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Liver cancer most commonly found in Thai people among all cancers


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Liver cancer most commonly found in Thai people among all cancers

BANGKOK, 267 November 2015 (NNT) – The Medical Services Department has announced that liver cancer is the most commonly found cancer in Thai people. There are approximately 20,000 patients of liver cancer each year which is most commonly found in men. The death rate is approximately 15,000 per year.

Two types of liver cancer most commonly found in Thailand include liver cell cancer caused by the hepatitis B virus and bile duct cancer caused by liver fluke from nitrate and nitrite found in such food as sour pickled fish and bacon.

The general symptoms of liver cancer start from unexplained decrease in one's appetite. As the tumor grows, it may cause symptoms of pain in the right side of the abdomen or a feeling of fullness when eating.

Some patients may have worsen symptoms of chronic liver disease or cirrhosis, which often precedes the development of cancer of the liver. For example, patients may have some unexplained weight loss, cachexia, increased swelling of the feet and abdomen and the yellowing of the eyes and skin. People found with these symptoms should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis.

-- NNT 2015-11-27 footer_n.gif

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I remember reading about how the isaan thais eat this one river fish raw….and this is the one that has the liver flukes that cause the cancer.

They also do drink like fish, no doubt.

I don't know them well enough to observe whether they fancy going to the doctor when they have a problem….maybe they just ignore it thinking buddha will make it go away.

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Check out schistosomiasis, it's why I won't venture near fresh water in Thailand (unless chlorinated).

Schistosomiasis which causes the disease Bilharzia, (aka Bill Harris to many East Africans) is not a big problem in Thailand. However, the liver fluke Gnathostimaisis is. The life cycle of the Gnathostoma parasite involves, snails, fish and birds/humans. The traditional fish fermenting process used in E-sarn will not kill the cysts of the parasite and people that consume raw Bla Rah are risking infection. However, cooking 'Bla Rah' before eating it does kill the cyst and so is a safer practrice. Rule of thumb here in S & SE Asia....... NEVER EVER eat raw freshwater anythings, (including molluscs, aquatic insects, shrimp/prawns, or crabs). Was at a dinner party in Bangladesh once when half the guests contracted the disease, from the host's marinated raw freshwater fish dish, based on a South Pacific sea fish receipe.

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Liver cancer is a nasty form of cancer, even if it is found in the early stages and it is removed, you still only have about 12 months to live.

In the final stages of the cancer the patient goes through alot of pain, as the vital organs shut down and their bodies start to swell up from the fluid that is no longer getting processed.

My Father died from it and I wouldn't wish upon anyone, the last words he said to me was something I will never forget " I want you to strangle me" he was then put on a heavy cocktail of opiates to help him slip away.

Liver cancer in my Fathers case was genetic not due abuse of the liver.

But heavy consuption of alcohol, eating picked/ processed foods will add to cell damage of the liver and its the damaged cells that can form into cancer.

Edited by LostTourist
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I remember reading about how the isaan thais eat this one river fish raw….and this is the one that has the liver flukes that cause the cancer.

They also do drink like fish, no doubt.

I don't know them well enough to observe whether they fancy going to the doctor when they have a problem….maybe they just ignore it thinking buddha will make it go away.

most put off for lack of money,then if they do go its usually too late and the doctor tells them to just go home.

The biggest problem is poverty and ignorance about what is good to eat and what is not.You just have to go to an isaan restaurant look at the food on the menu to know its not really very good.

I refuse to eat the food,cook at home,safe that way.

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Living in Isaan , nearly 5 years contacted Hep C Genotype 3, finished my last injection of 26 weeks yesterday and still have some pills, treated at Srinakarind Hospital in Khon Kaen. Syringes Alpha Peginterferon from Roche, Switzerland and Ribavarin Pills, Roche Canada, 14,500 Baht a month, plus blood tests.

No receipts are issued for the meds, as the Invoice is billed to the Doctor at the hospital, so even with insurance, you pay for the meds cash, at the hospital.

