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Little bit of help about a Thai lady

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have only been here a few years, so I have not been privy to all the many ways of Thai ladies...other than to avoid bargirls like what they are..diseased dogs of the largest order of stupid possible.

If I wanted to throw my money away sure, if I wanted to have a clingy disease infested dog, I would simply pickup the nearest soi dog for free and bring it home. besides they have sticky fingers as a few of you on here know.

Right well I'm not a fan of bargirls either but I draw the line way before describing them as "disease-infested dogs".

Most take care of themselves down there since it's one of the few things they have to offer a man.

Is it possible that the object of your desire picked up on your misogynistic tendencies?

Spot on!

I have no respect for them but calling them diseased is way too harsh

They are providing a service for cash. Just like any other business.

They make a choice and face the consequences of their choices (alabeit some think they deserve to be treated like mother theresa)

If they are such low lives what makes the people who use them?!?!?!

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have only been here a few years, so I have not been privy to all the many ways of Thai ladies...other than to avoid bargirls like what they are..diseased dogs of the largest order of stupid possible.

If I wanted to throw my money away sure, if I wanted to have a clingy disease infested dog, I would simply pickup the nearest soi dog for free and bring it home. besides they have sticky fingers as a few of you on here know.

Right well I'm not a fan of bargirls either but I draw the line way before describing them as "disease-infested dogs".

Most take care of themselves down there since it's one of the few things they have to offer a man.

Is it possible that the object of your desire picked up on your misogynistic tendencies?

Spot on!

I have no respect for them but calling them diseased is way too harsh

They are providing a service for cash. Just like any other business.

They make a choice and face the consequences of their choices (alabeit some think they deserve to be treated like mother theresa)

If they are such low lives what makes the people who use them?!?!?!

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The little of the thai culture I have seen in my few years here does not make me an all knowing expert about what is acceptable and what is too forward or as some of you have so nicely put it..pervy way. I had already been out to coffee and even a dinner with her. So it was not coming from out of the blue and we were completely alone when I expressed my feelings towards her. In any case I did finally get a reply and it was just a lets be friends reply from her. While I know some of you are barflies and just riding the easy train...some of you actually are in normal(or as normal as relationship with thai women get.) relationships/married to non-bargirls. so just asking about thai behavior is not an odd thing to ask on this forum even for a first time post. I have read thai visa for awhile so its not a sudden discovery and a need to share or something. Just asking for genuine advice about something that struck me as odd and beyond my knowledge of thai culture. I have already seen pots about car insurance..tabs..ect so why would I post about that? I didn't see a post similar to this one on the boards so I went ahead and created a new one. That being said thanks to those who gave a real reply, to the rest of you negative nancies, jog on as you English are so fond of saying.

brewsterbudgen >Bargirls are a far safer bet.

If I wanted to throw my money away sure, if I wanted to have a clingy disease infested dog, I would simply pickup the nearest soi dog for free and bring it home. besides they have sticky fingers as a few of you on here know.

you were doing well until the last bit...you really got down to the same level of the negative nancies

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sounds like she has gone real shy for some reason mate. it's a shame that you wanted to move to the next stage, but in the end it seems to have spoiled the friendship a little.

at least you tried, and you now know that things may not be that simple. as is said above, move on, bar girls, play hard to get etc etc

good luck mate (oh and you may have also learned, never ask for love advice on the cynical board of TV) :)

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The little of the thai culture I have seen in my few years here does not make me an all knowing expert about what is acceptable and what is too forward or as some of you have so nicely put it..pervy way. I had already been out to coffee and even a dinner with her. So it was not coming from out of the blue and we were completely alone when I expressed my feelings towards her. In any case I did finally get a reply and it was just a lets be friends reply from her. While I know some of you are barflies and just riding the easy train...some of you actually are in normal(or as normal as relationship with thai women get.) relationships/married to non-bargirls. so just asking about thai behavior is not an odd thing to ask on this forum even for a first time post. I have read thai visa for awhile so its not a sudden discovery and a need to share or something. Just asking for genuine advice about something that struck me as odd and beyond my knowledge of thai culture. I have already seen pots about car insurance..tabs..ect so why would I post about that? I didn't see a post similar to this one on the boards so I went ahead and created a new one. That being said thanks to those who gave a real reply, to the rest of you negative nancies, jog on as you English are so fond of saying.

brewsterbudgen >Bargirls are a far safer bet.

If I wanted to throw my money away sure, if I wanted to have a clingy disease infested dog, I would simply pickup the nearest soi dog for free and bring it home. besides they have sticky fingers as a few of you on here know.

