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Yingluck flayed for dragging her feet

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Most of what this Sanserm chap says is itter toilet. But on this case i concur with him, but yes i also realize that he should not be saying it.

At the start, think long and hard about who will help you to fight the charges you face and get them on board or on a secondary / back up list.

Calling new people 3 extra times is farcical. If she was really innocent of dereliction of duty she'd simply be able to show written records of appropriate meetings SHE attended steps that were taken due to HER orders, and solutons given by HER that were actioned by her team.

The fact she is hesitant to do any of this raises serious doubts about her ability to fight the charges of dereliction of duty

She is just doing what others would do to, trying to delay it hoping that a change of government would see the charges dropped.

Of course I would have done the same, to save my skin.

But yes she is just dragging her feet and if the courts are serious they will put a stop to it.

If you check that's what she has always done. Dragged things out, avoided answering questions or provided long winded meaningless statements that don't actually say anything. The normal preference is to lie. If that doesn't work for some reason, then drag it out, avoid answering and hope it all dies down and simply goes away. Always maintaining total innocence, to everything ever, and use FB to plead for sympathy. Of course, never mentioning for example that she never even bothered turning up at the meetings she was supposed to chair.

She asked the Ombudsman for more time to answer his questions on the illegal issuing of her brother's replacement passports. She asked for more time on several occasions and then simply ignored it. Changes in Ombudsman and the questions now seem forgotten,

This is not unique and a M.O. adopted by many. In worst case, you have to do a runner like Red Bull Boy; or play for time as in the odd death of the tycoon in the minor car crash and massive share transfer - need the time to work an "acceptable" solution out.

Yingluck though, doesn't seem to have a brilliant legal team. A bit too obvious, not subtle in how they play for time, using the same last minute tactic over and over again. Nor are their statements as to what they believe the law is particularly convincing. Maybe because she really does believe she is above and beyond the law and that this is all pantomime for the masses and won't have any consequences. She may just be wrong.

She also dragged her feet concerning questions about Thaksin's passport.

Not only dragged her feet, she also snubbed and ignored the appropriate laws and regulations.

Now of course she expects two things.

- The law will be applied properly in her case.

- But she can manipulate the process as she thinks fit.

Any donut boxes in sight?

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How about they give her this last request for additional witnesses but she has to ensure they appear at the given time-no delays having to find the people as they said other witnesses were hard to find or get to cooperate. If she can't do this that witness is removed and no replacement.

How about they let the legal process run its course. Perhaps if they dont like it they should of reformed it, something which in my personal opinion is probably over and above things like police reform in terms of necessity and importance.

The Justice and law System requires massive reform - and that included the branches responsible for enforcement, prosecutions, as well as the court systems.

The constant delaying tactic is something Yingluck and the Shin family political vehicle use over and over again. As do others in a myriad of cases.

But, it is what it is. And no political party, government, elected or otherwise, has shown the least bit interest in really changing it.

Maybe, the ones at the top like it this way? Regardless of which political party or group they currently claim allegiance too.

As for this case, new witnesses should be admitted if they have new evidence. If they don't and can't show why they are being called then they should not be permitted.

Agree, '... if they have no evidence...' .

Her lawyers have already displayed that there is no evidence. The witnesses they brought forward have already given their 'evidence', just very winded statements of items which are off topic / not connected to the actual case.


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Well, it would seem that a lot of posters here agree that Ms. Yingluck is dragging her pretty feet. Isn't a working justice system nice rolleyes.gif

She is exercising her right to be heard....the fundamental and basic right of every person charged. Be more patient.

How much time should a criminal have to "collect" her witnesses?

I don't understand why there is no deadline

- otherwise the court will never be able to decide


why not invite witnesses immediately after they are named within a short deadline, like one week, to be heard and if they do not appear (no excuse accepted) they will be dismissed - no postponing

Things could be easy when cleverly managed

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My guess is the powers that be at the moment would be very reluctant to take any action in regard to dragging court cases out over years or changing laws making it not possible to do so, Likewise forcing answers to questions asked by courts, In fear they may not be afforded the same options in the future,

Previous governments would act in the same way.

