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Jeremy Corbyn labels conditions at France's refugee camps 'a disgrace'


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Jeremy Corbyn labels conditions at France's refugee camps 'a disgrace'


LONDON: -- Leader of the UK’s Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn has labelled the conditions at refugee camps in northern France “a disgrace.”

His first trip abroad as Leader of the Opposition has taken him to the so-called Jungle camp in Calais and Grande-Synthe in nearby Dunkirk.

Corbyn urged Europe to do more to solve the migrant crisis.

“We have to do our best — all the countries in Europe, including Britain — to reach out and help these children and help these people. These are children who want to learn, want to develop their lives, want to contribute to the society for all of us. That surely is a simple human message that we can all reach out to. And I want to say a big thank you to all the volunteers that are here helping.”

The Labour leader said his visit was to highlight the plight of families from war-torn countries who are trying to join relatives in the UK.

The trip coincided with a demonstration in support of migrants, near the port in Calais. British people were among those demonstrating.

Omar, a demonstrator from Paris said:
“Being here is important. It shows solidarity towards migrants everywhere in Europe. Particularly here in Calais, but everywhere in Europe. We’re showing solidarity towards those who flee from wars, who flee from ecological disasters.”

During the rally, a reported 50 migrants boarded a ferry while it was unloading, disrupting services from the port.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-25
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"We have to do our best — all the countries in Europe, including Britain — to reach out and help these children and help these people. These are children who want to learn, want to develop their lives, want to contribute to the society for all of us. That surely is a simple human message that we can all reach out to. And I want to say a big thank you to all the volunteers that are here helping.”

Well, start with taking some of them to your home, or give some of them your money, or shut da hell up,

You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.....

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Didn't realize it's all children there.

Every news report I have seen shows mostly North African men.

25 year old children, I guess.

Crass attempt to pull at the heart strings.

I didn't see any children in the video.

Edited by pedro01
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Didn't realize it's all children there.

Every news report I have seen shows mostly North African men.

25 year old children, I guess.

Crass attempt to pull at the heart strings.

I didn't see any children in the video.

Well Corbyn has the mind of a child ,does that count?

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Corbyn is a disgrace to the British people.

Yes , but if enough numpties vote for him and he wins at election time he will solve the immigration problem.

After four years with him in office the country will be so wrecked people will be begging for the fare back to Syria or wherever.

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Most of the "migrants" left several safe countries to get where they are now.. It totally blows the refugees charter to allow them continued onward passage. Some people disagree but Australia's approach is a good one. Organise proper camps and evaluate the refugees from the economic migrants.

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Most of the "migrants" left several safe countries to get where they are now.. It totally blows the refugees charter to allow them continued onward passage. Some people disagree but Australia's approach is a good one. Organise proper camps and evaluate the refugees from the economic migrants.

At the moment you are correct, Real refugees must settle in the 1st safe country they arrive at. This scuttles any claims that any of these migrants reaching Germany, Sweden and the UK are refugees. They are not. They are quite simply economic migrants.

Sadly, the Dublin regulation is to be ammended to allow these migrants to claim asylum in any European country. This is totally dishonest, very stealthy, and there is no open discussion of this latest travesty. It stinks.

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It's a tough situation all around. Increased efforts and funding should be put toward trying to keep such a tidal surge of people coming into Europe. It's known where they're coming from and by what means. Again, not easy to stem the tide, but here are some suggestions:

>>> For boats in the sea: tow them back toward where they came from. Get/assist people getting to shore and scuttle the boats and arrest the crews if possible.

>>> For overland migrants: Round them up and bus them back to Turkey or wherever. Not easy or cheap, but cheaper than giving them welfare in Europe for the next decades.

>>> Those who are turned down for asylum: bus float or fly them back toward where they came from. If their country of origin won't take them back, then drop them nearby. Don't let them wander off in the European country they're turned down in. It will only balloon toward compound problems.

>>> For the people, mostly men between 18 and 45, who are stuck in Calais and trying desperately to get to UK: try offering incentives to get them on a plane or bus to go back to their countries of origin. Maybe $2000 cash would do it for some. Granted, a cash offer to leave would encourage others to get to Calais to cash out. Like I say, it's a profound problem with no easy fixes.

Nobody in authority wants to talk about overpopulation or (heaven forbid) offering free tube tying operation to any adult who requests it. But that's the root cause for massive migrations. Of course there are myriad other causes.

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Most lived in <deleted> holes before; the difference now is they are not being barrel bombed, shot at by snipers or beheaded by actions of two or three different factions. All the men between 18 and 55 should be deported back to their country of origin and told to fight the enemies of their own countries until the battle is won and peace returned.....then their families can go back home.

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Scruffy Corbyn is disgrace to British politics, the UK has enough problems without this prat importing more of them. French refugee camp problems, are a French problem, they are nothing to do with the UK. France let and is continuing to let unlimited numbers of so called immigrants in, the majority are economic immigrants and the rest are Muslim terrorists, now they are trying to unload them into the UK. This scruffy idiot cannot see that the UK is full, the NHS can not cope, the schools can not cope, the hospitals can not cope. The tax payers can not afford to keep anymore of them on benefits. The only useful thing Scruffy is doing is ensuring the total collapse of what is left of the Labour Party following Blair's disastrous spell as Labour PM.

