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Foreigners Feeling No Long Welcome In Thailand


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We as foreigners have never been wanted here in Thailand…only the monetary assets that we can drop on the table before we fly back out.

I saw a massive change in Thai attitude in the early 90’s as more foreigners were arriving and spending more…more angry Thai men because you were with their girls, and understandably they did not have the cash to compete against a brash European.

Thai Rak Thai was not made as a joke, it was a direct front to Foreigners coming to Thailand then investing into sectors the Thai elite did not approve of…hence not Thai Rak Tuk Khun.

I have seen some truly terrible things due to Thai jealousy…normally a bottle or an astray in the back of the head and some violently much worse.

Those with their heads in the clouds who say how wonderful these people are and how we are wanted and loved must be wearing rose tinted specks…Thailand the land of smile…The biggest cliché ever

But go on shot me down and give the pathetic ‘go home if you don’t like it” answer; those are only fooling themselves…as the day always comes around when they too feel the unwanted attitude…whether when they are being told by some Thai official to go home if they don’t like, after being ripped off in a business deal or being blamed for a road accident just because you were at the scene and helped a victim? Or walking around one of the large retail shops… noticing the sly looks you get…I’m talking about the Thai guy in his mid twenty’s that would quite happily put a knife in your back

If you weren’t here the accident would never have happened …just like all that terrible money you made us take…We have never been wanted here. :D

well mate, :o

thats really sticking the knife into the thais isn't it. :D

the, " go home if you dont like " it is a long way from being pathetic.

this statement is in fact a truism as its absurd to stay in a place if you dont like it.

ive travelled extensively and can tell you that there's places i would not piss on but i truly love los as ive seen it all here and know its light years away from being perfect.

actually some of the things that happen here are shocking but i choose to concentrate on its very good points and never complain about its bad points as my home country has some bad points as well.

im sorry, but ive only been coming here since 1987 so i think ive got a bit of experience with the thai people and there psycie.

as i have said before, there are many downfalls for johnny punter but once you have got them nailed you can have a brilliant time in los living a very nice life.

i just dont understand why anyone would stay here or even visit here if they dont like it.

its just a nonsense and a total waste of money to do so.

posts like yours confuse me and i see no point in your posts at all .

why even bother spending your time typing them out.

going down the pub would have to be a better idea surely so ?

any way,

have a nice day.

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We as foreigners have never been wanted here in Thailand…only the monetary assets that we can drop on the table before we fly back out.

I saw a massive change in Thai attitude in the early 90’s as more foreigners were arriving and spending more…more angry Thai men because you were with their girls, and understandably they did not have the cash to compete against a brash European.

Thai Rak Thai was not made as a joke, it was a direct front to Foreigners coming to Thailand then investing into sectors the Thai elite did not approve of…hence not Thai Rak Tuk Khun.

I have seen some truly terrible things due to Thai jealousy…normally a bottle or an astray in the back of the head and some violently much worse.

Those with their heads in the clouds who say how wonderful these people are and how we are wanted and loved must be wearing rose tinted specks…Thailand the land of smile…The biggest cliché ever

But go on shot me down and give the pathetic ‘go home if you don’t like it” answer; those are only fooling themselves…as the day always comes around when they too feel the unwanted attitude…whether when they are being told by some Thai official to go home if they don’t like, after being ripped off in a business deal or being blamed for a road accident just because you were at the scene and helped a victim? Or walking around one of the large retail shops… noticing the sly looks you get…I’m talking about the Thai guy in his mid twenty’s that would quite happily put a knife in your back

If you weren’t here the accident would never have happened …just like all that terrible money you made us take…We have never been wanted here. :D

well mate, :o

thats really sticking the knife into the thais isn't it. :D

the, " go home if you dont like " it is a long way from being pathetic.

this statement is in fact a truism as its absurd to stay in a place if you dont like it.

ive travelled extensively and can tell you that there's places i would not piss on but i truly love los as ive seen it all here and know its light years away from being perfect.