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Well, it would seem that a lot of posters here agree that Ms. Yingluck is dragging her pretty feet. Isn't a working justice system nice rolleyes.gif

She is exercising her right to be heard....the fundamental and basic right of every person charged. Be more patient.

Be more patient ??? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif I think her brother has a list of weekly additions for her to put to the court.

Come on Prbkk, I can only think your post is a wind up.

How long has she had now ???? be patient ???

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If they do not allow correct legal defences and on the back of other ""dubious rulings ""such as a recent case involving Burmese and subsequent death sentences , submit a guilty finding , Thailand could explode.

She is very popular with the majority of Thais .

And jailing her would motivate political ignition.

You've already decided to keep out of Thailand, so how do you know how popular she is? Your GF tell you?

She had some popularity, seen as new and fresh, but lost a lot as she proved simply a puppet. The cock ups on the rice scheme, tablets for children, flood management, constant trips, constant missing parliament, the constant lies and pretend tears, and the final straw was the audacious attempt to fiddle through a complete whitewash for her criminal brother. She was found out for what she was, simply the Shin pretty and a puppet for her brother.

Remember the Shins attempts to keep power - the "beating the war drums red shirt rallies" the founding of the "democracy defense volunteers" (hahaha) and the attempts to stir up mass support at home and foreign intervention? All failed. Too many people see them now for what they are.

The people won't care less what happens to her, apart from those bought and paid for or who still feel the duty of patronage to that family clan,

I think the reasons you give for the loss of popularity you conjecture are relevant for people who were against her already. I doubt people who voted for PTP are much influenced by them.

In the absence of a cristal ball I have no idea of her current popularity level. However the persistent will of the NCPO to get her out of politics suggests that her popularity may not be low. The government has the results of the private unbiased (and unpublished) surveys it has ordered. They know exactly the popularity level of the main political figures.

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If they do not allow correct legal defences and on the back of other ""dubious rulings ""such as a recent case involving Burmese and subsequent death sentences , submit a guilty finding , Thailand could explode.

She is very popular with the majority of Thais .

And jailing her would motivate political ignition.

You've already decided to keep out of Thailand, so how do you know how popular she is? Your GF tell you?

She had some popularity, seen as new and fresh, but lost a lot as she proved simply a puppet. The cock ups on the rice scheme, tablets for children, flood management, constant trips, constant missing parliament, the constant lies and pretend tears, and the final straw was the audacious attempt to fiddle through a complete whitewash for her criminal brother. She was found out for what she was, simply the Shin pretty and a puppet for her brother.

Remember the Shins attempts to keep power - the "beating the war drums red shirt rallies" the founding of the "democracy defense volunteers" (hahaha) and the attempts to stir up mass support at home and foreign intervention? All failed. Too many people see them now for what they are.

The people won't care less what happens to her, apart from those bought and paid for or who still feel the duty of patronage to that family clan,

I think the reasons you give for the loss of popularity you conjecture are relevant for people who were against her already. I doubt people who voted for PTP are much influenced by them.

In the absence of a cristal ball I have no idea of her current popularity level. However the persistent will of the NCPO to get her out of politics suggests that her popularity may not be low. The government has the results of the private unbiased (and unpublished) surveys it has ordered. They know exactly the popularity level of the main political figures.

" the persistent will of the NCPO to get her out of politics suggests that her popularity may not be low."

the persistent will ..... might also suggest ... that the government wants law and justice to be applied

(in this case - and yes I know Koh Tao)

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If they do not allow correct legal defences and on the back of other ""dubious rulings ""such as a recent case involving Burmese and subsequent death sentences , submit a guilty finding , Thailand could explode.

She is very popular with the majority of Thais .

