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Are well priced Pattaya resale condos selling now, or not?


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Who in their right mind would buy in Thailand now?

people who have money, as opposed to those who don't have money smile.png

That doesn't make any sense at all. People with money aren't interested to buy condos in Pattaya. Maybe Monaco has slipped down on the list I am not certain.

There are some who think sex mongers are rolling in dough. Aagain Pattaya, which i like, is not for the rich n famous or for people who like other things to do besides snuggle up to dark skin rough looking girls.

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VT6 has a great location, probably the best for central Pattaya, but if I lived there I would probably be worrying about the views to the south being blocked at some point.

Some point being now. They are putting a Kantary on the plot to the south of VT6.


I was worried about the views to the south 5 years ago, which is why I didnt buy there.

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Chill out (which you can actually do this morning. Brrr!) I'm not flipping my condo at Centric, I'm planning to live here. But, if aomeone made a 'make me move' offer, who knows? Never say never. I'm not promoting Centric or The Base or Northshore, or VT6 and haven't said buy at any of them. Again for the hard of hearing, renting is probably best unless you plan to be here long-term or like to own your own space and have your own furniture and make changes. Many posters were saying that there is a huge glut of condos in Pattaya. I have been pointing out that this is very true for certain kinds of condos in certain areas, but not true for newer highrise seaview condos in central Pattaya. This is the only area I know of without a glut. If you study new completed projects, new projects under construction, and new projects planned in all areas of Pattaya, you will see this to be true. If you want a newer highrise in central Pattaya that offers seaviews, it's just the above 4 that I know of. If you look at prices at VT6 and Northshore, they have remained fairly strong in a slow market. Too soon to tell for Centric and The Base but Hipflat had average asking prices at The Base at around 102,000 Baht a sqm and Centric at around 99,000. In my opinion there are way too many of the huge 8 story multi-building condos being built, most with around 1000 units. Just recently there was yet another one announced. Where will they find buyers for all these condos? Before I forget and to answer a poster, rich people DO buy condos in Pattaya--but not where you and I live. They buy the full floor condos at Northshore in the side building, they buy at The Cove and Royal Cliff, they buy the front building at Reflection with just 2 condos per floor, they buy the largest units at the expensive projects at Wong Amat, and if Waterfront ever gets started again they will buy some of the big units there, to name a few.

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This is a great thread if only one sex tourist DOESNT buy a condo in pattaya!

Selfish thing to say when it seems you are in the market for one.

Im trying to save that one sex tourist who thinks pattaya condo would be a good investment.

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There is a lot more to buying than location,location,location and price ,price ,price and that is timing timing timing ,my estimation is you could not have bought at a more particular bad time more than most have seen a price slide last few years and that momentum is bound to pick up speed as this year and next particularly come into being

Bad choice buying at Centric Sea,as stated Newnative you haven't a clue,you will undoubtedly be punished on this purchase

Just an edit,Newnative you mention Northshore as an example,yes 10 months or so one resident there sold for a loss of almost three quarters of a million as he wanted out and moved to Portugal

Edited by loppylugs1
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I also own condos at Centric Sea and can confirm what newnative says about the electricity and water, we have just been given notice that we have to pay for water this month and maybe electricity next month. Have had a free ride since October 1st. The electrical meters and water meter were all installed before we moved in. Was originally told they would be free for a month so have not complained.

It is a good location for me and has first class common facilities and security.

I have no intention to sell in the near future and think that eventually they will sell the remaining condos.

There are plans to build a large shopping centre next to it which will only enhance it's advantages when it is completed.

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Well, Loppylugs, time will tell whether it was a bad purchase or not. But, one needs to put a roof over one's head somewhere and we'll take our odds over a purchase at one of the 'theme-park' condos in the middle of nowhere. Any real estate purchase has some risk and we accept that but with that risk we are enjoying a great view of Pattaya Bay and the city skyline from Royal Cliff and beyond to the south and the highrises of Wong Amat and beyond to the north. It was great fun watching the International Fireworks--the barge was in the bay right in front of the condo. It's lovely having morning coffee on the balcony and watching all the boat activity. Even more beautiful in the evening when the sun sets and the city and bay go from dusk to dark and all the lights come on. And, lots of amenities at the project to enjoy. Love being able to walk everywhere. We're not missing the nerve-racking drive to Jomtien we used to have to make every time we came to central Pattaya--and certainly won't miss the tunnel congestion as the 3 tunnels are built in the next 10 years. We could have rented but we are probably here for the duration and like to decorate our space to our liking and have the furniture, artwork, etc. that we have collected over time and travels. You are right, Loppylugs, that timing is important but at my age I can't wait and don't want to wait for the perfect time to buy--if there even is such a thing. As I said in an earlier post, for me, the future is now. Thank you for your deep, deep concern about us being 'punished' for the purchase but please don't lose any sleep worrying yourself sick over our fate. We'll muddle through somehow--and we'll have a paid for roof over our heads.