I agree with you full hole-heartedly, why not post someting about this. But do not be disappointed, these guys that are so damn disrespectful, and have their stupid comments about you, they are just pricks, and they do not matter at all.... They were failures back home, and probably big failures here too.

Roll on, life is full of mistakes, and it most of the times takes one, to get it right in the end.

Good luck


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Thank you to those who sent real replies instead of the negative/bashing comments. She already replied no to anything more than friends. By the way for those who said it was out of the blue, I have been informally dating her for months, all I asked was for some serious commitment on her part. So thank you for the pervy, fat, ugly and other colourful comments. I am not any of these things, but i doubt you care either way. Moving on...oh and I ready know about car tabs, insurance..ect for here in thailand so no my first post wouldn't be about something I already know about. I have only been here a few years, so I have not been privy to all the many ways of Thai ladies...other than to avoid bargirls like what they are..diseased dogs of the largest order of stupid possible.

Sorry to hear she turned you down. Hopefully you'll still be friends.

However, I am confused by the 'informally dating' statement.... I will never understand guys who spend more than 1 or 2 dates before at least making out with a woman, but I am presuming from what you said that you hadn't even reached the hand holding stage with this woman despite so called dating for months.

If a girl I meet isn't ready to at least hold hands by the end of the first date then I know she isn't interested, by the end of the second I expect a proper sustained kiss and by the third willingness to come home with me (not necessarily for full blown sex; but a good make out session at least, seeing as they won't do that in public here).

What do you do if after weeks or months of 'dating' you do get her home and naked only to find she's not as great looking undressed? I've seen plenty of women who looked awesome clothed but naked looked less than great.

I guess it might depend how old you and she are, as to whether that matters to you.

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Thank you to those who sent real replies instead of the negative/bashing comments. She already replied no to anything more than friends. By the way for those who said it was out of the blue, I have been informally dating her for months, all I asked was for some serious commitment on her part. So thank you for the pervy, fat, ugly and other colourful comments. I am not any of these things, but i doubt you care either way. Moving on...oh and I ready know about car tabs, insurance..ect for here in thailand so no my first post wouldn't be about something I already know about. I have only been here a few years, so I have not been privy to all the many ways of Thai ladies...other than to avoid bargirls like what they are..diseased dogs of the largest order of stupid possible.

If intelligent ladies are not attracted to you, maybe time to reconsider bargirls.

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The little of the thai culture I have seen in my few years here does not make me an all knowing expert about what is acceptable and what is too forward or as some of you have so nicely put it..pervy way. I had already been out to coffee and even a dinner with her. So it was not coming from out of the blue and we were completely alone when I expressed my feelings towards her. In any case I did finally get a reply and it was just a lets be friends reply from her. While I know some of you are barflies and just riding the easy train...some of you actually are in normal(or as normal as relationship with thai women get.) relationships/married to non-bargirls. so just asking about thai behavior is not an odd thing to ask on this forum even for a first time post. I have read thai visa for awhile so its not a sudden discovery and a need to share or something. Just asking for genuine advice about something that struck me as odd and beyond my knowledge of thai culture. I have already seen pots about car insurance..tabs..ect so why would I post about that? I didn't see a post similar to this one on the boards so I went ahead and created a new one. That being said thanks to those who gave a real reply, to the rest of you negative nancies, jog on as you English are so fond of saying.

brewsterbudgen >Bargirls are a far safer bet.

If I wanted to throw my money away sure, if I wanted to have a clingy disease infested dog, I would simply pickup the nearest soi dog for free and bring it home. besides they have sticky fingers as a few of you on here know.

Add to this, the comment about bargirls being "...diseased dogs of the largest order of stupid possible." and it looks like someone had a bad experience (or several) with a bargirl.

Your posts seem quite well composed, and genuine, until you start spitting bile about bargirls.

Perhaps that's why the pretty girl did a runner when your true feelings for her were revealed?

Edited by sean in udon
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It really looks like she could be in a relationship and has kept it to herself.

If you get the chance to talk to her just say how sorry you are to impose on her. If she was interested I am sure she would have given you a little smile.

Forget it now mate, just let it go and you must not show any interest in her again. Asian females have beliefs in old traditions etc you may have crossed the "no entry gate"

Sorry about that.

You never know she may come around after you show no interest any more.

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Thank you to those who sent real replies instead of the negative/bashing comments. She already replied no to anything more than friends. By the way for those who said it was out of the blue, I have been informally dating her for months, all I asked was for some serious commitment on her part. So thank you for the pervy, fat, ugly and other colourful comments. I am not any of these things, but i doubt you care either way. Moving on...oh and I ready know about car tabs, insurance..ect for here in thailand so no my first post wouldn't be about something I already know about. I have only been here a few years, so I have not been privy to all the many ways of Thai ladies...other than to avoid bargirls like what they are..diseased dogs of the largest order of stupid possible.

