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PM Prayut: 14 students will be tried by military court


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I'm off to the shop to get a few beers in for this evening. With all these developments, it is going to be a lot of fun watching the junta fanbois tying themselves in knots:

'Keep them in jail forever, not that they are enemies, though they should be released on bail which they have refused to apply for in order to cause trouble for the junta, not that bail should be granted and leaving them to rot is the only correct course of action because they are being paid by Thaksin even if they aren't....'


Don't buy too many beers Babs, I think your Thaksin fanbois will be all over this one like a cheap suit. Most will be trying to outdo the rest with the most obnoxious Prayut insult.

The junta fanbois will probably kick back with a few beers and have a laugh. clap2.gif

What's this got to do with Thaksin? These young lads are fighting for civil rights, they would have been sucking on their mum's teets when Thaksin left the country. Why do people like yo keep bring him into any post? This totally has nothing to do with him but more to do with what's right. There is a civil court system in Thailand, right? So why military court? I guess to get the result they want, maybe they think even civil courts would just throw this b/s case out of court?

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It's clear what these 14 students did was very wrong and deserves to be punished with the full force of the law. If this means capital punishment, then so be it. The Thai government is spot on: we cannot allow people in this country to voice political opinions. The government needs to put a stop to this immediately!

Hyperbolic, much?


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This is going to go down well with the west. Just as the arms deal this general has just made with China. Me thinks he needs a word from the very top to calm him down a peg or two.

If the PM promises to buy subs from Germany or Sweden will the processing of the 14 in Military Court go down better? Me thinks that has nothing to do with it.

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I do not believe the students demonstrated out of love for democracy.

They could very well be (probably) payed pawns in the hand of antidemocratic elements in Thailand who do not want this government but again a corrupt one of their own choice.

We know those elements and their leader have a strong influence in this country by many years of corruption and bribery.

Making the press roar against this government is a strong attack against freedom and egality.

So I understand the government very well - they have to stay strong.

They are in the moment the only way closer to democracy in Thailand

Oh dear ! Back on plant earth, a military coup is an actual attack on democracy. The fact the military is backed by the Bangkok elite is an attack on egalitarian principles.

I believe you may be correct in saying that the students didn't demonstrate out of love for democracy" because it seems the Thais have never had the chance to experience true democracy, so how can you love something you've never experienced. A free press is a cornerstone of a true democracy and a press that "roars" is what true lovers of democracy want, certainly not a press that purrs. But heck !!! they, the students, can dream and wish for a fairer society or does 1984 rules apply ?

"a military coup is an actual attack on democracy."

not if it is an attack on an undemocratic government -even if they call themselves democratic

and yes - a military government can be more democratic than non military governments

" a press that "roars" is what true lovers of democracy want"

if it is a free press that roars - ok

if it is a biased and bribed press (probably being used from anti democratic groups) it is an attack on democracy

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....................The premier stressed that in order to ensure peace and order, all members of society must obey the law and follow legal procedures................

Hear hear!! thumbsup.gif

Except for the military. Obviously.

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more of the same, then the USA and EU can issue the RED CARDpost-4641-1156693976.gifpost-4641-1156693976.gifpost-4641-1156693976.gif on the human rights issues, fancy tackling it then doing this, absolute mess, and students are more in the know about politics in most countries, that's why they protest, unlike most thai people who see it and accept it

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why a military court? The students are not in the military?

Military law; military court. If you get caught stealing, you will be tried in a civilian court. Understand?


Which court do they use to try treason?

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This is going to go down well with the west. Just as the arms deal this general has just made with China. Me thinks he needs a word from the very top to calm him down a peg or two.

If the PM promises to buy subs from Germany or Sweden will the processing of the 14 in Military Court go down better? Me thinks that has nothing to do with it.

Buying submarines from Germany or Sweden is not on the agenda, so you are absolutely right that the trial of the students has nothing to do with such procurements. Why did you raise a non existing issue?

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Right on ! Do these children with the minds of children think that their myopic view of "democracy" wins over complete chaos and almost inevitable civil war ? Grow up and learn to appreciate relativity ! The present government has brought peace and stability to Thailand for the first time in many years, and I do believe the main man is doing his best to bring about major improvements in many areas. The job is immense, and especially magnified by the previous totally corrupt government. Give him a chance, not hinder the progress through political ignorance and naievety.

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I love it when these idiots constantly spout this "must obey the law" B.S.

