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My contract is going to expire in four weeks. What should I do?

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Two weeks ago my employer agreed to sign a new contract with me for another year

and prepare all the documents to extend my Non-B extension and renew my work

permit. I made some requests for the new contract, too.

It's been two weeks since then, but nothing has been ready yet. I have asked him how

things are going a few times but he'll always answer that it's taking time, so I started to

wonder if he liked my requests.

It's less than a month before my contract expires. If he should change his mind and

decide not to renew my contract, will he have to give me a month's notice or anything,

or will he be allowed to do so without notice? What should I do as a work permit holder


Thank you in advance.

Edited by Saigon
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Thank you for all the comments.

I'm prepared for the worst now and ready to leave next month but I just want to get even

with the employer legally simply because he's not honest at all. I don't mind reporting it

to the Labour Office just to scare him. For some months he didn't pay me as much as

he agreed to on the contract. I can show them my passbook to prove this. Are the odds

in my favor or against me?

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What job? If you have had three back to back contracts then it can be construed as an ongoing contract.

Do you have a link to this ?

NO. It was told to me by a senior manager in my local Labour department.

OK, so that is worth the paper it is written on ;-)

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What job? If you have had three back to back contracts then it can be construed as an ongoing contract.

Do you have a link to this ?

NO. It was told to me by a senior manager in my local Labour department.

OK, so that is worth the paper it is written on ;-)

isn't everything here? What it means is if you are in the position you can ask and see what happens.. No ask, no answer!
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Im in a similar boat. I would definitely have a backup plan. Mine is this. If I don't have something concrete in hand by the 28th I'll go to the labor office and cancel the work permit myself leaving me the rest of the 28th and the 29th to get to immigration and cancel my extension and request a 7 day extension to leave. Fly to Vientiane on January 2nd to avoid the new years holidays and apply for a SETV returning on the 4th. That will give me time to sort out my next move or in your case your employer to help you apply for a new Non-B and WP. Good luck, don't trust'em.

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Im in a similar boat. I would definitely have a backup plan. Mine is this. If I don't have something concrete in hand by the 28th I'll go to the labor office and cancel the work permit myself leaving me the rest of the 28th and the 29th to get to immigration and cancel my extension and request a 7 day extension to leave. Fly to Vientiane on January 2nd to avoid the new years holidays and apply for a SETV returning on the 4th. That will give me time to sort out my next move or in your case your employer to help you apply for a new Non-B and WP. Good luck, don't trust'em.

You need to look at a calendar. The 2nd is a Saturday.

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Can I suggest that you post the termination clause from your contract in here. If there is nothing stated then I would assume that whatever it states in the thai labour laws would apply. There is one thing I remember from a termination dispute I was involved in and that is something like if you get paid on a monthly basis cycle then they have to give you one month's notice or pay you one month's salary on termination inliu of notice.

Edited by Bredbury Blue
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What job? If you have had three back to back contracts then it can be construed as an ongoing contract.

Do you have a link to this ?

NO. It was told to me by a senior manager in my local Labour department.

OK, so that is worth the paper it is written on ;-)

Yes it is. I have a friend who is a teacher and was fired after 10 years with one school. His contracts were yearly and he got, with the help of the Labour Dept. lawyers 10 months of severance pay.

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What job? If you have had three back to back contracts then it can be construed as an ongoing contract.

Do you have a link to this ?

NO. It was told to me by a senior manager in my local Labour department.

OK, so that is worth the paper it is written on ;-)

Yes it is. I have a friend who is a teacher and was fired after 10 years with one school. His contracts were yearly and he got, with the help of the Labour Dept. lawyers 10 months of severance pay.

I can see that. In the past few years the government has stamped out the practice of employers issuing repeat shortterm contracts which sought to minimise the employees labour rights; think it was based on a case regarding gas bottle delivery workers.


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Many thanks for your advice and comments.