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I also own condos at Centric Sea and can confirm what newnative says about the electricity and water, we have just been given notice that we have to pay for water this month and maybe electricity next month. Have had a free ride since October 1st. The electrical meters and water meter were all installed before we moved in. Was originally told they would be free for a month so have not complained.

It is a good location for me and has first class common facilities and security.

I have no intention to sell in the near future and think that eventually they will sell the remaining condos.

There are plans to build a large shopping centre next to it which will only enhance it's advantages when it is completed.

There will be no free rides here,that's for sure. It will be included eventually into a common maintenance fee,including floor lighting,outside security lighting, security and whatever they want to charge you for elevator/pool filtration maintenance etc,and my betting it will be an eye watering amount. the only reason probably is that there are so few purchases at present that the burden will fall on very few

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Good luck at Centric. It does look nice.

But I hope all the sea view owners see those huge empty lots directly in front of you between Beach and Second road just north of Hard Rock.

I would bet a future high rise condo or hotel will be in the works cutting the views big time.

But who knows when that might happen..

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The common maintenance fees for my 2 bedroom Centric condo will be $88.75 a month in USA dollars at 35.5 Baht to the dollar. The 1 bedroom fees are around $40 to $47 a month, depending on sqm. Not really that 'eye watering', Loppy.

Yeah right pigs are flying you believe anything told,anything to make a sale...remember...and you will be paying for the vast amount of empty ones too

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The common maintenance fees for my 2 bedroom Centric condo will be $88.75 a month in USA dollars at 35.5 Baht to the dollar. The 1 bedroom fees are around $40 to $47 a month, depending on sqm. Not really that 'eye watering', Loppy.

Hey Centric fanboy, are you charged in USD or THB? Why don't you quote in GBP, that would make it even less impressive, but 88.75$ is 3155 Baht .

As for the quality of Centric, did you notice that the entrance door and some furniture in the reception of building A already have the veneer peeling off?

I haven't been any further than that, but if it is peeling off after a few months already I can imagine how it gonna look at the end of this year, and I can imagine how the rest of the construction is quality wise.

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Maybe another poster could enlighten Loppy regarding common condo maintenance fees.

Common condo fees are calculated as low as possible in a new building, but at the end of the year the calculation is made, and in most buildings the initial sum is not sufficient and the next year there is a premium.

Also fees that are not paid by the respective owner will have to be covered by the paying owners, because the security doesn't agree to wait for part of his salary because there is a money shortage.

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The common maintenance fees for my 2 bedroom Centric condo will be $88.75 a month in USA dollars at 35.5 Baht to the dollar. The 1 bedroom fees are around $40 to $47 a month, depending on sqm. Not really that 'eye watering', Loppy.

Hey Centric fanboy, are you charged in USD or THB? Why don't you quote in GBP, that would make it even less impressive, but 88.75$ is 3155 Baht .

As for the quality of Centric, did you notice that the entrance door and some furniture in the reception of building A already have the veneer peeling off?

I haven't been any further than that, but if it is peeling off after a few months already I can imagine how it gonna look at the end of this year, and I can imagine how the rest of the construction is quality wise.

This is true,lived not far from this project during construction and yes it ..........not allowed to comment I understand rules on libel /slander etc.even if true , so all I can do is leave a blank space...

...blank space finished.

Thank you

Edited,not Centrics though

Edited by loppylugs1
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Yes the lobby has gotten a workout with all the residents moving stuff in--they don't always use the service elevator and can be careless with the shopping carts. I guess if there were no residents like Loppy says the lobby would be pristine. A mystery there.

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I also own condos at Centric Sea and can confirm what newnative says about the electricity and water,

There are plans to build a large shopping centre next to it which will only enhance it's advantages when it is completed.

How many shopping centers does Pattaya need?

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I also own condos at Centric Sea and can confirm what newnative says about the electricity and water, we have just been given notice that we have to pay for water this month and maybe electricity next month. Have had a free ride since October 1st. The electrical meters and water meter were all installed before we moved in. Was originally told they would be free for a month so have not complained.

It is a good location for me and has first class common facilities and security.

I have no intention to sell in the near future and think that eventually they will sell the remaining condos.

There are plans to build a large shopping centre next to it which will only enhance it's advantages when it is completed.

another shopping center?

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Yes the lobby has gotten a workout with all the residents moving stuff in--they don't always use the service elevator and can be careless with the shopping carts. I guess if there were no residents like Loppy says the lobby would be pristine. A mystery there.

What gonna happen when the other 90% from the supposed residents will move in, if ever, when it looks already like this with only 10% moved in?

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I also own condos at Centric Sea and can confirm what newnative says about the electricity and water,

There are plans to build a large shopping centre next to it which will only enhance it's advantages when it is completed.

How many shopping centers does Pattaya need?
Ha, many.

The 2 years of hearing construction noise should be a lot of fun.

Edited by bkk6060
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The common maintenance fees for my 2 bedroom Centric condo will be $88.75 a month in USA dollars at 35.5 Baht to the dollar. The 1 bedroom fees are around $40 to $47 a month, depending on sqm. Not really that 'eye watering', Loppy.