It's almost laughable that this comes from a group who had an ILLEGAL COUP, which is considered sedation and treason "under the law", which they ignored, and then promptly tore of the LEGAL constitution and implemented their own ILLEGAL mandates, and granting themselves total immunity for all past & future actions. Must obey the law? Gee, generals, why don't YOU try doing that sometime, instead of constantly believing that you are ABOVE the law.

I for one was grateful for the military coup, considering that the country was on the brink of a civil war.

The prime minister has a difficult task ahead, he cannot relinquish power until all the disputing factions come to some sort of agreement and compromise and they are no longer a threat to peace in Thailand. In the meantime the troublemakers must be observed and actions taken against those who are considered a danger to the national security.

Personally, I hope this present government remains in power forever for reasons mentioned above.

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Students will face military court, Prayut maintains


BANGKOK: -- THE PRIME MINISTER insisted yesterday that the 14 student activists arrested for violating an order prohibiting political gatherings would have to be tried by a military court.

General Prayut Chan-o-cha said it had been clearly announced after the coup what offences would be tried by a military court and violating an order by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) was among those offences.

"The law also applies to other people" [not just this group of students], Prayut said. Orders by coup-makers and the post-coup junta are treated as law in Thailand.

The 14 student activists were arrested for violating the NCPO order against political gatherings of five or more people. They are being detained at the Bangkok Remand Prison after refusing to apply for bail.

Meanwhile, Army commander-in-chief General Udomdej Sitabutr said yesterday the legal case against the student activists would continue, through a military court, as the law must be enforced without exceptions.

He also said that the government and the NCPO did not treat the student activists, or any group of people, as their enemies. "We are not fighting against anyone. We just try to maintain peace and aim to restore democracy in the future," he said.

Udomdej, who is also deputy defence minister, said the authorities would not allow lawbreakers to go free without enforcing the law.

The 14 students are due to appear before a military court today after the period allowed for their detention expires.

Lawyers for the students plan to oppose any police request for court permission to detain the students for another 12 days, Kritsadang Nutcharas, leader of their legal team, said yesterday. He said they would object to any military court order for another round of pre-trial detention.

"The detention is unnecessary because there is not any potential that the defendants will escape. So we will object to it," he said.

The military court will issue an order today on whether to allow detention of the 14 student activists for another 12 days.

Kritsadang said yesterday the 14 detainees were still standing their ground and they rejected the military court's authority in put them on trial. They were willing to fight in a civil court, he said.

However, he said that if the trial was to take place in a military court, the 14 detainees asked that an open hearing be allowed. Their families, friends and the general public should be allowed to observe the case.

Yesterday, many supporters showed up at the Bangkok Remand Prison to provide the detainees with moral support.

A representative of the lecturers network supporting the detained students, speaking on condition of anonymity, said he believed the NCPO had heard the people's voice and they might not order another round of detention.

He said that if the military court does not grant a request for further detention of the student today, all of them would be released temporarily tomorrow. However, questioning of the students would continue.

Yesterday, five Dao Din members - Payu Boonsophon, Jatupat Boonpatararaksa, Suwitcha Pitankkorn, Panupong Sritananuwat and Apiwat Soontarak - were questioned.

They denied the charges against them and told the police they would submit an official letter later. They testified that during the arrest the officials did not introduce themselves and were not in uniform. No arrest warrants were shown to them, they were not informed of their rights and soldiers also took part in the arrest, the students said during their interrogation. The students said they viewed the arrest as contrary to the criminal procedure code and a violation of the international treaty which Thailand is a signatory to and obliged to follow.

More than 100 people gathered at Thammasat University yesterday to offer moral support to the detained activists. They included friends and family members of the detainees. Some participants of the "Wings of Freedom" event took turns to speak on stage to voice disapproval of the students' arrest and the subsequent legal case mounted against them. Others made origami pigeons symbolising freedom and wrote messages on a big piece of cloth.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Students-will-face-military-court-Prayut-maintains-30263908.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-07

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Students will face military court, Prayut maintains





BANGKOK: -- THE PRIME MINISTER insisted yesterday that the 14 student activists arrested for violating an order prohibiting political gatherings would have to be tried by a military court.

General Prayut Chan-o-cha said it had been clearly announced after the coup what offences would be tried by a military court and violating an order by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) was among those offences.

