death of an old person; anything at all; is blamed on Thai's or Thailand. He we are, TV posts questioning Emotions and Leadership of Thai's. All you need to do is to read the U.S news where everyday gruesome stuff are reported. Police brutality, gun violence, school kids murdering their own mates and teachers, even cannibalism. Why don't these bastards who whine about everything here crawl back to wherever they come from...

This is a story of a Thai man murdering his wife. Why would we be discussing cops and school kids killing each other in America ?

Have you seen the news whenever a American cop kills a black man or a school massacre happens in U.S. school ? Have you noticed no one starts a news report by saying "this happens all the time in Thailand".

There's also the childish ' if you don't like it here ' leave comment.

So to fit in perfectly we can never say anything negative or criticise to prove how much we love the country ?

I'm sure the people who come out with the ' leave ' comments have never had cause to complain about anything. rolleyes.gif

It would be really interesting to hear you explain how your negativity and criticism (irrational and nonsensical, more often than not, in your case) proves "how much we love the country".

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You are very misguided if you seriously think the existence of a police force is to lead a country, bizarre. Police forces are not there to be "looked up to" they are there to uphold the law, nothing more, and I doubt if anyone would look up to a police force anywhere in the world.

The police force uphold the law. A police force should be looked up to as leaders. Who do you look up to ? Justin Bieber, David Beckham ?

In the UK the Met police chief will spend a lot of time with the prime minister discussing the running of law and order in the country. I have no doubt the same thing occurs in Thailand.

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Funny enough I have a feeling that there is more to this story than what is told.

It could of course be a straightforward case of an a-hole husband who kills in jealousy, but given her position and the attempt to frame Somyot by leaving the businesscard just adds on to the story. The Thai newspapers are asking questions to Somyot on this story, so even they are not wagging their tails and accepting the whole story.

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WHY.....?... does everyone immediately brand all Thai people the same? Why does everyone blame it on 'Thai culture'? Look back over the last 20 - 30 years and you can find similar stories about British police officers. Look at the USA and you will probably find similar cases. Look at almost any country in the world and you will almost certainly find cases like this. Whatever the cause, two young people dying is a sad event. Instead of blaming Thai-ness, blame an unhappy, possibly disturbed, state of mind. No one does such things in a sensible, sane condition. It would be so nice to see a bit more compassion and understanding on this site, instead of non stop, self righteous criticism and condemnation.

Then look back and see the frequency in Thailand compared to all those other countries

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..... the hot tempered Natthapong was later transferred to his affiliation command.
....."As far as I know, the man was hot tempered and jealous so he often argued with my sister to the point of assault once," she said.

With these eye-catching behavior characteristics, the unfitness for the duty as a policeman is obvious.
It is bad if such unsuitable persons can shop themselves into the police force with money, relations or recruitment test cheating. The Society does not need short fused, hot tempered armed policemen.
Edited by tomacht8
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..... the hot tempered Natthapong was later transferred to his affiliation command.
....."As far as I know, the man was hot tempered and jealous so he often argued with my sister to the point of assault once," she said.

With these eye-catching behavior characteristics, the unfitness for the duty as a policeman is obvious.

It is bad if such unsuitable persons can shop themselves into the police force with money, relations or recruitment test cheating. The Society does not need short fused, hot tempered armed policemen.

There were official comments yesterday about him being some sort of Walter Mitty where he confused fantasy with reality etc but not only was he allowed to remain in the BIB he was promoted. None of this came out until there was a suggestion of impropriety involving his wife and the now national police chief who didn't even know her name despite her working in his office.

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..... the hot tempered Natthapong was later transferred to his affiliation command.
....."As far as I know, the man was hot tempered and jealous so he often argued with my sister to the point of assault once," she said.

With these eye-catching behavior characteristics, the unfitness for the duty as a policeman is obvious.

It is bad if such unsuitable persons can shop themselves into the police force with money, relations or recruitment test cheating. The Society does not need short fused, hot tempered armed policemen.

There were official comments yesterday about him being some sort of Walter Mitty where he confused fantasy with reality etc but not only was he allowed to remain in the BIB he was promoted. None of this came out until there was a suggestion of impropriety involving his wife and the now national police chief who didn't even know her name despite her working in his office.

I would assume the national Police Chief has a large office with quite a few staff, so don't find it unreasonable that he didn't know her name. But it really doesn't matter if he was shagging her or not if the husband thought it was so.

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Not sure if it s the same case but the CSI facebook page wrote something about what seems to be this case:

the woman is said to have an affaire with a top brass army general, and suspect the hanging part is not suicidal

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The emotional immaturity of yet another Thai man on display.