Yeah right pigs are flying you believe anything told,anything to make a sale...remember...and you will be paying for the vast amount of empty ones too

Isn't it normal for the developer to pay for any unsold condos, certainly is in my condo. Whether they pay or not is another matter.

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The common maintenance fees for my 2 bedroom Centric condo will be $88.75 a month in USA dollars at 35.5 Baht to the dollar. The 1 bedroom fees are around $40 to $47 a month, depending on sqm. Not really that 'eye watering', Loppy.

Yeah right pigs are flying you believe anything told,anything to make a sale...remember...and you will be paying for the vast amount of empty ones too

Isn't it normal for the developer to pay for any unsold condos, certainly is in my condo. Whether they pay or not is another matter.

Yes it is another matter,its pay up or rot

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This has gone way off topic and does not seem to be coming back as often happens, so a reminder the topic is:

Are well priced Pattaya resale condos selling now, or not

Anything not on topic past here will be removed smile.png

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I had a long and fruitful conversation with the sales lady at Baan Plai Haad, which is another project of them.

Over there the developer had discounted entire floors with 50% off list price, because he couldn't find a buyer for the condo's.

Yeah right, from +6 million to just over 3 million. Owners at that project are majority Thais who bought as holiday home.

During the almost 2 hours I spent there on a Saturday afternoon I didn't see a single person and there were 7 cars parked in total.

For those who don't know, Baan Plai Haad was finished almost a year ago and is absolute beach front.

I went and looked at this place.

It isn't "absolute beach front" at all. It is set quite a long way back from the beach and the building only has one narrow strip of land leading to the beach, which is used an access path with a small plunge pool part-way along. The other land in front of the building on that side does not appear to be owned by the building and could be used for low-rise structures though this should not affect the view from higher floors unduly. On the other side of the building there is a road and then a row of high-rise condos before you get to the beach.

That said, I saw a nice unit on that side of the building which had a nice view of the beach and Laem Chabang and (from an angle) the Sanctuary of Truth. The price was around 135kB/sqm or 10+MB for the unit I saw (I would call it a one-bed with a dining room and sliding glass partition, but they called it a two-bed). That side of the building was very quiet when I was there but I imagine that any noise from the houses below would be very audible at night. I would consider living in that unit, but only as a single person.

I also saw one of the discounted units. These are on low floors and have nothing that I would call a view, unless you like looking at other people's condos. Even with the discount they were still approaching 100kB/sqm. I would not live in one of those, though I could see them possibly being suitable for short-term rentals (though the location at the very end of the soi and a long way from Bahtbuses might put tenants off).

The internal finish was reasonable without being very good (no inverter air-cons, for example). Common areas were spacious (lobby areas ridiculously so) but that meant a lot of walking to get from one part of the building to another. The roof pool did not have a very nice view, and the garden pool was a bit exposed to people entering/leaving the building. Parking is going to be a huge problem (only 30+ parking spaces for 300+ units, with little or no parking in the street outside). Common fees are not cheap now and I suspect that they will have to rise soon.

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I pretty much agree with your assessment of Baan Plai Haad, Kittenkong. I would not call it absolute beach front, either. I think it is smart for Sansiri to discount the units on the lower floors with little or no views. Developers in America do this all the time--once a majority of the condos or houses are sold in a development, they heavily discount the remaining units because they are ready to move on to their next project and want to get them sold. If I can correct one thing, I remember seeing a large, multi-story parking garage at the project so I think there should be ample parking, especially as many of the residents will be part-time users.

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If I can correct one thing, I remember seeing a large, multi-story parking garage at the project so I think there should be ample parking, especially as many of the residents will be part-time users.

I saw that also and that was why I specifically asked how many spaces there were and if they were allocated. I was told 38 spaces not allocated. Of course that information could be wrong. There is also a open parking space in front of one of the buildings, but it isnt very big.

Yes, most owners will only visit from time to time but many will tend to come at the same times: weekends and holidays. I think parking may be very difficult at those times. Probably fine the rest of the time though: as you mentioned the whole place was deserted and I saw no one but staff during all the time I was there. No one used the elevators apart from me either.

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That's interesting about the parking. Perhaps some of the expensive units come with assigned parking. You're right about a lot of the owners coming at the same time--that happened at Lumpini Park Beach at long weekends, New Years, some other holidays, and when we had the annual meetings. The rest of the time during the week it was wonderfully uncrowded and we often swam with just one or two other people in the pool, or none. Pity Park Beach wasn't built in central Pattaya, we would still be living there.

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I also went to Baan Plai Haad today.

The place is very nice. The sales lady showed me several units. All had ocean views on high floors. The one bedrooms were reduced from over 7 million to around 5 million. Two bedroom from 9 to 7 million. If you have all cash you can get them for less.

The maintenance fees were very reasonable about 1500 b per month for the one bedroom.

I know this place is not La Jolla, but if it was these units would be into the millions of US dollars. The maintenance fees would probably be about $1500 US dollars a month not $50.

She told me they are 70% sold with 90% of those to Thais mostly from BKK.

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