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No more double entry tourist visa - Malaysia

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If someone wants more freedom to come and go and plans on spending significant time in Thailand during any 6 month period but also plans to travel around in Asia, maybe even using Thailand as a base, if they are allowed visa free entry, why bother even getting a visa at all? I've spent years with Thailand as my base, never spending more than 6 months in any given year in Thailand, always flying in and out to go back to work in other countries, and never knowing my plans more than 2-3 weeks in advance. It's perfect to just come in and out with the 30 day stamp. Why waste time and money looking for visas?

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To the poster who indicated most farangs on retirement visas are dead beat- I would like an explanation on how you have the ability to know everyone's financial status and personal information. Please do enlighten us and give us the same ability to scrutinize these people so we too can be enlightened.

I was quoting "dead beat" from a previous respondent, who indicated that people using the TV loop-hole to stay long term were all broke. I wasn't quoting the term as a reference to financial status per say. It was more a reference to the typical embarrassing white male residing in Thailand who views the entire country through the myopic goggles of the sex industry, and who are - naturally - now all experts on Thailand and S.E Asia in general. These people are not exclusive to any visa status but span the entire range. It's a pity they're even issued with passports.

Seeing your making a veiled dig at me, as you rightly know I referred to Cambodia and all dead beats are not broke...one can still be a deat beat with cash...

But seeing as you want to hurl insults...got your WP yet, ?

No I wasn't having a dig at all. Sorry, it was thoughtless typing without reading over. I even went back and edited it. My apologies.

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To the poster who indicated most farangs on retirement visas are dead beat- I would like an explanation on how you have the ability to know everyone's financial status and personal information. Please do enlighten us and give us the same ability to scrutinize these people so we too can be enlightened.

I was quoting "dead beat" from a previous respondent, who indicated that people using the TV loop-hole to stay long term were all broke. I wasn't quoting the term as a reference to financial status per say. It was more a reference to the typical embarrassing white male residing in Thailand who views the entire country through the myopic goggles of the sex industry, and who are - naturally - now all experts on Thailand and S.E Asia in general. These people are not exclusive to any visa status but span the entire range. It's a pity they're even issued with passports.

Seeing your making a veiled dig at me, as you rightly know I referred to Cambodia and all dead beats are not broke...one can still be a deat beat with cash...

But seeing as you want to hurl insults...got your WP yet, ?

No I wasn't having a dig at all. Sorry, it was thoughtless typing without reading over. I even went back and edited it. My apologies.

No problem ;)

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Tourist visa runs are going to be a thing of the past soon. They want it so that you apply and receive your single entry TV from your home country.

Sadly, this makes sense.

Oh well, I have people in the US I can visit. Would rather fly them to Thailand, but that's Thailand's choie.

Lots of bloody wasted time though. Would much rather split the airfare with Thailand in the form of visa extension fee or whatever.

I'm somewhat cheap, but I'm really lazy.

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As long anyone has his name recorded in the birth certificate he will get the one year visa O-M without any question asked and as long the Mrs doesn't carry the name of the farang of course.


I don't plan to ever marry again under government aegis, but making babies sounds like good fun.

I'm in!

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There are still many options for under 50 year old.

1. Apply for METV in home country and stay up to 9 month then apply for single entry TV in laos. So you have 1 year. After fly back homr for a week and do the same again.

2. Get an confirmation letter from an thai language school that you will learn thai for a year. Apply in your home country for an 1 year ED visa with multiple entrys. But dont go to school when you arrive thailand(nobody cares) youve got the visa already - 15 month stay. Then go back and do the same with a differrent school at a different


3. Setting up a small business in your home country and write yourself an invitation letter to Thailand for possible business investments. Apply for 1 year Non-B visa. 15 month stay.

And there are some more options......

Three great options, thanks for the reminder.

(Although making babies still sounds like way more fun.)

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Thailand has some of the most varied, accomdating, ease of use and cheapest visa's on the planet, finanical requirements for longer term visas/extensions are very fair indeed...

Compared to Europe, yes.

Compared to Latin America, no. In many countries there, back-to-back border bounces are the rule, allowing 90 day or even 180 day stays. And in several countries, residency is easy at any age, with income of as low as 500, 1000 or 1500 usd. And in some places, like Mexico, Guatemala and I believe Argentina, the income does not have to be a pension or annuity etc. So ordinary online work is fine. Plus penalties for visa overstays are often just a per-day fine, which some choose to pay.

So Thailand may not be the hardest, but it is also not the easiest.