actually some of the things that happen here are shocking but i choose to concentrate on its very good points and never complain about its bad points as my home country has some bad points as well.

im sorry, but ive only been coming here since 1987 so i think ive got a bit of experience with the thai people and there psycie.

as i have said before, there are many downfalls for johnny punter but once you have got them nailed you can have a brilliant time in los living a very nice life.

i just dont understand why anyone would stay here or even visit here if they dont like it.

its just a nonsense and a total waste of money to do so.

posts like yours confuse me and i see no point in your posts at all .

why even bother spending your time typing them out.

going down the pub would have to be a better idea surely so ?

any way,

have a nice day.

I was confused for a sec, I thought you wrote that Terry 57 then I seen you reply? there is a few terry's here..

Are you the Aussie Terry??

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So Sad now about Thailand.

extensions and visa fees gone up by 400%. no long 3 million investment enough. no lon 400,000 in a thai bank for them to keep when we die enough.

Then the 30 day visa kickout.

Next more bad news, more unwelcome messages.

I'm not really welcome here.

Having been coming to Thailand at least twice per year since 1986 - I do feel there is some truth in this. Gradually Thai people have beome less friendy - the certainly have become more aggressive in trying to remove ones currency. I have particulary noticed the attitude change in terms of hotel staff and people who perceive themselves to be important. The people who work in currency exchange booths are getting more rude every time I visit. This is just probably the way of things as a country grows and develops the people change. A pity really because I can remember when everyone had a smile.

I really fell that this is a bunch of cr*p and I've been here as long as The Philosopher. There were plenty of nasty, rude "important" Thais in Thai Embassies, Immigration, on the border and elsewhere when I first came here, and, if anything, these "important" people have gotten much more polite over the years.

As far as Thais having "become more aggressive in trying to remove ones currency", that is not true either. Just one example, I can remember when a farang couldn't go into a Department Store without the staff following, and bothering the heck out of them every step they took. It is a lot better now.

THESE are the good old days! :D

yes, fair enough comment mr G and i'll just expand a little bit further on this subject.

now if one has a bad attitutude or is afraid of the thai's they will pick up on that just like any other person in any other country on this earth.

i suggest that all the people that slam los have the said bad attitude and bring the bad karma onto them selves.

if i pick up a bad attitude from a falang or a thai i just move along as there's lots of very good people to associate with.

i always try to project a happy, positive and confident disposition and its never failed me yet.

maybe some of the naisayers should give it a crack.

what say you mr G.

cheers :o

one last point people,

there's a <deleted> load of farang running around los having a brilliant time so it cant be that bad can it. :D

elementary dear watson.

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Terry 57 is the good-hearted Aussie lad. :D

mr G,

you are right on the money there my good friend as there is only one terry57 and will only ever be one terry57.

do me a favour please and tune old donzzy in as he's a tad behind the times on some issue's.

working out all those one liners confuses him. :o

no offence donz.

cricky's mate these whinging posters sure do give me the willy's but there no match for me and you cobber.

cheers mr G. :D

p.s we will stick up for the old los until the next millinium and beyond. :D

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No place is worse then dealing with the immigration office in Sydney.

Thailand would have to beat it by a country mile when it comes to sevice. I had the lady at the front office saying she was gonna put my fiance in a detention centre and I told her I was going to knock her block off if she doesnt <deleted>. Waiting in like for ages you see them all treating all the customers like there nothing but scum.

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Terry 57 is the good-hearted Aussie lad. :D

mr G,

you are right on the money there my good friend as there is only one terry57 and will only ever be one terry57.

do me a favour please and tune old donzzy in as he's a tad behind the times on some issue's.

working out all those one liners confuses him. :o

no offence donz.

cricky's mate these whinging posters sure do give me the willy's but there no match for me and you cobber.

cheers mr G. :D

p.s we will stick up for the old los until the next millinium and beyond. :D

hey crikey,

So ive only just now started to get on your nerves?


