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David Cameron vows to seize control of Britain's borders as he sets out his demands for EU reform


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David Cameron vows to seize control of Britain's borders as he sets out his demands for EU reform
By Steven Swinford, and Christopher Hope

Prime Minister tells the EU it must show 'political will and imagination' as he gives Brussels his four key demands

LONDON: -- David Cameron will vow to seize control of Britain's borders and tackle the "abuse" of freedom of movement as he insists that securing EU reform is not "mission impossible".

The Prime Minister will warn that Britain could leave the European Union unless members are prepared to show "political will and imagination" and meet his demands.

He will send Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, a letter setting out the four objectives at the heart of his EU renegotiation strategy.

They include protecting access to the single market, making the EU more competitive, bolstering the role of Parliament and tackling migrants who "abuse" freedom of movement.

In a speech in London on Tuesday, Mr Cameron will say: "There will be those who say – here and elsewhere in the EU – that we are embarked on Mission Impossible.

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/eureferendum/11985075/David-Cameron-vows-to-seize-control-of-Britains-borders-as-he-sets-out-his-demands-for-EU-reform.html

-- The Telegraph 2015-11-10

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I would like to see Britain stay in Europe, but not at any cost.

I look foreword to seeing DC's shopping list...

If Europe does not reform I see DC's position as PM being untenable and he will have to stand down in favour of a new party leader who will take the UK out of Europe.

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The Prime Minister will warn that Britain could leave the European Union unless members are prepared to show "political will and imagination" and meet his demands.

Lol - so on the one hand he's making threats abroad that the UK will leave the EU if they don't play ball with him, whilst at home his Government does all it can 'pre-referendum' to dupe the general public into believing that the UK's departure would be economic suicide for them with scare stories that the US would not engage in 'free trade' deals outside of the EU....

He will send Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, a letter....

Which will probably be as effective as me sending David Cameron a letter...

Edited by Shadychris
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First time ever, I'll bother to get a postal vote. The Irish PM has just been scaremongering that "the troubles" will start again in NI if we vote for Brexit, because the generous EU has given 1.7 billion pounds to NI. Actually the British taxpayers had to send 3-4 billion pounds to Brussels to get maybe 50% back. My figures may not be accurate, but as the second biggest net contributor to FIFA (oops, I meant to say the EU, same sort of people, different organisation), how can the EU "give" us anything?

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All hail the political genius behind this news: Nigel Farage.

The Conservatives are too in bed with the Industrialists to finally break with the abomination that is Europe. It will take a Farage premiership to finally lead Britain to save itself.

I voted UKIP at the last election and I will at the next election. I shall also vote that the UK quits the EU at the referendum.

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Looking at p5 of the letter,it seems that those Britons amongst us with still-foreign (e.g. Thai) wives will lose our current freedom of movement within Europe. The frightening text is

We also need to crack down on the abuse of free movement, an issue on which I have found wide support in my discussions with colleagues. This includes tougher and longer re-entry bans for fraudsters and people who collude in sham marriages. It means addressing the fact that it is easier for an EU citizen to bring a non-EU spouse than it is for a British citizen to do the same.


  • Thai wife settles in UK (currently takes 5 years)
  • Move to Germany for work for three years. Wife loses UK ILR.
  • Husband retires, and his income falls below the spouse visa settlement threshold.

They can no longer return to the UK to live; for all I know, the wife may even be expelled from Germany because their income is too low.

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Looking at p5 of the letter,it seems that those Britons amongst us with still-foreign (e.g. Thai) wives will lose our current freedom of movement within Europe. The frightening text is

We also need to crack down on the abuse of free movement, an issue on which I have found wide support in my discussions with colleagues. This includes tougher and longer re-entry bans for fraudsters and people who collude in sham marriages. It means addressing the fact that it is easier for an EU citizen to bring a non-EU spouse than it is for a British citizen to do the same.


  • Thai wife settles in UK (currently takes 5 years)
  • Move to Germany for work for three years. Wife loses UK ILR.
  • Husband retires, and his income falls below the spouse visa settlement threshold.

They can no longer return to the UK to live; for all I know, the wife may even be expelled from Germany because their income is too low.

So what do you value more? Your 'freedom of movement' within Europe or keeping some kind of control over UK borders in order to prevent an unsustainable population growth? Although the unusual scenario you describe would indeed be unfortunate for a small minority of people, I suspect the vast majority of UK citizens would much prefer to sacrifice their freedom of movement within the EU.

