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Renewing a retirement visa early at Jomtien, is it possible?


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I've had continuous retirement visas for the last six years so I'd rather not let my current one lapse. But it may be very difficult for me to be in Thailand when it's up for renewal in April 2016. However I may be in Thailand two or three months before the renewal date.

I know you can renew a retirement visa up to 30 days before the renewal date. But what if you want to do it 60 days - or even 90 days - before the renewal date?

Does anyone have experience of whether Chonburi Immigration (at Jomtien) will allow this?

The money in the bank requirement isn't an issue. I keep 800,000 baht in a Thai bank all year round.

Thanks for your help.

Mods, I'll post this in the Pattaya forum but if you think it would be better in the visa forum, then please move it. Thanks.

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I tried to do it 45 days before and they told me NO!

possibly an agent might get it done for you for a fee.

why renew so early? if your going home renew it there?

Thanks. I'm a Brit. That's an interesting idea about renewing it in the UK.

However I do suspect that applying for a retirement visa for the first time at a Thai consulate/embassy in the UK might amount, in effect, to a new application - rather than a renewal. I'm guessing, but one reason for it being a 'new application' might be that they probably won't have access to all the records Jomtien immigration hold for me for previous years - although, true, in the UK they would be able see the actual stamps in my passport.

The idea about using an agent is also a good one. Thanks!

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"But what if you want to do it 60 days - or even 90 days - before the renewal date?"

I doubt Jomtien will accommodate you.

However, asking costs nothing !

I'm in the UK right now. Yes, I guess I could think about phoning them. Thanks.

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I did my renewal in July almost 3 months early but hasten to add agent secured same, norm is 30 but have heard rumours that 45 has been allowed.

Almost three months early for a retirement visa renewal? Was it one of the agents based in the photocopying shops on the left as you enter the Jomtien Immigration compound?


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I did my renewal in July almost 3 months early but hasten to add agent secured same, norm is 30 but have heard rumours that 45 has been allowed.

Almost three months early for a retirement visa renewal? Was it one of the agents based in the photocopying shops on the left as you enter the Jomtien Immigration compound?


No my friend but I heard we can do, Pattaya klang agent I used very swift and they also did transfer of stamps to new passport no income/copies needed just 2 pics so the few k I paid was well worth it although I could have done this myself with all the necessary docs but was busy on another project, so for a possible 1 time maybe you should use said avenue also.

Btw if you hadn't guessed from my nickname am also a brit.

Edited by Brit_Doggie
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I tried to do it 45 days before and they told me NO!

possibly an agent might get it done for you for a fee.

why renew so early? if your going home renew it there?

Thanks. I'm a Brit. That's an interesting idea about renewing it in the UK.

However I do suspect that applying for a retirement visa for the first time at a Thai consulate/embassy in the UK might amount, in effect, to a new application - rather than a renewal. I'm guessing, but one reason for it being a 'new application' might be that they probably won't have access to all the records Jomtien immigration hold for me for previous years - although, true, in the UK they would be able see the actual stamps in my passport.

The idea about using an agent is also a good one. Thanks!

Do not wast your time.

Extensions of stay are neither issued or renewed outside Thailand.

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However I do suspect that applying for a retirement visa for the first time at a Thai consulate/embassy in the UK might amount, in effect, to a new application - rather than a renewal. I'm guessing, but one reason for it being a 'new application' might be that they probably won't have access to all the records Jomtien immigration hold for me for previous years - although, true, in the UK they would be able see the actual stamps in my passport.

The retirement extension that you obtain yearly in Jomtien and a retirement visa that you might obtain in the UK are totally different things.

Extensions can only be issued within Thailand. Retirement visas are issued outside Thailand and require a lot more paperwork and general hoop-jumping, and so are to be avoided as far as I'm concerned.

The confusion about these two things comes up over and over again, day after day, year after year. Why isnt it a FAQ/pinned topic?

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We all know it a extension required clue is jomtien c'mon people get wise or not comment, people just refer to it as a visa extension rightly or wrongly either way some of you are either picky or thick.

It seems obvious that the OP does not understand the difference, and he is not alone. That's why it should be a FAQ or pinned topic.

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I tried to do it 45 days before and they told me NO!

possibly an agent might get it done for you for a fee.

why renew so early? if your going home renew it there?

I've had continuous retirement visas for the last six years so I'd rather not let my current one lapse.

