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Minimum wage 'not enough for daily expenses'

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Konying obviously knows nothing at all about farming in Thailand, doesn't know much about the common people, has no common sense at all, knows nothing about surviving on a pittance, and can't even answer a straightforward question, just tries the old diversionary tactic of answering a question with another one. He must be a politician!!!

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And I would say maybe because they have a home and a way of life that you obviously do not or can not comprehend.

If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

Just what are you accusing the farmers of stealing?

A bag of rice every few months when it is ready for harvest?

Some unprocessed tapioca that can not be eaten?

Or maybe a few stalks of unprocessed sugar cane?

These are the crops grown here and you can see they are not something anyone would want to "steal".

Do you know anything about farming in Thailand?

It must be nice to know so much and still not care about anyone but yourself.

P.S. a bottle of whiskey Thai is only 50 baht!cheesy.gif

and bag of rice is not stealing?blink.png

Do you posses any common sense at all?

You should ask yourself if you do you posses a sort of common sense at all? My parents in law are rice farmers and they're not thieves.

Once the rice harvest is over, the majority pick chilies for others, if they don't have land to grow them. They earn 2- 3 baht for one kg.

Do you have an idea how long that takes to do that in the boiling sun?

Their life's really miserable. So the guy's really asking you a sincere question: "How much do you now about farming in Thailand?"

Than I would ask them why they don't work in the aircon as home-maid for 12.000 in Bangkok....

And I would say maybe because they have a home and a way of life that you obviously do not or can not comprehend.

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I can't believe what I am reading.......

300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

Source: Just one guys opinion.

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I posted once that I doubt most Farang would last a single shift on a Thai construction site and was told that the majority of the hard work on those sites is done by Cambodians and Burmese, so I'll leave this one alone. Its for the Thais to sort in any case - foreigners living here have no say in how much people get paid or what that will mean for the cost of living.

Some foreigners like ME actually ended up doing all that construction work themselves as sad n old as I am at 51 the "kids" couldnt do it, I mixed the cement , got the sand got the cement, laid the blocks, tiled the floors, installed doors n windows painted it all, cleaned up the lot

And you still had time to post your obligatory 3 Thai-bashing epics on every one of those days, no doubt wink.png

The 'kids' I'm talking about arent farmers who dabble in construction - they're the poor sods who have to rock up to a highrise construction site every morning knowing there's a good chance they wont be getting the pickup to go home that night. The heat alone would do me in.

We would hire (not now, but before) such a farmer kid immediately as stock keeper, first month 10K and than soon some increase. Basic reading and writing and counting skills. Come at 8AM go at 5PM. But never be drunk, no narcotics and take care of everything, etc. But not available....

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I can't believe what I am reading.......

300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

Source: Just one guys opinion.

Umm - do you pay rent? Do you pay electricity charges? Do you pay water charges? Do you walk everywhere you need to go? Have you ever even seen a rice farm? etc etc etc

Edited by sambum
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I can't believe what I am reading.......

300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

Source: Just one guys opinion.

What cheese and yoghurt do you buy ?

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I can't believe what I am reading.......

300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

Source: Just one guys opinion.

Cheese and Yoghurt luxury? Are you @@@@@ kidding me? Here in Turkey villagers eat yoghurt because its the cheapest thing available.

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Wage increases are one thing but the problem is not the wage so much as what people do with it. I feel sympathy for those that are stuck in low wage jobs but there are 2 problems

1. when people get more money they tend to spend more money so they really do not get a better lifestyle just more in debt.

When wages rise there is an inevitable raise in the cost of merchandise due to the cost of producing the product.

The solution is financial counselling and raising the level for those that are allowed to get any credit.

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Mr. Konying,

and bag of rice is not stealing?blink.png.pagespeed.ce.AQgCnSOpp_axVntua

Do you posses any common sense at all?

You should ask yourself if you do you posses a sort of common sense at all? My parents in law are rice farmers and they're not thieves.

Once the rice harvest is over, the majority pick chilies for others, if they don't have land to grow them. They earn 2- 3 baht for one kg.

Do you have an idea how long that takes to do that in the boiling sun?

Their life's really miserable. So the guy's really asking you a sincere question: "How much do you now about farming in Thailand?"

Were they or are they forced to be farmers?

What an insane question. They're both nearly 70 and just continued what their parents did.

Would you even have an idea about the quality of the schools in Isaan villages nowadays and consider how schools and life were more than 50

years ago, when they became farmers, then you wouldn't ask such a question.

