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Koh Tao murder trial reconvenes in Koh Samui


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Someone involved, and close enough to the investigation, had David's phone, and it was obviously planted behind the B2 workers shack when the set up targets of 'who had been near the beach' were narrowed down.

No one would steal a iPhone from a murder scene and just throw it away behind their own house, when it's value would be 3 months pay if sold off island, and it's incrimination value would be death or life in a Thai prison. Even the biggest fool would not do this, they were set up.

common sense is not the rtp strong point. Hence the trial.
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Someone involved, and close enough to the investigation, had David's phone, and it was obviously planted behind the B2 workers shack when the set up targets of 'who had been near the beach' were narrowed down.

No one would steal a iPhone from a murder scene and just throw it away behind their own house, when it's value would be 3 months pay if sold off island, and it's incrimination value would be death or life in a Thai prison. Even the biggest fool would not do this, they were set up.

Your missing the point here.

The Polee failed to make the checks to see IF it WAS Davids phone and admitted that in the trial.

Dozens and dozens of people loose their phones on that beach every week. Handbags stolen by people in the shadows waiting for them to take a skinny dip.

I suggest to you that the phone did not belong to David and you will note they have provided nothing to support their allegation

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Someone involved, and close enough to the investigation, had David's phone, and it was obviously planted behind the B2 workers shack when the set up targets of 'who had been near the beach' were narrowed down.

No one would steal a iPhone from a murder scene and just throw it away behind their own house, when it's value would be 3 months pay if sold off island, and it's incrimination value would be death or life in a Thai prison. Even the biggest fool would not do this, they were set up.

It was revealed in court that there was also a phone found at the crime scene, but when asked who it belonged to the witness (lead Investigator) could not confirm!!

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RTP apologists and Nomsod shielders have been telling us (those of us seeking truth and justice) for nearly a year ...."just wait until the trial starts. Then all will be made clear. The Police are professionals and they know a whole lot more about this crime then any of us do."

Some of them even projected their wrong-headed fantasy to include the families: "How can you second guess the victims' families?! They were briefed by British experts. They know a lot more about the case than we do....."

Well, Nomsod lovers, you're flat out 100% wrong. The trial has been proving what we said all along: The RTP doesn't have a clue, literally. Actually, I thought the RTP would pull a better ruse than they have shown thus far. Are they intentionally bumbling even more than they would ordinarily bumble? The mind reels.

It's a little bit to early for you to say the trial has been proving everything wrong and why are you bringing Nomsods name into this , he is not on trial .

I think we should wait until the trial has finished before we should come up with a conclusion .

You might be right about RTP and the coverup but it will always end up as speculations until we have evidence that will stand up in court.

Now since this is a Thai court and two Burmese guys are on trial , you will not accept any possible "facts" from the police anyway , and we all know the most likely outcome will end up with them being released . If that happens speculations and rumors will carry on for years to come . Maybe even on Thaivisa.

I admit, I'm inclined to bring Nomsod's name in to this. Often. I know he's not on trial, but that doesn't stop me from feeling indignation that justice is being pissed upon. The initial investigative team, led by Panya, all believed it was Nomsod shown in the Running Man videos and Panya himself, early in the investigation, claimed they had two prime suspects (Nomsod and Mon) and arrests were imminent. That, in my view, was the closest the investigators ever got to doing their jobs correctly. We all know what happened immediately after that, and the legacy of lies is what we're grappling with. Just as quickly, offers of big money payments were probably made. I'm just one of those nutcases, that if I see blatant injustice, I've got to speak out.

You know Bob Dylan's song, "You're Gonna Have to Serve Somebody" ? ....that doesn't apply to me. I serve no one. I have no God, no superior ranked officer watching over me, no allegiance to anything. I bow to no Buddha statues, golden, jade or whatever. I have zero debt, and zero money coming in from any country, service or pension. I am as free as a person can be. I can speak my mind without having to look over my shoulder, and without having to look to some authority for authorization or approval. I challenge you to show one person who is more free or less affiliated than I.

I agree that justice is usually pissed on here, for all sorts of reasons. We are likely never to see the truth of what happened that night.

The problem I have now, is believing any part of this. Why should Panya be believed more than any other RTP genius. Is he the one honest competent detective in the force. Or did someone see the chance to put the squeeze on? That could well have been a fit up to. Someone big flexing their muscles to show someone not so big who the real boss is.

Who and how many were involved, how it started and panned out will simply be ignored. Just like Kirsty Jones, the Blue Diamond, and a whole raft of other cases from missing persons, grand thefts, to murder.

