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Curing the Incurable,happy ending

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The people who know everything know nothing. We don't know what we don't know. I am a lot more intuitive than the average person and do practice Reiki. Human beings are amazing. Anybody who believes we were made in the image of God should believe this. Any meditator knows this. And, yes, there have been documented instances of prayer healing. It has been proven it affects the brain. It also has been proven that meditation changes our brain. The famous director, David Lynch, practices Transcendental Meditation and he and others pay to have inner city kids taught TM and the benefits have been proven scientifically.

Just because you don't believe doesn't mean it isn't true.

Enjoy your lady!

You see, that's the problem -- elevating intuitive thinking over logic. Both are important (but I'm probably not using 'intuition' in the New Agey sense you are). So let's apply some logic to your statement. You seem to tie meditation to faith healing as if one proves the other. But there is no such necessary link. Yes, meditation does have an impact on brain function and possibly organisation, but that has no implications for faith healing or any other pseudo-scientific claims. One of the most prominent atheists today is Sam Harris, who also an advocate of meditation as well as being a neuroscientist. You might learn something from his most recent book about the science of meditation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waking_Up:_A_Guide_to_Spirituality_Without_Religion

As for humans being formed in the image of God, I'm not sure how literal you are being. But I suggest you read about the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which is an instance of how poorly our anatomy is designed (if you want to believe we are designed). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recurrent_laryngeal_nerve. It's unnecessarily circuitous route through are body makes sense from an evolutionary perspective, but not if you believe some creator entity sat down at a cosmic drawing board and designed us from scratch.

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The people who know everything know nothing. We don't know what we don't know. I am a lot more intuitive than the average person and do practice Reiki. Human beings are amazing. Anybody who believes we were made in the image of God should believe this. Any meditator knows this. And, yes, there have been documented instances of prayer healing. It has been proven it affects the brain. It also has been proven that meditation changes our brain. The famous director, David Lynch, practices Transcendental Meditation and he and others pay to have inner city kids taught TM and the benefits have been proven scientifically.

Just because you don't believe doesn't mean it isn't true.

Enjoy your lady!

No one is claiming to know everything, and nobody would say that the human body is not amazing.

Meditation is not faith healing. You are correct in that there's loads of evidence of the benefits of the prior, however I maintain that there is no empirical evidence of the benefits or efficacy of the latter.

There is a darker side to all this. There is a litany of examples in which parents have, through reliance on faith healing, brought about the deaths of their children.

Personally, I feel that a reasonable level of skepticism when examining any claim or belief is a healthy response of an intelligent person. Without such skepticism, you're left with blind faith which is in my opinion fodder for zealots, extremists, and idiots.

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I don't think anyone has suggested that alternatives should ever replace conventional medicine.

However, if conventional medicine states that it can do nothing to save a loved one and death will follow, as in this instance, who would NOT look elsewhere for something which just might possibly prolong that loved one's life pain free.

I hope that none of you find yourself in such a situation but the odds are that some will.

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