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I can't believe what I am reading.......

300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

Source: Just one guys opinion.

Cheese and Yoghurt luxury? Are you @@@@@ kidding me? Here in Turkey villagers eat yoghurt because its the cheapest thing available.

Yes, cheese and yogurt are luxury goods, when you're making 300 baht per day. What have Turkish villagers in common with Thai people?

6 yogurts 40 baht.We eat around 24 a week, that's already 160 baht only for yogurt. Real cheese at Makro 850 baht for 1.8 kg, one kg salami 760 baht, etc,,,,,,

Sorry, I thought it's a Thai forum.

Edited by lostinisaan
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I do not pretend to know about the situation in Bangkok and some of the larger cities in the south.

There are a few things about minimum wage I know to be true here in the north I have never seen mentioned on a TV post before that I think should be known.

1) Most people who work for Min wage are required to work 12 hours per day to get that 300 baht


2) Most min wage jobs require the worker to work 6 days per week.

That breaks down to 25 baht per hour.

A 72 our week pays 1800 baht

or 7,200 baht per month

3( Another important fact I never hear mentioned is that farm labor (working in the hot sun 12 hours per day ) does not pay 300 baht per day.

Farm labor is only paid 200 baht per day....legal or not, that is the fact in northern Thailand.

Can you imagine trying to support yourself on these wages with only one day per week off to take care of business at home?

Now, try to imagine supporting a family on these wages...even with two adults working 6 days per week!

I've got a couple of questions for you Wiliy. You say, "There are a few things about minimum wage I know to be true here in Northern Thailand." Tell us how you know "these things" to be true? Based on what knowledge or experience? You continue to educate us in your post and claim farm labor is only paid 200 baht a day and you claim that to be a "fact" like it or not. I would like to see your data. Are these just your anecdotal observations or do you have extensive knowledge and experience in the Northern Thailand Farm Labor community? How say you?

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"6 yogurts for 40 baht" What? Are you talking about those little drink bottles of colored sugar and chemicals that they sell at small shops and 7/11 that I think are NOT yogurt but Thais think they are ...I forgot the local name. I believe people would sell them and deliver them to people's "rooms" in the past?

Or do you actually have some kind of real yogurt for that price? I think it is usually around 30-40 baht for one (made in Thailand) and some of my favorite ones, that are imported and a bit larger, but one serving, is in the 150-165 baht range which is ridiculous of course!!

Just curious.

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I can't believe what I am reading.......

300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

Source: Just one guys opinion.

How much do you pay per month for your accommodation, and how much do you pay in regards to water and electricity bills for said accomodation?

How much is your fuel bill to take you to your shop per week?

How much is your internet that you are able to post regularly on TVF?

I don't think the government is feeding those on low income or don't have jobs.... wait a minute, wasn't there a post in recent days about the unemployment rate being so low in Thailand right here on TVF? .. that would kind of blow your "they need to get of their asses and get a job" ... low unemployment would state otherwise.

Is there a welfare system in Thailand that they can claim from? I don't believe there is, can anyone shed any light on this?

what's wrong with candy crush? :D;)

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I can't believe what I am reading.......

300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

Source: Just one guys opinion.

What cheese and yoghurt do you buy ?

Sneering at the cheese and yogurt does in no way detract from the thrust of the lobster's post. Thais Are (in the main) Lazy. Everyone including Thailand knows this. That's why they prefer to hire the Burmese and Khmer. Not simply because they cost less.

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Same old story. I earn minimum wages. I have wife and children to feed. Cost of living is too high to support my wife and kids on minimum wages.

Yes we all know. But why are you still earning minimum wages? Why do you not aquire more knowledge or skill to be productive and climb the wage ladder?

And why do you get married and have children when you can barely support just yourself?

Should society be responsible for you and your foolish acts?

This is the same old tired crap coming from Ian Rand novels. It is the job of corporations to pay as little as possible to their workers, even if they cannot live on what they are paid. Walmart, the fast food industry and countless other companies have learned that they don't have to pay a living wage because the U.S. social safety net (food stamps, and other transfer programs will pick up the difference. So the companies pay the lowest they can get away with and transfer the rest to society. Wall street is great at making sure that profit stays very "private" but losses are socialized. They spend billions in on lobbyists and campaign donations to maintain this.