It is like do it yourself at home chemotherapy, the medicine makes you so sick you want to die.

One more blood test. The doctor says I am fine. I did not know that I had it until I went for a check and blood test at Kalasin Hospital.

No booze 7 months, last doctors appointment Christmas Eve December 24th.

Maybe I can have a beer Xmas day.

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Liver cancer is a nasty form of cancer, even if it is found in the early stages and it is removed, you still only have about 12 months to live.

In the final stages of the cancer the patient goes through alot of pain, as the vital organs shut down and their bodies start to swell up from the fluid that is no longer getting processed.

My Father died from it and I wouldn't wish upon anyone, the last words he said to me was something I will never forget " I want you to strangle me" he was then put on a heavy cocktail of opiates to help him slip away.

Liver cancer in my Fathers case was genetic not due abuse of the liver.

But heavy consuption of alcohol, eating picked/ processed foods will add to cell damage of the liver and its the damaged cells that can form into cancer.

Sorry about your Father.

I agree Alcohol and Processed foods. The human body is not meant to handle them

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Living in Isaan , nearly 5 years contacted Hep C Genotype 3, finished my last injection of 26 weeks yesterday and still have some pills, treated at Srinakarind Hospital in Khon Kaen. Syringes Alpha Peginterferon from Roche, Switzerland and Ribavarin Pills, Roche Canada, 14,500 Baht a month, plus blood tests.

No receipts are issued for the meds, as the Invoice is billed to the Doctor at the hospital, so even with insurance, you pay for the meds cash, at the hospital.

It is like do it yourself at home chemotherapy, the medicine makes you so sick you want to die.

One more blood test. The doctor says I am fine. I did not know that I had it until I went for a check and blood test at Kalasin Hospital.

No booze 7 months, last doctors appointment Christmas Eve December 24th.

Maybe I can have a beer Xmas day.


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I have many of the symptoms mentioned in the article (weight loss, distended stomach even though I have low body fat, swollen feet etc). I eat fine, feel fine, no pain, and drink quite moderately. The muscle loss had been going on for some time (months), the belly distending happened over a period of 4 days and remained since. I have had mild yellowing of the skin/eyes a couple of times, but usually disappears within a few hours.

I've been to 3 different doctors, had scans, blood test etc and all looks okay, but something is not right. I'm told all organs look normal and no signs of cancer, then I get a 'but...." and a pause, and they say something to the effect of "there is something that is stressing the liver, even though the liver looks okay". For anyone else that has this kind of thing, the blood work looks fairly normal except there is a huge amount of bilirubin in the blood (related to bile). I asked one hospital to drain some of the liquid from my belly area (it is behind the muscle wall, and in between the organs by the feel of it), where with an ultrasound they chose an area they could insert a rather large needle to drain it. They took out 3.5 litres of 'something' (I'm guessing water and bile, it was a mild brown colour), and 1 hour later I was 5Kg lighter (although I still felt there was several more litres to come out, that's all they would do in one session). It filled up again within a couple of days. The first two doctors said to drink lots of water, and the 3rd doctor said not to drink more than 1.5L water a day. All [ahem] great advice that fills me with confidence that hospitals are not necessarily the best place to spend your time.

If you look on the internet there are a huge number of possible causes (including pregnancy, though I'm male which makes that one somewhat improbable), and none of the doctors so far have nailed it. They have all given me diuretics, which sure sheds water, but not from where you want to see it go. Some have given me many tablets together, one of which smells like it's a multi Vit B, and I can't read what the others are I don't eat raw fish or bottom feeder sea or fresh water type food. I have to go back to the Doc early next month to review the situation, and I will specifically ask about Hep and liver fluke. I feel fairly sure it's somewhere in that area (where the stomach/liver/gallbladder etc converge).

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I have many of the symptoms mentioned in the article (weight loss, distended stomach even though I have low body fat, swollen feet etc). I eat fine, feel fine, no pain, and drink quite moderately. The muscle loss had been going on for some time (months), the belly distending happened over a period of 4 days and remained since. I have had mild yellowing of the skin/eyes a couple of times, but usually disappears within a few hours.