Pointless, as nothing we do, post, or any government for that matter, is going to make the slightest bit of difference.

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RTP apologists and Nomsod shielders have been telling us (those of us seeking truth and justice) for nearly a year ...."just wait until the trial starts. Then all will be made clear. The Police are professionals and they know a whole lot more about this crime then any of us do."

Some of them even projected their wrong-headed fantasy to include the families: "How can you second guess the victims' families?! They were briefed by British experts. They know a lot more about the case than we do....."

Well, Nomsod lovers, you're flat out 100% wrong. The trial has been proving what we said all along: The RTP doesn't have a clue, literally. Actually, I thought the RTP would pull a better ruse than they have shown thus far. Are they intentionally bumbling even more than they would ordinarily bumble? The mind reels.

It's a little bit to early for you to say the trial has been proving everything wrong and why are you bringing Nomsods name into this , he is not on trial .

I think we should wait until the trial has finished before we should come up with a conclusion .

You might be right about RTP and the coverup but it will always end up as speculations until we have evidence that will stand up in court.

Now since this is a Thai court and two Burmese guys are on trial , you will not accept any possible "facts" from the police anyway , and we all know the most likely outcome will end up with them being released . If that happens speculations and rumors will carry on for years to come . Maybe even on Thaivisa.

I admit, I'm inclined to bring Nomsod's name in to this. Often. I know he's not on trial, but that doesn't stop me from feeling indignation that justice is being pissed upon. The initial investigative team, led by Panya, all believed it was Nomsod shown in the Running Man videos and Panya himself, early in the investigation, claimed they had two prime suspects (Nomsod and Mon) and arrests were imminent. That, in my view, was the closest the investigators ever got to doing their jobs correctly. We all know what happened immediately after that, and the legacy of lies is what we're grappling with. Just as quickly, offers of big money payments were probably made. I'm just one of those nutcases, that if I see blatant injustice, I've got to speak out.

You know Bob Dylan's song, "You're Gonna Have to Serve Somebody" ? ....that doesn't apply to me. I serve no one. I have no God, no superior ranked officer watching over me, no allegiance to anything. I bow to no Buddha statues, golden, jade or whatever. I have zero debt, and zero money coming in from any country, service or pension. I am as free as a person can be. I can speak my mind without having to look over my shoulder, and without having to look to some authority for authorization or approval. I challenge you to show one person who is more free or less affiliated than I.

Get a job hippy! ;)

I concur, though, some of us are accused of being conspiracy theorists, when actually all it is, is a very fishy stink and it rankles to watch injustices unfold.

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In the Watergate burglary the 2 Washington Post reporters were able to 'follow the money' back to President Nixon's 11972 re-election campaign because the burglars were arrested in the Watergate complex with large amounts of cash in their possession.

Where are these large amounts of cash that were 'probably' paid in this case? Whether they were paid or not, I don't know of any proof of such a claim other than everybody knows that large amounts of cash changed hands to scuttle any genuine investigation.

Prior to the verdict of the Court, the Court is required by Criminal Procedure Law to present their findings as to how and why they reached their verdict. What are the Judges going to say: We have not seen any evidence presented in this Court that would justify a guilty verdict but we've been paid off to determine otherwise?

they could say the reenactment and witnessed confession is enough to convict. Pass a guilty verdict and send the case to the appeals court.

They Could Stephen.

They could also say not guilty and the prosecution could appeal. In fact the Judge has already suggested to the prosecution should get there Sh!t together in the event of an appeal.

Whilst people immediately suggested that it means he is going to find them guilty. The persons he made this comment to was the prosecution and not the defence. His thought process steered him towards the prosecution. If I was a psychologist I would take some prompts from this. Just like people always say honestly before they lie or they look left before they lie or swear on their kids life. If you get my gist..

Theres lots of nuggets like this, Andy and his "Fantastic" comment. You DO NOT say this without having a massive boost to your case. What would you say later when the press says "Well Andy we reported your words but you have failed to show us the Fanstastic news from UK" He would look a right Dummy.

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In the Watergate burglary the 2 Washington Post reporters were able to 'follow the money' back to President Nixon's 11972 re-election campaign because the burglars were arrested in the Watergate complex with large amounts of cash in their possession.

Where are these large amounts of cash that were 'probably' paid in this case? Whether they were paid or not, I don't know of any proof of such a claim other than everybody knows that large amounts of cash changed hands to scuttle any genuine investigation.

