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Dr Samarn: Beer gardens are against the law


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So they will also have to ban watching Everton football matches???? or will they have a team to pixelate all the players running around??

Could somebody inform this poor soul of what he is over looking here?

What's he overlooking? When Simpsons reruns are shown and Homer lights up a cigarette, it gets pixelated!!

I get your point its happening in a foreign country. But the matches are shown here. Just like the Simpsons are produced abroad and shown here.

Okay let me spell it out for you.... The advertising on Everton jerseys is for Chang water. This has been mentioned a million times on this site. Look at the picture nowhere is beer mentioned.


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I guess all they really need to do is replace any umbrellas and signs with beer brands on them. Although until they do I think we as foreigners should set the example, respect the culture and raise the bar. Because that is where we will all be drinking if they shut the beer gardens down.

Good point. I really enjoyed my time in Kuwait (where all booze is banned), as me & every one of my buddies had a bar at our own houses.

We'd do the round robin, with one of the 8-12 of us hosting a party at least once a week.

Side Note...we all had either a Thai, Malaysian, Singaporean or Filipina wife as well, so the eye candy was always nice too!

But it is not exactly fun to have to limit one's drinking to houses. I don't know about you, but I usually give importance to the atmosphere (and the variety of it) that I drink at. For example, beer gardens in Thailand (especially the one in front of Central World in Bangkok) have been my favorite places to drink at. I really really really hope that they won't be banned.

Trust me, I most assuredly do agree with you that it is a matter of freedom vs DAMNED STUPID, but nonetheless, in Kuwait, EVERY bar I entered was full of my best friends only. On rare occasion I'd meet some new guy (and his ultra hot Indonesian wife which was nice...guys enjoyed meeting my rather attractive Thai wife as well and I enjoyed showing her off), and invariably, he'd be a super nice guy.

It was quite unique, in that nobody was ever a stranger for very long, and had all been vetted by a member of our "Club". We were all farangs, black Americans were welcome (I'm a white Floridian but who cares), Beligians, Swedes, French, Canucks, Germans, Brits, Irish, Aussie's.

One guy's wife was Colombian......WOW! She was hot.

We all enjoyed the eye candy, but never touched.

Hmmmm a small group of ex pats sitting around leching at each others wives. Doesn't sound ideal to me.

They were all" HOT"

I'm not surprised, when I was in Kuwait ( pull up a sandbag and set the lamp swinging) the temperature was well over the 80!

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You know what with this story and the stuff last month about banning alcohol sales near schools, I wouldn't be surprised if some big changes are coming with regards to alcohol sales and consumption.

Oh really ? I would have thought big changes have already arrived.

But then again if I thought like a Thai I would not fret about too much, they are that used to "crackdowns" it's not funny. The foreigners living in Thailand seem to stress out every time some numbskull like the one in the OP makes another stupid announcement.

I am building a resort style bar in our backyard, with bar-b-Que and gazebo nearby, will spend more time drinking at home and less time in town paying 85-90 baht for a bottle of San Miguel.

If you live in the Saraphee area outside of Chiang Mai let me know and I will invite you over for a beer. burp.gif

Well said mate and thanks for the invite! I live in Fa Ham Village and think I ought to do the same!

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It seems to me that just about every Thai resonate I have come across has a problem with mentally prioritizing problems. From the ordinary man or girl in the street to lawyers, politicians and judges. The most inane and unimportant (relatively speaking) is shouted and griped about whilst the truly injurious and damaging things are barely thought about and even less discussed.

Here the Thai official is bemoaning the fact a few pretty girls are up on stage singing songs and providing a pleasing vista for people who want to escape the sun for a cool drink under an umbrella. The umbrella hang a Singha or Chang logo is advertising the brand which also sells alcohol ( which as a workaround to a poorly drafted law also sells water - and let's face it Thai laws are about as poorly thought out and drafted as any in the world).

It is OK to have girls screeching in Karaoke bars scantily clad and grabbing the privates of their increasingly drunken customers yet I have rarely seen a drunken rampage of shoppers enticed by a beer garden thrown up outside a shopping area.