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No place is worse then dealing with the immigration office in Sydney.

Thailand would have to beat it by a country mile when it comes to sevice. I had the lady at the front office saying she was gonna put my fiance in a detention centre and I told her I was going to knock her block off if she doesnt <deleted>. Waiting in like for ages you see them all treating all the customers like there nothing but scum.

i'll back the donzzy up on this one as the australian immigration are truly power hungry nazi's who rule with an iron fist.

i also have dealt with them and if i seen the said person on the street there would be trouble.

a true nazi straight from hitlers regime. :D

a disgrace to us good aussie's.

thailand is a dream compared to some of these so called immagration officers. :o

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I was in Laos recently, and I notice a big difference between the friendliness of people in Thailand and the people in Laos. The drivers in Laos weren't as friendly and as chatty as they were in Thailand. (less smiles, less chitchats.... but in fairness, they were very businesslike.)

I felt the same when I went out for a walk, ate at an Italian and Mexican restaurant, and when I went to the market.

I was glad to get back to Bangkok!

Ahhhhhhhhh. Ya'all are talking about somethin else! Whoops Forehead! Sorry been drinkin too much!

Edited by GracelessFawn
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Terry 57 is the good-hearted Aussie lad. :D

mr G,

you are right on the money there my good friend as there is only one terry57 and will only ever be one terry57.

do me a favour please and tune old donzzy in as he's a tad behind the times on some issue's.

working out all those one liners confuses him. :o

no offence donz.

cricky's mate these whinging posters sure do give me the willy's but there no match for me and you cobber.

cheers mr G. :D

p.s we will stick up for the old los until the next millinium and beyond. :D

hey crikey,

So ive only just now started to get on your nerves?



if you are going to quote me get it frigging right mate.

i never say crickey. :D

its bloody cricky's for frig sake. :D


and you must remember there is only one terry57. :D

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I was in Laos recently, and I notice a big difference between the friendliness of people in Thailand and the people in Laos. The drivers in Laos weren't as friendly and as chatty as they were in Thailand. (less smiles, less chitchats.... but in fairness, they were very businesslike.)

I felt the same when I went out for a walk, ate at an Italian and Mexican restaurant, and when I went to the market.

I was glad to get back to Bangkok!

Ahhhhhhhhh. Ya'all are talking about somethin else! Whoops Forehead! Sorry been drinkin too much!

cricky's miss fawn,

you are looking cracking gorgeous tonight and must be fighting the fella's off with a very large instrument. :D

just make sure you dont let any old punter crack on to you please as it would break my bleeding heart. :D

ive got to go as im getting very excited here looking at your beautiful self.

bye bye my lovely. :o


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No place is worse then dealing with the immigration office in Sydney.

Thailand would have to beat it by a country mile when it comes to sevice. I had the lady at the front office saying she was gonna put my fiance in a detention centre and I told her I was going to knock her block off if she doesnt <deleted>. Waiting in like for ages you see them all treating all the customers like there nothing but scum.

I can't wait for Donz to start dealing with Thai bureaucracy in great detail

I can't wait for Donz to start dealing with Thai bureaucracy in great detail

I can't wait for Donz to start dealing with Thai bureaucracy in great detail

I can't wait for Donz to start dealing with Thai bureaucracy in great detail

I can't wait for Donz to start dealing with Thai bureaucracy in great detail

I can't wait for Donz to start dealing with Thai bureaucracy in great detail

It would be fun to watch . . . be sure to take your bloodpressuer pills. . . :o

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cricky's miss fawn,

you are looking cracking gorgeous tonight and must be fighting the fella's off with a very large instrument. :D

just make sure you dont let any old punter crack on to you please as it would break my bleeding heart. :D

ive got to go as im getting very excited here looking at your beautiful self.

bye bye my lovely. :o


Hahahahhahaaa. I will buy you beer, Terry!