Edited by HikeFromLA
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I guess the general consensus is I got mine and I really don't care about you. Go find a way to get yours. These are the sentiments I find so disturbing not only for this issue but so many others. The World has become a very selfish place. You are all entitled to your opinion as I am to mine. I believe in compassion . Maybe someday you will join in.

You sound like someone took the jam out of your doughnut.

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I go to Thailand every year, but I never make ANY visa. I not like countries who are asking for a visa for bringing money in the country. I always use visa-free entry, then I go to Laos, also visa-free entry, then I return to Thailand, and if finished I go to another country, like Malaysia (90 days visa-free). Now Indonesia gives also visa-free entry for 30 days. Good so!

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Pardon my ignorance, but if one gets a single entry tourist visa in their home country and then travels to Thailand, all is well. But suppose one wants to take a week long trip to Cambodia. When you leave Thailand, can you then get some sort of re-entry thing to come back in under the original Tourist Visa? Or does the Single Entry tourist visa end and get closed out as soon as you exit Thailand?

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Pardon my ignorance, but if one gets a single entry tourist visa in their home country and then travels to Thailand, all is well. But suppose one wants to take a week long trip to Cambodia. When you leave Thailand, can you then get some sort of re-entry thing to come back in under the original Tourist Visa? Or does the Single Entry tourist visa end and get closed out as soon as you exit Thailand?

Yes you can get a re-entry permit before leaving the country.

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Pardon my ignorance, but if one gets a single entry tourist visa in their home country and then travels to Thailand, all is well. But suppose one wants to take a week long trip to Cambodia. When you leave Thailand, can you then get some sort of re-entry thing to come back in under the original Tourist Visa? Or does the Single Entry tourist visa end and get closed out as soon as you exit Thailand?

Yes you can get a re-entry permit before leaving the country.

Thank you. I got it now. And in doing some more reading, I see two options that would work for me on my upcoming visit.

(1) In USA, Get Tourist Visa single entry ($40 USD), go to Thailand. After 60 days, pay $1900 baht and extend 30 days. Leave Thailand and loiter in Cambodia for a while. Enter Thailand on 30 day visa exempt and finish trip.

(2) If 60 days was enough, one could leave Thailand at 60 days, loiter in Cambodia for a while, then re-enter Thailand on a simple 30 day visa exempt and not have to pay anything extra.

It occurs to me that I could do the entire thing with 30 day visa exempts if they let me.

(3) Fly to Thailand and enter on simple 30 day visa exempt. Extend visa 30 days for 1900 baht at local immigration. Leave Thailand, loiter in Cambodia, then return to Thailand getting another 30 day Visa exempt.

I would think (3) wouldn't stress the immigration people too much, although I have heard of some resistance to the 30 day visa exempt extension being one time only and no further or no immediate 30 day visa exempts would be allowed?


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I go to Thailand every year, but I never make ANY visa. I not like countries who are asking for a visa for bringing money in the country. I always use visa-free entry, then I go to Laos, also visa-free entry, then I return to Thailand, and if finished I go to another country, like Malaysia (90 days visa-free). Now Indonesia gives also visa-free entry for 30 days. Good so!

I don't know what nationality you have, but you are lucky to have this one,

because most people/tourists don't have visa-free entry in all these countries...

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I have a friend that is German and very poor. He is married and pays the immigration and police off in Pattaya to get his extension of stay. He is currently very sick and survives on 400 Euros per month and the wife just waits for him to expire so she can grab a nice house. I am sure he will pass away in the next 3 months as his health is in very bad shape and I do give him some time some money to get by. Damn it this guy would get a big payout early next year as he finally reaches his pension.

Another farang a French guy was just diagnosed with stomach cancer, the inusrance only covers up to 150,000 Baht per month and he was just transferred from a first class private hospital to a government hospital. He should be returning to the home this weekend as he run out of money and the wife refuses to sell the house in Udon Thani (top location) as she wants to have the house too (No children involved).

The mistake both did was that they burned funds on Sinsood, Cars and house and on the end they have nothing,

Can't protect people from their own stupidity. Isn't stomach cancer pretty much untreatable. ..why sell the house and blow his wife's future security so he can have maybe an extra month or so in agony. Seems pretty selfish to me.

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You cannot control who you fall in love with an I have known this person for 12 years. Certainly was not something I ran into blindly.

Not saying anything about the relationship. ..only that I assume you were aware that sam-sex marriage wasn't then, and isn't likely to be in the near future,legal so that this might present immigration issues at some point. As you said you both could afford the PE visa, maybe this is the best option. There is also the option to "adopt" your partner and this would open up other visa options.