Prior to the verdict of the Court, the Court is required by Criminal Procedure Law to present their findings as to how and why they reached their verdict. What are the Judges going to say: We have not seen any evidence presented in this Court that would justify a guilty verdict but we've been paid off to determine otherwise?

they could say the reenactment and witnessed confession is enough to convict. Pass a guilty verdict and send the case to the appeals court.

The Court could also say that, while the Defense has suggested that evidence be disallowed because the chain of custody of such evidence is questionable, unless the defense is willing to make a specific claim and demonstrate that such evidence has been compromised, we're going to allow it.

I think they have Crabby.

read the posts from Andy earlier today from Andy. We wanted their DNA taken in front of witnesses so that its irrefutable. A chain of custody all the way to Bangkok in front of the WHOLE court.

Results that you cant ignor. Case demonstrated.

You watch

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Doesn't matter who did it, the whole trial is tainted from the start - arguing about who might have done it is quite irrelevant....the whole thing is a farce from beginning to end expert or no expert, you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

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I don't know -- but if you listen to some on here of the reach of powerful persons n Surat Thani Province, the Appeals Court Judges know there is a slush fund n Vanuatu awaiting for which ever Judges handle the appeal.

This is the Biggest concern and I know exactly where u r coming from.

To win this case they must prove 200% that the case is false. Major revelations that some might say are "Fantastic" need to be revealed. Anything less and they will swing so to speak.

Longest hand of poker I have seen for a long time though. Sat on the edge of my seat waiting for this.

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Who was the guy in the middle of the investigation on the beach, was it Mon? Whoever it was, that person should be a witness as he placed himself front and centre and therefore should be on the prosecution witness list. Defense should insist on his statement as to what he was doing in the thick of it, and why.

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In the Watergate burglary the 2 Washington Post reporters were able to 'follow the money' back to President Nixon's 11972 re-election campaign because the burglars were arrested in the Watergate complex with large amounts of cash in their possession.

Where are these large amounts of cash that were 'probably' paid in this case? Whether they were paid or not, I don't know of any proof of such a claim other than everybody knows that large amounts of cash changed hands to scuttle any genuine investigation.

Prior to the verdict of the Court, the Court is required by Criminal Procedure Law to present their findings as to how and why they reached their verdict. What are the Judges going to say: We have not seen any evidence presented in this Court that would justify a guilty verdict but we've been paid off to determine otherwise?

they could say the reenactment and witnessed confession is enough to convict. Pass a guilty verdict and send the case to the appeals court.

The Court could also say that, while the Defense has suggested that evidence be disallowed because the chain of custody of such evidence is questionable, unless the defense is willing to make a specific claim and demonstrate that such evidence has been compromised, we're going to allow it.

I think they have Crabby.

read the posts from Andy earlier today from Andy. We wanted their DNA taken in front of witnesses so that its irrefutable. A chain of custody all the way to Bangkok in front of the WHOLE court.

Results that you cant ignor. Case demonstrated.

You watch

I'll watch -- I have posts I can link back to March and maybe before saying that, if the B2 are in no way complicit, I don't think the folks on Samui/KT are good enough to pull it off.

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Who was the guy in the middle of the investigation on the beach, was it Mon? Whoever it was, that person should be a witness as he placed himself front and centre and therefore should be on the prosecution witness list. Defense should insist on his statement as to what he was doing in the thick of it, and why.

He owns the property across the street.

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Who was the guy in the middle of the investigation on the beach, was it Mon? Whoever it was, that person should be a witness as he placed himself front and centre and therefore should be on the prosecution witness list. Defense should insist on his statement as to what he was doing in the thick of it, and why.


Mon was an integral piece of the beginning of the case and prosecution not calling him, at all, is off. Why would a man who knows all the ins and outs of the island not have a clue what happened? What did he hear from whoever discovered the bodies? Why did he claim it was him in the running man vid? Why did he refuse to give CCTV footage? Where were the clothes when he arrived, who called him..... A pile of useful questions could be answered.

So, why is he not giving testimony against these two Burmese who came to his Island and commited a horrendous crime? Why is the Island completely on hush mode? Why have the media been told

Not to cover the case? Why were translators threatened? Why was a taxi driver approached with a large amount of cash and asked to give false testimony?

All of this for two Burmese who commited a crime?

No Mate,

No way. Coincidences tend to not happen that frequently surrounding one event. Why has Panya never came out and apologized or been sued? Just off in his inactive post, keeping his lips shut because he doesn't have a choice.

