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David Beckham impressed by pope: 'Truly amazing'


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David Beckham impressed by pope: 'Truly amazing'

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Add David Beckham to the list of people who have been moved by the pope's visit to the United States.

The superstar was promoting child welfare at the United Nations on Thursday, a day before Pope Francis was due to address the body's General Assembly. Since his arrival in Washington on Tuesday, he's met with President Barack Obama and addressed Congress; he arrived in New York City on Thursday and was heading to Philadelphia on Friday.

Beckham called Pope Francis "truly amazing."

"I saw images of him this morning with a young girl, which is truly incredible. So children hit home with many people and I think no one can ignore that," he said.

The former soccer star has been a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF for 11 years and met with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to highlight children in crisis around the world.

"(Last year) was one of the most devastating years on record for children. Due to conflicts, more than 15 million children were exposed to extreme violence and many more affected by natural disasters. This year is proving to be just as bad," said Beckham, speaking in front of a digital installation that featured messages from children around the world for world leaders. "As a UNICEF ambassador and as a father, it breaks my heart to see children continue to suffer."

Beckham has four children of his own with wife Victoria. His children have become celebrities in their own right — most notably teen son Brooklyn Beckham, who has been modeling.

"I suppose it is hard to control young kids these days. But we control ours pretty well. We have a great relationship with all of our children. You know, Brooklyn is 16. So he'll make mistakes and he'll learn by them. But he's a good boy," Beckham said.

Beckham is looking to start a new Major League Soccer team in Miami — an undertaking that has taken longer than expected. He said he's close to finding a location for the team's stadium.

"We've had some hiccups along the way. But I think Miami is such a great, vibrant city. And one that is ready to have a soccer team there. I'm looking forward to bringing them a team," he said. "It's going to take time. We've had a few mistakes along the way, which I'm glad we had them before rather than further along the line. But we're looking good. We're actually going to finalize the site in the next month, six weeks."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-09-25

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The Pope left his outrageous and luxurious digs and his servants to fly on a privately chartered airliner to tell the world that... It's unfair for people to be poor. thumbsup.gif

He isn't offering to give HIS money to anyone. He telling you to give YOURS. In fact he wants governments to TAKE yours.

In the meantime the Catholic Church has some kind of magic potion that keeps its millions of adherents worldwide desperately poor. Yet those poor people manage to keep the Pope in luxury.

Then the Pope takes his bows as if he's so wonderful when all he really is, is a pompous leach upon society. A classic know nothing, do nothing.

How do people fall for this? crazy.gif

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The Pope left his outrageous and luxurious digs and his servants to fly on a privately chartered airliner to tell the world that... It's unfair for people to be poor. thumbsup.gif

He isn't offering to give HIS money to anyone. He telling you to give YOURS. In fact he wants governments to TAKE yours.

In the meantime the Catholic Church has some kind of magic potion that keeps its millions of adherents worldwide desperately poor. Yet those poor people manage to keep the Pope in luxury.

Then the Pope takes his bows as if he's so wonderful when all he really is, is a pompous leach upon society. A classic know nothing, do nothing.

How do people fall for this crazy.gif

Harsh but true. The Pope is a figurehead for a major corporation. At lest his PR skills are better than his predecessor. And he can speak in whole sentences, unlike David Beckham.

Edited by CharlieH
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"I saw images of him this morning with a young girl, which is truly incredible. So children hit home with many people and I think no one can ignore that," he said.

It certainly is....usually Catholic priests prefer young boys.

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David Beckham's now a superstar, is he? Another one whose opinion is no doubt slavishly sought.

'Since his arrival in Washington on Tuesday, he's met with President Barack Obama and addressed Congress; he arrived in New York City on Thursday and was heading to Philadelphia on Friday.' Beckham? Or the Pope?

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I must confess an admiration for Beckham.

He was born poor, with no brains, and a football talent which was by no means exceptional. But, with good parents, he developed a work ethic that enabled him to become a respected football star at many clubs and in many countries.

I don't know many people who have anything worse to say about him than he is unintelligent and lacking in taste. He neither smokes nor drinks, and is a trusted ambassador for both brands and charities. He has been married to the same woman for 16 years and has four children by her, not a bad record these days.

You could argue that Beckham finding the Pope amazing is hardly a world-shattering event, and that far too much prominence is given to what Beckham says, thinks, wears and promotes. I would agree. But that's hardly his fault, is it?

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I must confess an admiration for Beckham.

He was born poor, with no brains, and a football talent which was by no means exceptional. But, with good parents, he developed a work ethic that enabled him to become a respected football star at many clubs and in many countries.

I don't know many people who have anything worse to say about him than he is unintelligent and lacking in taste. He neither smokes nor drinks, and is a trusted ambassador for both brands and charities. He has been married to the same woman for 16 years and has four children by her, not a bad record these days.

You could argue that Beckham finding the Pope amazing is hardly a world-shattering event, and that far too much prominence is given to what Beckham says, thinks, wears and promotes. I would agree. But that's hardly his fault, is it?

That a man that can kick a ball is worth more than those that help other people everyday, like nurses, and firefighters, says much about the moral vacuum in which we live now.

When was the last time they went to get nurse so and so's opinion on the pope, or indeed anything?

And, the fact that the catholic church can preach the doctrine of a man that despised the moneylenders, while spending vast a mounts of money on fancy buildings says much about the moral vacuum of the catholic church.

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Some wiseacre once said:

"A culture which treats the serious as trivial, and the trivial as serious, faces culture death."

I think we're just about there, aren't we?

I don't know about that. The Roman empire existed for hundreds of years after the games reached their peak, and the games were their equivalent of popular trivia.

However, as everything happens more quickly now, perhaps.

If IS takes over the world, will the best headcutteroff be awarded accolades like Beckham and asked for his opinion on world matters?

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The Pope left his outrageous and luxurious digs and his servants to fly on a privately chartered airliner to tell the world that... It's unfair for people to be poor. thumbsup.gif

He isn't offering to give HIS money to anyone. He telling you to give YOURS. In fact he wants governments to TAKE yours.

In the meantime the Catholic Church has some kind of magic potion that keeps its millions of adherents worldwide desperately poor. Yet those poor people manage to keep the Pope in luxury.

Then the Pope takes his bows as if he's so wonderful when all he really is, is a pompous leach upon society. A classic know nothing, do nothing.

How do people fall for this crazy.gif

Harsh but true. The Pope is a figurehead for a major corporation. At lest his PR skills are better than his predecessor. And he can speak in whole sentences, unlike David Beckham.

I just hate it when people say that David Beckhan is thick, nobody ever says that Richard Dawkins is sh!te at football!
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The Pope left his outrageous and luxurious digs and his servants to fly on a privately chartered airliner to tell the world that... It's unfair for people to be poor. thumbsup.gif

He isn't offering to give HIS money to anyone. He telling you to give YOURS. In fact he wants governments to TAKE yours.

In the meantime the Catholic Church has some kind of magic potion that keeps its millions of adherents worldwide desperately poor. Yet those poor people manage to keep the Pope in luxury.

Then the Pope takes his bows as if he's so wonderful when all he really is, is a pompous leach upon society. A classic know nothing, do nothing.

How do people fall for this crazy.gif

Harsh but true. The Pope is a figurehead for a major corporation. At lest his PR skills are better than his predecessor. And he can speak in whole sentences, unlike David Beckham.

I just hate it when people say that David Beckhan is thick, nobody ever says that Richard Dawkins is sh!te at football!

When the press start asking him to demonstrate world class free kicks, then it will become obvious to everyone that he is. But wisely he does not try ......

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