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Thai Navy will buy submarines


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Go for it....it's thailand tax payers money. As if they really care what we comment or say.

True, but the Thai people, whose tax money you rightly say it is, don't have any say either.

You are right....both the foreigners & the thais can comment till their mouth foams, still the current or any previous government won't give a s@#¥.
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anyone get the feeling china is telling these morons whoever pushes hardest for their subs will get a very nice bonus, cant believe this sh*t. Theyu would have to dig channels in the gulf for the bloody thing to submerge, much better to spend the money on useful weaponry to protect their soldiers from ied's, apc's as mentioned earlier would be a great start. Decent patrol boats would be a much better acquisition for the navy, also would get a lot more use in the shallow coastal waters

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Maybe someone already took a commission? And the Chinese are now demanding a refund?

Half expecting the Kra Isthmus canal to start up?

The Chinese Rail projects may be be doomed? Time to "lure" the Japanese to fund these economic-stimulation infrastructure projects?

China’s Ambitious Rail Projects Crash Into Harsh Realities in Latin America

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"Is that a submarine in your fleet or are you just glad to see me?"

Submarine might be used to protect Thais who happen to wander into Indonesian waters to exploit their natural resources.

If they really are worried about fishing from other countries, subs are probably the worst craft to use. Get a couple cutters and put them out on patrol. They'd be visible, faster and cheaper. The subs are along the lines of the non working cameras police love to put here and there. Want to stop crime and/or poaching? Have a presence! Go on a beat, go on patrol.

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Why not use this money to buy APC (armored personnel carrier) for soldiers in the south, who are now driving in Pickups and on scooters and being killed with roadside bombs.

If they just have to spend some money on the military, then this suggestion makes a lot more sense. If they just have to.

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Saying and doing.... 2 very different things here in LOS. I'll make a wager the deal never comes to fruition. Sure they'll commit, then welch and blame all and sundry and go round in circles. I don't think it will happen. And the Chinese have serious reservations also. They look into their crystal ball, (which is a very auspicious and diligent ball), and foresee a future vastly different from that the junta envision. The Chinese understand that the alliance between Thailand and its historical partners reaches deeper and wider than the scope of this deal, and any Thai government, (it is a relationship that has tempered Thai life for several generations, and knowingly to some, and unknowingly to others directs Thailand's place in the world, their aspirations and world view. Thais aspire to live an Occidental lifestyle rather than an Oriental one. They respect western technology and affluence and aspire to live the western way of life.) It is infused in the Thai anatomy, at a very deep psychological level. It is for this reason that the deal will fall through. Irrespective of what the junta maintains, this is bigger than the both of them. And this, the Chinese wisely know. They understand the historical geopolitical scene better than most. They are a sage lot, the Chinese.

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A real slap in the face for rice farmers who are facing a reportedly severe drought, and are being told by the government not to plant their dry-season crop.

It’s hard to find anything complimentary to say about this news, especially as it comes at a time when the government has told rice farmers there is insufficient funds available for financial aid.

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Go for it Thailand, sod the poor. I thought the navy commander has said they wont pursue the submarine purchase because of the financial difficulty Thailand is in and the money should be used to help the people instead. How things can change in a few days, obviously the Thai financial situation is looking up or they have received orders from Bejing.

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Good. It's the 21st century they should have submarines if they want them if for no other reason then to say they have them. What govts worldwide waste on nonsense and just print more debt and demand more from their citizens and get nothing for it, then buying submarines is not so bad IMO as at least they get an asset for the purchase. Can you say Sub-Prime, with 3/4 trillion dollars paid out? and the asset value was....? and anyone who thinks that govts, anywhere, can continue to afford that lunacy are delusional. This ain't so bad.

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As much as I think it's a ridiculous idea, it's their country so let them waste the peoples money any way they see fit. Until the Thai population starts demanding better governance than I say som nom na. They will look great rusting alongside their aircraft carrier.

"Until the Thai population starts demanding better governance ..." The four elections won in a row by various manifestations of the RedShirts don't count?

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As much as I think it's a ridiculous idea, it's their country so let them waste the peoples money any way they see fit. Until the Thai population starts demanding better governance than I say som nom na. They will look great rusting alongside their aircraft carrier.

"Until the Thai population starts demanding better governance ..." The four elections won in a row by various manifestations of the RedShirts don't count?

They definitely don't count.

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Here we go again, have these people got no shame!

Edit. I have no doubt this is just a mis-speak, to be clarified later.

No they don't and what really scares me is all the trial balloons on the 30 baht card. They just keep harping on a subject till they figure all the opposition has fallen silent and then bang! its a done deal. Bob's your uncle game over. It scares me that the people that make these as***e decisions have a hand in running the country as well. I cannot believe the PM has been silent on this subject but then he is an ex military man who had lots of boy toys. Its just astounding. This country is going short of so many things education upgrade being one and their priority is this?

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Whos going to sail them.. I would like to see that

All jokes aside what would the purpose be ?

Petty fisherman from other asian countries. Hardly worth the trouble. The fuel bill would be more than the effort

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A good few days ago it was announced that the money was not available at this time to buy---it said deferred.

Now look at this topic.

I go with the flow of the PM and what the guy is trying in a short space of time to mend decades of DUNG administration.

Let all and sundry understand the decision is the most stupid yet as the waters are not deep enough for submarines to operate functionally. Could so easily be detected. Submarines to protect from WHO ?????? Burma---Cambodia---Vietnam-----Laos Ha ha ha.

Laughable PM----embarrassing PM STOP this waste of public money-----put it into free health care---and after care. (take note Jag and others that think I am a army lover)

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There Is A Submarine [to the tune, There is a Mountain]

First there is a submarine,

Then there is no sub, then there is.

Oh prime minister. Oh prime minister. Oh prime minister, I need more baht.

- A tip 'o the hat to Donovan for the interesting song and creative thought-provoking parody

Edited by connda
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They will end up been tied up somewhere and will become a

place for schools to bring the kids and Thai tourist attraction,

most likely next to that other waste of money .the aircraft carrier.

with the Blimp trying to fly overhead.

regards worgeordie

Maybe they could combine the airship and submarine,

Just tie a parachute cord from the submarine to the airship, that way the submarine will not be able to dive too deep in the shallow Gulf of Thailand.

Admiral Somchai will love it!!

Edited by BoristheBlade
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In my experience,Thailand's most valuable "natural resources" originate from Isaan (I know, I married one!) - so I don't think a submarine would be of much use up here....................

In that case the boat would be toast and they'd have a ball protecting natural resources.

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A good few days ago it was announced that the money was not available at this time to buy---it said deferred.

Now look at this topic.

I go with the flow of the PM and what the guy is trying in a short space of time to mend decades of DUNG administration.

Let all and sundry understand the decision is the most stupid yet as the waters are not deep enough for submarines to operate functionally. Could so easily be detected. Submarines to protect from WHO ?????? Burma---Cambodia---Vietnam-----Laos Ha ha ha.

Laughable PM----embarrassing PM STOP this waste of public money-----put it into free health care---and after care. (take note Jag and others that think I am a army lover)

"(take note Jag and others that think I am a army lover) "

Oh, I still think you're an army lover but you might not be so enamored with the navy...coffee1.gif

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