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'We must stand up to those who want us to kneel'


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'We must stand up to those who want us to kneel'


BANGKOK: FRENCH ambassador to Thailand Gilles Garachon, speaking at a mourning ceremony last night, urged his compatriots to stand up against terrorism.

"The intention of all terrorist attacks is to silence us and make us abandon our values of liberty, equality and fraternity. The only answer we can give to those who want to silence us is to speak louder and louder. The only answer we can give to those who want us to kneel us down is to stand up. This is what we do this evening and will keep doing," he said.

Earlier yesterday, Garachon called for national unity and solidarity in France in response to Friday night's terror attacks in Paris.

"Faced with this terrible attack, our only response is unity, national solidarity and determination not to give in to terrorism," the ambassador said in his statement published on the French embassy's website. "In this painful moment, our thoughts are with the victims and their families."

The envoy said that although there was no specific threat against French interests in Thailand, precautions should be taken to exercise greater vigilance in regard to the terror attacks.

Garachon invited people to join the ceremony last night, when a minute's silence was observed at Alliance Francaise offices in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, plus French consular offices in Koh Samui and Phuket.

Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/We-must-stand-up-to-those-who-want-us-to-kneel-30272961.html

-- The Nation 2015-11-15

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"The only answer we can give to those who want to silence us is to speak louder and louder. The only answer we can give to those who want us to kneel us down is to stand up."

A good first step would be true freedom of speech and true freedom of the press whistling.gif .

Edited by jaltsc
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There's no threats to Thailand, because Thailand has the good sense to stay out of the whole debacle.

This is a terrible waste of life , but don't pretend these things happen in a vacuum.

Remember the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Lybia, and Syria ?

Funding rebels, sorry, ISIS, fighting proxy wars in someone else's back yard. Flying drones around dropping bombs on people.

Governments compromised our safety ? Ingrates ?? What's a muslim refugee ever done to you to deserve all the hate ?

There's some crappy interpretations of Islam, I agree, but there's crappy Christians too, even the Bhuddists get into some ultraviolence thesedays.

Religions are all equally crappy, frankly speaking.

Moreover, I think it's unfair to lump refugees together with hardcore militants who'll kill civilians and then themselves.

Crazy sh*t like that is exactly what they're trying to get away from.

A million people don't leave everything, walk across the Mediterranean because things are going well at home.

I promise you they're infinitely more scared and uncertain of their future than you are.

Government's role should be helping these people, because in another set of circumstances it could be you.

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We need a war plan for combating a pirate like TAZ - like Hakim Bey defines - That's what these guys ISIS (daesh) are - They are a Temporary Automous Zone. They have to be defunded and deweaponzied and subjected to high order police control. It;s time for so called global leaders to stop blowing hot air at these meetings and discussions and to articulate a war plan to combat ISIS (daesh)

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There's no threats to Thailand, because Thailand has the good sense to stay out of the whole debacle.

This is a terrible waste of life , but don't pretend these things happen in a vacuum.

Governments compromised our safety ? Ingrates ?? What's a muslim refugee ever done to you to deserve all the hate ?

There's some crappy interpretations of Islam, I agree, but there's crappy Christians too, even the Bhuddists get into some ultraviolence thesedays.

Religions are all equally crappy, frankly speaking.

Moreover, I think it's unfair to lump refugees together with hardcore militants who'll kill civilians and then themselves.

Crazy sh*t like that is exactly what they're trying to get away from.

A million people don't leave everything, walk across the Mediterranean because things are going well at home.

I promise you they're infinitely more scared and uncertain of their future than you are.

Government's role should be helping these people, because in another set of circumstances it could be you.

1 I do not see the " crappy Christians" gunning anybody down or..

2 Yes a million people on the march because"things are not going well at home" They sure know which countries where the freebies manifest though,not content where safety lies firstly,gimme,gimme gimme,looks as if their sojourn in the sun (Cyprus) has backfired,back to home base.

3 Lastly ,the refugees will mostly be moslem,their sympathies do not lie with western christian countries,terrorists or not they identify with their own kith and kin far more rapidly,even if he does tote a Kalashnikov

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The good Ambassador is correct , the Muslim world seem to carry enormous amount of baggage and there is no guarantee that in years to come that taking these people in as refugee's won't backfire big time , to say this doesn't affect Thailand , one wonders if these persons has been living in a cave , there has been an ongoing conflict with Muslim Extremists in the south for a hundred years, more increased attacks in the last 15 years , terrorist fighting for a secular state, Thailand, like any country has to be ever vigilant..........coffee1.gif

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The world's sympathy goes out to the French people and to the families of foreign victims.

The country that gave the world "The Declaration of the rights of Man and of the Citizen" remains a bastion of liberty that is the envy of the rest of the world.

Bloodied but unbowed - vive la France!

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The world's sympathy goes out to the French people and to the families of foreign victims.

The country that gave the world "The Declaration of the rights of Man and of the Citizen" remains a bastion of liberty that is the envy of the rest of the world.

Bloodied but unbowed - vive la France!

Death to Isis.

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This is nothing new. Islam was founded by a deranged madman, and has been terrorising non believers since it's inception. The murderous hoards, firstly enslaving and slaughtering whole (Jewish) tribes, the Moors taking over the Iberian Peninsular, the Barbary Pirates, the whole history of Islam has largely been of terror and misery inflicted upon its opponents.

To call it a religion of Peace as Cameron and Obama have done is ludicrous. Surely most Muslims don't participate in the barbarity and many oppose it, but it is a a core fundamental explicitly written into their holy book and cannot be ignored.

In the past Islam has given mankind many wondrous things, algebra, wondrous art and suchlike, today it contributes practically nothing. If it hadn't been for oil the Arab world would still be in the Middle Ages with everybody riding camels.

