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Japanese man murdered at his home in Thailand


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RIP. So the wife had an affair with the neighbor and offered him a "reward" for topping Mr Yoshioka. Or am i reading too much into this?

Well the neighbour's wife seemed keen to put her husband in the frame, so maybe something along those lines.

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According to his Thai wife, Ms Poranee Napadol, she was not at home last night but went to visit her mother who was suffering from kidney sickness.coffee1.gif

and ...........

The buffalo was sick too so she had to stay there one night.

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was there medicine in the room ? where is his mobile ? what about his wallet and credit cards ?

I don't think this can be ruled as suicide ........ seems suspicious to me .....

Oh dear, you do have a very suspicious mind. Never mind the cards and wallet, the probable weapon was found in next doors dustbin. Clearly suicide.

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sounds a little fishy to me. She goes and visits mommy and comes and he is dead.

Not really. People do visit their parents.

The thing that struck me is this 83 year old man's mother-in-law is still alive.

Why, she's only 60, his wife's 35. Just guessing.

Edited by Si Thea01
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Although Samphand appears highly suspect, I would lay odds that the police will conclude that the Japanese man died from complications of disease and taking medicine, and not a stabbing. After all, a Thai wouldn't commit murder.

This is becoming boring, about time you got a new fiddle and played a different tune.

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He is to blame anyway, it must be very disgusting for a very young girl having to sleep with such an old man. I can imagine her starting to hate him after some time (actually from the very beginning)

So how old was his wife then? Oh yes, a later post tells us, a very young 48.

Edited by Alration
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sounds a little fishy to me. She goes and visits mommy and comes and he is dead.

Just maybe he saw the missus go out and thought the old boy would be easy to rob,He didn't want to tackle a Thai woman.Of course this doesn't fit the TVF conspiracy theorists scenario,but there you go.Some of you blokes must sleep with one eye open permanantly.

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It could also be revenge, maybe the Japanese man was healthy and in good shape for his age and tried to impress the lady next door. That would be like a death sentence to the old man.

Edited by balo
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was there medicine in the room ? where is his mobile ? what about his wallet and credit cards ?

I don't think this can be ruled as suicide ........ seems suspicious to me .....

Mmm, he cut his own throat,went outside to put the scissor in the bin,went back inside and died.Neat people,the Japanese.

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Although Samphand appears highly suspect, I would lay odds that the police will conclude that the Japanese man died from complications of disease and taking medicine, and not a stabbing. After all, a Thai wouldn't commit murder.


This is a clear case and we have a murder suspect , the neighbor did it. And guess what , he is Thai!

Ok, Mr. Police, case closed as Sherlock balo has closed the case by intensive study of the Thai PBS article. Your most reliable news source along with your most reliable detective. CASE SOLVED. Edited by ldiablo
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According to his Thai wife, Ms Poranee Napadol, she was not at home last night but went to visit her mother who was suffering from kidney sickness.:coffee1:

So Sherlock, what are you saying? Along with the original quote and the stupid predesigned modicon, you've said nothing original.

Edited by mankondang
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sounds a little fishy to me. She goes and visits mommy and comes and he is dead.

Not really. People do visit their parents.

The thing that struck me is this 83 year old man's mother-in-law is still alive.

His wife could have been very young. The neighbour could have been her boyfriend.

well, the neighbor is married to Mrs Sompong Napadol. So I guess now you can say that the young wife of the Japanese was his mistress and Mrs Sompong found out about it so she decided to kill the old man and frame her husband, right?

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Sad you get to live to 83 years old and someone piece of slime comes along and does this.

Exactly,was back in Oz recently and went to see my last remaining aunt and uncle.She is 93 and he is 95,some scumbag assaulted both of them.She was a bright,funny old girl,not any more.They tell me "ice is rampant"in Oz.

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Although Samphand appears highly suspect, I would lay odds that the police will conclude that the Japanese man died from complications of disease and taking medicine, and not a stabbing. After all, a Thai wouldn't commit murder.