I wonder if Thas are specially trained in making the most of the least significant and stoically ignoring the most pertinent or whether it is just the mentality. You must not cross your legs sitting in court but you can lie in a civil case under oath until the cows come home and the law does not even care (perjury is inexplicably missing from the Civil Code and specifically only mentioned in regard to criminal cases). That is absurd to me - maybe just me?

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I guess all they really need to do is replace any umbrellas and signs with beer brands on them. Although until they do I think we as foreigners should set the example, respect the culture and raise the bar. Because that is where we will all be drinking if they shut the beer gardens down.

Good point. I really enjoyed my time in Kuwait (where all booze is banned), as me & every one of my buddies had a bar at our own houses.

We'd do the round robin, with one of the 8-12 of us hosting a party at least once a week.

Side Note...we all had either a Thai, Malaysian, Singaporean or Filipina wife as well, so the eye candy was always nice too!

But it is not exactly fun to have to limit one's drinking to houses. I don't know about you, but I usually give importance to the atmosphere (and the variety of it) that I drink at. For example, beer gardens in Thailand (especially the one in front of Central World in Bangkok) have been my favorite places to drink at. I really really really hope that they won't be banned.

Trust me, I most assuredly do agree with you that it is a matter of freedom vs DAMNED STUPID, but nonetheless, in Kuwait, EVERY bar I entered was full of my best friends only. On rare occasion I'd meet some new guy (and his ultra hot Indonesian wife which was nice...guys enjoyed meeting my rather attractive Thai wife as well and I enjoyed showing her off), and invariably, he'd be a super nice guy.

It was quite unique, in that nobody was ever a stranger for very long, and had all been vetted by a member of our "Club". We were all farangs, black Americans were welcome (I'm a white Floridian but who cares), Beligians, Swedes, French, Canucks, Germans, Brits, Irish, Aussie's.

One guy's wife was Colombian......WOW! She was hot.

We all enjoyed the eye candy, but never touched.

I bet you vote for Jeb.Coveting another men's wives and even letting "black americans"into your club,wow,what a liberal thinker.

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Everything's against the law theses days.

It's starting to become like blighty.

And didn't we escape the old country to get aways from rules and regs for everybloodything?

The Thais are busy legislating away everything that made their country a uniquely enjoyable place to start with. I have a number of friends who are very long time residents of this country who have moved back to their home countries because they are just sick and tired of the stupidity and small mindedness that seems to have been slowly taking over here over the past decade plus.

You're spot on, I left 10 years ago when it was no longer uniqely enjoyable. I chose not to go back to England, I'm in a neighbouring country where there is none of this - yet! By the way, I'm not a drinkertongue.png.

Absolutely agree - same, same as the dear Thais say! I still love it here but getting a lot less enamoured as time moves on for similar reasons stated above.

Can you reveal which neighbouring country you decided to move to please? I'm interested.

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@ anotheruser...


I guess that DID come off as a bit awkward.

I just meant to say that (in Sandland), we at least had a few nice ladies around to cook (wow! fantastic food!) and dance with, and look nice doing so biggrin.png = none of us were miserable, sitting around wishing we had some nice ladies about.

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The new TAT slogan at the airport;

'Want to have fun? Go somewhere else!'

Don't agree. smile.png

There's still a few old boilers hanging around the Nana. wub.png

Although that 'demon drink' makes 'old boilers' gain their youth, when you're in your senior years, everthing's pointing down.

Ban the horrible stuff I say!

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​This guy is one sick puppy,I wonder if he ever considered being a Mormon ne sure thinks like they do. Get rid of the beer,and you get rid of the tourest.

Is this what it has come down to,no beer,no tourists.Sad reflection on the rest of the world,don't you think.By the way,you can tell all your friends that beer is not banned,not even 1 brand beer gardens with advertising brolly's,yet.It is up to the Excise Dept. not a thought bubble from Samran.

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It seems to me that just about every Thai resonate I have come across has a problem with mentally prioritizing problems. From the ordinary man or girl in the street to lawyers, politicians and judges. The most inane and unimportant (relatively speaking) is shouted and griped about whilst the truly injurious and damaging things are barely thought about and even less discussed.

