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Thai police defend Koh Tao murders investigations


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"Those reports are groundless. Doctors have examined the defendants' physical health and there is no sign of torture," Prachum said.

Water boarding and rubber hoses don't leave any physical signs. That might be the only "professional law enforcement procedure" the police carried out skillfully.

This is all very true and when combined with sleep deprivation, psychotropic pharmaceuticals, hypnosis, and in some cases electrical shock, these are effective means of behavior modification.

However, knowing who is calling the doctors to examine physical signs of torture, they could just as easily show the disinterested docs two other people as stand-ins. It is all pretend anyway.

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I am perturbed by the fact that the old story of the boy who called wolf too many times comes to mind , the RTP have not been over the decades up front and professional in their approach to crime or the crime scene and pinning the tail on the donkey has been tried before and they have been caught out, one particular case comes to mind from Chiang Mai with an young English girl a guy from Sydney and the establishments Thai owner resulting in the BBC being banned from Thailand in retaliation and so long as I live the RTP will not ever sway me over whether they have improved or not, whilst there is doubt the verdict from the judge should always error on the side of caution...........................................................coffee1.gif

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It's an disgrace but par for the course here. How we got from this in the beginning to 2 x completely new suspects (conveniently) is insane:


"The police have arrested a suspect in the murder of two British tourists in Koh Tao and are still hunting for a second suspect who has escaped into Bangkok.

Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders."

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What happened to Thaivisas very own RTP glee club??

They have gone very quiet.....................wonder why??

Oh silly me..............it's high season............they are busy at their diving schools..................coffee1.gif

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"Those reports are groundless. Doctors have examined the defendants' physical health and there is no sign of torture," Prachum said.

Water boarding and rubber hoses don't leave any physical signs. That might be the only "professional law enforcement procedure" the police carried out skillfully.

Did the B2 provide any details of how they were tortured?

They did. In court. You can search Thai Visa

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It is not that they believe what they are telling . They expect Thai people to accept it because they say so, and they expect Thai people not to make them lose face by calling BS.

And they simply do not understand why Farang do not accept it too.


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My philosophy in life is- We all make mistakes, just learn from them and make yourself better. In different countries around the world, they will admit their mistakes and set new standards so the same mistakes/ disasters never happen again. In Thailand with this embarrassing poor forensic and investigation done by the Koh Pha Ngan police department (and symbolizes the weakness in all police departments in Thailand), you think the Thai government would set higher standards for criminal investigations, run seminars to educate the local police in how to do forensics, to set a state-wide standard in how to do criminal research so they will not be the laughing stock of the world media. (Hey, wake up guys, this is the 21st Century!) -But no, the country still follows the same attitude of denial and making up lies. You would think the junta government would wake up and set up standards for the police.

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Koh Pha Ngan Police Station's superintendent Pol Colonel Prachum Ruangthong said public prosecutors had asked police to improve investigation report three times before the case was accepted for prosecution.

"We have handled the case very carefully," he said.

He denied reports that the defendants were tortured into confessing to the crimes.

"Those reports are groundless. Doctors have examined the defendants' physical health and there is no sign of torture," Prachum said.

He also denied rumours that police had relied on the interpretation services of a man who had had conflicts with the defendants.

I'm a little confused about the qualifications of the roti seller, who acted as the 'lead' interpreter. I'm trying to figure out why a wine bottle wasn't referred to or brought into court as part of the evidence against the B2. Maybe the interpreter should be 'cut a little slack' for his deficient translation skills, because he told a reporter that the B2 had admitted to using a wine bottle in their attacks on David & Hannah. Maybe the words 'wine-bottle' and 'hoe' are the same in the various Myanmar dialects?

Edited by joebrown
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I've found that a useful tool for interpreting/decoding most, if not all public statements made by Thai police or politicians is to take whatever they say, and deduce the truth to be precisely the polar opposite. It's uncanny how accurately this method works.

Indeed, I learned that almost 15 years ago when I listened to anything Thaksin said.

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fairness....is like dew, based on feelings of heat and cool night air...will disappear with the sun

transparency.... trying to understand.

Something tells me that justice can never be buried or witheld with fairness and transperancy, these are very subjective.

True justice will visit the ones who murdered and their end will be horrific and for those who want to defend their cause just because they do not want the truth .... these will be put to shame and everyone will know who was innocent. At that time everyone will know the case is closed. This has too many stories, justifications and speculations to say it is transparent. If there is still public doubt...doesnt that say something. Justice needs no winning of confidence.... It detects, exposes and condones. Only stories need to be explained.....I do not think the public are that ignorant to know what is truth and what is a lie. Let that be known.....

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I was with some Thais for dinner last evening and this subject came up. They all believe that the Burmese lads are guilty. One of them attended court every day and said that the Prosecutor made a flawless case. I asked about the contaminated crime scene, lack of direct evidence implicating the accused and the mishandled DNA evidence. I was told that I didn't know what I was talking about.

The result is that Thais don't want to admit that a Thai could have committed such an atrocity. All this case proves is that the Police with the aid of an un-named judge and lots of money changing hands can put together an undeniable case. Forget about the truth. The Thai criminal justice system isn't just plain broke, it is as corrupt as Lucifer.

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It is not that they believe what they are telling . They expect Thai people to accept it because they say so, and they expect Thai people not to make them lose face by calling BS.