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I still would like to understand why someone makes one-word-posts, when there is a "like" function that exactly allow to do that without make confusion in the thread.

But I guess that it's someone's target to just make the thread "dirty", flaming and trolling, maybe hoping that the very same thread will be locked, again.

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Well then, what has been unfair about the trial so far? Latest news were that the defense has been allowed to retest the DNA evidence from the autopsy, which they refused. How unfair. rolleyes.gif

Here are some just a tiny portion of the issues which could be termed 'unfair'

>>> no note taking allowed. No audio recordings allowed. No video allowed.

>>> RT policeman claimed David was walking erratically, in the video, like a drunk man

>>> No video of AC entrance after David entered, 3 hours before the crime.

>>> RT policeman claimed 'Running Man' CCTV showed one of the B2 (which one? as neither looks remotely like Running Man) .....and claimed that man was running back and forth to the Burmese settlement. Ridiculous.

>>> Court said DNA could be re-tested in late April. Court said in early May they would decide the issue on July 8. By July 10 there was a lukewarm agreement, but very restricted as to what could be looked at. By late August, no tangible results of a re-testing was forthcoming. After so many false starts, the defense finally threw their hands up and indicated, "Enough already. Even if re-testing ever gets done, the entire process is done by Thai officials, and the results will be transferred to RTP reps, and then to us. We don't want RTP involved with any part of the re-testing because they've proven many times they can't be trusted. Therefore, we withdraw our request."

shall I go on?

How about at the pre-hearing

Judge -"If you didn't kill them then tell us who did"

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Why has Panya never came out and apologized or been sued? Just off in his inactive post, keeping his lips shut because he doesn't have a choice.

I've often wondered this too. In Thailand people are sued for the most petty accusations of defamation and yet Mon was publicly named and shamed by the RTP police chief as being caught on CCTV and implicated in a gruesome murder and rape of two young tourists in his back yard, and then after the new RTP found completely different suspects he says and does nothing to redeem his good name. Why??

Rhetorical question of course, we all really know why.

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Who was the guy in the middle of the investigation on the beach, was it Mon? Whoever it was, that person should be a witness as he placed himself front and centre and therefore should be on the prosecution witness list. Defense should insist on his statement as to what he was doing in the thick of it, and why.


Mon was an integral piece of the beginning of the case and prosecution not calling him, at all, is off. Why would a man who knows all the ins and outs of the island not have a clue what happened? What did he hear from whoever discovered the bodies? Why did he claim it was him in the running man vid? Why did he refuse to give CCTV footage? Where were the clothes when he arrived, who called him..... A pile of useful questions could be answered.

So, why is he not giving testimony against these two Burmese who came to his Island and commited a horrendous crime? Why is the Island completely on hush mode? Why have the media been told

Not to cover the case? Why were translators threatened? Why was a taxi driver approached with a large amount of cash and asked to give false testimony?

All of this for two Burmese who commited a crime?

No Mate,

No way. Coincidences tend to not happen that frequently surrounding one event. Why has Panya never came out and apologized or been sued? Just off in his inactive post, keeping his lips shut because he doesn't have a choice.

So, why is he not giving testimony against these two Burmese who came to his Island and commited a horrendous crime?

Mon already gave evidence at the beginning of the trial (July) but I have not seen any press reports detailing that evidence. All we had at the time were the reports of the beach cleaner who found the hoe and the RTP officer who was called to the crime scene.

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Who was the guy in the middle of the investigation on the beach, was it Mon? Whoever it was, that person should be a witness as he placed himself front and centre and therefore should be on the prosecution witness list. Defense should insist on his statement as to what he was doing in the thick of it, and why.


Mon was an integral piece of the beginning of the case and prosecution not calling him, at all, is off. Why would a man who knows all the ins and outs of the island not have a clue what happened? What did he hear from whoever discovered the bodies? Why did he claim it was him in the running man vid? Why did he refuse to give CCTV footage? Where were the clothes when he arrived, who called him..... A pile of useful questions could be answered.

So, why is he not giving testimony against these two Burmese who came to his Island and commited a horrendous crime? Why is the Island completely on hush mode? Why have the media been told

Not to cover the case? Why were translators threatened? Why was a taxi driver approached with a large amount of cash and asked to give false testimony?

All of this for two Burmese who commited a crime?

No Mate,

No way. Coincidences tend to not happen that frequently surrounding one event. Why has Panya never came out and apologized or been sued? Just off in his inactive post, keeping his lips shut because he doesn't have a choice.

