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Australian father hires former commando’s to grab his daughter in Thailand


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So the Thai wife does the usual by seizing the child and absconding bringing her back to la la land for its wonderful upbringing and education with no regard for the law. The father rectifies the situation and grabs her back and the numpties on here are criticizing him. For those who are siding with a Thai woman who has shown her contempt for the law and her family you should be ashamed. Good on the guy, I am sure thousands sympathies and would like to have done the same. The woman clearly has no regard for the wellbeing of her daughter pandora is your typical selfish Thai.

I should be ashamed? Did you study at <deleted>? You cant really be that simple minded. The Father just did the same thing! How is that any better?

It is very presumptive to think the Thai was wrong. She must have had proper documents to exit the country, and I am sure she might have had some reason for leaving even if it was that she just didn't love her husband.

What did the child want? that is the real question.

My wife just left with my 1 y/o son 4 days ago. I still have my 3 y/o daughter. At this moment, I don't know where he is. In Thailand according to the law she has the right to take her children where ever she wants. AND so do/did I. Had I known that before I would have beat her to the punch. But is it right? Am I gonna snatch my kid and go hide somewhere because Thai law allows it? Hopefully I can contact my kids mother, my legal wife, and settle this in Thai court. I hate my wife, but that doesn't mean she doesn't love our kids.

All said and done, there is just too much missing information in this story to justify this radical move. The fact that it's his "X-wife" is most confusing.

When did they divorce- before or after she left? and Who was given custody and from what country?

I am not fond of Tai people, but they have the right to their family members as well, no matter how hard it is to accept that right now.

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Its very easy to walk into Cambodia without going through immigration or crossing any rivers (well maybe a stream or 2) if you know where to go in Buri Ram - And know where to avoid the landmines. A (now ex) brother-in-law took me through once (he was an ex Thai army officer) an interesting treck on a well known to the locals smuggling path (army shut eyes, etc). I can't make up my mind about this case, I have seen both sides of the story, bad farang husbands and bad Thai wives. But I have noticed that many Thai girls in Europe have no faith in the police/authorities siding with them against farang husbands and just run away from confrontational situations they are not able to cope with. I hope in this case the girl is happy in Australia and maybe the mother will get to visit.

i would say the thai girls in developed countries realize the the law will not be biased in their favor as it would in thailand as they know their own system.

To my understanding the laws (or perhaps more the way the laws are interpreted by courts, social services, etc) are definitely biased towards mothers. But a lot of Thai girls simply cannot cope with the paperwork and hassles and find it easier to walk away. Not to say this is right. But you simply cannot compare a typical Australian mindset with Thai thinking - yes, yes, I know that Thai thinking can be a bit of a joke. But I for one prefer to live in here. Anyway, it is much easier for a farang father to make it sound like his wife is a horror (and many are) but equally more farangs have no idea how to treat a Thai wife and only think they are white knights rescuing the girl from a life of poverty, but the girl really thinks her life was ok before and gets homesick and sick of being treated like a home slave. Also the different views on how to bring up a child, especially western views on discipline can be very decisive. Its all in the perspective.
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Its very easy to walk into Cambodia without going through immigration or crossing any rivers (well maybe a stream or 2) if you know where to go in Buri Ram - And know where to avoid the landmines. A (now ex) brother-in-law took me through once (he was an ex Thai army officer) an interesting treck on a well known to the locals smuggling path (army shut eyes, etc). I can't make up my mind about this case, I have seen both sides of the story, bad farang husbands and bad Thai wives. But I have noticed that many Thai girls in Europe have no faith in the police/authorities siding with them against farang husbands and just run away from confrontational situations they are not able to cope with. I hope in this case the girl is happy in Australia and maybe the mother will get to visit.

i would say the thai girls in developed countries realize the the law will not be biased in their favor as it would in thailand as they know their own system.

To my understanding the laws (or perhaps more the way the laws are interpreted by courts, social services, etc) are definitely biased towards mothers. But a lot of Thai girls simply cannot cope with the paperwork and hassles and find it easier to walk away. Not to say this is right. But you simply cannot compare a typical Australian mindset with Thai thinking - yes, yes, I know that Thai thinking can be a bit of a joke. But I for one prefer to live in here. Anyway, it is much easier for a farang father to make it sound like his wife is a horror (and many are) but equally more farangs have no idea how to treat a Thai wife and only think they are white knights rescuing the girl from a life of poverty, but the girl really thinks her life was ok before and gets homesick and sick of being treated like a home slave. Also the different views on how to bring up a child, especially western views on discipline can be very decisive. Its all in the perspective.

does anybody know if the father won the hague decision and then the authorities in thailand did not cooperate-honor it? you raise some valid points. in addition the great majority of the so called "poverty girls' have very little personal -intellectual-emotional development and assuming she was in the entertainment industry can easily come to like that lifestyle. sleep all day, out at night to party and drink, socialize with her peers. In my experience girls at higher levels of society also have issues with personal -intellectual-emotional development but there are some with higher capabilities.