There is no termination clause on my contract, and I've got a 1-year contract which

states that I will get paid on a monthly basic so I hope the Thai Labour Law applies

to my case that I will be entitled to severance pay.

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Thank you for all the comments.

I'm prepared for the worst now and ready to leave next month but I just want to get even

with the employer legally simply because he's not honest at all. I don't mind reporting it

to the Labour Office just to scare him. For some months he didn't pay me as much as

he agreed to on the contract. I can show them my passbook to prove this. Are the odds

in my favor or against me?

Sounds like he doesn't respect you; I'd say it's time to move on to find an employer who does respect you.

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OK, so that is worth the paper it is written on ;-)

Yes it is. I have a friend who is a teacher and was fired after 10 years with one school. His contracts were yearly and he got, with the help of the Labour Dept. lawyers 10 months of severance pay.

I can see that. In the past few years the government has stamped out the practice of employers issuing repeat shortterm contracts which sought to minimise the employees labour rights; think it was based on a case regarding gas bottle delivery workers.


They have not stamped out anything. Every teacher agency issues 10 month contracts with bonus holdbacks, no benefits, no SS, nothing. Every year the terms in the contracts become more restrictive against the teacher and more in favor of the agency/school. This is the REAL WORLD. Not only has it not been stamped out, it's getting far worse !

Edited by tonray
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OK, so that is worth the paper it is written on ;-)

Yes it is. I have a friend who is a teacher and was fired after 10 years with one school. His contracts were yearly and he got, with the help of the Labour Dept. lawyers 10 months of severance pay.

I can see that. In the past few years the government has stamped out the practice of employers issuing repeat shortterm contracts which sought to minimise the employees labour rights; think it was based on a case regarding gas bottle delivery workers.


They have not stamped out anything. Every teacher agency issues 10 month contracts with bonus holdbacks, no benefits, no SS, nothing. Every year the terms in the contracts become more restrictive against the teacher and more in favor of the agency/school. This is the REAL WORLD. Not only has it not been stamped out, it's getting far worse !

If Degree Qualified Teachers accept the terms and conditions you describe who is the fool ?

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Thanks again for your advice and comments.

Nothing has been done yet.

The point is my employer has promised to renew my contract, though it is a verbal agreement.

Is there anything I can do about this?

Politely and privately (never make a Thai lose face in public) inform him that you will need a contract in 48 hours to sign or you will be on your way. Don't let these fools jerk you around. I have been there and done that with many schools (not sure what your job is). In the end the ones that were going to renew came up with the docs in 24 hours and the ones that were playing me did not and I left for a different opportunity.

You should always be in control of your own destiny...never put your future in someone else's hands. Just advice from a very old and crusty vet.

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Thanks again for your advice and comments.

Nothing has been done yet.

The point is my employer has promised to renew my contract, though it is a verbal agreement.

Is there anything I can do about this?

Politely and privately (never make a Thai lose face in public) inform him that you will need a contract in 48 hours to sign or you will be on your way. Don't let these fools jerk you around. I have been there and done that with many schools (not sure what your job is). In the end the ones that were going to renew came up with the docs in 24 hours and the ones that were playing me did not and I left for a different opportunity.

You should always be in control of your own destiny...never put your future in someone else's hands. Just advice from a very old and crusty vet.

Thank you so much for your advice.

As I said in the previous post, I'm ready to leave but want to do something just to

scare him.

So I'm going to tell him that I will go to the Immigration Office to extend my visa

extension if he will prepare all the documents but report it to the Labour Office

instead if he won't. I don't think he will, though.

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I don't even see what kind of fuss could be done. This obviously is a fixed term contract.

If your employer doesn't want to renew it, so what? It might not be honest to you especially if he had promised to renew it, but the law says he's entitled to do so.

And your non-immigrant 'B' will be canceled on the day your contract finishes. As I can recall, when I resigned from my last job in Thailand, the HR folks told me that I had to leave the country within 30 days. No way to apply for another visa from within Thailand.

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