And jailing her would motivate political ignition.

You've already decided to keep out of Thailand, so how do you know how popular she is? Your GF tell you?

She had some popularity, seen as new and fresh, but lost a lot as she proved simply a puppet. The cock ups on the rice scheme, tablets for children, flood management, constant trips, constant missing parliament, the constant lies and pretend tears, and the final straw was the audacious attempt to fiddle through a complete whitewash for her criminal brother. She was found out for what she was, simply the Shin pretty and a puppet for her brother.

Remember the Shins attempts to keep power - the "beating the war drums red shirt rallies" the founding of the "democracy defense volunteers" (hahaha) and the attempts to stir up mass support at home and foreign intervention? All failed. Too many people see them now for what they are.

The people won't care less what happens to her, apart from those bought and paid for or who still feel the duty of patronage to that family clan,

I think the reasons you give for the loss of popularity you conjecture are relevant for people who were against her already. I doubt people who voted for PTP are much influenced by them.

In the absence of a cristal ball I have no idea of her current popularity level. However the persistent will of the NCPO to get her out of politics suggests that her popularity may not be low. The government has the results of the private unbiased (and unpublished) surveys it has ordered. They know exactly the popularity level of the main political figures.

You get the daily prize for:

- Contradicting your own words.

- Highest number of twists and turns in one post.

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If they do not allow correct legal defences and on the back of other ""dubious rulings ""such as a recent case involving Burmese and subsequent death sentences , submit a guilty finding , Thailand could explode.

She is very popular with the majority of Thais .

And jailing her would motivate political ignition.

You've already decided to keep out of Thailand, so how do you know how popular she is? Your GF tell you?

She had some popularity, seen as new and fresh, but lost a lot as she proved simply a puppet. The cock ups on the rice scheme, tablets for children, flood management, constant trips, constant missing parliament, the constant lies and pretend tears, and the final straw was the audacious attempt to fiddle through a complete whitewash for her criminal brother. She was found out for what she was, simply the Shin pretty and a puppet for her brother.

Remember the Shins attempts to keep power - the "beating the war drums red shirt rallies" the founding of the "democracy defense volunteers" (hahaha) and the attempts to stir up mass support at home and foreign intervention? All failed. Too many people see them now for what they are.

The people won't care less what happens to her, apart from those bought and paid for or who still feel the duty of patronage to that family clan,

I think the reasons you give for the loss of popularity you conjecture are relevant for people who were against her already. I doubt people who voted for PTP are much influenced by them.

In the absence of a cristal ball I have no idea of her current popularity level. However the persistent will of the NCPO to get her out of politics suggests that her popularity may not be low. The government has the results of the private unbiased (and unpublished) surveys it has ordered. They know exactly the popularity level of the main political figures.

It's almost as if no one believes Ms. Yingluck is innocent of the charge she's under 'negligence'.

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Well, it would seem that a lot of posters here agree that Ms. Yingluck is dragging her pretty feet. Isn't a working justice system nice rolleyes.gif

She is exercising her right to be heard....the fundamental and basic right of every person charged. Be more patient.

What about the fundamental and legal rights of the Ombudsman who, years later STILL does not have the answer as to who re-issued Thaksins passports and with what authority?

Talk about feet dragging.

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I'd have thought the 'Cronies That Be' would have been delighted with this delay, because everyone knows she won't get a fair hearing and when she gets time, there could be a very serious backlash.

The worst thing she did was try to bring in the former amnesty, when people rightly took to the streets to protest, yet when this lot gave themselves one, for one of the most heinous crimes one can commit in a country, not a peep from the hypocritcial Street Rabble in Bangkok.

Until the blimp and the bomb detector buyers/profiteers are in the dock, we can safely assume that 2016 will be Business As Usual for the Elite.

their will be no backlash none even if she is as she should be found guilty all her lot are cowardly scum and are to busy saving their own skins you will see Well done Suthep for ridding Thailand of this evil

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