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There's no threats to Thailand, because Thailand has the good sense to stay out of the whole debacle.

This is a terrible waste of life , but don't pretend these things happen in a vacuum.

Thailand has it's own Islamist debacle in the south with 6000 killed

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Sickening how much hate there is in this world.

The terrorist scum who murder in the name of their warped version of a faith.

Those prejudiced bigots who use such atrocities to forward their own hate agenda.

An agenda that only benefits those same terrorist scum's propaganda machine.

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Sickening how much hate there is in this world.

The terrorist scum who murder in the name of their warped version of a faith.

Those prejudiced bigots who use such atrocities to forward their own hate agenda.

An agenda that only benefits those same terrorist scum's propaganda machine.

And to sit on our hands and let terrorist win is not easy either.

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There's no threats to Thailand, because Thailand has the good sense to stay out of the whole debacle.

This is a terrible waste of life , but don't pretend these things happen in a vacuum.

Governments compromised our safety ? Ingrates ?? What's a muslim refugee ever done to you to deserve all the hate ?

There's some crappy interpretations of Islam, I agree, but there's crappy Christians too, even the Bhuddists get into some ultraviolence thesedays.

Religions are all equally crappy, frankly speaking.

Moreover, I think it's unfair to lump refugees together with hardcore militants who'll kill civilians and then themselves.

Crazy sh*t like that is exactly what they're trying to get away from.

A million people don't leave everything, walk across the Mediterranean because things are going well at home.

I promise you they're infinitely more scared and uncertain of their future than you are.

Government's role should be helping these people, because in another set of circumstances it could be you.

1 I do not see the " crappy Christians" gunning anybody down or..

2 Yes a million people on the march because"things are not going well at home" They sure know which countries where the freebies manifest though,not content where safety lies firstly,gimme,gimme gimme,looks as if their sojourn in the sun (Cyprus) has backfired,back to home base.

3 Lastly ,the refugees will mostly be moslem,their sympathies do not lie with western christian countries,terrorists or not they identify with their own kith and kin far more rapidly,even if he does tote a Kalashnikov

1. then you have to look a little harder!

2. I wonder, if you would consider "things are not going well at home" if a drone- strike would blow your house, your mom and granpa to pieces!

3. then it maybe a good idea, to show them, that we are the good guys, instead of letting them die in the Mediterrenan!

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Sickening how much hate there is in this world.

The terrorist scum who murder in the name of their warped version of a faith.

Those prejudiced bigots who use such atrocities to forward their own hate agenda.

An agenda that only benefits those same terrorist scum's propaganda machine.

And to sit on our hands and let terrorist win is not easy either.

Just because the moronic hate fuelled agenda of prejudiced bigots isn't being followed it doesn't follow the terrorist scum are not being hunted down.

There is a war being waged against the terrorist scum and there have been successes and failures in this.

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There's no threats to Thailand, because Thailand has the good sense to stay out of the whole debacle.

This is a terrible waste of life , but don't pretend these things happen in a vacuum.

Remember the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Lybia, and Syria ?

Funding rebels, sorry, ISIS, fighting proxy wars in someone else's back yard. Flying drones around dropping bombs on people.

Governments compromised our safety ? Ingrates ?? What's a muslim refugee ever done to you to deserve all the hate ?

There's some crappy interpretations of Islam, I agree, but there's crappy Christians too, even the Bhuddists get into some ultraviolence thesedays.

Religions are all equally crappy, frankly speaking.

Moreover, I think it's unfair to lump refugees together with hardcore militants who'll kill civilians and then themselves.

Crazy sh*t like that is exactly what they're trying to get away from.

A million people don't leave everything, walk across the Mediterranean because things are going well at home.

I promise you they're infinitely more scared and uncertain of their future than you are.

Government's role should be helping these people, because in another set of circumstances it could be you.

Intelligent, well-considered post.

Thanks for that.

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There's no threats to Thailand, because Thailand has the good sense to stay out of the whole debacle.

This is a terrible waste of life , but don't pretend these things happen in a vacuum.

Remember the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Lybia, and Syria ?

Funding rebels, sorry, ISIS, fighting proxy wars in someone else's back yard. Flying drones around dropping bombs on people.

Governments compromised our safety ? Ingrates ?? What's a muslim refugee ever done to you to deserve all the hate ?

There's some crappy interpretations of Islam, I agree, but there's crappy Christians too, even the Bhuddists get into some ultraviolence thesedays.

Religions are all equally crappy, frankly speaking.

Moreover, I think it's unfair to lump refugees together with hardcore militants who'll kill civilians and then themselves.

Crazy sh*t like that is exactly what they're trying to get away from.

A million people don't leave everything, walk across the Mediterranean because things are going well at home.

I promise you they're infinitely more scared and uncertain of their future than you are.

Government's role should be helping these people, because in another set of circumstances it could be you.

Agree with you. "The intention of all terrorist attacks is to silence us and make us abandon our values of liberty, equality and fraternity." That's not true, all what they want is we (The French and others) stop bombing them and messing with their internal affairs.

Back in 2003 an other French warned about the dangers of war and despite receiving applauds from fellow U.N. Security council members, we didn't listen to him. We pay the price today.


Here is the English translation : https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/French_address_on_Iraq_at_the_UN_Security_Council

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The attacks in Paris, the daily rapes and murders of native Europeans, and more, by third worlders would never have happened if naive liberal traitors hadn't opened the doors against the wishes of the majority and let them in to our lands. We have lost untold thousands of our peoples in the last few decades alone. Many of our patriots who tried to speak out to defend our people have been imprisoned.

We will not forget who the enablers were. Justice will be served.

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