You see fellows, I'm just tryin' to prove that Thailand will welcome you! (kidding...)

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cricky's miss fawn,

you are looking cracking gorgeous tonight and must be fighting the fella's off with a very large instrument. :D

just make sure you dont let any old punter crack on to you please as it would break my bleeding heart. :D

ive got to go as im getting very excited here looking at your beautiful self.

bye bye my lovely. :D


Hahahahhahaaa. I will buy you beer, Terry!

You see fellows, I'm just tryin' to prove that Thailand will welcome you! (kidding...)

you just make sure you buy me the larger miss fawn and not waste the lovely amber fluid on these other punters ok. :D

they dont respect your brilliant self like i do and dont deserve to be in your honerable presence. :D

respect to your femininity always :D

the one and only terry57. :o

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I think also, many of the long time 'tourists' in this country, overevaluate the real imput they give to the Thai economy.

A TV set here, a fridge there, maybe a house, a car, furniture, 6 bottles of beer a day, cigs Ok it all adds up. But you really don't pay into the economy a significantly larger amount than most of the population of Bangkok.

Well if 100.000 farangs built a one million baht house that the average thai can only dream of, which took 150 days to built, that gave x years of work to x thai workers, plus buying all the materials, but it only means a drop of water in the economic sea of Thailand. You are probably right? :o

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"and the retirement visa is still cheap ... a one time deposit of 800k and then top it up annually ..."

for the record: you can use up the money during the year. an 800k statement is needed only when you renew your retirement visa. at least that's the procedure at Pattaya Immigration. hwever, rumour has it that in future you bank account has to show THB 2 million.

question: has anyone of you ever paid income tax? all local farangs tell me that there is no such thing and i should not wake seeping dogs by filing an annual tax return (which i am planning to do).

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"I think also, many of the long time 'tourists' in this country, overevaluate the real imput they give to the Thai economy."

i (most humbly) beg to differ. recently i finished building a THB 22 million home, bought two cars, employ a live-in housemaid, a gardener and a driver for my wife; all ot them full time.

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"Any money you spend in Thailand is input into the economy and is just as beneficial as someone paying taxes"

i fully agree BUT i'd hate to run into any problems with the tax authorities. as my offshore income is not taxable and i am supposed to pay taxes only on the amount i am bringing into Thailand i can bloody well afford to pay a few thousand dollars per annum in taxes. in both the countries i lived before i had to pay a multiple. moreover, the much lower cost of living compensates by far.

but my question is still not answered. how do you chaps handle the tax issue or do you just forget about it?

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Oh my............ Yet another thread about how the poor Farang feels so unwelcome and discriminated against..........

Reminds me of some of my black pals who protest against being stopped by the police for a spot check, they say, " Hey, you're only stopping me cos I'm black ", the fact that 100 white people got stopped at the same checkpoint passes them by.

Lets put it this way, if you was as discriminated against on the same level as an Asian guy in some small town in UK, then you would no doubt have left Thailand by now. Discrimination.....try being Asian in UK, then you can talk of discrimination.

And as for the fools that think they put so much into the Thai economy and expect a reward, I'm sure you do it for perfectly unselfish reasons, so why expect preferential treatment?

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i (most humbly) beg to differ. recently i finished building a THB 22 million home, bought two cars, employ a live-in housemaid, a gardener and a driver for my wife; all ot them full time.

Haha...................yet another Millionaire on Thai Visa.

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"I think also, many of the long time 'tourists' in this country, overevaluate the real imput they give to the Thai economy."

i (most humbly) beg to differ. recently i finished building a THB 22 million home, bought two cars, employ a live-in housemaid, a gardener and a driver for my wife; all ot them full time.

err, umm, :D

dr naam, :D

can i ask you 2 questions please ?

1. have you got a spare room at your place ?

2. any chance of a loan my good friend ?

thanks doc, :D

cheers :o

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No place is worse then dealing with the immigration office in Sydney.