He hasn't had a continuous retirement visa for six years, he's had extensions of stay. It's not just semantics. A visa and an extension of stay are two different things. And if you have an extension of stay and plan to travel out of Thailand & return, you'll need a re-entry permit because an extension is not a visa.

He can't renew an extension of stay outside of Thailand. Visas are only issued, never renewed, at embassies and consulates outside of Thailand.

Extensions of stay are only renewed at an immigrations office in Thailand. Two different ministries.

I've renewed my extension of stay at Jomtien over 40 days early for the past 8 years. Don't ask about it. That's drawing attention to it. Just hand in your documents. If they think you're too early, they'll hand it back to you. Drawing their attention to something you think may be a problem is just asking for it to become a problem.

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The confusion between visas and extensions of stay DOES lead many TV posters to make mistaken assumptions. It's better to insist on correct use of the terminology to save the occasional member from grief.

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The confusion between visas and extensions of stay DOES lead many TV posters to make mistaken assumptions. It's better to insist on correct use of the terminology to save the occasional member from grief.

Those who point out the importance of using correct terminology are often accused of being pedants.

If someone insists that they have a "visa" then do not argue or attempt to persuade them otherwise.

They will learn the difference between "visas" and "extensions" when they try to enter the country with an "extension" and discover they only receive a 30 day visa exempt entry.

Edited by oncearugge
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We all know it a extension required clue is jomtien c'mon people get wise or not comment, people just refer to it as a visa extension rightly or wrongly either way some of you are either picky or thick.

It seems obvious that the OP does not understand the difference, and he is not alone. That's why it should be a FAQ or pinned topic.

I think your suggestion of a pinned topic or FAQ is a good one. And (assuming you're correct, and I'm sure you are) thank you for pointing out that a retirement visa from a Thai embassy/consulate in the UK would be, as it were, a 'genuine' visa as opposed to the retirement thingy we get at Jomtien immigration. That has clarified something for me that might be useful to know in the future.

However the OP (me) does kind of know there's a difference between visas and extensions. Kind of.

Indeed the wording on the front of the form I fill in every year in order to renew my 'retirement extension' is always embedded in my mind as a salutary reminder of my true status in Thailand: APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY STAY IN THAILAND (or words to that effect).

I used the phrase 'retirement visa' in my OP because, in my experience, that's the phrase most expats use when talking about the retirement thingy we get from Jomtien.

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I've had continuous retirement extensions for the last six years so I'd rather not let my current one lapse. But it may be very difficult for me to be in Thailand when it's up for renewal in April 2016. However I may be in Thailand two or three months before the renewal date.

I know you can renew a retirement extension up to 30 days before the renewal date. But what if you want to do it 60 days - or even 90 days - before the renewal date?

Does anyone have experience of whether Chonburi Immigration (at Jomtien) will allow this?

The money in the bank requirement isn't an issue. I keep 800,000 baht in a Thai bank all year round.

Thanks for your help.

Mods, I'll post this in the Pattaya forum but if you think it would be better in the visa forum, then please move it. Thanks.

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I've had continuous retirement extensions for the last six years so I'd rather not let my current one lapse. But it may be very difficult for me to be in Thailand when it's up for renewal in April 2016. However I may be in Thailand two or three months before the renewal date.

I know you can renew a retirement extension up to 30 days before the renewal date. But what if you want to do it 60 days - or even 90 days - before the renewal date?

Does anyone have experience of whether Chonburi Immigration (at Jomtien) will allow this?

The money in the bank requirement isn't an issue. I keep 800,000 baht in a Thai bank all year round.

Thanks for your help.

Mods, I'll post this in the Pattaya forum but if you think it would be better in the visa forum, then please move it. Thanks.

It is extremely unlikely that you will be able to renew the extension so far in advance but you should check directly with immigration.

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However I do suspect that applying for a retirement visa for the first time at a Thai consulate/embassy in the UK might amount, in effect, to a new application - rather than a renewal. I'm guessing, but one reason for it being a 'new application' might be that they probably won't have access to all the records Jomtien immigration hold for me for previous years - although, true, in the UK they would be able see the actual stamps in my passport.

The retirement extension that you obtain yearly in Jomtien and a retirement visa that you might obtain in the UK are totally different things.

Extensions can only be issued within Thailand. Retirement visas are issued outside Thailand and require a lot more paperwork and general hoop-jumping, and so are to be avoided as far as I'm concerned.

The confusion about these two things comes up over and over again, day after day, year after year. Why isnt it a FAQ/pinned topic?

