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German village of 102 residents ordered to take in 750 asylum seekers


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The ethic of Islam is to have a Muslim world, this is the target for Isis, if this stealth invasion continues, then they will eventually achieve this. As previous posters have said, the Muslim ethic is NOT to integrate, but to assimilate others into the world of Islam. All this is only the tip of a very large iceberg !!

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The ethic of Islam is to have a Muslim world, this is the target for Isis, if this stealth invasion continues, then they will eventually achieve this. As previous posters have said, the Muslim ethic is NOT to integrate, but to assimilate others into the world of Islam. All this is only the tip of a very large iceberg !!

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The ethic of Islam is to have a Muslim world, this is the target for Isis, if this stealth invasion continues, then they will eventually achieve this. As previous posters have said, the Muslim ethic is NOT to integrate, but to assimilate others into the world of Islam. All this is only the tip of a very large iceberg !!

The same holds true for every religion on a mission, including capitalism and socialism.

Edited by micmichd
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Wow. And I thought building a stadium in the rain forest was the dumbest decision a government would agree to. What next - removing citizens from their homes to house the refugees?

And I thought the Germans were very intelligent. Wake up Germany!

If you bothered to look, you will see that they already have the infrastructure to house these refugees.

They could have "housed" them in tents in der Black Forest and should have, IMHO. They're probably well-acclimated to "camping out" by now. Of course there should be cellular service so they can call home on their iPhones.

There were some other buildings they could have used but they have all become tourist attractions now.

I thought of that but they would die of severe, chronic irony. Naaaah, probably not.

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Wow. And I thought building a stadium in the rain forest was the dumbest decision a government would agree to. What next - removing citizens from their homes to house the refugees?

And I thought the Germans were very intelligent. Wake up Germany!

If you bothered to look, you will see that they already have the infrastructure to house these refugees.

They could have "housed" them in tents in der Black Forest and should have, IMHO. They're probably well-acclimated to "camping out" by now. Of course there should be cellular service so they can call home on their iPhones.

There were some other buildings they could have used but they have all become tourist attractions now.

Not so many tourists in Germany at this time of the year.

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The ethic of Islam is to have a Muslim world, this is the target for Isis, if this stealth invasion continues, then they will eventually achieve this. As previous posters have said, the Muslim ethic is NOT to integrate, but to assimilate others into the world of Islam. All this is only the tip of a very large iceberg !!

You can see this, I can see this, everyone on the street can see this....but for some unknown reason all the leaders of the western world CANNOT see this, why is that, I wonder?
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Only 750?

At least it's 750 less going to the UK, no shops? Bloody hell, they'll have a giant mosque built, but no shops.

At least the shop looting figures will be favorable.

Don't worry Mr Cruncher, our friend Mr K (I think you know who) will come on here and tell us how to think, he knows everything...lol

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According to authorities, the offices will be used as a refugee centre for a up to a year and refugees will stay while their asylum requests are processed.

Dirk Hammer, a Sumte resident, told the New York Times, the situation in Sumte could offer “an ideal platform for the far right".

Holger Niemann, a member of Sumte’s council and on the board of Die Rechte, a far-right party with strong links to neo-Nazi groups, said: “It is bad for the people, but politically it is good for me.”


A village with a Neo Nazi background is ordered to take in 7 times as much Muslim refugees as there are residents.

Any thoughts what the next news report out of Sumte will be about?

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What a gift...I am sure the asylum seekers will do well once they vote themselves into office and change all the rules...feel sorry for the German villagers...chances of this ending badly are very good...

No chance for votes in Sumte, have to be a resident for a number of years to be granted voting rights.

According to authorities, the offices will be used as a refugee centre for a up to a year and refugees will stay while their asylum requests are processed.

Dirk Hammer, a Sumte resident, told the New York Times, the situation in Sumte could offer “an ideal platform for the far right".

Holger Niemann, a member of Sumte’s council and on the board of Die Rechte, a far-right party with strong links to neo-Nazi groups, said: “It is bad for the people, but politically it is good for me.”



