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Village Houseowners


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Half the owners don't live in the village and many tenants have no idea who their landlords are as they pay their rent to agents.

Nevertheless thank you very much for your attempt to offer a really constructive answer but obviously this is not one of your specialist subjects,

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The original developer or maintenance company that your committee took over from would have records of owner details. As mentioned, the land office will have Chanotes with current owners names however as they are not obliged to release this information expect a fee to be paid. Even with an owners name that's all you get, no address, phone or email.If a large percentage is Foreign owned then expect some to be company owned which will lead you no where. If the tenants that rent through the agents divulge to you which ones you can then contact them as they will have owners details.

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Stop with the Land Office referrals , they only keep records of the land, not what is on it, like a house

Go to the Amphur or Tessaban that issues house books in your area , they maintain a record of the persons who "own" the houses, since the houses must be registered to obtain water, electricity, and mail and of course to pay taxes. Even if owned by a company, the company name and address will be listed

But what I don't understand is if the OP is the secretary of the "village committee" why are there no records from at least the treasurer on who pays the village fees, no less on the papers allowing the village to form a juristic person (committee) to run it ?

If you do have a list and want to insure that it is up to date then the best way is to send out "registered mail" to those addresses that you are not sure of and use the "returns" from the post office as the basis for on site visits to obtain the information

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