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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists


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Deeply sorry, I don't buy any bits unless the forensic evidences are tested by Khunying Pornthip or the Scotland Yards.

Pornthip is Thai,

in Thailand she could be influenced

she could lose her job or more

I am not buying her independence

I don't buy your prejudiced views. What makes you think she can influenced just because she's Thai.

There are plenty of good honest people in Thailand and she is one of them. You obviously don't know anything about her. How can she lose her job? Who is going to sack her? Certainly not the military who I think would be delighted if the police are shown to have made a complete "?#**" up.

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The headman connections are already well known and easy to verify! His power is therefore not limited to "his" island.

Would be so nice if the press would publish something about that! They are not forced to stick to suspects and it would make a great story...

There are single hotels on Koh Samui that are worth more than his entire KT land holdings. He may run Koh Tao like a private fiefdom but I've seen no indication, especially with the first week's trial proceedings, that he has any real power once off the island, well known as you say are his connections.

When you say 'he' - are you referring to just the man himself, or to his brother and other tough guys in his family (literally and figuratively) ?

You're almost comical, Crab, thinking that the value of real estate (a tough guy controls) determines how tough a mafia-like family is.

If you wanna think Samui tough guys are more powerful than Ko Tao tough guys, then go ahead. However, any man who wants to cause harm or threaten someone, can pick up a weapon and go where he wants - to do his mischief, regardless of whether there's mafia involved.

My first 10 years in Asia beginning in the late 1980's was in PRChina where I often worked with communist party officials who could chew these potentates up and spit them out. These guys had 10 months to prepare for a trial and this is what we're getting and all I read on here is you guys saying how powerful this guy is and what high-level connections he has.

Now that is comical.

Edited by JLCrab
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The headman connections are already well known and easy to verify! His power is therefore not limited to "his" island.

Would be so nice if the press would publish something about that! They are not forced to stick to suspects and it would make a great story...

There are single hotels on Koh Samui that are worth more than his entire KT land holdings. He may run Koh Tao like a private fiefdom but I've seen no indication, especially with the first week's trial proceedings, that he has any real power once off the island, well known as you say are his connections.

When you say 'he' - are you referring to just the man himself, or to his brother and other tough guys in his family (literally and figuratively) ?

You're almost comical, Crab, thinking that the value of real estate (a tough guy controls) determines how tough a mafia-like family is.

If you wanna think Samui tough guys are more powerful than Ko Tao tough guys, then go ahead. However, any man who wants to cause harm or threaten someone, can pick up a weapon and go where he wants - to do his mischief, regardless of whether there's mafia involved.

My first 10 years in Asia beginning in the late 1980's was in PRChina where I often worked with communist party officials who could chew these potentates up and spit them out. These guys had 10 months to prepare for a trial and this is what we're getting and all I read on here is you guys saying how powerful this guy is and what high-level connections he has.

Now that is comical.

Just because hes powerful do not assume he is educated or clever, its clear he is not, as is clear the RTP as powerful as they may be are proving themselves to be just as stupid

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For those who don't undrstand the Thainess of this case look at the following with English subtitles available.

Who is that guy...

Seems to know what many of us suspect.

He is Sondhi Limthongkul, a powerful media magnate in Thailand. I believe he was trying to provoke libel actions which would have facilitated real investigation into the murders. It is telling that those accused in this broadcast did not dare take up that challenge. You are correct that he knows more than most about what happened.

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So the guy is powerful and stupid. OK

If some of you guys want to have a go at me, fine. I said months ago that these guys won't be able to pull this off if the B2 are truly non-complicit and a bunch of you had a go at me back then telling me how powerful this guy was and could make things appear or disappear at will.

I'll post the link again if you want.

Edited by JLCrab
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If these two guys are innocent and you have a chief of police who is knee deep in this, then it only means he is in a cover up.

Police are there to protect citizens and bring criminals to justice. iF you have a police chief who is doing differently, who is willing to plant evidence on innocent poor humble people, and enjoy a payoff while poor innocent people face the gallows, then this guy is worst than the worst.

if a police chief will see poor guys die because of money , then the hanging death that face these poor kids are too good for this culprit of a policeman. Hanging is too good for him. And any family of this devil, is not worth living among decent society.

And you Goldbuggy, it seem you too are part of this cover up, this mafia, this corrupt clan. you guys are the scums of society.