And they simply do not understand why Farang do not accept it too.


This is precisely the way it works. +100

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"Those reports are groundless. Doctors have examined the defendants' physical health and there is no sign of torture," Prachum said.

Water boarding and rubber hoses don't leave any physical signs. That might be the only "professional law enforcement procedure" the police carried out skillfully.

Did the B2 provide any details of how they were tortured?

They did. In court. You can search Thai Visa

Ignore him Sweat, he's a pure troll with no agenda other than stirring the shiite.

Late to the forum and clearly hasn't even bothered to familiarise himself with the case at all. Another troll, just not a very smart or bright one.

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"Those reports are groundless. Doctors have examined the defendants' physical health and there is no sign of torture," Prachum said.

Water boarding and rubber hoses don't leave any physical signs. That might be the only "professional law enforcement procedure" the police carried out skillfully.

Did the B2 provide any details of how they were tortured?

They did. In court. You can search Thai Visa

I know exactly what they said in court and that's why I asked. Did they mention waterboarding and rubber hoses???

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"Those reports are groundless. Doctors have examined the defendants' physical health and there is no sign of torture," Prachum said.

Water boarding and rubber hoses don't leave any physical signs. That might be the only "professional law enforcement procedure" the police carried out skillfully.

Did the B2 provide any details of how they were tortured?

They did. In court. You can search Thai Visa

Ignore him Sweat, he's a pure troll with no agenda other than stirring the shiite.

Late to the forum and clearly hasn't even bothered to familiarise himself with the case at all. Another troll, just not a very smart or bright one.

Late to the forum? I was already on the forum months ago regarding this case. I have followed everything - even CSI LA and the previous cases this armchair detective has been working on.

And speaking about bright: you didn't even get why I was asking that question.... if the B2 were waterboarded they would have said that in court. Zin said he was struck in the chest and both said that they were punched by the "translator" - no mention of water and rubber hoses.

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"We work based on the principle of transparency and fairness," he said.

He said the public could have confidence in Thailand's judicial process because there were effective check-and-balance mechanisms in the process.

"They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening" .

George Orwell

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"Those reports are groundless. Doctors have examined the defendants' physical health and there is no sign of torture," Prachum said.

Water boarding and rubber hoses don't leave any physical signs. That might be the only "professional law enforcement procedure" the police carried out skillfully.

Did the B2 provide any details of how they were tortured?

They did. In court. You can search Thai Visa

I know exactly what they said in court and that's why I asked. Did they mention waterboarding and rubber hoses???

"their heads were covered with a plastic bag"

You can read the rest of their torure allegations here:


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"We work based on the principle of transparency and fairness," he said. About as transparent as klong water.

How dare he come out with such absolute lies. How are these people allowed to speak such BS on a daily basis.

From TAT to police to army spokesman, lies all day everyday.

It's a bit like in our western countries then....????

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"The case files of the Thai forensic lab should have been provided to the defence," Ms Taupin said.

"This is so the scientific data contained within, and used to provide conclusions, could be examined for a scientific review.

"The essence of scientific method is the testing and review of hypotheses. If these are not viewed, or even stated, then this does not inspire confidence in the scientific analysis.


Apparently the defence can demand disclosure of evidence but did not use such strong words.

Is it coincidence that the 4 Burmese arrested in Rayong have allegedly been tortured into confessing to stabbing a girl to death and that the same police officer who was sent to Koh Tao to sort out the B2 case and testified in the B2 case was involved with these four Burmese, who have now retracted their confessions as lawyers gather CCTV footage that proves they were elsewhere at the time.

Aparently lawyers have also wittnesed marks on the boys necks.

So another stich up that this time may have been caught out.

Full disclosure of forensic evidence is needed in the B2 case along with a DNA search for whoevers DNA is on the murder weapon.Has that not been done???

For a judge to say that torture of the B2 is irelevant is ridiculous, it is relevant and would be more relevant if the coward lawyer who wittnessed the marks on the B2's bodies came forward, he was apparently got rid off at the beginnning of this case.

Along with many other factors one being a translator/ journalist being threatened from reporting from the courtroom is quite damming in itself.

The whole case it seems is hinged on forensic DNA eveidence supplied by the police that experts have said is not credible and can not be retested by defence because it is used up.

In other words the Judge is calling this botched up DNA solid evidence and is taking the word of the police who failed to secure the crime scene, failed to produce credible DNA reports, walked over the crime scene and polluted it.

Another huge fact denied any credibility is the murder weapon without the accused DNA on it, then I ask who's DNA is on the weapon????.

It is very sad the Millers Brother who has obviously been buttered up by Thai authorites, has taken his deluded opinions and wants to be the big man family spokesman, he is sadly deluded at the least.

For him to say the B2 showed no remorse , what does he expect innocent scapegoats to do, have a look at their body language and all I see is sadness.

I think that the B2 may also have been coerced into making a confession after alleged torture to possibly get off a death sentence with maybe promise of a light sentence.

I think they then placed their faith in lawyers about getting off because they are innocent and they should be free men now as most know.

The defence needs to toughen up and demand disclosure, they need reinforcement, I salute Andy Hall for his work and the TV posters who support them.

I do not have any confidence in the latest police statement.

Edited by kiwikeith
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