The sad thing is these people are the leaders. What chance do the rest stand.
A Sargent is a leader in your mind?

At 29 years and 31 years old these were not leaders.

Many sergeants in the British and American Army who were younger have led their men into combat.

Special Forces ODAs are also sergeants of various classes, same with Members of CAG, your comments are disengenous to members of the armed forces with the rank of sergeant who died in combat LEADING !!!

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The emotional immaturity of yet another Thai man on display.

The sad thing is these people are the leaders. What chance do the rest stand.
A Sargent is a leader in your mind?

At 29 years and 31 years old these were not leaders.

They were in the police force. A force that is meant to lead a country. Does that make them leaders or followers ?

You should look up to a countries police force. Tho I can see why you wouldn't look up to them in this country.

What an odd definition of "leader" you have..

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The emotional immaturity of yet another Thai man on display.

The sad thing is these people are the leaders. What chance do the rest stand.
A Sargent is a leader in your mind?

At 29 years and 31 years old these were not leaders.

Many sergeants in the British and American Army who were younger have led their men into combat.

Special Forces ODAs are also sergeants of various classes, same with Members of CAG, your comments are disengenous to members of the armed forces with the rank of sergeant who died in combat LEADING !!!

These people are not in the military. Your comparison is what is disingenuous.

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Utter nonsense you clearly stated that sergeants were not leaders, you made NO reference to not being leaders within the RTP, of which you would have been correct.

You also made reference to their ages, as if age has anything to do with leadership.

"At 29 years and 31 years old these were not leaders."

YOUR comments are disengenous

Maybe you should read up on the Lance Corporal of the Parachute Regiment who won the Victoria Cross for his actions and leadership in Afghanistan recently!!!!

Edited by Fat Haggis
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Why do you consider my response to your claims that sergeants were not leaders in your eyes?

Did you make ANY reference to how the term leader was very different within the Royal Thai Police

You also made a reference to their ages, coming across that people who were only 29 and 31 were not leaders.

Did you not ask the question "you consider a sergeant a leader"

Did you make any reference to your reply was about the RTP?

Nah you didn't.

I as a 26 years old was a leader of 8 other men under my command.

So I will ask you once again, what has age for to do with leadership when you stated

"At 29 years and 31 years old these were not leaders"

Say what you mean and mean what you say, if you're going to state that they were not leaders try and be more concise, seeing as you always seem

To have a reply to all things RTP anyway.

You could have easily stated something like under the current structure of the RTP, the rank of sergeant is not one of leadership, but more of an administrative rank.

You could also have stated that typically within the RTP a leader is of a much more mature age, based on the RTP structure

But you didn't.

Edited by Fat Haggis
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I'm pretty sure that age is not a definite function of leadership.

I'm also pretty sure that given the very large proportion of individuals within the RTP, and indeed other uniformed services, who hold impressive ranks, that rank held is not an automatic indicator of leadership. The phrase all chiefs and no indians springs to mind.

That is in Thailand. In the British Army I have heard the opinion expressed that the main difference between the British Army and the Boy Scouts is that the Scouts have adult leaders!smile.png

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I don't know about Okita Soji,( I gather he was some sort of premier league "Jap Slapper"), but Alexander the Great was a monstrous piss artist, and Joan of Arc heard voices inside her head!

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I don't know about Okita Soji,( I gather he was some sort of premier league "Jap Slapper"), but Alexander the Great was a monstrous piss artist, and Joan of Arc heard voices inside her head!

Okita Soji was a member of a special Police unit way back in the Shogun era.

You will notice that These examples are military, police and civilian,but in essence very young Leaders within their respective times none the less.

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It is just possible that the wife knew something about her boss. She was SECRETARY to national police chief Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang.

It could be that both deaths wee arranged.

Conspiracy Theory! (Just had to say it before a well known BIB apologist on here got on his high horse!)

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Why would I care about a lance corporal in the military in Afghanistan?

Feel free to keep trolling FH, but troll someone else

Maybe because you are the one that is implying that younger people can not be leaders I believe you said "At 29 years and 31 years old these were not leaders."

Maybe you should read up on the Lance Corporal of the Parachute Regiment who won the Victoria Cross for his actions and leadership in Afghanistan recently!!!!

Note the words "actions and leadership" (I don't know how old he is but I presume that he probably falls in line with your "too young to be a leader" opinion)

And personally, I don't care if a person is in the Army, or the Police Force, if they show the proper leadership qualities by way of their actions, then it is irrelevant whether they are 20 or 60.

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