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How quick we are to side with the father. Why? Because he's not Thai? Who are we to automatically assume the girl's best interests is with the father. For all we know he could be a total controlling ass. Wives leave husbands often because of abuse or child molestation, or simply because some husbands are as*holes.


because many of us have had children taken from us, or contact denied us, by vindictive and uncaring women who care for nothing and nobody but themselves.

As for child molestation, that's usually done by mums new boyfriend, while she turns a blind eye.

Just because so many men do not seem to be able to choose a good woman, especially here in Thailand, does not automatically make the kidnapping of a child from her mother--or the grandmother--a good thing. Who is to say the Thai mother is a bad mother? There has been no evidence presented to that effect. Only one side of the story has been told, the father's, and that side admits an illegal act.

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How quick we are to side with the father. Why? Because he's not Thai? Who are we to automatically assume the girl's best interests is with the father. For all we know he could be a total controlling ass. Wives leave husbands often because of abuse or child molestation, or simply because some husbands are as*holes.

I'm guessing you never been in the village with the great stimulation is cartoons, chasing chickens for fun, washing in ice cold water when available, eating rice everyday, no one to help with school work or wait when she's 15 have a baby with a boy with no job and eats Yaba. No all parts of the country are like that. But, too many western fathers have been held for ransom for child because the elder doesn't want to let go of the Golden Goose. Oh!, do you read the stats here on schooling, university gang fights. Children addiction, internal abuse etc.....

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And now the little girl wakes up every day and wonders "Where is mommy?" Mebe Mommy can contact CARI and get the kid back?

Nah, you didn't read the article - the kid was left to be raisedwith her grandparents. She won't be missing her mum. She's back with her father and her school and her friends. Good way for her to be.


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How quick we are to side with the father. Why? Because he's not Thai? Who are we to automatically assume the girl's best interests is with the father. For all we know he could be a total controlling ass. Wives leave husbands often because of abuse or child molestation, or simply because some husbands are as*holes.

I never trust Thai woman. And you already wrong you can go do research. Most of marriage break because woman initiate it not men anymore esp in western. Cuz the law help them to suck every blood from men after divorce

In this case I worried for the little girl. The mother can sell her body when she is 14 or sell it legally with that so called sinsod. Why? Cuz no good woman kidnap the girl. Why don't fight in court if she is a good mother.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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in Australia they are very up front with legalities concerning kids and their legal guardians, if he kidnapped her and did not have legal guardianship she would be taken from him by the proper agency. If the aussie govt/courts were fighting on his behalf to the thai authorities then he must have been doing it legally, ie. he was the girls listed guardian and that she had been removed from Australia illegally by the mother. Without any more facts it appears that the mother was the one in the wrong, what makes it even stranger is the fact that she was not with the child at all but off elsewhere which may be why she was not awarded custody in Australia, without facts no one knows what really happened

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in Australia they are very up front with legalities concerning kids and their legal guardians, if he kidnapped her and did not have legal guardianship she would be taken from him by the proper agency. If the aussie govt/courts were fighting on his behalf to the thai authorities then he must have been doing it legally, ie. he was the girls listed guardian and that she had been removed from Australia illegally by the mother. Without any more facts it appears that the mother was the one in the wrong, what makes it even stranger is the fact that she was not with the child at all but off elsewhere which may be why she was not awarded custody in Australia, without facts no one knows what really happened

There appears to be a whole lot of BS about this story. Why did they need to sneak accross into Lao in a boat if they had enough paperwork to get her on a plane to Aus (assuming they did not sneak in with the East Timore boat people - 555) why could they not just drive through the Thai/Lao border. It all smacks of grandstanding for the papers. Also since (if the article is correct) the father IS technically guilty of kidnapping the child from Thailand, how did the Australian authorities sanction this. I am not making a judgment on this as I might have done the same in his shoes. But it is a one-sided story at the moment. Lets hope it does have a happy ending; too many times the child grows up and turns away from the parent who "rescued" them.
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Heartbroken, loving,caring,Father desperate or rescue daughter

And provide good life on Oz


Angry, hateful,abusive,drunk wanting to get revenge on wife for

Leaving him, and get back at wife by abducting their child????


You don't live up to your name do you, what a nasty piece of stuff!

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I have first hand experience dealing with Thai courts in custody cases. I was granted full custody of my daughter in a Chanthaburi court. All cases are different and if this guys case is anything like mine then the daughter will be much better off growing up in a loving caring environment, going to an international school until grade 12 then onto university, enjoying a western standard of living in a nice house exposed to opportunities that will allow them to develop into successful individuals holding good jobs. If my daughter was with her mother (grandmother in this case like this story) she would STILL be in a loving caring environment, but would be going to rural village school until grade 7 while working in the family shop, then working on the rice farm after grade 7, married by 17 or worse, working in Pattaya like her mum (where she would be very popular due her 50% western looks).

