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Is It Possible To Find True Love In Thailand?


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I've been in Thailand for almost 2 years and whilst i find Thai ladies extremely attractive i am becoming disillusioned with the attitude of many. Whilst I didn't come here to look for ladies im not getting any younger and id like to find a lady to settle down with and build a life together. However, a pretty face is not enough for me. Im looking for a soulmate. Someone i can relate to on every level. Someone i can talk to about current affairs, sports, travel or whatever it might be. From my experience thus far im not so sure that i see my long term future with a Thai lady any longer.

I have met all sorts of ladies since ive been here both educated and uneducated. Many work in bars, restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, banks or other financial companies. I have met university students and ladies who have travelled extensively outside Thailand. The message i am getting from all of them is quite clear.

"I want to marry a farang".

"Why only a farang" i ask.

"They take care very good".


"They have more money".

Before i came to Thailand i believed in true love. Loving someone for who they are and not what they had. For richer for poorer, in sickness and in health. When i looked at a potential partner the amount of money they made was honestly bottom of the list. Now i have a serious question. How many who have Thai wives honestly believe their wife would stay with them if they lost everything they had? How many of you met your wife before you became financially successful?

Im not even against the idea of financially taking care of someone if they are taking good care of me. I want them to enter the relationship for the right reasons though. A lot of people have told me that Thai ladies are really good at taking care of their husbands. They cook, clean and do everything in the home. They never lift a finger they say. I have to tell you that this is not my experience here in Bangkok. The majority are lazy and do not expect to do anything in the home.

Im slowly losing hope that i can find what im looking for in Thailand so im begging you Thai visa users. Can you help restore my faith in Thai women? Have you had a different experience to me? Im really interested to hear your views.

Hang in there dude, love do exists. Just keep sowing seeds, look in the right places, and hopefully with a bit of luck you will find what you are looking for.

I know, I ain't Thai, but I am Asian, and I've been in relationships before. 2 years ago, I was in a serious relationship. I kept my job and continued to work full time, paid half of the bills, (sometimes, maybe even more) and did the chores. (cooking, cleaning, laundry, washing, grocery shopping, etc.)

I know, lots of Asian girls that think like me.........

All I'm saying is this......It is wrong to generalize! Fair enough, you've had samples, but........... I don't think we should generalize the dating behaviour/characteristics/outlook/culture of Thai Women. It's simply not fair!

I do sympathize with you. I know, how frustrating things can be when you can't find real love, real relationships, and real people.

Well, put-on your knight's armor and keep riding that horse. Loads of girls out there are waiting for their Knight in Shining Armor.

If you are going to give advise pal, at least have the common decency to tell this lad that you are a male (As you admitted when you were sprung) in your 50's.No need to be a condersending dropkick either.


I ain't a dude!

I'm Female, 25 years old, Filipino, a teacher...............

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My opinion is 'yes it is. true love is in everywhere in this beautiful world

Right, but we still do not have the definition of True Love... :o

That's the problem......... we see love as something that has an equivalent. We try to fit love according to how we think love should be.

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I'm Female, 25 years old, Filipino, a teacher...............

Right, so you are a Filipina, not a Filipino... :o

The techinical and legal term for the people of the Republic of the Philippines is FILIPINO.

The gender descriptives/term - Filipino (male) and Filipina (female) are mostly used in informal conversations, dialogues, etc.

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Is It Possible To Find True Love In Thailand?

If money is not involved then yes it is.

If you are trying to find love (at a bar ) or using money, then no its not.. all these jokers who talk about giving wifez and Gf"Z allowances etc.. what would the situation be with out these free money hand outs ? oh thats right..

so yea if you want to find true love it is going to be someone in some situation rich or poor that does not involve money/material possesions. Fairly straightforward i think no ?

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Is It Possible To Find True Love In Thailand?

If money is not involved then yes it is.

If you are trying to find love (at a bar ) or using money, then no its not.. all these jokers who talk about giving wifez and Gf"Z allowances etc.. what would the situation be with out these free money hand outs ? oh thats right..

so yea if you want to find true love it is going to be someone in some situation rich or poor that does not involve money/material possesions. Fairly straightforward i think no ?

I go to the bar for beer, Loong Dang is a nice bloke but not that attractive, nor are any of the staff (his sisteri-n-law, however :o )

You don't meet a 'true love' ever...... you meet a person that you think you may be able to get along with in Tesco Lotus, Korat Bus Station, heaven forbid on the internet and shout the walls down in a bar.

And then you take it from there.

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I've been in Thailand for almost 2 years and whilst i find Thai ladies extremely attractive i am becoming disillusioned with the attitude of many. Whilst I didn't come here to look for ladies im not getting any younger and id like to find a lady to settle down with and build a life together. However, a pretty face is not enough for me. Im looking for a soulmate. Someone i can relate to on every level. Someone i can talk to about current affairs, sports, travel or whatever it might be. From my experience thus far im not so sure that i see my long term future with a Thai lady any longer.

I have met all sorts of ladies since ive been here both educated and uneducated. Many work in bars, restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, banks or other financial companies. I have met university students and ladies who have travelled extensively outside Thailand. The message i am getting from all of them is quite clear.

"I want to marry a farang".

"Why only a farang" i ask.

"They take care very good".


"They have more money".