At the very start when these deaths occurred and the headman's son nomsod was mentioned, a very small group of people started defending any mention of nomsod

vigorously on the forums not sure of their agenda but it does look like cover up.
Your are correct in being upset if they are part of a cover up and helping to keep two men in jail that 99.9 percent of people feel they are innocent.
It looks very wrong and I hope that the truth is revealed.
Maybe they will later be investigated if proper investigations are ever done and if they are found to have connections and have been assisting in trying to cover a crime maybe action against them would be taken by the investigators.
Since the trial has started and It now looks like the crime scenes has been manipulated the small group has gone quiet but the best thing is don’t respond to them
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When you say 'he' - are you referring to just the man himself, or to his brother and other tough guys in his family (literally and figuratively) ?

You're almost comical, Crab, thinking that the value of real estate (a tough guy controls) determines how tough a mafia-like family is.

If you wanna think Samui tough guys are more powerful than Ko Tao tough guys, then go ahead. However, any man who wants to cause harm or threaten someone, can pick up a weapon and go where he wants - to do his mischief, regardless of whether there's mafia involved.

My first 10 years in Asia beginning in the late 1980's was in PRChina where I often worked with communist party officials who could chew these potentates up and spit them out. These guys had 10 months to prepare for a trial and this is what we're getting and all I read on here is you guys saying how powerful this guy is and what high-level connections he has.

Now that is comical.

I would not dispute your contention that senior communist officials in PRC wield more power than the (allegedly non existent) Koh Tao mafia. It is worth noting, though, that these ghosts seem to have enough clout to scare off the journalists' Thai translators. I guess, being Thai, they are just afraid of ghosts.

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out to you General Payuth Chan (O) Cha - you really need to take a very big interest in this case as the damage to Thailand will be far reaching - something is very wrong with this case and if you want international credit pr even National credit then you need to get involved and start getting were it's at.....the truth, and hold those people who tried to distort justice accountable, show everyone that Thailand is turning a corner and will no longer tolerate these Mafia heads who ruin tourism with their greed and lies and MURDER

I find it quite disturbing that the Prime Minister of the country would state that the Burmese are guilty of the offense before trial and a judge's verdict.

I also find it disturbing that the trial was held in Samui where there could be interference and hence unfair trial.

In the UK, the defense would request and be given a court in an independent county/province or such a high profile case would be held in London - Old Bailey.

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So the guy is powerful and stupid. OK

If some of you guys want to have a go at me, fine. I said months ago that these guys won't be able to pull this off if the B2 are truly non-complicit and a bunch of you had a go at me back then telling me how powerful this guy was and could make things appear or disappear at will.

I'll post the link again if you want.

So the guy is powerful and stupid. OK

IMHO, yes.

If some of you guys want to have a go at me, fine. I said months ago that these guys won't be able to pull this off if the B2 are truly non-complicit and a bunch of you had a go at me back then telling me how powerful this guy was and could make things appear or disappear at will.

In Thailand, money and influence can achieve almost anything. Whether the two Burmese kids get justice will depend solely on the judge. Nothing other than "DNA evidence" (that consists of paper allegations, with no physical samples to back them up) and confessions extracted through torture will be quite enough if the judge decides on conviction.

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The fact is: you can't trust any of the police in this country as well cant trust any authorities as all what they say is just a lie!!!!!!!!!!!

Thailand reminds me more and more of the time i was working and living in communist countries...as a western person working for media...

Oh no there is a big difference: Thais lie and smile to hell!

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The headman connections are already well known and easy to verify! His power is therefore not limited to "his" island.

Would be so nice if the press would publish something about that! They are not forced to stick to suspects and it would make a great story...

There are single hotels on Koh Samui that are worth more than his entire KT land holdings. He may run Koh Tao like a private fiefdom but I've seen no indication, especially with the first week's trial proceedings, that he has any real power once off the island, well known as you say are his connections.

I have excellent, long-standing Thai friends on the islands and can assure you that their family members are scattered on all 3 islands.

They have resorts, hotels, shops, travel agencies, restaurants, transportation- and party business on all three islands (KS, KP, KT).

