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Thai Interior Ministry confirms sufficient water supply for next 3 months


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Interior Ministry confirms sufficient water supply for next 3 months


BANGKOK, 18 January 2016 (NNT) – The Ministry of the Interior has confirmed that the country has sufficient water to sustain consumption over the next three months, and enough to mitigate the effects of this year’s expected drought disaster.

The Ministry of the Interior’s Permanent-Secretary, Grisada Boonrach has revealed that the Ministry is now closely monitoring the decreasing water volumes in natural sources and reservoirs in the northern and northeastern regions.

He confirms that the current water supplies will be sufficient for consumption during the next few months, with initiatives being undertaken to supply water to remote areas as a matter of urgency.

The Ministry of the Interior has prepared a plan to mitigate the effects of the drought during the next 3-6 months, through cooperation with local administrations and their related agencies such as the Royal Irrigation Department and the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.

The plan involves the construction of temporary dikes, promotion of water conservation, and water supply operations to crisis areas. Authorities may be required to regulate water pumps and gates to prevent the improper allocation of water.

As for the issue of haze control, the permanent-secretary says that strict measures and the law will be enforced along with an awareness raising campaign among the general public, to prevent forest burning, while encouraging cooperation between the public and officials.

-- NNT 2016-01-18 footer_n.gif

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There will always be enough water here for consumption as long as you are willing to pay for it. As for having enough water is debatable to say the least. Farmers didn't listen to P's art. 44 about those off seasonal crops before so it is doubtful they will do it this time just because they changed a law or 2.

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How many ministries and government agencies are monitoring, controlling, making back-up plans, imstuting the building of storage cheeks, dams etc?

Is there any controlled coordination across these various ministries and agencies?

Sounds like a recipe for total confusion and mistakes.


As a different point my Thai neighbor mentioned a few days ago his brother bought an extra plastic tank, 1,500 liters and it was delivered to his house in his moo bahn, in a location where there probably will not be any real drought.

His neighbors reacted strongly accusing him of stealing water, and they strongly told him to get rid of the tank.

He did.

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in the west we say "how are you today?"

in Thailand they sometimes say "how are you tomorrow?" of course you don't really know the answer, meaning you should live for today.

but from now on, my answer to this question will be "Thirsty."

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How many ministries and government agencies are monitoring, controlling, making back-up plans, imstuting the building of storage cheeks, dams etc?

Is there any controlled coordination across these various ministries and agencies?

Sounds like a recipe for total confusion and mistakes.


As a different point my Thai neighbor mentioned a few days ago his brother bought an extra plastic tank, 1,500 liters and it was delivered to his house in his moo bahn, in a location where there probably will not be any real drought.

His neighbors reacted strongly accusing him of stealing water, and they strongly told him to get rid of the tank.

He did.

How strange. One of my neighbors, a high rank senior military officer, added several extra tanks and advised neighbors to do the same. We had one 1500 liter tank and added an extra 3 x 2000 liters. Several of our neighbors have done similar.

Their consensus seems to be that there won't be major problem till about May / June. Then the shit will hit the fan and water supply will be interrupted regularly and maybe switched to tankers rather than mains.

I hope not, but wife agrees with them. And, they all joke that soon after they'll be another flood.

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Haze??? It has started already.. Idiots setting fire to roadside verges and wasteland weeds. Not to mention stinking smoldering rubbish fires. Ban & prosecute unsupervised fires and all fires that get out of control. Many of these roadside fires must do no good at all for the insulation on overhead wires of all types. We just put in 19,500 litres of extra storage which is not much for a farm (we also have a big pond) and we are planning our first deep well

Edited by The Deerhunter
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I hope they are more trustworthy as YL who told me there would be no flooding.. and I had to live 2 months in a flooded house.

Giving out honest (but bad) information is not something that Thai officials like to do.

I don't remember her saying that and I can't find it on google.

But I would be interested in reading about it if you can provide a link.

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I hope they are more trustworthy as YL who told me there would be no flooding.. and I had to live 2 months in a flooded house.

Giving out honest (but bad) information is not something that Thai officials like to do.

I don't remember her saying that and I can't find it on google.

But I would be interested in reading about it if you can provide a link.

You should look at the period late 2011, early 2012. Or, if you would rather see her actions, use this link. http://www.thaiwater.net/DATA/REPORT/php/rid_dam_1.php?lang=en

Click on any major storage dam (Bhumipol or Sirikit work well) and select 2012 and you will see the new lower operating curves, and how huge quantities of water were dumped in the first few months of that year. Just in time for the coming drought.

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