Here the Thai official is bemoaning the fact a few pretty girls are up on stage singing songs and providing a pleasing vista for people who want to escape the sun for a cool drink under an umbrella. The umbrella hang a Singha or Chang logo is advertising the brand which also sells alcohol ( which as a workaround to a poorly drafted law also sells water - and let's face it Thai laws are about as poorly thought out and drafted as any in the world).

It is OK to have girls screeching in Karaoke bars scantily clad and grabbing the privates of their increasingly drunken customers yet I have rarely seen a drunken rampage of shoppers enticed by a beer garden thrown up outside a shopping area.

I wonder if Thas are specially trained in making the most of the least significant and stoically ignoring the most pertinent or whether it is just the mentality. You must not cross your legs sitting in court but you can lie in a civil case under oath until the cows come home and the law does not even care (perjury is inexplicably missing from the Civil Code and specifically only mentioned in regard to criminal cases). That is absurd to me - maybe just me?

Perfectly stated. I had no idea perjury only applied in criminal courts! How nauseatingly weird!

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Lets get our priorities right, concentrate on beer gardens, shops near schools selling booze, actors with beer bottles etc. - but let drunk drivers, crazy mini-van drivers do what ever they want, when they want and if they kill someone - give them a slap on the wrist ever though it is illegal to drive drunk, speed, cram dozens into a pickup -- even if it is illegal doesn't matter - just close down all the beer gardens.

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Trust me, I most assuredly do agree with you that it is a matter of freedom vs DAMNED STUPID, but nonetheless, in Kuwait, EVERY bar I entered was full of my best friends only. On rare occasion I'd meet some new guy (and his ultra hot Indonesian wife which was nice...guys enjoyed meeting my rather attractive Thai wife as well and I enjoyed showing her off), and invariably, he'd be a super nice guy.

It was quite unique, in that nobody was ever a stranger for very long, and had all been vetted by a member of our "Club". We were all farangs, black Americans were welcome (I'm a white Floridian but who cares), Beligians, Swedes, French, Canucks, Germans, Brits, Irish, Aussie's.

One guy's wife was Colombian......WOW! She was hot.

We all enjoyed the eye candy, but never touched.

I bet you vote for Jeb.Coveting another men's wives and even letting "black americans"into your club,wow,what a liberal thinker.

I don't vote.

I only mentioned black folks as they are not normally associated with farangs (at least in my pea-sized brain :=), and a few of the guys of color I hung out with were married to Asians. My wife has darker skin than one of my friends...he's quite the mixture of races, but considers himself "black" for some strange reason???

Sorry if this was taken the wrong way by anyone. If I were racist I wouldn't be married to Surin black beauty.

Voting is doing a disservice to oneself, if one believes any politician, anywhere on the planet today is honest. It's just feeding the beast.

The only vote that matters is the vote I make with my feet.

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While I am a beer lover - more precisely, a beer lover from Belgium, I do agree that the aggressive advertising for beer should stop.

And I do support anti alcohol campains.

But what this "official" is saying, is at best 19th century paternalism, if not 1930s fachism.

I agree that it's paternalism. Such a shame the parents are retards.

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@ anotheruser...


I guess that DID come off as a bit awkward.

I just meant to say that (in Sandland), we at least had a few nice ladies around to cook (wow! fantastic food!) and dance with, and look nice doing so biggrin.png = none of us were miserable, sitting around wishing we had some nice ladies about.

I was just pulling your leg. :)

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"The Office of Alcoholic Drinks Control Committee" LOL

What kind of make-work nonsense job is this? The private sector provides products and services people actually want. Government on the other hand, is just a collection of bureaucratic pencil pushing nit-wits who aren't capable of a whole lot. They just leech off the productive people forcing "services" on them they neither want, nor need..

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Close them all down, the law is the law.

You would think that the law is the law, but you will find that in any civilized country in the world, all laws are open to interpretation. Otherwise, we would not need courts of law.

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@ anotheruser...


I guess that DID come off as a bit awkward.

I just meant to say that (in Sandland), we at least had a few nice ladies around to cook (wow! fantastic food!) and dance with, and look nice doing so biggrin.png = none of us were miserable, sitting around wishing we had some nice ladies about.

Well next time you are in LOS bring your lady over. I have a great batch of hooch brewing up in my bath tub!

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