I still give my ex access to my daughter as I would never deny my daughter her love, but when I read stories like this I feel it very justified when I hire "heavies" to stand in the back ground to oversee these unsupervised visits and ensure that my daughter does not go the same way as this lovely girl did because losing a child not knowing if you would ever see them again to a selfish women that does not care for the child's future is a lot worse than the stigma of having to hire "heavies" in the first place.

Of course I can only base it off my experience. As others have said she might be the angel and he might be the devil....

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I have first hand experience dealing with Thai courts in custody cases. I was granted full custody of my daughter in a Chanthaburi court. All cases are different and if this guys case is anything like mine then the daughter will be much better off growing up in a loving caring environment, going to an international school until grade 12 then onto university, enjoying a western standard of living in a nice house exposed to opportunities that will allow them to develop into successful individuals holding good jobs. If my daughter was with her mother (grandmother in this case like this story) she would STILL be in a loving caring environment, but would be going to rural village school until grade 7 while working in the family shop, then working on the rice farm after grade 7, married by 17 or worse, working in Pattaya like her mum (where she would be very popular due her 50% western looks).

I still give my ex access to my daughter as I would never deny my daughter her love, but when I read stories like this I feel it very justified when I hire "heavies" to stand in the back ground to oversee these unsupervised visits and ensure that my daughter does not go the same way as this lovely girl did because losing a child not knowing if you would ever see them again to a selfish women that does not care for the child's future is a lot worse than the stigma of having to hire "heavies" in the first place.

Of course I can only base it off my experience. As others have said she might be the angel and he might be the devil....

As you were granted custody by a court, it certainly seems like you are doing all the right things. Good luck and happiness for your daughter. I Really do hope the Australian case turns out so well.
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@Mikt - +1

In the circles in which I have moved over the past 3 decades, I have not seen a similar situation to the OP's. Heard of many, and seen lots of breakups (including my own), but no child snatching. Had my ex not been a reasonable person, I would most certainly have taken my daughter away from her. Even gone as far as the OP, who sounds a grounded guy.

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I have first hand experience dealing with Thai courts in custody cases. I was granted full custody of my daughter in a Chanthaburi court. All cases are different and if this guys case is anything like mine then the daughter will be much better off growing up in a loving caring environment, going to an international school until grade 12 then onto university, enjoying a western standard of living in a nice house exposed to opportunities that will allow them to develop into successful individuals holding good jobs. If my daughter was with her mother (grandmother in this case like this story) she would STILL be in a loving caring environment, but would be going to rural village school until grade 7 while working in the family shop, then working on the rice farm after grade 7, married by 17 or worse, working in Pattaya like her mum (where she would be very popular due her 50% western looks).

I still give my ex access to my daughter as I would never deny my daughter her love, but when I read stories like this I feel it very justified when I hire "heavies" to stand in the back ground to oversee these unsupervised visits and ensure that my daughter does not go the same way as this lovely girl did because losing a child not knowing if you would ever see them again to a selfish women that does not care for the child's future is a lot worse than the stigma of having to hire "heavies" in the first place.

Of course I can only base it off my experience. As others have said she might be the angel and he might be the devil....


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Many seem to be jumping on the good dad bandwagon. You never stop to think about what this little girl is going through. Children do not ask to be born and cannot decide who to live with. This is a tragedy. This child will always remember this. And for all out you who of the opinion that she will 'get over it' imagine if YOU went through this.

Another example of some wealthy Westerner thinking he does not have to follow the law? Wow how arrogant and insensitive. Or maybe too stupid to realize that Thai woman are not idiots...

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Many seem to be jumping on the good dad bandwagon. You never stop to think about what this little girl is going through. Children do not ask to be born and cannot decide who to live with. This is a tragedy. This child will always remember this. And for all out you who of the opinion that she will 'get over it' imagine if YOU went through this.

Another example of some wealthy Westerner thinking he does not have to follow the law? Wow how arrogant and insensitive. Or maybe too stupid to realize that Thai woman are not idiots...

Have you been asleep for the past week or so, or didn't or can't read, the child was taken out of Australia without the knowledge or permission of the father. So please explain how this is an example of a wealthy westerner not following the law ( what law would that be) and how it makes him arrogant and insensitive. Simple answer will do, my need for along and involved justification to explain the nonsense you posted.

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Many seem to be jumping on the good dad bandwagon. You never stop to think about what this little girl is going through. Children do not ask to be born and cannot decide who to live with. This is a tragedy. This child will always remember this. And for all out you who of the opinion that she will 'get over it' imagine if YOU went through this.

Another example of some wealthy Westerner thinking he does not have to follow the law? Wow how arrogant and insensitive. Or maybe too stupid to realize that Thai woman are not idiots...

You started off by talking sense,so why in your second paragraph did you talk such rubbish? The problem is that many Thai women are idiots, the one In this thread seems to be very selfish and completely ignored the problems that her action would cause to her child.

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