I've been to 3 different doctors, had scans, blood test etc and all looks okay, but something is not right. I'm told all organs look normal and no signs of cancer, then I get a 'but...." and a pause, and they say something to the effect of "there is something that is stressing the liver, even though the liver looks okay". For anyone else that has this kind of thing, the blood work looks fairly normal except there is a huge amount of bilirubin in the blood (related to bile). I asked one hospital to drain some of the liquid from my belly area (it is behind the muscle wall, and in between the organs by the feel of it), where with an ultrasound they chose an area they could insert a rather large needle to drain it. They took out 3.5 litres of 'something' (I'm guessing water and bile, it was a mild brown colour), and 1 hour later I was 5Kg lighter (although I still felt there was several more litres to come out, that's all they would do in one session). It filled up again within a couple of days. The first two doctors said to drink lots of water, and the 3rd doctor said not to drink more than 1.5L water a day. All [ahem] great advice that fills me with confidence that hospitals are not necessarily the best place to spend your time.

If you look on the internet there are a huge number of possible causes (including pregnancy, though I'm male which makes that one somewhat improbable), and none of the doctors so far have nailed it. They have all given me diuretics, which sure sheds water, but not from where you want to see it go. Some have given me many tablets together, one of which smells like it's a multi Vit B, and I can't read what the others are I don't eat raw fish or bottom feeder sea or fresh water type food. I have to go back to the Doc early next month to review the situation, and I will specifically ask about Hep and liver fluke. I feel fairly sure it's somewhere in that area (where the stomach/liver/gallbladder etc converge).

Are you eating a lot of cold cut met, thai soup and stuff that contains sodium derivate and msg? It could be a cause...i had the same simptoms before...

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It is sad that Thailand’s Medical Services Department creates such a misleading picture.

Fact: For much of Thailand the most common cancer for males is Lung Cancer

Fact: For all of Thailand the most common cancer for females is Cervical Cancer.

Note the words “For much” in the first fact. In Isaan (Thailand North-East) liver cancer is so high that it skews the rate up such that liver cancer is the highest cancer in the country when one looks at all regions combined. In 1999 there were 8,298 liver cancers.

Remove the North-East and for much of Thailand lung cancer is the real culprit and I need not say why here. In Chiang mai the rate of lung cancer (year/age adjusted (ASR)) = 29.6 versus Liver/bile duct cancer of 17.
For women in Chiang mai the ASR of cervical cancer is 29.4, with lung cancer following at 22.3, then breast cancer 20.7. In the Chiang mai region liver/bile duct cancer is only ASR of 5.8, about ¼ of the rate of cervical cancer.

So the real culprits are in order:

Men: Lung cancer caused by smoking (ASR 29.6)

Women: Cervical cancer caused by men screwing other women, getting HPV (Human Papilloma virus) and returning home to infect the wife (and/or other screwees).

How to correct the real issue here? First acknowledge the horrendous rate of cancer caused by HPV. Teach condom use, sex education (yeah, I know) and HPV vaccination for early teens.

Second: Decrease smoking.

Yes, especially in the NE the liver fluke is a culprit.

For a good read on cancer in Thailand see:


As far as the strange and misleading focus on nitrates:

“There is no strong evidence that nitrate and nitrite can cause cancer in the absence of the amine-
containing substances necessary for the formation of nitrosamines in the body. Therefore, nitrate
and nitrite would be classified in Group D, inadequate evidence to determine carcinogenicity,
under the old U.S. Environmental Protection Agency cancer categorization scheme. Under the
new EPA cancer guidelines, it would be appropriate to classify them into the "inadequate
information to assess carcinogenic potential" category.”


This is why nitrates are still sold in almost all bacon sold in the world. I will agree that pickled foods such as Kim Chee in Korea are obviously carcinogenic but the answer is not simply nitrates. (Btw much of the nitrates turn to nitrites even before you swallow due to a reaction with saliva).