In order to seek asylum in Germany, you must stay in the Federal Republic of Germany and undergo asylum procedures. It is not possible to apply from abroad. The website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees details the exact asylum process.



The possibility that the silent underground has been waiting for something like this is clear.

Those who are supposed to be caring for us have forgotten all that we fought for.

If everything goes belly up then they will move to their mansions in the Bahamas.

I wonder if these people will refer to it as Mine Kamp.

Mine Kamp ? Do you mean mein kampf ?

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Invasion Europe is well underway. Its time for Europeans to evacuate to Thailand if they will give us refugee status ?

A lot have already evacuated to places like Singapore forming white ghettos.

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Now you see how propaganda works. Not only on the "bums", but also on middle class Farangs that have enough money to travel.

Maybe now you've got an idea what my Thai gf and me had to go through in Germany, and why I'm so upset sometimes.

Wait, I forgot you love to call people like me "leftist loonies". You know what? Even some doctors would agree and shout out "attitude adjustment". And you would either give them a big hand or look away, with the fear and the silent hope that you are not the next one. You will be remembered, expect it.

Edited by micmichd
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Got a small question regarding government power in Germany, does the government have any right to order any community to do anything ever except in very limited circumstances. It would make sense to put those refugees in that location only if it was requested by the community.

The penalty for non compliance to this order would be what ?

You're welcome. Germany sports a federal justice system and is comprised of 16 Länder ("counties" or whatever you call them in your place), i.e. major administrative districts, some are much smaller than others, especially the 3 city-states. If a Land were to step outside of federal law, the federal state could very very theoretically take over ("Bundeszwang"); this has never happened, legal hurdles for that are sky-high. German politics are to comfy for that to happen, Bavaria did threaten some "emergency measures" over the course of the past couple of weeks without giving any details... might have been the first practical application.

The Länder presently have not much say in how many refugees they get from the total number, that percentage is ruled by federal law (where the Länder had a lot of say in the making but could individually be overruled) called Königsteiner Schlüssel. It's mostly determined by size, populace and relative wealth, so NRW and Bavaria take the brunt and destitute small Bremen largely stays out. It's more or less a score of buses or trains arriving, "where do you want them?" or so it seems at the moment.

The same goes down the line. The Länder (apart from the much smaller city-states Hamburg, Berlin and Bremen) are further subdivided into administrative districts called "Kreise" along with "Kreisfreie Städte" (i.e. towns big enough to not be part of a larger district), the governing body is called "Regierungspräsidium" (RP). The Länder could take those RPs over if they were not to comply, has never happened in 70 years. The RPs in turn govern the individual municipalities by way of by-laws and orders to the civil servants in the town-halls. The Länder have their own regulations as to how many refugees an individual municipality has to take after those refugees have been processed in reception centers.

Some of these municipalities, like Sumte, are so tiny they got cobbled together into "Einheitsgemeinden", i.e. there is one minuscule town-hall for about a dozen of them and a mayor and a handful of representatives for whatever "politics" they want to pass. Level of dog tax, minimum duration of decomposition on the graveyard. While the administration as such will be led a fully fledged lawyer, you can safely expect half of whatever city charters they pass on a local level to be legally null and void. Not because they're evil, but because they lack the expertise. A hamlet of that size trying to square off against its Land or RP is a theoretical question.

Now, for Sumte actually the town of Amt Neuhaus would be politically and administratively responsible, itself a humongous urban sprawl of a bit less than 5.000 people including all municipalities. If they would not comply, the RP from Lüneburg could step in and replace the pen-pusher responsible by a commissar. I.e. one fine morning a new chap from the RP walks into the relevant office of the town in question and takes over direct command. The elected mayor as such would not be involved here, he is only there for politics, not the hands-on administration. This actually has happened once in 70 years, not around Sumte, but to a particularly rambunctious child protection service in Naumburg, Saxony-Anhalt.

