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Joint Chiefs nominee: Russia biggest threat to US security


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Joint Chiefs nominee: Russia biggest threat to US security

WASHINGTON (AP) — Russia poses the world's greatest threat to U.S. national security, President Barack Obama's nominee to lead the military's Joint Chiefs of Staff declared on Thursday. The White House quickly distanced the president from that blunt assessment.

Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford told senators at his confirmation hearing, "If you want to talk about a nation that could pose an existential threat to the United States, I'd have to point to Russia. And if you look at their behavior, it's nothing short of alarming."

The four-star general said there are other threats to the nation, which must be addressed in concert. He pointed to China with its expanding military capability and presence in the Pacific, North Korea with its ballistic missile capability and Islamic State militants.

But he said, "My assessment today ... is that Russia presents the greatest threat to our national security."

At the White House, press secretary Josh Earnest distanced Obama from the assessment, saying Dunford's comments reflected his own view and not necessarily "the consensus analysis of the president's national security team."

Yet Earnest said that much has changed since 2012, when Obama mocked his GOP opponent, Mitt Romney, for calling Russia the top U.S. geopolitical threat. Earnest said Russia's destabilizing actions in Ukraine and "saber-rattling" over its nuclear program and military activities near borders with NATO allies have increased U.S. concerns.

Relations between Russia and the West have sunk to post-Cold War lows after Moscow's annexation of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula and its support for a pro-Russian insurgency in eastern Ukraine. The United States has responded with sanctions, but so far has refrained from providing lethal arms to the Ukrainian forces.

Dunford's comment was exactly what Sen. John McCain, chairman of the Armed Services Committee and a frequent critic of Obama's foreign policy, wanted to hear.

"In Europe, Vladimir Putin's Russia continues its onslaught in Ukraine," said McCain, R-Ariz. "But even as Russian troops and equipment execute this neo-imperial campaign to undermine Ukraine's government and independence, the United States has refused Ukraine the weapons it needs and deserves for its defense."

Dunford agreed with McCain.

"From a military perspective, I think it's reasonable that we provide that support to the Ukrainians," he said. "And frankly, without that kind of support, they're not going to be able to protect themselves against Russian aggression."

The general told the committee that Russia is a nuclear power that not only has the capability to violate the sovereignty of U.S. allies and do things that are inconsistent with U.S. national security interests, but is actually doing so.

However, he also said he thinks it's important to maintain a military-to-military relationship with Russia to improve trust and mitigate the risk of either nation miscalculating the moves of the other.

Dunford, who appeared in the hearing room with his wife and other members of his family, is expected to be confirmed this month.

On another major international issue, Secretary of State John Kerry announced in Vienna — shortly after Dunford testified — that diplomats would miss a midnight Thursday deadline for reaching a nuclear agreement with Iran. The U.S. and its partners are trying to clinch a deal that would restrain Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for relief from economic sanctions.

Dunford said a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a significant national security risk to the U.S., especially if Tehran also had the technology to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles. He said it would be reasonable to assume that Tehran would use revenue from any sanctions relief to further aid Shiite militias in Iraq, the Syrian government of President Bashar Assad and the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Even if there if is no nuclear deal, Dunford said, Iran will continue to be a "malign influence and the most destabilizing element in the Middle East today."

Under questioning, Dunford said the U.S. has the military capability to destroy Iran's nuclear program. He said that by some estimates, about 500 U.S. troops have been killed because of Iranian activities in Afghanistan.

Also on the subject of Afghanistan, he promised to recommend changes in the size and pace of the troop withdrawal there if security worsens. Dunford, who until last year had been serving as the top U.S. commander in the country, said that if the U.S. force in Afghanistan falls to 1,000 in 2017, the counterterrorism mission there would be significantly degraded and the U.S. would risk losing its eyes and ears along the border with Pakistan.

On Syria, Dunford said the 60 trainees the U.S. has in a program to prepare and arm thousands of moderate rebels in the fight against IS militants is a much lower number than expected at this juncture. He attributed the low number to a rigorous vetting process.

Associated Press Writer Josh Lederman contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-10

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It's really difficult to decide which one is the greater threat, Russia or China. Fortunately, the cultural, political and economic systems of both nations are so inherently flawed and corrupt that they'll likely disintegrate on their own. Both nations have a history of doing so.

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Sorry, can not give ten likes to samuibeachcomber.

Trying very hard to be 'not trolling' and 'not inflaming'.

Just a few questions:

1) Obama is trying to distance himself from the stupid public remark. Is he as a POTUS responsible for this kind of crap?

