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Will Thai lose international to US and Europe?


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I fly United and EVA (both STAR alliance) in/out of USA and sometimes use travel awards. When doing so I often get offered Thai Air legs-routing either thru NRT or Europe. Has anybody heard of Thai losing routes to the West? I don't know if I should book even a free award flight if its going to fall apart on me later this year. This could be a bummer for lots of TV members. Info anyone?

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I suspect the answer will be no however you kind of feel the country really needs something dramatic to happen to make them realise their responsibilities and duties as part of the international community.

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I don't think there's any way to address the OP's concerns. Will have to wait for ICAO, EASA and FAA (and perhaps JCAB) final rulings/reports.

I might stay away from award bookings involving TG, assuming there are reasonable alternatives available?

In other news...TG to end service to LAX and Rome

Thai Airways will end its four-times weekly service to Los Angeles in October, its sole US route.
Last winter, the carrier operated a B777-300ER on the Bangkok-Seoul Incheon-LAX route on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays as flights TG692/693. This summer season a four-times weekly B777-200ER service plies the route.
But from October 25, Thai Airways will no longer fly to Los Angeles.
On the same date, the airline is also cancelling its Bangkok-Rome service, reports airlineroute.net.
B747-400 flights TG944/945 currently operate four-times weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
The cutbacks follow Thai Airways' decision to halve flight frequency to both London Heathrow and Frankfurt this summer (see news, February 16).
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I find it mind boggling that a government faced with 7% of its GDP under threat* is not jumping through hoops trying to solve the problems!

* I realise that Thai's 41 registered airlines are not the only planes that bring people into the LoS... but yikes!

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If they are moved to a second tier rating, TG will only be able to serve their current routes using the same equipment. They will not be able to change equipment or add new flights. This was the case with Philippines when they were tier two, until they regained tier one status last year. So if TG do drop their LAX service, they will not be able to restart it until they have regained a tier one rating from US FAA.

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I suspect the answer will be no however you kind of feel the country really needs something dramatic to happen to make them realise their responsibilities and duties as part of the international community.

Well, kids learns late, like after 20, Thais never grows older than 13. Enigma and stigmata.

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They will never learn how to run an opperation like Thai Airways. It takes a special skill and a strong leadership, there are no Thai candidates who can do this, they need to engage a top recruiting company to find someone international.

The government should and must keep their nose out of Thai Airways, and our good General PM should order the Thai Air CEO to

Stop giving free flights to all government personel and any other people, the government can pay their for their ministers that go away on government bustiness, the free bees have to stop no other airline does it.

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A source at the Thai DCA said it's going to take years to get the DCA in order. Some ex-CASA (Australia’s DCA) guys are coming next month. Apparently there are no 380, 787 and 777 inspectors in the whole of Thailand.

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They will never learn how to run an opperation like Thai Airways. It takes a special skill and a strong leadership, there are no Thai candidates who can do this, they need to engage a top recruiting company to find someone international.

The government should and must keep their nose out of Thai Airways, and our good General PM should order the Thai Air CEO to

Stop giving free flights to all government personel and any other people, the government can pay their for their ministers that go away on government bustiness, the free bees have to stop no other airline does it.

China Airlines, Vietnam Airlines, Korean Airlines all give their govt officials free flights for official business - just try to get a business class ticket from Honolulu to Hawaii around Xmas. on Korean Air.

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They will never learn how to run an opperation like Thai Airways. It takes a special skill and a strong leadership, there are no Thai candidates who can do this, they need to engage a top recruiting company to find someone international.

Thailand is now reaping the not-so-just awards of believing and promoting a system that promoted people based upon connections, or perceived sakdina, and not upon ability. This system extended across sectors, secondary schools, universities, Chulachomklao Military School, you name it because I am not allowed to name all of it, the unqualified spawn of the wealthy are now blindly leading the country over the edge into the abyss. And it only goes down from here as can be seen in the youngest generation of spawn, or at least those who don't go into self-imposed exile to Singapore to escape responsibility.
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It wasn't that long ago that anyone coming on here complaining about Thai Airways was rounded on by all and sundry accusing them of 'Thai Bashing'.

Thai Airways service has been way short of reasonable expectations for at least 20 years.

Had they been a commercial airline, and not a government project, they'd have gone out of business a long while back.

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  • 1 month later...

I share the OP's situation and have been watching with the same concern. It has not been very long since United folded up its service desk at BKK; now they sell flights on the same routes but they are "operated by" ANA or other STAR companies. I booked a reward out of BKK for this next spring with United; its is ANA to NRT and IAH. It appears that United still owns the routes but they are just keeping a status quo.

The issue with TG and other Th airlines is different--I think they are living on thin ice there, but I'm just concerned with MY flights.

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But the BKK-ICN-LAX route that followed was not so great. Using 777-200ERs with 2-2-2 seats that do not fully recline in business class and with the very average food service, there are many better alternatives that even cost less than TG. Not surprising that they are dropping this route as they cannot compete with the likes of other Star Alliance carriers doing connections to LAX, such as Asiana, ANA, and EVA. Even United is better, with new 787-900s doing NRT-LAX, modern fully reclining business class and much better food service in C class.

Edited by bubba
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