Sorry about what happened to you, but asking this type of a question on TV? You don't have buds there to bounce this off of?

This to me sounds like embarrassment on her part, and she does not know how to handle it. The worst thing you can do is pursue it, just act as if nothing happened then move on. This puppy dog or pouring out your heart sillyness doesn't work there. BTW, sounds like she did you a favour, as imagine how she is in a relationship.

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At work - completely wrong place here to make love proposals.

If there also feelings from her side would be there,

What do you expect?

Hugs and deep french kisses on the school campus?

Sorry, but that's really amateurish - not elegant and not galant.

Better next time a common candlelight dinner at home.

Where there is the possibility to let the emotions run wild, without time pressure in cozy private surroundings, if genuine mutual affection exists.

Sorry i am a little old school in love affairs.

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Rule number 1 is don't do it on your own doorstep. Keep it in your pants when you are at work. Office liaisons rarely work out well.

She has probably done you a favour by rejecting you silently. While I'm not familiar with Thai law, the Facebook messages could be interpreted as stalking. Let it go. There are plenty of Thai lassies outside of the work environment to practise your approach on.

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As a teacher in Thailand for many years, you do not date the staff. As a personnel manager in the West for many years, you do not date the staff.

Business is business, pleasure is pleasure and you do not mix the two with positive results.

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Thank you to those who sent real replies instead of the negative/bashing comments. She already replied no to anything more than friends. By the way for those who said it was out of the blue, I have been informally dating her for months, all I asked was for some serious commitment on her part. So thank you for the pervy, fat, ugly and other colourful comments. I am not any of these things, but i doubt you care either way. Moving on...oh and I ready know about car tabs, insurance..ect for here in thailand so no my first post wouldn't be about something I already know about. I have only been here a few years, so I have not been privy to all the many ways of Thai ladies...other than to avoid bargirls like what they are..diseased dogs of the largest order of stupid possible.

nvrenoughbeer believe it or not but Bargirls are human beings to call them diseased dogs shows just what type of person you are.

You state that you have had no experience with bar girls yet slag them off as a pack of diseased dogs?!? I guess you based your feelings on gossip in the staff room.

The response from TV you are looking for is that the lady in question (not diseased) is not interested in your advances and her feelings are not the same as yours. Maybe your attitude in conversation about people you do not know effected her response to your advances.

You need to step back and experience things before you open/type your thoughts on a forum.

Edited by ChangMaiSausage
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It would seem that you misjudged her feelings for you, the ones you had for her of attraction , where only feeling of pity in her mind and not attraction, still plenty of other schools out there, as it would seem in your school you are now a sex pest. trying to hit on other members of staff.

you have been a teacher in Thailand for a few years , but have only just found Thaivisa,

it seems strange that someones first post is some thing that would to be trollish and not '' where do i tax my car '' or something similar..

as to your other thread well that was tough going so i gave up

5555.TVF the centre of farangs universe.

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..apart from the current impasse....what are you doing "fishing off the company wharf"...(an old saying of my grandfathers ...in fact a warning never to date anyone from within your own company/organisation)....because he said..." when it turns to <deleted> your life will become hell"

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Women are very smart especially when it comes to knowing if a guy likes them for than a friend.

As you'd already had a few informal 'dates', she'll have known how you felt.

Move on mate, be polite but distant with her, & remember, we don't learn without making mistakes. Whatever the 'mistake' may or may not have been. rolleyes.gif

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Thank you to those who sent real replies instead of the negative/bashing comments. She already replied no to anything more than friends. By the way for those who said it was out of the blue, I have been informally dating her for months, all I asked was for some serious commitment on her part. So thank you for the pervy, fat, ugly and other colourful comments. I am not any of these things, but i doubt you care either way. Moving on...oh and I ready know about car tabs, insurance..ect for here in thailand so no my first post wouldn't be about something I already know about. I have only been here a few years, so I have not been privy to all the many ways of Thai ladies...other than to avoid bargirls like what they are..diseased dogs of the largest order of stupid possible.

Things normally progress on their own. It sounds like you were way to direct with your conversation and doing it at school seems rather odd. It seems that she thought of you as friends the whole time and nothing more.

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If I wanted to throw my money away sure, if I wanted to have a clingy disease infested dog, I would simply pickup the nearest soi dog for free and bring it home. besides they have sticky fingers as a few of you on here know.

you were doing well until the last bit...you really got down to the same level of the negative nancies

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