"The law also applies to other people" [not just this group of students], Prayut said. Orders by coup-makers and the post-coup junta are treated as law in Thailand.

The 14 student activists were arrested for violating the NCPO order against political gatherings of five or more people. They are being detained at the Bangkok Remand Prison after refusing to apply for bail.

Meanwhile, Army commander-in-chief General Udomdej Sitabutr said yesterday the legal case against the student activists would continue, through a military court, as the law must be enforced without exceptions.

He also said that the government and the NCPO did not treat the student activists, or any group of people, as their enemies. "We are not fighting against anyone. We just try to maintain peace and aim to restore democracy in the future," he said.

Udomdej, who is also deputy defence minister, said the authorities would not allow lawbreakers to go free without enforcing the law.

The 14 students are due to appear before a military court today after the period allowed for their detention expires.

Lawyers for the students plan to oppose any police request for court permission to detain the students for another 12 days, Kritsadang Nutcharas, leader of their legal team, said yesterday. He said they would object to any military court order for another round of pre-trial detention.

"The detention is unnecessary because there is not any potential that the defendants will escape. So we will object to it," he said.

The military court will issue an order today on whether to allow detention of the 14 student activists for another 12 days.

Kritsadang said yesterday the 14 detainees were still standing their ground and they rejected the military court's authority in put them on trial. They were willing to fight in a civil court, he said.

However, he said that if the trial was to take place in a military court, the 14 detainees asked that an open hearing be allowed. Their families, friends and the general public should be allowed to observe the case.

Yesterday, many supporters showed up at the Bangkok Remand Prison to provide the detainees with moral support.

A representative of the lecturers network supporting the detained students, speaking on condition of anonymity, said he believed the NCPO had heard the people's voice and they might not order another round of detention.

He said that if the military court does not grant a request for further detention of the student today, all of them would be released temporarily tomorrow. However, questioning of the students would continue.

Yesterday, five Dao Din members - Payu Boonsophon, Jatupat Boonpatararaksa, Suwitcha Pitankkorn, Panupong Sritananuwat and Apiwat Soontarak - were questioned.

They denied the charges against them and told the police they would submit an official letter later. They testified that during the arrest the officials did not introduce themselves and were not in uniform. No arrest warrants were shown to them, they were not informed of their rights and soldiers also took part in the arrest, the students said during their interrogation. The students said they viewed the arrest as contrary to the criminal procedure code and a violation of the international treaty which Thailand is a signatory to and obliged to follow.

More than 100 people gathered at Thammasat University yesterday to offer moral support to the detained activists. They included friends and family members of the detainees. Some participants of the "Wings of Freedom" event took turns to speak on stage to voice disapproval of the students' arrest and the subsequent legal case mounted against them. Others made origami pigeons symbolising freedom and wrote messages on a big piece of cloth.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Students-will-face-military-court-Prayut-maintains-30263908.html


-- The Nation 2015-07-07

"More than 100 people gathered at Thammasat University yesterday to offer moral support to the detained activists. They included friends and family members of the detainees. " Less than 200....yes? In a country of 65 million. I'd say there isn't much interest in their plight from the general population....as somchai is more interested in putting food on the table then supporting a grievance industry.

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Just a note, have just seen the GPA of the "14 Students".

None would be allowed to attend a university anywhere with their GPA's.

The lowest is 0.10.the highest is less than 2.3.

How can they be students, more like pauns and are easily manipulated.

Remember this a Democracy in progress.

"The Junta" has never claimed to be a Democracy.

The system Thailand is under is a "Sovereignty". Look it up!

Need help why don't you employ the 14, "students"

Look them up, not a pretty picture.

Article 116 of the constitution,not article 44, was used to arrest these "students" again, Look It Up.

If you need to know what's going on, watch Pyrute (The Junta) every Friday night as he explains things and what is going on the "The Thai People" Subtitles in English. Not the B.S. you read on the forums and news papers.

I have never seen the Thai People having such a feeling of being secure both in there homes and on the streets in my over 45 years as a guest in The Kingdom.

Yes there are incidents, but these incidents happen in any country with70,000,000 people.

By comparison to the majority of the world countries Thailand is the safest and most secure place on earth.

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Just a note, have just seen the GPA of the "14 Students".

None would be allowed to attend a university anywhere with their GPA's.

The lowest is 0.10.the highest is less than 2.3.

How can they be students, more like pauns and are easily manipulated.

Remember this a Democracy in progress.