So, why is he not giving testimony against these two Burmese who came to his Island and commited a horrendous crime?

Mon already gave evidence at the beginning of the trial (July) but I have not seen any press reports detailing that evidence. All we had at the time were the reports of the beach cleaner who found the hoe and the RTP officer who was called to the crime scene.

Mon gave evidence, but Andy Hall didn't report on it? Am I missing something here?

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Who was the guy in the middle of the investigation on the beach, was it Mon? Whoever it was, that person should be a witness as he placed himself front and centre and therefore should be on the prosecution witness list. Defense should insist on his statement as to what he was doing in the thick of it, and why.


Mon was an integral piece of the beginning of the case and prosecution not calling him, at all, is off. Why would a man who knows all the ins and outs of the island not have a clue what happened? What did he hear from whoever discovered the bodies? Why did he claim it was him in the running man vid? Why did he refuse to give CCTV footage? Where were the clothes when he arrived, who called him..... A pile of useful questions could be answered.

So, why is he not giving testimony against these two Burmese who came to his Island and commited a horrendous crime? Why is the Island completely on hush mode? Why have the media been told

Not to cover the case? Why were translators threatened? Why was a taxi driver approached with a large amount of cash and asked to give false testimony?

All of this for two Burmese who commited a crime?

No Mate,

No way. Coincidences tend to not happen that frequently surrounding one event. Why has Panya never came out and apologized or been sued? Just off in his inactive post, keeping his lips shut because he doesn't have a choice.

So, why is he not giving testimony against these two Burmese who came to his Island and commited a horrendous crime?

Mon already gave evidence at the beginning of the trial (July) but I have not seen any press reports detailing that evidence. All we had at the time were the reports of the beach cleaner who found the hoe and the RTP officer who was called to the crime scene.

Hmm I missed that... Anyways, he must not have had anything relevant to add. I'll go see if I can find that article. Thanks IslandLover.

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Who was the guy in the middle of the investigation on the beach, was it Mon? Whoever it was, that person should be a witness as he placed himself front and centre and therefore should be on the prosecution witness list. Defense should insist on his statement as to what he was doing in the thick of it, and why.


Mon was an integral piece of the beginning of the case and prosecution not calling him, at all, is off. Why would a man who knows all the ins and outs of the island not have a clue what happened? What did he hear from whoever discovered the bodies? Why did he claim it was him in the running man vid? Why did he refuse to give CCTV footage? Where were the clothes when he arrived, who called him..... A pile of useful questions could be answered.

So, why is he not giving testimony against these two Burmese who came to his Island and commited a horrendous crime? Why is the Island completely on hush mode? Why have the media been told

Not to cover the case? Why were translators threatened? Why was a taxi driver approached with a large amount of cash and asked to give false testimony?

All of this for two Burmese who commited a crime?

No Mate,

No way. Coincidences tend to not happen that frequently surrounding one event. Why has Panya never came out and apologized or been sued? Just off in his inactive post, keeping his lips shut because he doesn't have a choice.

So, why is he not giving testimony against these two Burmese who came to his Island and commited a horrendous crime?

Mon already gave evidence at the beginning of the trial (July) but I have not seen any press reports detailing that evidence. All we had at the time were the reports of the beach cleaner who found the hoe and the RTP officer who was called to the crime scene.

Mon gave evidence, but Andy Hall didn't report on it? Am I missing something here?

It's not up to Andy to report on it, apart from saying Mon gave evidence, it's up to the press to report it. That's their job.

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I havent been following the case for a few weeks. Whats the latest? Sorry bit lazy to read through 15 pages..

Don't sweat it - you'll not miss a thing except that more and more cockups of the RTP will be put in the open, while some blind and ignorant posters (or shills) fight like crazy trying to convonce the other 99.8% in this forum to believe the official RTP story which is been shredded to pieces in court at the moment. This however will not change the most likely outcome: They'll roast the B2 on a stick just for the sake of facekeeping.

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TIME Article

On Thursday, Samui Central Court heard that two Rohingya Muslims — an ethnicity currently engaged in a bitter sectarian feud with the Rakhine — were employed as interpreters during their interrogation. However, they only had rudimentary understanding of Thai and the Rakhine language

Speaking to TIME in Koh Samui prison prior to the trial, Wai Phyo said the translator accused him of being party to mob violence against Rohingya in their homeland. “He asked me: ‘When the riots started in Burma, where were you? Did you burn down my village?’” said Wai Phyo.


u beat me to it Stealth smile.png

However, they only had rudimentary understanding of Thai and the Rakhine language

He asked me: ‘When the riots started in Burma, where were you? Did you burn down my village?’” said Wai Phyo.