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In any decent country a mistrial would have been declared already and the police responsible for this farce would have been sacked. Start all over again and if tampered evidence is found then arrest the police responsible, this wont happen of course but it would be a face saver for the judiciary but not for the police or the great general so what will happen, i'm betting on a guilty verdict and to mollify the international press a life sentence instead of the death penalty due to ''humanitarian grounds'' ha ha.

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The headman connections are already well known and easy to verify! His power is therefore not limited to "his" island.

Would be so nice if the press would publish something about that! They are not forced to stick to suspects and it would make a great story...

There are single hotels on Koh Samui that are worth more than his entire KT land holdings. He may run Koh Tao like a private fiefdom but I've seen no indication, especially with the first week's trial proceedings, that he has any real power once off the island, well known as you say are his connections.

I have excellent, long-standing Thai friends on the islands and can assure you that their family members are scattered on all 3 islands.

They have resorts, hotels, shops, travel agencies, restaurants, transportation- and party business on all three islands (KS, KP, KT).

Great -- they should then be able to arrange for this whole thing to go off the tracks and I won't bother to speculate how.But now they've got BBC, SKY News, Reuters, and all camped outside their courthouse so it's showtime for them.

Edited by JLCrab
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Well, time to go. I have seen and heard enough speculation and I don't want to speculate on anything. I am sure that justice well be served in a court of law.

After plodding thru your many speculative long-winded posts, often based on mis-guided assumptions, all I can say to you is, bye bye.

Sorry to retrack my last statement but I just realized the accused were allowed to do this, so why not me. I never said Good Bye to you boomerangutang, and somehow this did not feel right to me. So Good Bye.

May I close my last post here on this subject from a quote from the Good Book (Bible) from Matthew 15:14

"When the blind lead the blind, they both shall fall into the pit"

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What was it you said in an earlier post "I'm just one who is prepared to wait and continue reading the many satirical posts dreamt up by the experts."

Sounds like you've now joined in the many satirical posts you apparently identified.

My little jibe was just a reflection on what he wrote, nothing more, nothing less, so yes a little satire. Being select in what you want to have a dig about? Take the whole post in context and you well know that I was referring to some of the ridiculous theories and scenarios being put forward as objective views and conclusions to this incident.

Edited by Si Thea01
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out to you General Payuth Chan (O) Cha - you really need to take a very big interest in this case as the damage to Thailand will be far reaching - something is very wrong with this case and if you want international credit pr even National credit then you need to get involved and start getting were it's at.....the truth, and hold those people who tried to distort justice accountable, show everyone that Thailand is turning a corner and will no longer tolerate these Mafia heads who ruin tourism with their greed and lies and MURDER

I find it quite disturbing that the Prime Minister of the country would state that the Burmese are guilty of the offense before trial and a judge's verdict.

I also find it disturbing that the trial was held in Samui where there could be interference and hence unfair trial.

In the UK, the defense would request and be given a court in an independent county/province or such a high profile case would be held in London - Old Bailey.

As I recall only hours after the murder while there were fingers pointing and the RTP were going the other way...

A statement (by the PM as I seem to recall) clearly said the perpetrators of this crime were not Thai, this was along time before the B2 were ever on the radar.

Time for the PM to put all friendships on one side, and impose martial law on the Islands to investigate the police and others or lose all creditability...

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So less than 24 hrs after the defense rests its case, the judge(s) will have a verdict in a capital case? That's rather convenient. One would think that there might be points of law brought up by the defense that would require deliberation.

Is it not up to the prosecution to make the case first???

Yes. You are correct. Which I believe is what started a few days ago. It also appears they have twice as much time to present their arguments than the defense.

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So less than 24 hrs after the defense rests its case, the judge(s) will have a verdict in a capital case? That's rather convenient. One would think that there might be points of law brought up by the defense that would require deliberation.

Is it not up to the prosecution to make the case first???

Yes. You are correct. Which I believe is what started a few days ago. It also appears they have twice as much time to present their arguments than the defense.

They need twice as long to try to convince the judge they are telling the truth.

The Defence have a rabbit in the Hat that will shatter their theory..............lol.... u wait and see. Poor old TV server will melt...

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So less than 24 hrs after the defense rests its case, the judge(s) will have a verdict in a capital case? That's rather convenient. One would think that there might be points of law brought up by the defense that would require deliberation.

Is it not up to the prosecution to make the case first???

Yes. You are correct. Which I believe is what started a few days ago. It also appears they have twice as much time to present their arguments than the defense.