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Colabamumbai, on 27 Nov 2015 - 20:37, said:

Living in Isaan , nearly 5 years contacted Hep C Genotype 3, finished my last injection of 26 weeks yesterday and still have some pills, treated at Srinakarind Hospital in Khon Kaen. Syringes Alpha Peginterferon from Roche, Switzerland and Ribavarin Pills, Roche Canada, 14,500 Baht a month, plus blood tests.

No receipts are issued for the meds, as the Invoice is billed to the Doctor at the hospital, so even with insurance, you pay for the meds cash, at the hospital.

It is like do it yourself at home chemotherapy, the medicine makes you so sick you want to die.

One more blood test. The doctor says I am fine. I did not know that I had it until I went for a check and blood test at Kalasin Hospital.

No booze 7 months, last doctors appointment Christmas Eve December 24th.

Maybe I can have a beer Xmas day.

Hang in there .... I had Genotype 1 and had 12 months ( 52 weeks ) of the horrid treatment and have been clear 7 years now ...

No matter what the side affects are as I had heaps at the end of it all it is way better than the 'alternative' ... best of luck with your results ...

Have a big frosty beer Xmas day and enjoy the fact that you are still alive to enjoy it ... drunk.gif

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I have many of the symptoms mentioned in the article (weight loss, distended stomach even though I have low body fat, swollen feet etc). I eat fine, feel fine, no pain, and drink quite moderately. The muscle loss had been going on for some time (months), the belly distending happened over a period of 4 days and remained since. I have had mild yellowing of the skin/eyes a couple of times, but usually disappears within a few hours.

I've been to 3 different doctors, had scans, blood test etc and all looks okay, but something is not right. I'm told all organs look normal and no signs of cancer, then I get a 'but...." and a pause, and they say something to the effect of "there is something that is stressing the liver, even though the liver looks okay". For anyone else that has this kind of thing, the blood work looks fairly normal except there is a huge amount of bilirubin in the blood (related to bile). I asked one hospital to drain some of the liquid from my belly area (it is behind the muscle wall, and in between the organs by the feel of it), where with an ultrasound they chose an area they could insert a rather large needle to drain it. They took out 3.5 litres of 'something' (I'm guessing water and bile, it was a mild brown colour), and 1 hour later I was 5Kg lighter (although I still felt there was several more litres to come out, that's all they would do in one session). It filled up again within a couple of days. The first two doctors said to drink lots of water, and the 3rd doctor said not to drink more than 1.5L water a day. All [ahem] great advice that fills me with confidence that hospitals are not necessarily the best place to spend your time.

If you look on the internet there are a huge number of possible causes (including pregnancy, though I'm male which makes that one somewhat improbable), and none of the doctors so far have nailed it. They have all given me diuretics, which sure sheds water, but not from where you want to see it go. Some have given me many tablets together, one of which smells like it's a multi Vit B, and I can't read what the others are I don't eat raw fish or bottom feeder sea or fresh water type food. I have to go back to the Doc early next month to review the situation, and I will specifically ask about Hep and liver fluke. I feel fairly sure it's somewhere in that area (where the stomach/liver/gallbladder etc converge).

Are you eating a lot of cold cut met, thai soup and stuff that contains sodium derivate and msg? It could be a cause...i had the same simptoms before...

I do eat some cold meat, but not a lot (and no raw fish products for many years - though maybe these things take a while to manifest). I'm not vegetarian exactly, but always run to the vegetables first since I think of nutrition first and calories second, with moderate meat (mostly chicken, and a little beef or pork), and limit fruit for fructose reasons. I've been single for a couple of years until recently, and have to admit that I relied on CP foods at times for convenience, though in recent weeks I'm getting the full service 'take care everything for you' treatment and always getting food put in front of me at any opportunity that arises (I'm more a grazer than a banquet type eater). This started long before that though so it's something else. The more I ponder it, the more I'm thinking liver fluke, even though my eating habits wouldn't suggest that.