Doesn't seem Wai has a problem understanding the Translator.

The translator makes pancakes. Wai Phyo made beds. I say that makes him way more intelligent! cheesy.gif

It is totally feasible that WP understood Mr. Pancake's dialect whereas the roti seller could not reciprocate?

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Who was the guy in the middle of the investigation on the beach, was it Mon? Whoever it was, that person should be a witness as he placed himself front and centre and therefore should be on the prosecution witness list. Defense should insist on his statement as to what he was doing in the thick of it, and why.


Mon was an integral piece of the beginning of the case and prosecution not calling him, at all, is off. Why would a man who knows all the ins and outs of the island not have a clue what happened? What did he hear from whoever discovered the bodies? Why did he claim it was him in the running man vid? Why did he refuse to give CCTV footage? Where were the clothes when he arrived, who called him..... A pile of useful questions could be answered.

So, why is he not giving testimony against these two Burmese who came to his Island and commited a horrendous crime? Why is the Island completely on hush mode? Why have the media been told

Not to cover the case? Why were translators threatened? Why was a taxi driver approached with a large amount of cash and asked to give false testimony?

All of this for two Burmese who commited a crime?

No Mate,

No way. Coincidences tend to not happen that frequently surrounding one event. Why has Panya never came out and apologized or been sued? Just off in his inactive post, keeping his lips shut because he doesn't have a choice.

So, why is he not giving testimony against these two Burmese who came to his Island and commited a horrendous crime?

Mon already gave evidence at the beginning of the trial (July) but I have not seen any press reports detailing that evidence. All we had at the time were the reports of the beach cleaner who found the hoe and the RTP officer who was called to the crime scene.

Hmm I missed that... Anyways, he must not have had anything relevant to add. I'll go see if I can find that article. Thanks IslandLover.

The only this news reports I have seen with Mon mentioned at trial is in this article " Koh Tao policeman challenged over killings" you would have to do a search

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Who was the guy in the middle of the investigation on the beach, was it Mon? Whoever it was, that person should be a witness as he placed himself front and centre and therefore should be on the prosecution witness list. Defense should insist on his statement as to what he was doing in the thick of it, and why.


Mon was an integral piece of the beginning of the case and prosecution not calling him, at all, is off. Why would a man who knows all the ins and outs of the island not have a clue what happened? What did he hear from whoever discovered the bodies? Why did he claim it was him in the running man vid? Why did he refuse to give CCTV footage? Where were the clothes when he arrived, who called him..... A pile of useful questions could be answered.

So, why is he not giving testimony against these two Burmese who came to his Island and commited a horrendous crime? Why is the Island completely on hush mode? Why have the media been told

Not to cover the case? Why were translators threatened? Why was a taxi driver approached with a large amount of cash and asked to give false testimony?

All of this for two Burmese who commited a crime?

No Mate,

No way. Coincidences tend to not happen that frequently surrounding one event. Why has Panya never came out and apologized or been sued? Just off in his inactive post, keeping his lips shut because he doesn't have a choice.

So, why is he not giving testimony against these two Burmese who came to his Island and commited a horrendous crime?

Mon already gave evidence at the beginning of the trial (July) but I have not seen any press reports detailing that evidence. All we had at the time were the reports of the beach cleaner who found the hoe and the RTP officer who was called to the crime scene.

Hmm I missed that... Anyways, he must not have had anything relevant to add. I'll go see if I can find that article. Thanks IslandLover.

The only this news reports I have seen with Mon mentioned at trial is in this article " Koh Tao policeman challenged over killings" you would have to do a search

So I read that article, thank you, Stealth.

It says Mon gave testimony along with Dr.Chaisit...... And nothing more. So whatever he said was not reported on at all.... I find that odd. Did the defense get a chance to ask questions? Oh, I forgot this isn't a real trial.

This article is so old they're saying evidence points to David and Hannah being intimate at the time of the attack.

I'll tell you exactly why I don't believe the B2 are the killers.. This was a pre-meditated attack, poorly executed because the killers never thought they'd ever be questioned or even found. Like I've said before, Hannah was not just killed she was killed so brutally she couldn't have an open casket.... Why so much anger at her face? I believe the pre-meditation is derived from what occurred in AC Bar. Anyone wonder why David didn't get the same as Hannah? The killers just wanted david out of the way and then they carried out their sick crime. Whoever was in AC bar knows what happened at the very least.


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