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Pattaya Suit Sellers


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So I am curious how these Pattaya suit sellers are able to stay in Thailand long term and work?

I see a lot of these suit selling businesses in Pattaya and I don't see Thai people working in them. How are these foreigners able to work these businesses? What kind of visa would they have? Don't you have to employ a certain number of Thai people to get a business visa? Also as a foreigner I thought you have to work a job a Thai person can't do.

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Because they immigrated to Thailand pre-1974 and their children got thai citizenship when they were born here pre-1974. They are "grandfathered" in.

It's not just tailors, many have apartments for rent and they speak perfect thai. Infact my girlfriend was amazed and she asked them how they came to Thailand. They said they were born in Thailand and had citizenship from birth in 1966. Their parents immigrated in 1947 after the British Empire broke up and the subsequent Muslim riots created a lot of refugees which settled in Thailand.

It's not just Pattaya, there's a lot in Prathunam in Bangkok too.

Edit: The Thai Constitution was amended during the Vietnam War from jus soli to jus sanguinis to avoid giving citizenship to refugees. As a result many who came after 1974 are now "stateless". But who came before are now Thai citizens.

P.S. It's not just Indian tailors.. you will find tons of "vietnamese" who came before the change and they're living in Nong Khai and Ubon Ratchathani selling noodles. They're "grandfathered" in.

Edited by JakeSully
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It is not just tailors... After spending the last week in Krabi, it was very pleasant, except for all the Indian touts hawking restaurants along Aonang beach... Pushy, loud and obnoxious, blocking the walkway every 10 meters... I almost came to blows on several ocassions wth these POS's... Here is a tip, never shake their hand as they will not let go...

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It is not just tailors... After spending the last week in Krabi, it was very pleasant, except for all the Indian touts hawking restaurants along Aonang beach... Pushy, loud and obnoxious, blocking the walkway every 10 meters... I almost came to blows on several ocassions wth these POS's... Here is a tip, never shake their hand as they will not let go...

I thought common sense would dictate not to shake someones hand you have no affiliation with. If you want them to leave you alone keep walking at the same pace and just agree to purchase mass quantities of what ever they are selling. They get the point rather quickly that you have no intention of buying.

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Yes there are a lot of Thai personnel tied up in / employed in these business ---they are the ones making the suits. There in different sweat shops all over Pattaya when I used to live there, also when I did live there & know a few of the shops the amount of exports they did far exceeded the local customer demand, (the local customer was a cash thing so it was well worth working the street) I used to go in the back way to visit a friend, there would be piles of boxs for Amsterdam / London...etc etc all fed-Ex around, you may go into a Tailor in England for a hand made suit----would be measured etc, then fax would go to here, the suit would be cut & pined together......a week latter you would go back into the shop, put the suit that was held together by pins on, chalk marks were made in places you wanted altered.......Fed-ex back / made/ sent back........a new hand made suit.

Very much like the dental trade, you need a cap or bridge---take the mouth mould .......etc etc .....

Edited by oxo1947
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The First Indians settled in Nakosetermarat, think thats how you spell it, its on the East Coast opposite Phuket.

In Bangkok, most of lower Sukhumvit is part of a land grant given by one of the kings almost 200 years ago to Indian traders. It was mostly un-drained swamp at the time. Because it was a royal grant, it can not be sold but can be leased long term. Indian families still control most of that area.

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a lot of the indian tailors (not saying all) are here money laundering (dont think western figures)

many of them rarely have any thais "working" for them, although thais do make the suits they are usually not employed by a shop.

honestly, how many suits do you ever see these tailors selling these days?

immigration or police dont care for their antics as they know they will not get a satang from the inidian working in the shop,

hence they dont care, how many tailors have you ever seen get busted for copy suit labels or motosport jackets they blatently display in windows for years

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I am curious how they are still alive to tell the truth not what type of visa they have,if there is one type of person who bugs me the most in Thailand it goes to the them, for some reason sometime they think I am American and they always say to me hay budy how's it going, if they get it right its always "alright mate" and I swear if one calls me Harry Potter again because of my glases I am going to kill him

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A post with the reply in coloured fonts inside the quote box has been removed, please use the quote function and reply outside of the box, anything else leads to confusion. Thank you

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