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Mr Corbyn all of this migrant want one thing go to England why British not want to open gate for them..... and let France with this violent problem.....

Mr Corbyn are you behind the No Border mouvement who incites migrant to use violence against french citizen and police ?

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Mr Corbyn all of this migrant want one thing go to England why British not want to open gate for them..... and let France with this violent problem.....

Mr Corbyn are you behind the No Border mouvement who incites migrant to use violence against french citizen and police ?

so France can't police it's OWN borders without the UK's help.. Blimey that would be the third time! Maybe time for France to get it's finger out!
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Corbyn what a numpty.

Conditions are a disgrace!! Conditions caused by the migrants themselves.

Most of the migrants come from sh.t holes, so they just create another sh.t hole.

Send them back to where they came from.

Correct Colin. And they want more and more, for nothing. Everything handed to them on a plate and to do just as they please. There own countries are shit holes and they will happily turn any other country into one.

Go to any city in EU that has similar migrants and see how they live and behave. And usually whilst in receipt of plenty of freebies.

But Corbyn, the 70"s loony left throwback whose suddenly been put in charge of the Labor Party asylum, would be only too pleased to spend very large amounts of tax payers money on them. It panders to his ego, self actualization and after all, they'll all vote Labor sometime in the future to thank him.

It never occurs to him that if the authorities actually enforced the law, didn't allow the camps, sent illegal immigrants back then there wouldn't be this problem. Far to simplistic and not likely to further his vision of a socialist world utopia. Dopey idealist with no idea.

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Mr Corbyn all of this migrant want one thing go to England why British not want to open gate for them..... and let France with this violent problem.....

Mr Corbyn are you behind the No Border mouvement who incites migrant to use violence against french citizen and police ?

France was dumb to accept these illegal immigrants and allow them to stay there setting up a camp.

They are illegal immigrants, nothing else.

France needs to grow some balls and deport them. But socialist Hollande wouldn't dare because his boss, Mutti Merkel wouldn't like it. Nor would her prefect, Mr. Juncke.

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Mr Corbyn all of this migrant want one thing go to England why British not want to open gate for them..... and let France with this violent problem.....

Mr Corbyn are you behind the No Border mouvement who incites migrant to use violence against french citizen and police ?

so France can't police it's OWN borders without the UK's help.. Blimey that would be the third time! Maybe time for France to get it's finger out!

Be fair. France was only ever run efficiently once - between 1940-1945.

Now, they daren't do anything to upset Merkel and the EU bureaucrats, like enforcing the law and protecting their country and citizens.

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Mr Corbyn all of this migrant want one thing go to England why British not want to open gate for them..... and let France with this violent problem.....

Mr Corbyn are you behind the No Border mouvement who incites migrant to use violence against french citizen and police ?

France was dumb to accept these illegal immigrants and allow them to stay there setting up a camp.

They are illegal immigrants, nothing else.

France needs to grow some balls and deport them. But socialist Hollande wouldn't dare because his boss, Mutti Merkel wouldn't like it. Nor would her prefect, Mr. Juncke.

THEY the French herd them to that area and wait for them to get away to Britain..
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Mr Corbyn all of this migrant want one thing go to England why British not want to open gate for them..... and let France with this violent problem.....

Mr Corbyn are you behind the No Border mouvement who incites migrant to use violence against french citizen and police ?

so France can't police it's OWN borders without the UK's help.. Blimey that would be the third time! Maybe time for France to get it's finger out!

Be fair. France was only ever run efficiently once - between 1940-1945.

Now, they daren't do anything to upset Merkel and the EU bureaucrats, like enforcing the law and protecting their country and citizens.

One assumes you are referring to the Nazi supporting Vichy regime, Not even faintly amusing.

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To be fair, he could say the same about many towns in the east midlands or Yorkshire. They are a disgrace. Talk about bringing the slums of the Levant to Europe.

Something like this was my first thought so I was pleased to see another noted it. This is the point, isn't it? The West has difficulty taking care of those who are legally here. In order to immediately provide other people with a similar quality of life we have to pretty much take from those who have now. In order to provide them a sustained quality of life we have to take from generations to come. There just is no money to throw at them. It is grand theft, wit large! It is the rape of a culture irrespective of the reasons offered. The facts are quite clear that the majority of these people will never work a day in their lives (many polls and statistics reflect extraordinary numbers of recent arrivals who remain on public assistance exclusively). But, any argument to redistribute wealth and ensure equality in outcomes. It is the Leftist/Progressive Fabian formula that has created all these problems over recent years and it is the very same solutions offered to solve them. When will people wake up?

There is something quite pathological about such social thinking. Whenever you read or hear "...for the children" know you are about to be robbed or your liberties compromised. It truly is the stalking horse of the left.


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