Thailand has no social safety net except Thai families and this part of Thai culture is fast disappearing. How can a factory worker go to school when his kids don't eat if he does't punch the clock six days a week. Do you really think that Thais can "climb the wage ladder?" Your screwed up ideology has fried you ability to stop and observe what is going on. When I first arrived in Thailand I read an article about institutional corruption. What really stuck was the assertion that at least 25% of every government dollar spend is sucked up by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. This is where the hope of everyday Thai people is hiding; buried in backyards, and stacked in basements.

You have no right to blame the victims, here in Thailand, or anywhere else. Instead, use your brain to make something better.

Edited by Balance
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"Can you imagine trying to support yourself on these wages..."

I got news for you, Princess.

I can not only imagine it, I know several people who live on less than 100B a day.

In America. Yes, you read that correctly.

The United States of America.

If it's possible in America, you're telling me it's impossible or a hardship in Thailand?

It all depends on how you want to live, your expectations and social infrastructure. To a small minded foreigner incapable of thinking outside of a extremely small and limited box, I can see why it must be unimaginable...

Iam curious as to how one "lives" on $3.00 per day ($91.00 per month) in the USA, can you elaborate a bit more on this for me please.
That's my point exactly. You put quotes around the word "lives" because it is so far outside your pampered world that you believe it to be sheer deprivation.

Let's just say it's impossible for the people in the bottom 99% who are posh-wannabees and leave it there...

I know the answer ....1) go to prison for a long period Or 2) become a homeless street person and get everything for free from charities/govt.

Any other ideas?

1. Wrong. People in prison don't make as much as 100B a day. Even if they work, it's less than that or nothing. Many jails charge up to 1500B/day. If you don't pay, they'll throw you in jail for not paying...


2. Wrong. It depends on which state the value of the welfare payment, but that's more than 100B a day everywhere in America.

Like I said, it so beyond the small minded Farang mind that you wouldn't believe me, even if I told you, 555

Edited by SiSePuede419
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I can't believe what I am reading.......

300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

Source: Just one guys opinion.

What cheese and yoghurt do you buy ?

Sneering at the cheese and yogurt does in no way detract from the thrust of the lobster's post. Thais Are (in the main) Lazy. Everyone including Thailand knows this. That's why they prefer to hire the Burmese and Khmer. Not simply because they cost less.

<deleted> are you talking about dageurrtype ?

I was asking about what cheese and yoghurt lobster was buying to fit into his budget.

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I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

It’s got nothing to do with sitting in ivory towers blink.png It simply understanding in this day and age of rapid advancements in cheap technology the workers need to understand their competition. Because it won’t be long before business people simply won’t be able to resist choosing the most cost efficient solution in the long run. .............

Just as an example tell me the last time that a retail shop assistant in Thailand knocked your socks off with their product knowledge and enthusiasm for their job or even understanding what you are looking for?giggle.gif

Personally I would much rather interact with one of these :-


Edited by Asiantravel
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I know the answer ....1) go to prison for a long period Or 2) become a homeless street person and get everything for free from charities/govt.

Any other ideas?

1. Wrong. People in prison don't make as much as 100B a day. Even if they work, it's less than that or nothing. Many jails charge up to 1500B/day. If you don't pay, they'll throw you in jail for not paying...


2. Wrong. It depends on which state the value of the welfare payment, but that's more than 100B a day everywhere in America.

Like I said, it so beyond the small minded Farang mind that you wouldn't believe me, even if I told you, 555

Can I have a puff of whatever you are smoking, please?

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I can't believe what I am reading.......

300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

Source: Just one guys opinion.

What cheese and yoghurt do you buy ?

Sneering at the cheese and yogurt does in no way detract from the thrust of the lobster's post. Thais Are (in the main) Lazy. Everyone including Thailand knows this. That's why they prefer to hire the Burmese and Khmer. Not simply because they cost less.

<deleted> are you talking about dageurrtype ?

I was asking about what cheese and yoghurt lobster was buying to fit into his budget.

What he's not telling anyone is that he's starring in "The Machinist 2" :D

Fair play to the guy if he can live on 1,000 baht a week, perhaps he can start up a new online business/blog, called " how to survive in Thailand on 1,000 baht a week" and break down his shopping list, I'm not taking the piss here, It would be a great think for the farangs who can and sometimes do fall on hard times.

He gets a like from me for his shopping, I wonder if he will come and do mine for me? :D

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Motor manufacturers continue to use asbestos in vehicle manufacture, particularly brake linings? Totally irresponsible as the dangers of asbestos have been known for many, many years.

