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Check out the sky above Chiang Mai!


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I used a GoPro camera on standard HD settings, everything set to automatic, no clever fiddling with exposure or any of that malarkey.

Managed to pull a nice still from the video I shot, check out the 6 intersecting arcs to the right of the actual halo - they were as clear as aircraft jet trails, they made perfect ellipses for miles across the sky.

Amazing site. (apparently my son reckons these are pretty common here????)


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Solar halos are not caused by pollution - they are caused by very thin clouds made of ice crystals in the upper atmosphere

Yes, it`s similar to a lunar corona.

Seeing something like this is extremely rare, I have never been lucky enough to have witness such an event.

Brilliant photos that I think are worth sending to a newspaper or magazine that I am should will be interested.

Congratulations and well done for catching this amazing event on camera.

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