They need twice as long to try to convince the judge they are telling the truth.

The Defence have a rabbit in the Hat that will shatter their theory..............lol.... u wait and see. Poor old TV server will melt...

Not as much as if the defense plays their trump card and the accused STILL get convicted.

Given the PM gave his personal endorsement to the investigation, the stakes are high for the current powers that be.

That being said, the stakes are even higher for the accused.


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The only important thing is the proof that the DNA found in Hannah's body belongs to the 2 Burmese. The other elements come only in supplement.

All the rest is barren drivel that does not honor its authors.

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Well, time to go. I have seen and heard enough speculation and I don't want to speculate on anything. I am sure that justice well be served in a court of law.

After plodding thru your many speculative long-winded posts, often based on mis-guided assumptions, all I can say to you is, bye bye.

Sorry to retrack my last statement but I just realized the accused were allowed to do this, so why not me. I never said Good Bye to you boomerangutang, and somehow this did not feel right to me. So Good Bye.

May I close my last post here on this subject from a quote from the Good Book (Bible) from Matthew 15:14

"When the blind lead the blind, they both shall fall into the pit"

If you believe in the good book it explains a lot.

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Even if their profile is present it still doesn't prove they killed her.

The only important thing is the proof that the DNA found in Hannah's body belongs to the 2 Burmese. The other elements come only in supplement.

All the rest is barren drivel that does not honor its authors.

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Well, time to go. I have seen and heard enough speculation and I don't want to speculate on anything. I am sure that justice well be served in a court of law.

After plodding thru your many speculative long-winded posts, often based on mis-guided assumptions, all I can say to you is, bye bye.

Sorry to retrack my last statement but I just realized the accused were allowed to do this, so why not me. I never said Good Bye to you boomerangutang, and somehow this did not feel right to me. So Good Bye.

May I close my last post here on this subject from a quote from the Good Book (Bible) from Matthew 15:14

"When the blind lead the blind, they both shall fall into the pit"

I like the way you put 'Bible' in brackets after the words 'good book' as if we might have thought you meant the kamasutra. Remember 'sudden prayers make god jump'

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Sorry to retrack my last statement but I just realized the accused were allowed to do this, so why not me. I never said Good Bye to you boomerangutang, and somehow this did not feel right to me. So Good Bye.

May I close my last post here on this subject from a quote from the Good Book (Bible) from Matthew 15:14

"When the blind lead the blind, they both shall fall into the pit"

Looking at the willingness of many non Thais to accept the statements of the Thai authorities at face value, I am tempted to quote Matthew 25-38:

You were a stranger and we took you in

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Well, time to go. I have seen and heard enough speculation and I don't want to speculate on anything. I am sure that justice well be served in a court of law.

After plodding thru your many speculative long-winded posts, often based on mis-guided assumptions, all I can say to you is, bye bye.

Sorry to retrack my last statement but I just realized the accused were allowed to do this, so why not me. I never said Good Bye to you boomerangutang, and somehow this did not feel right to me. So Good Bye.

May I close my last post here on this subject from a quote from the Good Book (Bible) from Matthew 15:14

"When the blind lead the blind, they both shall fall into the pit"

Is it safe to come out? Has he really gone??

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out to you General Payuth Chan (O) Cha - you really need to take a very big interest in this case as the damage to Thailand will be far reaching - something is very wrong with this case and if you want international credit pr even National credit then you need to get involved and start getting were it's at.....the truth, and hold those people who tried to distort justice accountable, show everyone that Thailand is turning a corner and will no longer tolerate these Mafia heads who ruin tourism with their greed and lies and MURDER

I find it quite disturbing that the Prime Minister of the country would state that the Burmese are guilty of the offense before trial and a judge's verdict.

I also find it disturbing that the trial was held in Samui where there could be interference and hence unfair trial.

In the UK, the defense would request and be given a court in an independent county/province or such a high profile case would be held in London - Old Bailey.

Why do people keep writing this stuff? "In the UK" this would happen or "in the US the judge would..."

For God's sake TIT!

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Are they reporting this in the local news? Ive not seen it on any nightly news on tv. I wonder why? This is a big case and worthy of coverage. Is it because it was only two farang killed and a couple of lowly burmese guys accused? Or are they under instructions not to make any mention of it?

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