"The Junta" has never claimed to be a Democracy.

The system Thailand is under is a "Sovereignty". Look it up!

Need help why don't you employ the 14, "students"

Look them up, not a pretty picture.

Article 116 of the constitution,not article 44, was used to arrest these "students" again, Look It Up.

If you need to know what's going on, watch Pyrute (The Junta) every Friday night as he explains things and what is going on the "The Thai People" Subtitles in English. Not the B.S. you read on the forums and news papers.

I have never seen the Thai People having such a feeling of being secure both in there homes and on the streets in my over 45 years as a guest in The Kingdom.

Yes there are incidents, but these incidents happen in any country with70,000,000 people.

By comparison to the majority of the world countries Thailand is the safest and most secure place on earth.

And I have never seen so much BS in one post in my time on TV. What does the arrested student's grade average have to do with anything? Should they introduce an IQ test to see who's smart enough to vote?

I have a strong feeling you would not get to cast one in whatever country you're hailing from....coffee1.gif

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The BP website is carrying a story in which the military judge is promising a ' fair trial ' . Of course then a finding of guilt.

However my main point is to ask why any judge would have to say such a thing, isn't a fair trial supposed to be inherent in the system, even here /

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The prime minister has a difficult task ahead, he cannot relinquish power until all the disputing factions come to some sort of agreement and compromise and they are no longer a threat to peace in Thailand.

What has this current regime has done to facilitate agreements and compromises?

Surely after more than a year there is a framework and time frame

for these negotiations, but I have seen nothing.

Maybe you can point us to where this is actually happening.

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"...General Prayut Chan-o-cha said it had been clearly announced after the coup what offences would be tried by a military court and violating an order by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)..."

...and all of it illegal.

"...We just try to maintain peace and aim to restore democracy in the future,..."

cheesy.gif More like consolidate your power.

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Just a note, have just seen the GPA of the "14 Students".

None would be allowed to attend a university anywhere with their GPA's.

The lowest is 0.10.the highest is less than 2.3.

How can they be students, more like pauns and are easily manipulated.

Remember this a Democracy in progress.

"The Junta" has never claimed to be a Democracy.

The system Thailand is under is a "Sovereignty". Look it up!

Need help why don't you employ the 14, "students"

Look them up, not a pretty picture.

Article 116 of the constitution,not article 44, was used to arrest these "students" again, Look It Up.

If you need to know what's going on, watch Pyrute (The Junta) every Friday night as he explains things and what is going on the "The Thai People" Subtitles in English. Not the B.S. you read on the forums and news papers.

I have never seen the Thai People having such a feeling of being secure both in there homes and on the streets in my over 45 years as a guest in The Kingdom.

Yes there are incidents, but these incidents happen in any country with70,000,000 people.

By comparison to the majority of the world countries Thailand is the safest and most secure place on earth.

Wow, 45 years, really?

That explains the brainwashing you have experienced or maybe it's Stockholm syndrome.

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thank God Thailand has students who are not bots and can see black from white

they will be viewed as heroes for years to come, bless them and see their courage

imagine all the people... you are not the only ones

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Totally unlawful and not just because of the unlawful say of the current regime. It is against all the rules of justice and human rights. Also, enough of this continuing heresay about previous governments and and all their so called 'unlawful acts'and corruption. Nothing has ever been proven even though it is common knowledge it exists but by who? This society is certainly far from perfect but thank your lucky stars you are not living in Syria or the Sudan or North Korea or the countless other countries where any form of justice or human rights do not exist. Until the military is totally separated from politics no democracy can flourish.

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Just a note, have just seen the GPA of the "14 Students".

None would be allowed to attend a university anywhere with their GPA's.

The lowest is 0.10.the highest is less than 2.3.

How can they be students, more like pauns and are easily manipulated.

Remember this a Democracy in progress.

"The Junta" has never claimed to be a Democracy.

The system Thailand is under is a "Sovereignty". Look it up!

Need help why don't you employ the 14, "students"

Look them up, not a pretty picture.

Article 116 of the constitution,not article 44, was used to arrest these "students" again, Look It Up.

If you need to know what's going on, watch Pyrute (The Junta) every Friday night as he explains things and what is going on the "The Thai People" Subtitles in English. Not the B.S. you read on the forums and news papers.

I have never seen the Thai People having such a feeling of being secure both in there homes and on the streets in my over 45 years as a guest in The Kingdom.