Actually, in this case the very questions will not be brought up because Sumte does not own the building those refugees will be accommodated in, it's apparently rented by the RP in Lündeburg. The RP will be in charge of any refugees for the time being, including accommodation, feeding, bills, etc. It will be a reception center ("Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung") run by Lüneburg administration until those refugees get deferred to a municipailty (while they corporally are in fact in a municipality, the latter is not in charge of them legally with a view to the center they have to live in). If Sumte had to clear out a school things might be different, that way it's more or less none of their business. The administration and city council could try and occupy the building corporeally, would be a case for the police (which in turn are run by the Land of Lower-Saxony) to clear them out then, and would imply criminal charges on an individual level.

In our case, from the legal point of view of Sumte or Amt Neuhaus it's more or less a squad of buses loading off people in front of that building. The charity ASB will cater for them, including medical supplies and a kindergarten, Amt Neuhaus wouldn't have the resources. They will just get a lot more paperwork and might have to step up communal services, like order an additional garbage truck.

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The possibility that the silent underground has been waiting for something like this is clear.

Those who are supposed to be caring for us have forgotten all that we fought for.

If everything goes belly up then they will move to their mansions in the Bahamas.

I wonder if these people will refer to it as Mine Kamp.

Mine Kamp ? Do you mean mein kampf ?

I took it as a play on words - a bit of black humor. But, suit yourself...


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Does it have a pub?

Does it have a church?

Nope. Former GDR territory, takes 50 seconds to drive through, no pub, no stores, next discounter is 4 km away in Amt Neuhaus, which is where a total of 4 policemen do their duty, except on weekends.

Link (in German)

Whatever my or anyone else's stance on this asylum affair might be, I am beginning to doubt the wisdom of...

Little edit here: those ASB folks who run the center have put up a wee store for immediate needs, they've set up a small security force, apparently even created some local employment. Let's see if it's going to be enough.

Edited by Saradoc1972
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What a gift...I am sure the asylum seekers will do well once they vote themselves into office and change all the rules...feel sorry for the German villagers...chances of this ending badly are very good...

No chance for votes in Sumte, have to be a resident for a number of years to be granted voting rights.

According to authorities, the offices will be used as a refugee centre for a up to a year and refugees will stay while their asylum requests are processed.

Dirk Hammer, a Sumte resident, told the New York Times, the situation in Sumte could offer “an ideal platform for the far right".

Holger Niemann, a member of Sumte’s council and on the board of Die Rechte, a far-right party with strong links to neo-Nazi groups, said: “It is bad for the people, but politically it is good for me.”



In order to seek asylum in Germany, you must stay in the Federal Republic of Germany and undergo asylum procedures. It is not possible to apply from abroad. The website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees details the exact asylum process.

Actually does not hinge on residency but on acquiring German citizenship.

While the rules for getting German citizenship have been made a bit more lenient for asylum seekers in that they can apply after 6 years instead of 8 years of lawful residency, if persecution persists, and they might be able to retain their original citizenship doing so, that process still takes those 6 years (including times of asylum).

There furthermore would be background checks for criminality and they'd have to pass a language test for German on a B1 level... not too shabby, supposedly good for most kinds of employment. Hard to achieve for the average Joe unless you actively mingle and get on with Germans in daily life, on a private and vocational basis. To give you an idea, the Cambridge University test for legal English I myself took back in 2008 (the test, not a course) was rated B1/B2 and included writing a letter in reply to a client asking for advice whether or not to litigate over a failed M&A. Could you string up something like that in any foreign language of your choice?

So for all practical purposes anyone assigned to that new centre will never have a vote on anything in Sumte (On what? Nicety-level of parking meters on those 800 meters of road??? Hardly any say on anything, American contributors will need to reconsider what is actually decided upon in Germany on a communal level) or Lower Saxony for all practical purposes.

By the time an eligible fraction of those will be able to cast a vote the absolutely overwhelming majority will have left the place, not necessarily Germany, but the region (which is about as back out in the sticks as can be; could be just a tad more east out into Meck-Vopo to be even more ... scenic).