" After all, a Thai wouldn't commit murder."

You ever get of trotting that one out?...Rhetorical question

Simple amusement for simple thinkers

I believe it's called balance.

While all the simple thinkers in authority here keep trotting out the BS that a Thai wouldn't do (insert crime here) to another Thai, it seems only fair for someone to take the p*ss.

I (and some others) will continue clicking the 'like' button for such p*ss taking until this country evolves - and also because simple things amuse me :)

Edited by sean in udon
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When it all said and done, properly, we will find at least one or two Thais did the deed on Koh Tao last year.

Although Samphand appears highly suspect, I would lay odds that the police will conclude that the Japanese man died from complications of disease and taking medicine, and not a stabbing. After all, a Thai wouldn't commit murder.

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sounds a little fishy to me. She goes and visits mommy and comes and he is dead.

Yes...and the plot thickens while we could very well learn ( just speculation on my part ) that the Thai wife of the deceased and the male neighbor, next door, had something sly and underhanded going on while there may be a healthy insurance policy or some sort of decent financial gain to be had by the death of the elderly Japanese man.....so a plan was hatched and unfortunately executed.

Would the police be able to connect the dots and piece the possible plot together and successfully lay charges on the correct person or persons???.....or.... do they really care at all while they would rather just sweep the whole affair under the carpet and be done with it, as is the case so often when a foreign national dies here in Thailand.

Just wondering...... I am, I am.


Edited by gemguy
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He is to blame anyway, it must be very disgusting for a very young girl having to sleep with such an old man. I can imagine her starting to hate him after some time (actually from the very beginning).

Are your legs tired? How do you blame the victim and come to the conclusion his wife is very young? The wife supposedly has a mother, but that could mean the wife is 60-something and the mother 80-something.

Do you usually make decisions based on fantasy instead of fact? Or, do you just have a problem with old and young being together? Did some old man take your girl?

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He is to blame anyway, it must be very disgusting for a very young girl having to sleep with such an old man. I can imagine her starting to hate him after some time (actually from the very beginning).

Are your legs tired? How do you blame the victim and come to the conclusion his wife is very young? The wife supposedly has a mother, but that could mean the wife is 60-something and the mother 80-something.

Do you usually make decisions based on fantasy instead of fact? Or, do you just have a problem with old and young being together? Did some old man take your girl?

Sometimes it's best to ignore some people, commenting just encourages more stupidity.

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and isn't it strange that so many tv members instantly make so many negative comments.

Yes, you are right.

But the way I see it, is, that it has a lot to do with surprise (only for the first few years) / disbelieve (for another few years) / anger / frustration / resignation of the many Westerners here, as the chances, including this sad case, are huge, that the ineptness, lazyness, corruption <fill in whatever you want> of the RTP know no limit.

I would rather replace the word "negativity" with "sarcasm", stemming from frustration, which is directed towards the Thai police farce, which obviously know no shame, are excluded from face loss (whatever this is) and under which the people here, especially the Thais, have to suffer.

After having said that, let me finally join the Sherlock bar stool crowd ;-).

Q1: Is there another witness who has seen the suspect, Samphand, alive and well the day before or is Mrs Sompong Napadol the only one?

Q2: Does Mrs Napadol, I mean the neighbour, not the widow, also have a mother who is suffering from kidney sickness? (HT to tom21)

Just asking.

What a tragedy this would be, if they both became widows within the same day / night.

At least the cases could then be closed as solved: Two unrelated suicides.

/end sarcasm

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Conveniently away for the night.

Poor guy


No value of life at any age in this country.

I am from USA - do you ever see the news from there? Near weekly there are either mass murders at churches, universities or theaters. There are stories of children killing children with guns, and people killing their entire families… sure, it happens everywhere and is horrible when it does, but this is not unique to Thailand by any means….

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