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Looking at p5 of the letter,it seems that those Britons amongst us with still-foreign (e.g. Thai) wives will lose our current freedom of movement within Europe. The frightening text is

We also need to crack down on the abuse of free movement, an issue on which I have found wide support in my discussions with colleagues. This includes tougher and longer re-entry bans for fraudsters and people who collude in sham marriages. It means addressing the fact that it is easier for an EU citizen to bring a non-EU spouse than it is for a British citizen to do the same.


  • Thai wife settles in UK (currently takes 5 years)
  • Move to Germany for work for three years. Wife loses UK ILR.
  • Husband retires, and his income falls below the spouse visa settlement threshold.

They can no longer return to the UK to live; for all I know, the wife may even be expelled from Germany because their income is too low.

So what do you value more? Your 'freedom of movement' within Europe or keeping some kind of control over UK borders in order to prevent an unsustainable population growth? Although the unusual scenario you describe would indeed be unfortunate for a small minority of people, I suspect the vast majority of UK citizens would much prefer to sacrifice their freedom of movement within the EU.

I am not concerned with the vast majority of UK citizens in this instance, but my own Filipina partner and our daughter. They are in the Philippines whilst I am in the UK, trying to sell my house to emigrate to the RPI, as my retirement income is not sufficient to allow wife and daughter to immigrate here. Maybe if we are out of the EU the government will change the rules.

David Cameron cannot change the rules to enable us to bring in Australian doctors or Columbian nurses, but our doctors are welcomed in Oz and the US. On the other hand we have to allow in farm labourers from Poland, road sweepers from Croatia and support them when they can't find well-paid jobs in the UK. And Cameron cannot control our borders while we are in the EU - cannot allow our fishermen to earn a good living, while he cannot prevent Spanish fishermen from pillaging our traditional fishing areas - often illegally taking contraband catches.

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So what do you value more? Your 'freedom of movement' within Europe or keeping some kind of control over UK borders in order to prevent an unsustainable population growth? Although the unusual scenario you describe would indeed be unfortunate for a small minority of people, I suspect the vast majority of UK citizens would much prefer to sacrifice their freedom of movement within the EU.

If we stay in the EU, the same freedom of movement remains for families of EU citizens. What may happen is that new arrivals from other parts of the EEA will not get the same benefits from the sharing of a nation's income. Are you claiming that foreign spouses are arriving in unsustainable numbers? It doesn't even read as though he were proposing to restrict 'free movement' to movement within the EEA.

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He wouldn't do anything even if he could. Why would he, when his pals the industrialists benefit from a larger and larger pool of people who are prepared to work for less and less?

I think you have forgotten the minimum wage rate has now gone up to £6-70 and next year the minimum rate is set to top £ 7-00 the days of cheap labour are over.considering the skilled people will expect at least £8-00 per hour!

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Dodgy Dave does not comprehend that most Brits want out of the EU, There are a lot of scare tactics going on at the moment.

I agree with you! he knows how to talk the hind legs off a Donkey without actually saying anything of worth. Today in Parliament his" demands" for a new deal in Europe was met with derision even from his own back bencher's, the so called "demands was met with more like being assaulted with a wet Lettuce leaf,which should lead the population to the conclusion that the expected concessions from Europe will amount to Cameron's wishful day dreaming. And as all Brits know our only hope for us to get out of Europe rests with UKIP! lets hope Cameron doesn't get in the way of a Referendum on Europe! to put in a spoiler!

Let's hope he goes back to the used Car lot soon! where his true calling lays!

Edited by MAJIC
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He wouldn't do anything even if he could. Why would he, when his pals the industrialists benefit from a larger and larger pool of people who are prepared to work for less and less?

I think you have forgotten the minimum wage rate has now gone up to £6-70 and next year the minimum rate is set to top £ 7-00 the days of cheap labour are over.considering the skilled people will expect at least £8-00 per hour!

Actually £6.70 - £7.00/hour IS cheap labour... But to an unskilled Eastern European its a damn good wage compared to what he could earn at home - especially adding in the entitlement to 'in work' benefits and even child benefit for kids not even living in the UK!!

Let's not forget also the thousands of Eastern Eurpeans who have free movement to the UK - only to work on the blackmarket. Its a sure bet the Poles working at Best Hand Car wash and selling weed out of the back of their sheds aren't paying Tax or National Insurance contributions. Or perhaps they are taking payment by card now and issuing VAT receipts

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A possible trick on benefits and tax credits is to make them nominally contributory. One could even credit non-working *residents* with fictitious contributions, so as to exclude newcomers. This could probably be done without changing the EU rules.