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This is what it is like to have a front row seat to the the fall of Rome; remember the various stories from the books? The loss of the art, sciences, humanities, culture, the dark ages that ensued? These are the conversations people had over wine and bread and Seneca while watching the mindless goons stumble through the streets after the circus, while enemies encamped outside the gates. This is what it looked like before Rome had to call their armies home, albiet too late. If anyone thinks this and the numerous related stories in Europe are anything less than the fall of a civilization, you are blind or ignorant. Watching this dissolution in real time will always present as a series of still images, rather than the speed of a history chapter. Thus this village today, Sweden yesterday, Denmark tomorrow, Hungry again, Austria next week, back to Germany, UK always, Paris, etc. One still image after another of insinuation and insurgency, increasingly numbing us, alerting us, informing us, building momentum until we realize we just watched the fall of Europe.

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How about Merkel taking in 750 Asylum seekers in her back garden,i'm sure it would be big enough.and then start giving the handouts to the Economic Migrants.on her landscaped back lawn! not forgetting free parking for their tents!

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This is what it is like to have a front row seat to the the fall of Rome; remember the various stories from the books? The loss of the art, sciences, humanities, culture, the dark ages that ensued? These are the conversations people had over wine and bread and Seneca while watching the mindless goons stumble through the streets after the circus, while enemies encamped outside the gates. This is what it looked like before Rome had to call their armies home, albiet too late. If anyone thinks this and the numerous related stories in Europe are anything less than the fall of a civilization, you are blind or ignorant. Watching this dissolution in real time will always present as a series of still images, rather than the speed of a history chapter. Thus this village today, Sweden yesterday, Denmark tomorrow, Hungry again, Austria next week, back to Germany, UK always, Paris, etc. One still image after another of insinuation and insurgency, increasingly numbing us, alerting us, informing us, building momentum until we realize we just watched the fall of Europe.

Albeit slowly, legislation is being enacted in protection of the national interest e.g. as is happening right now in Germany.

One could level the accusation that some people are "blind & ignorant" in their defeatist opinions that EU governments will not act in their national self interest to protect democratic institutions and the rule of law.

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According to authorities, the offices will be used as a refugee centre for a up to a year and refugees will stay while their asylum requests are processed.

Dirk Hammer, a Sumte resident, told the New York Times, the situation in Sumte could offer “an ideal platform for the far right".

Holger Niemann, a member of Sumte’s council and on the board of Die Rechte, a far-right party with strong links to neo-Nazi groups, said: “It is bad for the people, but politically it is good for me.”


A village with a Neo Nazi background is ordered to take in 7 times as much Muslim refugees as there are residents.

Any thoughts what the next news report out of Sumte will be about?

The article below is a possible predictor with the likely backlash against far right groups by German security agencies.


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Bloody hell, they'll have a giant mosque built, but no shops.

The jihad drop-in centre should be up and running within days.

In less than 24 hours after Ankela opened her mouth the Saudis offered to build 200 mosques free.

i wonder if any have been started, with or without permission ?,\

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This is what it is like to have a front row seat to the the fall of Rome; remember the various stories from the books? The loss of the art, sciences, humanities, culture, the dark ages that ensued? These are the conversations people had over wine and bread and Seneca while watching the mindless goons stumble through the streets after the circus, while enemies encamped outside the gates. This is what it looked like before Rome had to call their armies home, albiet too late. If anyone thinks this and the numerous related stories in Europe are anything less than the fall of a civilization, you are blind or ignorant. Watching this dissolution in real time will always present as a series of still images, rather than the speed of a history chapter. Thus this village today, Sweden yesterday, Denmark tomorrow, Hungry again, Austria next week, back to Germany, UK always, Paris, etc. One still image after another of insinuation and insurgency, increasingly numbing us, alerting us, informing us, building momentum until we realize we just watched the fall of Europe.

If Europe falls like the decadent empire of Rome, then I really would not shed one tear.

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