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Canada's Liberal government promises to legalize marijuana


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The new PM is all talk. This will not happen. Neither will a few of his other grand promises.

How do you know? Do you have crystal ball or are you one of those crazy followers of Harper

Harper never kept any promises either. Ive been fooled by this "democracy" thing enough times.

Then wait and see if Trudeau is going to keep his promise on legalizing marijuana. It's too early to jump into conclusions.

When it comes to Harper, we all know he is a modern replica of fascists and racists hiding behind conservatism and religion. Thanks god, he is in the history garbage now.

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Hard to say if that will actually happen as they could easily enough be the first ones to set up "legal" fronts for their formally illegal drug trading enterprises.

The Government of Canada has yet to address the issue of who exactly will be able to cultivated and or supply the legal marijuana to the Canadian citizens so that the citizens are not criminalized in any way if and when they do buy the marijuana and consume it legally without fear of being criminalized.

Meantime...Where is the marijuana presently coming from and or where will the marijuana be coming from in the near future ????........ while only a fraction of it is being supplied at present by legitimate entrepreneurs and legitimate in all aspects because the Canadian Federal Government bodies and or the Provincial Government bodies have not yet formulated or formatted a plan for a fully legal supply chain to supply the citizens that would want to consume the now decriminalized recreational drug.

What would stop the Hells Angles and or any other well financed drug trafficking operations from being the first ones to step up and apply for and or set up legally registered large grow operations and hide the fact that they are funded by illegal money and owned in effect by criminal organizations that continue to sell other illegal narcotics and or continue to conduct other nefarious criminal activities.

If you think they will simply cease to continue profiting from a very profitable and lucrative enterprise that they have been conducting for say, 30 years or so because the laws change to legalize the drug then you are mistaken.

Even if they are not awarded the rights to cultivate and supply marijuana legally they will still be there to supply illegally by way of black markets that will inevitably evolve by way of the artificially sustained high prices of the legally obtained marijuana at retail levels.

Prices that do not reflect the actual costs of growing a plant that can be cultivated and sold for very cheap relative to the costs of growing a plant that flourishes on its own throughout history.......let alone being cultivated for profit.

Take a look at the illegal black markets for tobacco every where in the world and relate that to marijuana which could or probably will be sold in a similar way as the market and product marketing matures and evolves.

The criminal element will not go away...or certainly not the way people believe especially if the price of the product remains artificially high and or sustained by Taxes upon Taxes and or all the legitimate and or legal overhead costs and expenditures incurred to legally grow and operate are factored in relative to everything entailed to do it legally and accountable in all respects.

Any foreign grown marijuana from poverty stricken countries such as Cambodia ( or Thailand ) or where ever it can be gown for cheap could supply the same drug for far less and undercut the price of the legally supplied and taxed Marijuana.

Furthermore a notable percent of the marijuana consumers will be buying the illegally supplied marijuana if it is being sold at half the price of the legal marijuana....while the laws will not stop them as we all know the pot heads and lovers of marijuana have never been stopped by the laws nor have they ever feared the laws....so they will buy the lower price illegal marijuana if and when it is made available to them.

Not always and not everyone but hey...When your buddy tells you, you can get the same marijuana for half the price of the legal marijuana and no one is worried about the origins of the product ( Same as no one ever was worried and or will be worried about the origins of the product ) then guaranteed there is a lucrative and growing black market that will inevitably evolve while many of the law abiding citizens???..... will happily participate and sustain the continued illegal supply of a percent of the marijuana consumed in the now legal to consume marijuana market place.

This is what I predict will evolve....but yet to be proven wrong or correct....but lets us see what does develop as it is a move in the right direction, with out a doubt, concerning the legalization of the consumption of the recreational use drug called marijuana.


With all due respect, I completely and totally disagree with you. I live in Oregon, USA where recreational pot is completely legal. It is so legal that stores have popped up that sell it to all comers. They sell equipment and supplies and even fresh baked cookies.

How can this not drive the price down and take out the big and illegal profits when anyone can grow it for his own use, or register to grow it for sale? The stores that sell it get it from legal growers and it is no longer expensive.

There is also a reasonable assurance of quality unlike buying in a back alley from a nefarious person. There is also a lack of the danger of dealing in back alleys not to mention worrying about criminal charges. When you remove the risk and greatly improve the supply and availability, how can the price not go down from competition?

I could legally plant my back yard full of pot and have a big supply. I don't see where there's any room left for the criminal gangs.


Note: If you are a huge pro pot advocate and or a lover of all things marijuana then I will expect a reply from you that steadfastly refutes and or ignores anything at all that criticizes marijuana or finds fault with anything entailed with the drug known as marijuana.....as is the usual with pro pot zealots and or lovers of the recreational purpose drug marijuana.


I don't use pot and I drink about two beers a year. However I'm not in favor of making either illegal. Prohibition should have taught us something. And yes, lifting Prohibition in the US got rid of the mafia and other gangs that were running moonshine. It also brought the price into line. We need to learn from history and our mistakes and not just go about supposing.


The citizens ( or a healthy percent of them ) are finally getting their way concerning marijuana being legal to consume.

We will see how it works out ...but there will still be people violating the laws and going to prison....but far less than before.

In Oregon the age is 21...so now, all those people who are under 21 are still buying the drug while it is the black market that will supply them....while they are still deemed illegally consuming the drug.

Should they go to prison or what penalty should be applied for them??

Some aspects of the whole affair will remain nefarious while the issues concerning recreational drug consumption will always be a contentious social dilemma.


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The illegal growing of it will remain. West coast Canadian pot is the best in the world. Bike gangs trade it for the cocaine they sell in Canada it is so good.The cocaine dealers willnot stop growing it for barter trade as long as there is a cocaine market. All legalization will do is stop possesion charges for the average joe,which is probably good enough.Possession is the most common charge.

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