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Yes the PE Visa is an option for some- but will they accept 10K per month as payment for the Visa. I understand they want the 500K up front.. Then there is the marriage visa 40K per month or 400K in the bank. Then there is retirement 65 K per month of 800 K in the bank. Not everyone has these kind of funds and many stay in Thailand supporting wife and children on less but cannot come up with the requirement of cash or proof that they have the monthly income. ...

They can get a multi entry non 'O' visa without any financial proof. They then just need to exit every 90 days or get a 60 day extension and exit every 5 months. Then every 15/17 months they need a new visa.

The consulate in Savanaket, Laos offers this. But to my knowledge, Vientiene requires financial proof. How long Savanaket will continue to do this is unknown. I would predict a spike in such requests if double-entries go away, single-entries become increasingly more difficult to obtain, and the METV is only available in one's home country.

Simultaneously a cry of "abuse" will go up, and a term like "real marriages" will show up here (replacing or supplementing the "real tourists" meme). I would define "abuse" as foreigners who take Thai jobs. The place to find them would in in the workplace, red-handed - not at immigration checkpoints, where they cannot be reliably differentiated from "genuine" holders of whatever visa.

The best solution would be harsh prison-sentences for violators, including those that hire them, plus a "tip-line," offering significant rewards. This would discourage the practice and keep officials abreast of any violations much more efficiently than encouraging increasing scrutiny by IOs or Embassy/Consulate personnel.

The latter policy affects non-abusers, as much or more than actual abusers, who have no qualms resorting to illegal means to obtain whatever documents, bribes, etc, are necessary. The "risk-taking" criminal sort have no aversions to such behaviour. The rest of us do.

Of course, we foreigners can not, and should not, dictate Thai policies. This response is directed at foreigners who applaud such policies.

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No official limit on consecutive tourist visas has ever been set, that sort of implies Thailand doesn't mind perpetual tourists. Bit of logic there rather than assumptions.

The regional Thai consulates and embassies ALREADY DO limit the number of TR visas based on what evidence of multiple prior visas and visa exempt entries are already in the applicants passport. Visa annotation is very common.

Regardless if someone successfully get their umpteenth TR visa from the umpteenth regional Thai consulate or embassy, Immigration officers ALREADY DO arbitrarily exercise the enforcement of limits by either denying entry or advising people with evidence of multiple prior visas and visa exempt entries that they must get the correct visa or will be denied entry next time.

The fact that there's 'no official limit on consecutive tourist visas' means absolutely nothing. People have been getting red-stamped for years. People being denied entry and being sent back to where they came from is increasing.

I agree,what good is it to repeat incessantly that there is no limit on TR visas when in real life, immigration and embassies do have their own set limits ?

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I have a friend that is German and very poor. He is married and pays the immigration and police off in Pattaya to get his extension of stay. He is currently very sick and survives on 400 Euros per month and the wife just waits for him to expire so she can grab a nice house. I am sure he will pass away in the next 3 months as his health is in very bad shape and I do give him some time some money to get by. Damn it this guy would get a big payout early next year as he finally reaches his pension.

Another farang a French guy was just diagnosed with stomach cancer, the inusrance only covers up to 150,000 Baht per month and he was just transferred from a first class private hospital to a government hospital. He should be returning to the home this weekend as he run out of money and the wife refuses to sell the house in Udon Thani (top location) as she wants to have the house too (No children involved).

The mistake both did was that they burned funds on Sinsood, Cars and house and on the end they have nothing,

Can't protect people from their own stupidity. Isn't stomach cancer pretty much untreatable. ..why sell the house and blow his wife's future security so he can have maybe an extra month or so in agony. Seems pretty selfish to me.

They have been married for a long time already. He just found out several months ago that their is a life insurance on his head. Mrs done that without him telling. He has Stage II so his survival rate of living another two - three years is very strong but at the government hospital he should be dead within a few months.

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I have a friend that is German and very poor. He is married and pays the immigration and police off in Pattaya to get his extension of stay. He is currently very sick and survives on 400 Euros per month and the wife just waits for him to expire so she can grab a nice house. I am sure he will pass away in the next 3 months as his health is in very bad shape and I do give him some time some money to get by. Damn it this guy would get a big payout early next year as he finally reaches his pension.

Another farang a French guy was just diagnosed with stomach cancer, the inusrance only covers up to 150,000 Baht per month and he was just transferred from a first class private hospital to a government hospital. He should be returning to the home this weekend as he run out of money and the wife refuses to sell the house in Udon Thani (top location) as she wants to have the house too (No children involved).