2) Is there anybody in the White House who realises what and who represent the biggest threat to security of USA, Europe and Russia? (and I do not mean Chinese)

3) Russia may be guilty of 'seven deadly sins' but after a statement like this plus the encroachment of NATO forces closer to Russia borders I do not know who is a threat to who.

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Well the joint chiefs of staff have to find an enemy somewhere so why not russia!............I would suggest the real enemy is from within.

I look inward to find the cause of my troubles. I leave others to forecast the weather, qualified or not.

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It's really difficult to decide which one is the greater threat, Russia or China. Fortunately, the cultural, political and economic systems of both nations are so inherently flawed and corrupt that they'll likely disintegrate on their own. Both nations have a history of doing so.

russia may be the greatest threat to america but the reverse is also true

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Sorry, can not give ten likes to samuibeachcomber.

Trying very hard to be 'not trolling' and 'not inflaming'.

Just a few questions:

1) Obama is trying to distance himself from the stupid public remark. Is he as a POTUS responsible for this kind of crap?

2) Is there anybody in the White House who realises what and who represent the biggest threat to security of USA, Europe and Russia? (and I do not mean Chinese)

3) Russia may be guilty of 'seven deadly sins' but after a statement like this plus the encroachment of NATO forces closer to Russia borders I do not know who is a threat to who.

trying very hard to see how disagreeing with the OP could be called flaming or trolling.

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Well the joint chiefs of staff have to find an enemy somewhere so why not russia!............I would suggest the real enemy is from within.

Yes, he has to follow the State Department's neoconservative line. The Kagan family has seized control of foreign policy and after fomenting a coup in Ukraine is using it as a pretext for President Hillary (or maybe President Obama if things work out well) to declare war on Russia. I don't know how this family has maintained their undercover influence since Bush 41, but probably because their parents were Trotskyite Communists and well trained in subversion. They were almost publicly exposed during Bush 43's invasion fiasco, but they managed to go back underground before they were removed from government.

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The reality TV show..."Cold War II" is well underway...

If you look at their behavior, it's nothing short of alarming." (This statement is true of both Russia and the US)

At this very moment...the US is amassing troops and equipment in Russia's neighboring states...

Like two Roosters...posturing for a cock fight...

It would be good for the world...if these boys would grow up and work together for the benefit of all people...

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Prez Obama and SecDef Ashton Carter knew well beforehand everything Gen. Dunsford was going to say during his confirmation hearings before the Senate Armed Services Committee led by Sen John McCain. Indeed, the principal military adviser to the commander in chief is the Secretary of Defense and the principal four-star military officer who advises the CinC is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The past six months USMC Commandant General Joseph Dunsford had been one thousand percent vetted through every stage of the process of selecting the country's top military officer by the Pentagon military brass and its civilian leaders, the National Security Council, Department of Homeland Security (to include CIA frankly), the Office of the President to mean Prez Obama himself who selected Gen Dunsford from the list of three finalists submitted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and SecDef Carter.

Gen. Martin Dempsey of the Army, chairman since 2011 and who retires in September, has made it a point to know every thought wave of Gen Dunsford's military mind.

This is a direct and thumping message to the putz Putin, and it is a definite statement to our Nato allies, the EU as a whole, the CCP Boyz in Beijing, the mullahs in Iran, governments and elites throughout the ME and elsewhere concerning where the United States is now coming from.

Carter is the most hawkish SecDef since Robert McNamara who Carter is averse to emulate in limited proxy regional conflcts. While McNamara had never worked in the Pentagon, Carter has been number two in the Pentagon with a quality list of DoD leadership positions before that. Carter is focused on state to state military conflict as America proceeds into the early 21st century.

General Dunsford is the military man of the present time going forward so Russia just got its wake up call. The ambiguity of the past 15 years over China or Russia has been decided. Putin and his Russia are behind door number one.

Edited by Publicus
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It's really difficult to decide which one is the greater threat, Russia or China. Fortunately, the cultural, political and economic systems of both nations are so inherently flawed and corrupt that they'll likely disintegrate on their own. Both nations have a history of doing so.

Do tell when say in the past 50 years Russia or China invaded another country across few oceans on another continent? since both nations have a history of doing

so or may be when did either of them threaten to do that.?

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It's really difficult to decide which one is the greater threat, Russia or China. Fortunately, the cultural, political and economic systems of both nations are so inherently flawed and corrupt that they'll likely disintegrate on their own. Both nations have a history of doing so.