One border control issue he may find a lot of support on (Dutch and Danish, at least) would be the abolition of the free movement rights of non-EU family members. They are not popular with EU governments, who often attempt to deny these rights.

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A possible trick on benefits and tax credits is to make them nominally contributory. One could even credit non-working *residents* with fictitious contributions, so as to exclude newcomers. This could probably be done without changing the EU rules.

One border control issue he may find a lot of support on (Dutch and Danish, at least) would be the abolition of the free movement rights of non-EU family members. They are not popular with EU governments, who often attempt to deny these rights.

Well good luck with the discrimination laws.somebody will get a bumper pay out there!

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So what do you value more? Your 'freedom of movement' within Europe or keeping some kind of control over UK borders in order to prevent an unsustainable population growth? Although the unusual scenario you describe would indeed be unfortunate for a small minority of people, I suspect the vast majority of UK citizens would much prefer to sacrifice their freedom of movement within the EU.

If we stay in the EU, the same freedom of movement remains for families of EU citizens. What may happen is that new arrivals from other parts of the EEA will not get the same benefits from the sharing of a nation's income. Are you claiming that foreign spouses are arriving in unsustainable numbers? It doesn't even read as though he were proposing to restrict 'free movement' to movement within the EEA.

No I'm not claiming that foreign spouses are arriving in unsustainable numbers, I'm quoting recent reports from reputable sources that the projected UK population in as little as 10 years time will be unsustainable if current immigration trends continue.

The only way to stop that happening is to start restricting free movement of people into the UK, and no matter how much Cameron spin you swallow the only realistic chance of that happening is with the UK out of the EU - and pdq too.

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Cameron sets out demands for Britain to remain in the EU


BRUSSELS: -- UK Prime Minister David Cameron has formally launched efforts to reform the European Union so that Britain can remain within the bloc.

“The European Union needs to change,” he said in a speech in London, laying out demands that he has also put in a letter to European Council President Donald Tusk.

The four key objectives are guarantees of fairness for non-eurozone members, greater competitiveness, exemption from the principle of ‘ever-closer union’ and tackling freedom of movement abuses.

“The EU needs flexibility to accommodate both those inside and outside the eurozone – both those who are contemplating much closer economic and political integration and those countries like Britain which will never embrace that goal,” Cameron said.

He went on: “We need to be honest about this…the commitment in the Treaty of an ever-closer union is not a commitment that should apply any longer to Britain. We don’t believe in it. We do not subscribe to it. We have a different vision for Europe.”

Other European leaders have already voiced their concerns about a possible ‘Brexit’.

Britons will vote in a referendum on EU membership by the end of 2017.

Cameron will campaign to stay in if a deal is reached. If not he said “we will have to think again about whether this European Union is right for us. As I have said before — I rule nothing out.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-11

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All hail the political genius behind this news: Nigel Farage.

The Conservatives are too in bed with the Industrialists to finally break with the abomination that is Europe. It will take a Farage premiership to finally lead Britain to save itself.

I hope not, while I agree with getting out of Europe I would prefer to be under another's leadership.

Simply want the UK to be under the control of UK elected politicians and a return of sovereignty, it isn't simply about controlling who they can permit into the country. So many other freedoms gone since I voted 'yes' for something completely different in 1975.

Edited by jacko45k
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Cameron is a truly accomplished liar. He breaks his promises after he is elected, he wants to stay in the EU and the vast majority of the people he is supposed to represent want to get out of the EU. Cameron is only interested in his own personal agenda.

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All hail the political genius behind this news: Nigel Farage.

The Conservatives are too in bed with the Industrialists to finally break with the abomination that is Europe. It will take a Farage premiership to finally lead Britain to save itself.

UKIP is a party for idiots.

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All hail the political genius behind this news: Nigel Farage.

The Conservatives are too in bed with the Industrialists to finally break with the abomination that is Europe. It will take a Farage premiership to finally lead Britain to save itself.

UKIP is a party for idiots.

United Kingdom Idiot's Party?

Certainly seems so at times!

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Well it proves that the DC takes his electorate for simpletons to the same extent we see here in the LOS every day.

He is right, too. They voted for him and that boss of The Department of Workhouses and Pensions, Ian Duncan-Smith..?
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All hail the political genius behind this news: Nigel Farage.

The Conservatives are too in bed with the Industrialists to finally break with the abomination that is Europe. It will take a Farage premiership to finally lead Britain to save itself.

UKIP is a party for idiots.

United Kingdom Idiot's Party?

Certainly seems so at times!

True if you believe all the propaganda and outright lies that are being spewed by the BBC and other media outlets.

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