The mistake both did was that they burned funds on Sinsood, Cars and house and on the end they have nothing,

Can't protect people from their own stupidity. Isn't stomach cancer pretty much untreatable. ..why sell the house and blow his wife's future security so he can have maybe an extra month or so in agony. Seems pretty selfish to me.

They have been married for a long time already. He just found out several months ago that their is a life insurance on his head. Mrs done that without him telling. He has Stage II so his survival rate of living another two - three years is very strong but at the government hospital he should be dead within a few months.

People marry here thinking, it has the same moral and romantic value as in the West.

As heart breaking these stories are, they are also unfortunately very common.

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Somebody made an interesting comment here about just overstaying and paying the 20,000 fine. That seems like a great way to avoid visa runs, but can one do that I definitely? If someone's goal were to come to Thailand for 3 visits per year, with each visit ranging from 2-3 months, could they just come in on a 30 day exempt stamp and stay as long as they want and pay the fine at the airport upon exit and then just come back and do it again a month or two later, and repeat and repeat? Does immigration ever hold it against the person and bar their future entries? That's probably cheaper for most than going back to their "home" countries for a new visa.

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Somebody made an interesting comment here about just overstaying and paying the 20,000 fine. That seems like a great way to avoid visa runs, but can one do that I definitely? If someone's goal were to come to Thailand for 3 visits per year, with each visit ranging from 2-3 months, could they just come in on a 30 day exempt stamp and stay as long as they want and pay the fine at the airport upon exit and then just come back and do it again a month or two later, and repeat and repeat? Does immigration ever hold it against the person and bar their future entries? That's probably cheaper for most than going back to their "home" countries for a new visa.

I read that was the next thing on their agenda

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If tourist visas become too difficult to obtain for people wanting to stay longer term I hope they just go on overstay. I hope they go on overstay and simply pay the 20k fine now and again. Come back in and start again.

I really don't care what other foreigners are doing here. What I do enjoy is watching the fusty 'farangs' going ape shit over people beating the system with no consequences.

These people who go ape are the same people who say stuff like "It's their rules. None of our business. We should all be grateful guests". You're right, we are guests and it's none of our business what they do. None of our business what foreigners are doing also. That's a local problem I don't care to bother myself with.

Good luck to all those on tourists visas who want to stay in this county long term.

Yes it very well maybe, but of you had better hope they dont enact the rules they where talking about regarding banning people from Thailand for upto 10 years

Seems to me Thailand maybe under going a revamp of its visa, rules and consequences and in the future the banning rules for overstay may become a reality ;)

It's been in the pipeline for over a year. They also said its imminent. I even sign a form saying I understand these rules even though they're not law.

Again, if they wanna implement these laws, that's their prerogative. I really don't care either way.

People for now can just pay overstay.

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If tourist visas become too difficult to obtain for people wanting to stay longer term I hope they just go on overstay. I hope they go on overstay and simply pay the 20k fine now and again. Come back in and start again.

I really don't care what other foreigners are doing here. What I do enjoy is watching the fusty 'farangs' going ape shit over people beating the system with no consequences.

These people who go ape are the same people who say stuff like "It's their rules. None of our business. We should all be grateful guests". You're right, we are guests and it's none of our business what they do. None of our business what foreigners are doing also. That's a local problem I don't care to bother myself with.

Good luck to all those on tourists visas who want to stay in this county long term.

Yes it very well maybe, but of you had better hope they dont enact the rules they where talking about regarding banning people from Thailand for upto 10 years

Seems to me Thailand maybe under going a revamp of its visa, rules and consequences and in the future the banning rules for overstay may become a reality wink.png

It's been in the pipeline for over a year. They also said its imminent. I even sign a form saying I understand these rules even though they're not law.

Again, if they wanna implement these laws, that's their prerogative. I really don't care either way.

People for now can just pay overstay.

Under current policy I'm sure someone could continue to get let in with a few minor overstays. But someone repeatedly overstaying, for months at a time, would soon be denied future entries.

The proposed bans can't be implemented without regulation or law change. But the existing law allows for overstayers to be locked up for 2 years and fined up to 20k for any length of overstay. So if people did start overstaying en masse immigration could start locking people up and charging 20k for any overstay. So best not to poke the bear!

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Somebody made an interesting comment here about just overstaying and paying the 20,000 fine. ...

And live in fear of the police every time I go out? No thanks. I came here to relax and enjoy.

If overstaying one should "fear the police" !

Once the airport has been reached and with the required cash to pay the fine "escape" is almost guaranteed smile.png

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