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Farang With Thai Wife Can U Buy Lands?


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Anek18, you will probably find a better response in the real estate/land section, let me know if you would prefer it there or if you feel you'd rather keep it here and hear strictly from Isaan residents.

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How do u farangs with thai wife buy lands?

or u put it in your wife name?

Having a Thai wife does not change your rights as far as buying land is concerned, i.e. you still do not have any.

So, yes, if you want to buy land, you have to buy it under your wife's name.

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How do u farangs with thai wife buy lands?

or u put it in your wife name?

Having a Thai wife does not change your rights as far as buying land is concerned, i.e. you still do not have any.

So, yes, if you want to buy land, you have to buy it under your wife's name.

I would like to keep it here thank you mod.

That means if she decided to leave you for another husband, you lose everything right?

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Yes. You can register a lease over a house or even vacant land, 30 years with a 30 year option, which will probably see you out . Another way is to lend your wife the money to buy the land with a registered mortgage held over it .Either way you will be fairly secure.

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That means if she decided to leave you for another husband, you lose everything right?

Right, except if you register a lease on the house built on the land, in that case you are 'safe' for the duration of the lease.

Just make sure that the land is at least 50Km from the nearest relative..... Not joking! :o

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That means if she decided to leave you for another husband, you lose everything right?

Right, except if you register a lease on the house built on the land, in that case you are 'safe' for the duration of the lease.

Just make sure that the land is at least 50Km from the nearest relative..... Not joking! :D

Tall order in Isaan ...... there will be a relative somewhere :o

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That means if she decided to leave you for another husband, you lose everything right?

If that happens you won't wanna stay around anyway. In my experience you lose everything anywhere if the wife leaves you, even if the property is in joint names! :o Just don't spend more than you can afford to lose.

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Another way is to lend your wife the money to buy the land with a registered mortgage held over it .Either way you will be fairly secure.

There is no security in this. For a start you have to confirm in writing the money is not yours, but your wife's. A husband lending money to his wife is the same as lending to himself under Thai Law, as you are responsible for her debts. If you are seen to be acquiring a Real Property right and also living in the building you are in breach of the Land Code. This method only suggested by lawyers of dubious ability. :o

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the same as lending to himself under Thai Law, as you are responsible for her debts.

Is this right?

If my wife takes out a mortgage or car loan or any other type of loan without my knowledge, am I still responsible for her debts?

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the same as lending to himself under Thai Law, as you are responsible for her debts.

Is this right?

If my wife takes out a mortgage or car loan or any other type of loan without my knowledge, am I still responsible for her debts?

Afraid so! :o Only if the debts have been incurred after marriage. Look at it on the bright side, she's responsible for your debts as well. :D

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Of course, there is still the 30 year option (unless it changes overnight, = see latest Visa rulings by Thai-Gouvernement).

But, would anyone hang arond a place (30 Year Lease), knowing that if the "Family" has decided that you are besically an "unwelcome" person within the village?

If such things come to pass (believe me!) you would probably long for the next bus to get you out of town in a hurry and you would happily abandon any rights to a 30 year lease.


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the same as lending to himself under Thai Law, as you are responsible for her debts.

Is this right?

If my wife takes out a mortgage or car loan or any other type of loan without my knowledge, am I still responsible for her debts?

You know what the saying Tiz, married for better and for worse... :o

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Yes. You can register a lease over a house or even vacant land, 30 years with a 30 year option, which will probably see you out . Another way is to lend your wife the money to buy the land with a registered mortgage held over it .Either way you will be fairly secure.

You could try a legal agreement at the time of purchase between yourself and the wife giving you rights to exchange the Thai owner (ie wife) if there are problems, but leaving it to her on your death and on your children etc This can be registered with the land office at the time of purchase. HOWEVER im not sure how it would work out if it came to the crunch :o

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  • 5 months later...
How do u farangs with thai wife buy lands?

or u put it in your wife name?

Very interesting, I have been playing with this idea recently. I was told that as I am legally married to my wife we are viewed as the same legal entity. With that in mind the rest can be straight forward, as long as you are willing to share everything with your wife.

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One question...does it means wat ever the thai wife buys or builds or get after legal marriage. The husband get 1/2 of the assets whether its his money or not... And 1 more question if the marriage is registered out of the country not in thailand will it be recognised. Many tks in advance...

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I have heard the best way is for 30 year lease with 30 year option with a written contract that if wife decides to leave she is in breach of contract in which there is a clause for her to pay 1,000,000 baht for breach.

best to contact Sebastien at korat lawyer.


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This is from the American/Thai Chamber of Commerce:

Restrictions on an Alien’s Right to Own Land

An alien may own land only with special permission from the Minister of Interior and only if, under a treaty between his home country and Thailand, Thai nationals are extended the reciprocal right to own land. In the case of a promoted company, the company should obtain the approval of the Board of Investment. If the BOI-promoted company ceases or transfers its business, it has to sell such land within one year.

Once an alien has secured permission to acquire land, he must use it for the purpose stated in his application. A change in the use of the land can be made only with the permission of the Ministry of Interior. A sale or transfer of land by an alien also requires approval by the Ministry of Interior.

A foreigner is permitted to acquire units in a high rise condominium under certain conditions.

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Another way is to lend your wife the money to buy the land with a registered mortgage held over it .Either way you will be fairly secure.

There is no security in this. For a start you have to confirm in writing the money is not yours, but your wife's. A husband lending money to his wife is the same as lending to himself under Thai Law, as you are responsible for her debts. If you are seen to be acquiring a Real Property right and also living in the building you are in breach of the Land Code. This method only suggested by lawyers of dubious ability. :o

This in itself is also dubious because assets obtained after marriage are jointly owned. I think this idea of getting the Farang husband to sign that it is the wifes money that is buying the land came in about 10 years ago when females married to Farang husbands were allowed to purchase land in thier names. As a result someone suggested get the farang to sign it was the wifes money. It's all a bag of worms.

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Thats exactly the point, the signature at the land office excludes the land from the 50/50 ownership if land is bought, Foreigners can not own land under any means, which includes being married - therefore he has to sign away his rights to the land and as I understand it the wife must sign to say the land was purchased with her own money.

If the wife dies and leaves everything to the husband I believe the husband has 12 months to sell on the land.

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