Thailand would have to beat it by a country mile when it comes to sevice. I had the lady at the front office saying she was gonna put my fiance in a detention centre and I told her I was going to knock her block off if she doesnt <deleted>. Waiting in like for ages you see them all treating all the customers like there nothing but scum.

I can't wait for Donz to start dealing with Thai bureaucracy in great detail

I can't wait for Donz to start dealing with Thai bureaucracy in great detail

I can't wait for Donz to start dealing with Thai bureaucracy in great detail

I can't wait for Donz to start dealing with Thai bureaucracy in great detail

I can't wait for Donz to start dealing with Thai bureaucracy in great detail

I can't wait for Donz to start dealing with Thai bureaucracy in great detail

It would be fun to watch . . . be sure to take your bloodpressuer pills. . . :o

Im sure they will be alot better then here.

Im quiet confident that everything in thailand till the ants arent as bad as you make it all out to be.

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~G~, the point is that I have zero interest in engaging in real-estate! Our hotel is on long-term rented land. But the recent imposition of the company regs puts companies involved in hotel ownership into the same group as companies involved in real-estate, (ie buying/selling land or property).

Anyway, we have decided that the hotel will have to be in my wife's name only. I will then have to make a new Thai company which will engage in software etc. So I will get my WP and pay taxes for this software company.

My plan was to use the hotel project as something which would benefit my PR application. (ie - I had invested x million baht in a hotel for disabled tourists which brings income into Thailand AND does some social good by helping disabled tourists and Thais to have a nice holiday etc). With my name not appearing on this hotel venture at all, I assume that it's presence will count as nothing for my PR application.


As far as I understand, the amount of tax you paid in Thailand will be a significant issue in the PR application. I assume your software company can provide services to the Hotel and you can withdraw a significant amount of your income as a salary from that company...

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I told her I was going to knock her block off if she doesnt <deleted>

Donz . . . may I suggest you don'y try this in Thailand despite the fact that your frustration level will be severely tested.

Mate, I never said everything here is bad nor that many things here are bad - some you will even get used to . . . others will make your blood boil . . .

Move to Thailand and experience this lovely culture, which it is - and all that comes with it.

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Thailand is great to live if you can tolerate a bunch of lying cheating chisselers who are always trying to cheat you in some way .Not all are like that but putting up with it year after year is a burden .It helps if you are thick skinned and are willing to laugh it all off ,especially the double and triple pricing.

But having to tolerate the cheating long term does wear down a lot of people.

Back home they know that when they get up in the morning 3+3 =6. or 5+5=10, but in LOS the answer can be anything they choose it to be at your disadvantage ,usually.

As I live in Kuta, Bali, the touts can get to me at times. I think this is because they deliberately try to get to me.

I'm reminded of a bully I used to work beside at a Bistro, way back in time and space, in Canada. He was the chef, and I waited tables. He would get off on trying to bring me down, with various and constant emotional manipulations. Little insults, controlling behaviours. On days when my mood was unconquerably bright, he didn't bother to even try to emotionally attack me. I've found the same with street touts. At the times when I most want them to leave me alone, they will twist the knife harder. Once I was trying to avoid a very rude tout, and he would not leave me be, so I ran around and away from him. This was like putting blood in the water, and a nearby guy came in to bite. "What you looking for?", he demanded. As if it wasn't plain that I was running away from another tout. As if my whole body was a question that he was waiting to answer with his "help". "Peace and quiet". I answered. "Oh! You can't have!", he informed me. He seemed to think that the ground of Bali belongs to the Balinese, and possibly also other Indonesians, and I was in the way of his right to the money that was hovering over this ground, that happened to be in my wallet.

The fact that I live here in Bali doesn't give me any rights of existing, of having my own space. My space is seen as something they can get inside, at their will, because I'm not from 'round here.

I think we aren't seen as quite human. We are Farang. A resource and an inconvenience, with no rights to exist in their space.

Edited by jamman
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