Is the asbestos not happy with minimum wage?

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100B a day in America is not enough for the "Hundredaires", who think they are in the top 1%.

Likewise, 300+B/day in Thailand is not enough for the Thais who think they are HiSo.

Attitude is the biggest impediment to living within your means.

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If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

Just what are you accusing the farmers of stealing?

A bag of rice every few months when it is ready for harvest?

Some unprocessed tapioca that can not be eaten?

Or maybe a few stalks of unprocessed sugar cane?

These are the crops grown here and you can see they are not something anyone would want to "steal".

Do you know anything about farming in Thailand?

It must be nice to know so much and still not care about anyone but yourself.

P.S. a bottle of whiskey Thai is only 50 baht!cheesy.gif

and bag of rice is not stealing?blink.png

Do you posses any common sense at all?

You should ask yourself if you do you posses a sort of common sense at all? My parents in law are rice farmers and they're not thieves.

Once the rice harvest is over, the majority pick chilies for others, if they don't have land to grow them. They earn 2- 3 baht for one kg.

Do you have an idea how long that takes to do that in the boiling sun?

Their life's really miserable. So the guy's really asking you a sincere question: "How much do you now about farming in Thailand?"

Give you parents in law more money stop being cheap[

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I can't believe what I am reading.......

300 Baht /Day not enough....... o_O

I spend roughly 1000baht/week in groceries (and I buy luxury goods such as cheese and yogurt) and I can maintain both myself and one other individual on this budget.

That's about 4,000baht/month.....At a minimum daily wage I'd be getting 7,200 baht and on a monthly minimum roughly 9,000baht/month.

If I were to buy only normal groceries I could reduce that to about 600 Baht/week (2400 Baht/month).

People need to get off their a$$e$, get a job and stop expecting the gov't to feed them.

Furthermore, once they do have a job they need to show respect for the work that they do and actually do the work instead of playing candy crush on their phones!!

Source: Just one guys opinion.

What cheese and yoghurt do you buy ?

Sneering at the cheese and yogurt does in no way detract from the thrust of the lobster's post. Thais Are (in the main) Lazy. Everyone including Thailand knows this. That's why they prefer to hire the Burmese and Khmer. Not simply because they cost less.

<deleted> are you talking about dageurrtype ?

I was asking about what cheese and yoghurt lobster was buying to fit into his budget.

No you weren't. You were implying that to be able to afford cheese and yogurt, one must be a veritable Creosus compared to the poor downtrodden Thai.

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I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

It’s got nothing to do with sitting in ivory towers blink.png It simply understanding in this day and age of rapid advancements in cheap technology the workers need to understand their competition. Because it won’t be long before business people simply won’t be able to resist choosing the most cost efficient solution in the long run. .............

Just as an example tell me the last time that a retail shop assistant in Thailand knocked your socks off with their product knowledge and enthusiasm for their job or even understanding what you are looking for?giggle.gif

Personally I would much rather interact with one of these :-


I work in a very very competitive industry, where companies are constantly undercutting other, at the same time, increase their profit margins, the long and short of it is, you have to take a wage cut, or be replaced by someone who will work for a lower income, these are normally other countries residents where the cost of living makes the salary you wont work for very appealing.

What nobody has mentioned when making comparisons to Western work ethos, is the MINIMUM daily rate you'd personally work for, even when it means having to put up with horrendous bosses who will cut HSE corners, delay salary payments, not give you bona fide insurance cover, who wouldn't think twice about arriving in his work, in his new Range Rover sport, whilst the work force haven't been paid for months!!.

Just as there is lazy Thais, there's unscrupulous bosses, out there who do all they can to exploit their workers, I've seen this in every country I've worked in, it's not just a Thai thing.

As for the knowledgeable retail assistant, the last time I was home, and bought my laptop, they knew all about RAM upgrades, best ones for gaming, best ones for work etc. that was in Tesco Lotus in Korat..

I've had some crackers who were just not interested in interacting in the UK too, I've also had retailer assistants look down on my scruffy appearance and make an assumption I wasn't able to afford to buy anything, and more or less say so... so I go to the nearest outlet similar and buy whatever the item is, regardless of the price and go back and tell them... "don't judge books by their cover, you lost a very good sale there".

it's just the luck of the draw on the day really, and besides, I hate retail assistants pouncing on me as soon as I walk in the door.. ;)

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