Do tell when say in the past 50 years Russia or China invaded another country across few oceans on another continent? since both nations have a history of doing

so or may be when did either of them threaten to do that.?

The ruling totalitarian dynasties of Russia over a thousand years have done absolutely nothing for global peace or security or to advance the progress of civilisation.

Russia thinks only of itself to include its period during the 20th century as an actively anti-liberal Marxist-Leninist brutal and menacing dictatorship armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons while its people suffered in neglect and government abuse.

The destructiveness manifests presently in the tsar- commsisar Vladimir Putin and those who support and publicize him.

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It's really difficult to decide which one is the greater threat, Russia or China. Fortunately, the cultural, political and economic systems of both nations are so inherently flawed and corrupt that they'll likely disintegrate on their own. Both nations have a history of doing so.

Do tell when say in the past 50 years Russia or China invaded another country across few oceans on another continent? since both nations have a history of doing

so or may be when did either of them threaten to do that.?

So, it's okay if Russia invades somebody, as long as they share the same continent? Invading, occupying, and dismantling factories and everything that wasn't nailed down and shipping it back to Russia was exactly what happened to the Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, Romanians, Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Bulgarians, et al.

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Cold War 2.0 is on.

Better to face it and quit the denial.

Pick a side. I like the Yanks.

what denial? the whole world knows what kind of behaviour to expect from these two. nothing new here, same old nonsense!

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It's really difficult to decide which one is the greater threat, Russia or China. Fortunately, the cultural, political and economic systems of both nations are so inherently flawed and corrupt that they'll likely disintegrate on their own. Both nations have a history of doing so.

Do tell when say in the past 50 years Russia or China invaded another country across few oceans on another continent? since both nations have a history of doing

so or may be when did either of them threaten to do that.?

The ruling totalitarian dynasties of Russia over a thousand years have done absolutely nothing for global peace or security or to advance the progress of civilisation.

Russia thinks only of itself to include its period during the 20th century as an actively anti-liberal Marxist-Leninist brutal and menacing dictatorship armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons while its people suffered in neglect and government abuse.

The destructiveness manifests presently in the tsar- commsisar Vladimir Putin and those who support and publicize him.

Lol, nice drivel

So again when did Russia or China invade another country or threatened to do so ? On another continent.

PS. U.S. Really cares about others . Iraq and Syria are perfect examples of true care

Edited by konying
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It's really difficult to decide which one is the greater threat, Russia or China. Fortunately, the cultural, political and economic systems of both nations are so inherently flawed and corrupt that they'll likely disintegrate on their own. Both nations have a history of doing so.

Do tell when say in the past 50 years Russia or China invaded another country across few oceans on another continent? since both nations have a history of doing

so or may be when did either of them threaten to do that.?

So, it's okay if Russia invades somebody, as long as they share the same continent? Invading, occupying, and dismantling factories and everything that wasn't nailed down and shipping it back to Russia was exactly what happened to the Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, Romanians, Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Bulgarians, et al.

So the answer would be never ?

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It's really difficult to decide which one is the greater threat, Russia or China. Fortunately, the cultural, political and economic systems of both nations are so inherently flawed and corrupt that they'll likely disintegrate on their own. Both nations have a history of doing so.

Do tell when say in the past 50 years Russia or China invaded another country across few oceans on another continent? since both nations have a history of doing

so or may be when did either of them threaten to do that.?

So, it's okay if Russia invades somebody, as long as they share the same continent? Invading, occupying, and dismantling factories and everything that wasn't nailed down and shipping it back to Russia was exactly what happened to the Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, Romanians, Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Bulgarians, et al.

So the answer would be never ?

Unless you count places like Angola, hmmmm?

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Nobody asked me but, I think China is the US's biggest threat. Putting aside the massive breach of security by Chinese hackers, there's the stickery issue of China taking over Philippine islands. Similar to Russia taking over the Crimea, but as a Thai would say, "same same, but different." The US should push its military weight to the Spratlys to back their buddies, the Fils. Each week they don't do it, is a week enabling the Chinese to pour more concrete, and put in troops and guns.

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It's really difficult to decide which one is the greater threat, Russia or China. Fortunately, the cultural, political and economic systems of both nations are so inherently flawed and corrupt that they'll likely disintegrate on their own. Both nations have a history of doing so.

Do tell when say in the past 50 years Russia or China invaded another country across few oceans on another continent? since both nations have a history of doing

so or may be when did either of them threaten to do that.?

The ruling totalitarian dynasties of Russia over a thousand years have done absolutely nothing for global peace or security or to advance the progress of civilisation.

