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Teen gamer high on Valium flies into rage after losing, stabs man to death


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Valium my ass, more like ICE.

Effects of Valium abuse.

A paradoxical effect is one that should be eliminated by use of the drug but instead, it shows up stronger when the drug is used. With Valium, these effects can include fits of rage or violence, aggression, excitement, irritability and hostility. A person may lose control of his impulses which can lead to anti-social behavior, especially among the very young and elderly. Some people may consider suicide. Others may become emotionally blunted.


Interesting. I had a friend who inexplicably became increasingly irritated/excitable having been prescribed Valium as a muscle relaxant. You learn something new every day on this forum thumbsup.gif

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Valium my ass, more like ICE.

agreed.. impossible to fly into a fit of rage.. more like fly into a blissful slumber..

im gonna go and inject some marijuana blink.png

Triple agreed. That stuff is the best sleeping pill ever invented. It's great for those long haul flights.

For those long haul flights many people use melatonin. Better for your health, and it resets your biological clock..win win....just sayin'

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Valium my ass, more like ICE.

Benzos can cause aggression and agitation...
you try to stay awake with 7 valium

No problem for people abusing or have used benzos for some time. Even though Valium has a very mild effect, it does reduce your anxiety, which Valium is intended to do. With 7 Valiums (depending on the mg) it will sure make the very most man feel like superman, with no fear. Fear, is something humans have developed to sense danger. If you remove the ability of your brain to sense any fear what so ever, it will obviously have consequences. Very few users kill, but raging on benzo is as common as you`ll see kleptomanians on benzo. If you continue abusing drugs, and suffer from depression, anxiety, pressure/stress, and don`t know how to deal with it, you`ll eventually have a breakdown or you will snap. Most will end up in rehab and get psychological treatment, or get an ultimatum from someone which makes them wake up and quit, but in some occasions, you`ll take it a step further, and that`s when it gets serious. In this case it cost a man`s life, which is rare, but wrecklessness, carelessness, increasing amounts of thefts, larger amounts of drugs and violence are almost always the path benzo abusers take before ending up in prison.

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^^Oh come on. The kid is just trying to shift blame to any substance for his own lack of control, probably indulged by his Mummy 24/7, leaving him with the emotional maturity of a 7yo.

Playing violent games online wouldn't really help either. RIP his poor victim.

Edited by huangnon
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Valium my ass, more like ICE.

I agree.

Since when does valium cause someone to "go into a rage"?

Valium is a tranquilizer.

It makes you not care about anything, nothing upsets you.

It would not cause you to go into a rage over games and kill people!

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The effect of Valium to people with normal brains is already well researched, but in this case
the probability is high, that the killer had a pre brain damage.
A brain amputation would be appropriate here for the purposes of research.

The innocent victim: R.I.P.

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Apparently everyone's a pharmacist today.

Not everyone... just the regular old and bitter TVF users/bashers who know everything about anything. It's an archetype, the old & bitter TVF user, u meet them often in the more-touristy-areas in LOS, where they claim to be connoisseurs of all things Thailand, ie. the girls, the boose, the bars, the fees, etc.

This been said, let me tell you this, back in my "naughty" days we used to go out on benzo's and strong liquor ("recreational use"). Trust me, you do not get sleepy at all when you're used to take this "coctail", in fact, it makes you rather sharp and lucid.................

Edited by stickylies
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Apparently everyone's a pharmacist today.

Certainly most are aware of the effects of Valium.

Not all mind.

Some won't let facts get in the way of their knee jerk reaction to any comment exposing the flaws in a reported story because the wrongly perceive it as "Thai bashing".

That reaction being deny, denial and finally petulance when they don't get their way.

Valium might actually help with that.

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Apparently everyone's a pharmacist today.

Certainly most are aware of the effects of Valium.

Not all mind.

Some won't let facts get in the way of their knee jerk reaction to any comment exposing the flaws in a reported story because the wrongly perceive it as "Thai bashing".

That reaction being deny, denial and finally petulance when they don't get their way.

Valium might actually help with that.

Apparently everyone's a pharmacist psychologist today.


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Apparently everyone's a pharmacist today.

Certainly most are aware of the effects of Valium.

Not all mind.

Some won't let facts get in the way of their knee jerk reaction to any comment exposing the flaws in a reported story because the wrongly perceive it as "Thai bashing".

That reaction being deny, denial and finally petulance when they don't get their way.

Valium might actually help with that.

Apparently everyone's a pharmacist psychologist today.


Great analysis.

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I had a friend in college. Vallium was his party drug. I went over to a party at his house. About seven of us were going to go out later. Got there and everyone was asleep except him. He told me he took it sometimes.

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^^ jup benzos can be great party-drugs, especially the ones with long half-life (the benzos that is, not the parties!)...

oh well, the know-it-alls-here ("i once saw a documentary", "i once read ", "some guy once told me"...) are unfortunately too old know to find out (what partying means) and probably fall asleep at 10pm watching discovery channel which has thought them... everything about anything!


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