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Incidently, In the group of 3 little villages I live in up in Isaan, 6 people have died of "natural" causes so far this month, thats out of a population of maybe 8000, they seem to drop like flies up here, but this is a lot higher than usual....

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Liver cancer is a nasty form of cancer, even if it is found in the early stages and it is removed, you still only have about 12 months to live.

In the final stages of the cancer the patient goes through alot of pain, as the vital organs shut down and their bodies start to swell up from the fluid that is no longer getting processed.

My Father died from it and I wouldn't wish upon anyone, the last words he said to me was something I will never forget " I want you to strangle me" he was then put on a heavy cocktail of opiates to help him slip away.

Liver cancer in my Fathers case was genetic not due abuse of the liver.

But heavy consuption of alcohol, eating picked/ processed foods will add to cell damage of the liver and its the damaged cells that can form into cancer.

Thai man I new in NZ had this , His Dr was a friend of mine told him to go home asap, he had Hep B and drank whyskey heavy as mostThai men do passing shot glass around until bottle finished.

but very painfull way to go I saw another close friend go that way horible and sad.

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I have many of the symptoms mentioned in the article (weight loss, distended stomach even though I have low body fat, swollen feet etc). I eat fine, feel fine, no pain, and drink quite moderately. The muscle loss had been going on for some time (months), the belly distending happened over a period of 4 days and remained since. I have had mild yellowing of the skin/eyes a couple of times, but usually disappears within a few hours.

I've been to 3 different doctors, had scans, blood test etc and all looks okay, but something is not right. I'm told all organs look normal and no signs of cancer, then I get a 'but...." and a pause, and they say something to the effect of "there is something that is stressing the liver, even though the liver looks okay". For anyone else that has this kind of thing, the blood work looks fairly normal except there is a huge amount of bilirubin in the blood (related to bile). I asked one hospital to drain some of the liquid from my belly area (it is behind the muscle wall, and in between the organs by the feel of it), where with an ultrasound they chose an area they could insert a rather large needle to drain it. They took out 3.5 litres of 'something' (I'm guessing water and bile, it was a mild brown colour), and 1 hour later I was 5Kg lighter (although I still felt there was several more litres to come out, that's all they would do in one session). It filled up again within a couple of days. The first two doctors said to drink lots of water, and the 3rd doctor said not to drink more than 1.5L water a day. All [ahem] great advice that fills me with confidence that hospitals are not necessarily the best place to spend your time.

If you look on the internet there are a huge number of possible causes (including pregnancy, though I'm male which makes that one somewhat improbable), and none of the doctors so far have nailed it. They have all given me diuretics, which sure sheds water, but not from where you want to see it go. Some have given me many tablets together, one of which smells like it's a multi Vit B, and I can't read what the others are I don't eat raw fish or bottom feeder sea or fresh water type food. I have to go back to the Doc early next month to review the situation, and I will specifically ask about Hep and liver fluke. I feel fairly sure it's somewhere in that area (where the stomach/liver/gallbladder etc converge).

Write this down, this is the blood test you need, it is not simple and is not processed in 2 hours like most.

My tests are sent from Khon Kaen to Bkk it takes 14 days for the results.

You tell the doctor you want a

HCV viral load, Gamma GT, Alkaline Phos, Alt, AST, complete blood count. (Blood Test)

Khon Kaen does not even have a lab for that, although a simple blood test with results in less than 2 hours can tell you have hep, but they must be looking for it.

Sorry for the Caps that is how they are printed on my next prescription to have blood tested at the end of 26 weeks drug there


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When I go back to Doc #3 early next month I have a lot of questions for him. If he looks intimidated then I'll go to a new Doc. They haven't told me anything much I hadn't worked out for myself (blood test was about 30 mins, so maybe not as thorough as Colabamumbai is suggesting would be better in this situation). If this thread is still around and I can crack the code then I'll write again, otherwise anyone can PM me if they are in a similar situation.

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