Russia thinks only of itself to include its period during the 20th century as an actively anti-liberal Marxist-Leninist brutal and menacing dictatorship armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons while its people suffered in neglect and government abuse.

The destructiveness manifests presently in the tsar- commsisar Vladimir Putin and those who support and publicize him.

Lol, nice drivel

So again when did Russia or China invade another country or threatened to do so ? On another continent.

PS. U.S. Really cares about others . Iraq and Syria are perfect examples of true care

Your analogy isn't really relevant. The US is a different construct and consists of many different nationalities. Other than the small number of indigenous Native Americans, all others are immigrants. China is and always has been primarily Chinese. Russia is and always has been primarily Russian. Both have been a menace to their neighbors on numerous occasions.

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Your analogy isn't really relevant. The US is a different construct and consists of many different nationalities. Other than the small number of indigenous Native Americans, all others are immigrants. China is and always has been primarily Chinese. Russia is and always has been primarily Russian. Both have been a menace to their neighbors on numerous occasions.

as has america

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Your analogy isn't really relevant. The US is a different construct and consists of many different nationalities. Other than the small number of indigenous Native Americans, all others are immigrants. China is and always has been primarily Chinese. Russia is and always has been primarily Russian. Both have been a menace to their neighbors on numerous occasions.

as has america

Not so. The US is an immigrant nation. China and Russia are not.

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Foreign policy elites and the military in the US have resolved their past 15 years of ambiguity over whether Russia or the CCP China is behind door number one. It is Russia and the US just flung the door wide open. Over the next several years the US will sever the door from its hinges.

Putin's aggressions in Europe/Eurasia are powerfully reminiscent of the 1930s Europe so now Nato has identified Russia as being behind door number one. The obvious reasons at this time is that Russia is the second military power behind the United States, and that it's behaving in too many ways that Nazi Germany did during the 1930s..

The CCP China and Iran come next, primarily because they are well behind the United States militarily, although the CCP China has developed a cyber theft technology unlike any other adversary of the USA.

While the CCP Boyz in Beijing do carefully pursue Deng Xiao Peng's maxim not to upset the United States and to have sound working relations with the US, Putin goes out of his way to spit in your eye, to ensure his relations with Washington (and Brussels) are as terrible as he can make them to be.

Iran is busy trying to get out of the hole sanctions and isolation have put it in so it has little time to publicly menace Nato countries. Iran is coming out of isolation, Putin is well into being isolated and sanctioned. Iran and Russia are going in opposite directions while the CCP China is chilling in the South China Sea in an effort to recover relations with the US.

It's been noted SecDef Ashton Carter is a hawk among hawks after numerous years at the Pentagon which include Carter having interation with many up and coming and also current senior military commanders, to include a large number now retired. Carter once said the serene Boston native and general who Marine grunts call "Fighting Joe" Dunsford could juggle ping pong balls during a hurricane which is an excellent metaphor for the strategic realities the two face going forward.

Gen Dunsford is a Marine which gives him expertise in the pivot to the Pacific/Asia and also provides standing among the snarling Russian generals due to his ground forces combat command experience in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Sorry, can not give ten likes to samuibeachcomber.

Trying very hard to be 'not trolling' and 'not inflaming'.

Just a few questions:

1) Obama is trying to distance himself from the stupid public remark. Is he as a POTUS responsible for this kind of crap?

2) Is there anybody in the White House who realises what and who represent the biggest threat to security of USA, Europe and Russia? (and I do not mean Chinese)

3) Russia may be guilty of 'seven deadly sins' but after a statement like this plus the encroachment of NATO forces closer to Russia borders I do not know who is a threat to who.

It is more than evident the vast number of Americans have no clue about the unique position of chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who is the chief advisor in uniform to the commander in chief, the SecDef being of course the principal adviser to the CinC in respect of the US military.

Russia is the number one military challenge to the United States as Russia has slightly more nukes, formidable cyber warfare capabilities, a large number of boomer subs with more going online constantly and for many more reasons. Russia is aligned with the CCP China and Iran, and is menacing Europe and Nato in ways not seen since the 1930s.

Gen Dunsford, currently USMC commandant and a member of the JCS, has formidable credentials with the characteristically crotchety and chaffed Russian generals due to Gen Dunsford's considerable combat command experience of units small, medium, large in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Political extremists could moderate themselves by refocusing away from their obsessions to the normal business of military affairs, national security, affairs of state.

Edited by Publicus
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