The "retirement visa" issued in your home country that you are referring too is actually a non-imm o-a multi entry visa. While it is true that there are different requirements to obtain it, because of our travel schedule I get a new one each year (currently on my third consecutive non-imm o-a multi entry visa), and do not find it particularly difficult. An additional advantage is that if you time things right, you can get almost two years from that single visa, which would/could give you a bit of a break from the annual extension of stay process.

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The "retirement visa" issued in your home country that you are referring too is actually a non-imm o-a multi entry visa. While it is true that there are different requirements to obtain it, because of our travel schedule I get a new one each year (currently on my third consecutive non-imm o-a multi entry visa), and do not find it particularly difficult. An additional advantage is that if you time things right, you can get almost two years from that single visa, which would/could give you a bit of a break from the annual extension of stay process.

Maybe the visa requirements where you apply are simpler than in the UK.

I find the extension to be an extremely simple process that requires very little paperwork (bank letter, photo, application form, 1900B) and very little time (less than one hour spread over two visits). A visa would take me much longer to obtain and would cost much more.

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I've had continuous retirement extensions for the last six years so I'd rather not let my current one lapse. But it may be very difficult for me to be in Thailand when it's up for renewal in April 2016. However I may be in Thailand two or three months before the renewal date.

I know you can renew a retirement extension up to 30 days before the renewal date. But what if you want to do it 60 days - or even 90 days - before the renewal date?

Does anyone have experience of whether Chonburi Immigration (at Jomtien) will allow this?

The money in the bank requirement isn't an issue. I keep 800,000 baht in a Thai bank all year round.

Thanks for your help.

Mods, I'll post this in the Pattaya forum but if you think it would be better in the visa forum, then please move it. Thanks.

It is extremely unlikely that you will be able to renew the extension so far in advance but you should check directly with immigration.

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I've had continuous retirement extensions for the last six years so I'd rather not let my current one lapse. But it may be very difficult for me to be in Thailand when it's up for renewal in April 2016. However I may be in Thailand two or three months before the renewal date.

I know you can renew a retirement extension up to 30 days before the renewal date. But what if you want to do it 60 days - or even 90 days - before the renewal date?

Does anyone have experience of whether Chonburi Immigration (at Jomtien) will allow this?

The money in the bank requirement isn't an issue. I keep 800,000 baht in a Thai bank all year round.

Thanks for your help.

Mods, I'll post this in the Pattaya forum but if you think it would be better in the visa forum, then please move it. Thanks.

It is extremely unlikely that you will be able to renew the extension so far in advance but you should check directly with immigration.

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Chiang Mai immigration will arrange the extension 45 days in advance but not 60. However I understand that you can apply for a Non OA visa in your country of residence which is a one year multiple entry visa effectively the same as a retirement extension and it can be extended before the end of the year. You are required to complete 90 day reports but no need to leave the country during the year unless you wish to as it is multi entry.

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You can't get members to use the search function so what make anyone think that they will read an FAQ or pinned topic ?

It is just so much easier to throw sh..t against the wall and see what sticks or ask a question and get the TV Warriors to do the work for you

True, but if there was a pinned topic explaining the difference between a visa and an extension then any replies to questions like that could just say "read this link first".

I've lost track of the numbers of times I've read answers on here explaining the difference, and then replies to those answers criticising the use of particular words, and then more replies to those replies criticising the pedantry. All very wasteful.

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You can't get members to use the search function so what make anyone think that they will read an FAQ or pinned topic ?

It is just so much easier to throw sh..t against the wall and see what sticks or ask a question and get the TV Warriors to do the work for you


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You can't get members to use the search function so what make anyone think that they will read an FAQ or pinned topic ?

It is just so much easier to throw sh..t against the wall and see what sticks or ask a question and get the TV Warriors to do the work for you

True, but if there was a pinned topic explaining the difference between a visa and an extension then any replies to questions like that could just say "read this link first".

I've lost track of the numbers of times I've read answers on here explaining the difference, and then replies to those answers criticising the use of particular words, and then more replies to those replies criticising the pedantry. All very wasteful.

It was obvious where this post was going the moment you read "retirement visa" in the title... and it didn't disappoint.

It's all unnecessary banter. It's clear to most what the OP means. You mentioned it once already, why continue harping on about it. You know it's a debate that will continue on and on as it has on countless other threads.

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If there was a pinned topic or FAQ explaining this very simple concept then the debate would not need to continue. That's the whole point.

The OP clearly did not fully appreciate the difference between an extension and a visa until it was pointed out to him. Many others make the same mistake every day.

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