Yes there are incidents, but these incidents happen in any country with70,000,000 people.

By comparison to the majority of the world countries Thailand is the safest and most secure place on earth.

90% of the country was always secure in their homes, as the protests in BANGKOK over the years never effected them in the slightest!! ... what an Asinine comment to have made, I didn't need to have been here 45 years to have made my own observations, my paltry 3 is enough to know that, you're talking pure pish when it comes to the Deep South as well.

It's so safe and secure there, the Army had to send truckloads of weapons to arm local militias !! Who's your glasses supplier? the same ones who supply Stevie Wonder? rolleyes.gif

Then you go on to admit there are "incidents", in a country of over 70,000,000 that's the best part about your post, as these incidents have been pretty isolated...especially in 2014, so it blows the reasons for a coup right out the water, 32 fatalities in 14 months was justification ? As tragic as these needles and pointless deaths were, would you care to give me a statistic of what percentage 32 fatalities in a country of 70,000,000 people is please?

Seriously? There were sadly more deaths in hidden camps in the deep South over the past few years, what with all the mass graves having been found, I didn't see a massive Military Operation under way to sweep the areas, and take on the insurgency with any sense of urgency either.. did you? No because it was happening under two Eastern Tigers watches, and they failed to quell the insurgency, then, and are failing now, because at the end of the day, it's so much easier to take on a population that cannot fight back!!!

So laud his praises, I see him as no different to any other politician who graced the "big chair" , in that it's all about them, and how much they can take/make before they too eventually get overthrown !!

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Just a note, have just seen the GPA of the "14 Students".

None would be allowed to attend a university anywhere with their GPA's.

The lowest is 0.10.the highest is less than 2.3.

How can they be students, more like pauns and are easily manipulated.

Remember this a Democracy in progress.

"The Junta" has never claimed to be a Democracy.

The system Thailand is under is a "Sovereignty". Look it up!

Need help why don't you employ the 14, "students"

Look them up, not a pretty picture.

Article 116 of the constitution,not article 44, was used to arrest these "students" again, Look It Up.

If you need to know what's going on, watch Pyrute (The Junta) every Friday night as he explains things and what is going on the "The Thai People" Subtitles in English. Not the B.S. you read on the forums and news papers.

I have never seen the Thai People having such a feeling of being secure both in there homes and on the streets in my over 45 years as a guest in The Kingdom.

Yes there are incidents, but these incidents happen in any country with70,000,000 people.

By comparison to the majority of the world countries Thailand is the safest and most secure place on earth.

Police states are always the "safest and most secure place on earth".

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Army which has fear of students ... manly and tough.

This country has to get rid off this person. The sooner, the better.

Before too much damage is done.

I agree, however what is the alternative.

Please don't just say democracy, what does that mean in this country that has abused it so badly.

Are there any charismatic moderate, fair minded true leaders waiting in the wings to lead and govern with something that at least resembles democracy as we know it, not what has been sold (almost literally) to the Thai people in the past.

Good leaders are thin on the ground everywhere now, Leaders of all Western countries are just corporate lackeys as far as I can see.

That sir, is down to the Thais to decide, as in the electorate, not the Farangs with opinions, nor the Junta with hidden agendas, but the Thai people themselves.

Doesn't matter what farang's describe what Thailand has, as unless they have a vote, it's got nothing to do with them, it's a mess only Thais themselves can sort.

Democracy is abused indeed, especially when you have a Junta that acts above the laws of the lands and constantly interferes in politics, then nothing is ever going to change.

As for charismatic leaders, unfortunately unless you're of a certain disposition and clique, being able to project yourself as a "future" PM/Leader has been curtailed by the Dinosaurs who currently run the establishment!!

I'm saying the West is in common operation mode. No political visions at least for last decade ... No long-term projects, just slowly going on foot somewhere, course from the past.

How can we expect then that in Thailand will appear some real political leader, democratic party with visions and programme ...

I've talk with many poor people back in Isaan. Thaksin is their hero.

"He helped Isaan. Falang don't understand, because falang lich don't need help"

And when you asked them where is that help, why you live like you live, there's no answer. Maybe it was 1000 thb per vote.

Business elite in Thailand, all red shirt supporters.

People prefer status quo, and that is corruption and nepotism.

The only hope I have is that some Thai immigrants will come back home and change their country.

And last


junta is disaster for this country. Worse then red thieves.

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