Before i came to Thailand i believed in true love. Loving someone for who they are and not what they had. For richer for poorer, in sickness and in health. When i looked at a potential partner the amount of money they made was honestly bottom of the list. Now i have a serious question. How many who have Thai wives honestly believe their wife would stay with them if they lost everything they had? How many of you met your wife before you became financially successful?

Im not even against the idea of financially taking care of someone if they are taking good care of me. I want them to enter the relationship for the right reasons though. A lot of people have told me that Thai ladies are really good at taking care of their husbands. They cook, clean and do everything in the home. They never lift a finger they say. I have to tell you that this is not my experience here in Bangkok. The majority are lazy and do not expect to do anything in the home.

Im slowly losing hope that i can find what im looking for in Thailand so im begging you Thai visa users. Can you help restore my faith in Thai women? Have you had a different experience to me? Im really interested to hear your views.

Forget about "true love" in Thailand.

It is not only that they are in it for the money (they are - not only bar girls, but much more the so-called middle class, the girls who won't even look at you if you don't have car and condo).

It is also the fact that - after the novelty wears off - Thai females are so incredible boring for westerners. Their interests are sleeping, eating, watching Korean soap operas and their most intellectually challenging pursuit is shopping (if they are not too lazy). Talking about current affairs with a Thai girl? You make me laugh.

But the crucial point is that Thai culture/mentality does not value commitment. How much commitment do you see between Thais? Commitment to their parents? That's mostly lip service, in reality they have no problems staying away from they parents for years and years. Yes, they do pay money to their parents - because they are pressured endlessly to do so. Commitment to their children? When they are young, they are easily abandoned. Once the children are old enough they are mostly seen as an investment (by the poor) or an asset (by the rich). And commitment to a spouse or bf/gf? They are just a passing affair. Every Thai will tell you that a spouse is MUCH less important than family, and family isn't really that important here.

Look at the post of that Thai girl who "believes in true love". Except for this empty phrase, did she really say anything?

Yes, off course you can find true love in Thailand. But the odds are lower here than in many other places.

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I've been here 14 months and had been deliberately avoiding the sort of situations you described. But about 6 weeks ago I opened myself up to the chance of meeting someone and then tried to forget about it and get on with life: not to get wrapped up in the 'I need to meet someone' thing.

And just over a month ago I got on a songthaew, saw a gorgeous girl, and fell in love with her.

We spent proper time together and are still getting to know each other, which is fine by me after a break from any regular relationship for a few years. Neither of us want to rush things and screw up, when we can take time and just have fun.

Last night she told me I'm the sort of man she could spend the rest of her life with. She's in love with me and I don't have to be rich, successful, hunky or handsome to make her happy. I just have to be me. Which is coming real easy nowadays.

This is the sort of relationship I did not expect to find. It's early days but I'm very happy.

Chase skirt, and you get tail. Let love into your life and it will find you.

I wish you all the best,


Be U and enjoy the fairytale as long as you can.

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I've been in Thailand for almost 2 years and whilst i find Thai ladies extremely attractive i am becoming disillusioned with the attitude of many. Whilst I didn't come here to look for ladies im not getting any younger and id like to find a lady to settle down with and build a life together. However, a pretty face is not enough for me. Im looking for a soulmate. Someone i can relate to on every level. Someone i can talk to about current affairs, sports, travel or whatever it might be. From my experience thus far im not so sure that i see my long term future with a Thai lady any longer.

I have met all sorts of ladies since ive been here both educated and uneducated. Many work in bars, restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, banks or other financial companies. I have met university students and ladies who have travelled extensively outside Thailand. The message i am getting from all of them is quite clear.

"I want to marry a farang".

"Why only a farang" i ask.

"They take care very good".


"They have more money".

Before i came to Thailand i believed in true love. Loving someone for who they are and not what they had. For richer for poorer, in sickness and in health. When i looked at a potential partner the amount of money they made was honestly bottom of the list. Now i have a serious question. How many who have Thai wives honestly believe their wife would stay with them if they lost everything they had? How many of you met your wife before you became financially successful?

Im not even against the idea of financially taking care of someone if they are taking good care of me. I want them to enter the relationship for the right reasons though. A lot of people have told me that Thai ladies are really good at taking care of their husbands. They cook, clean and do everything in the home. They never lift a finger they say. I have to tell you that this is not my experience here in Bangkok. The majority are lazy and do not expect to do anything in the home.

Im slowly losing hope that i can find what im looking for in Thailand so im begging you Thai visa users. Can you help restore my faith in Thai women? Have you had a different experience to me? Im really interested to hear your views.

Forget about "true love" in Thailand.

It is not only that they are in it for the money (they are - not only bar girls, but much more the so-called middle class, the girls who won't even look at you if you don't have car and condo).

It is also the fact that - after the novelty wears off - Thai females are so incredible boring for westerners. Their interests are sleeping, eating, watching Korean soap operas and their most intellectually challenging pursuit is shopping (if they are not too lazy). Talking about current affairs with a Thai girl? You make me laugh.

But the crucial point is that Thai culture/mentality does not value commitment. How much commitment do you see between Thais? Commitment to their parents? That's mostly lip service, in reality they have no problems staying away from they parents for years and years. Yes, they do pay money to their parents - because they are pressured endlessly to do so. Commitment to their children? When they are young, they are easily abandoned. Once the children are old enough they are mostly seen as an investment (by the poor) or an asset (by the rich). And commitment to a spouse or bf/gf? They are just a passing affair. Every Thai will tell you that a spouse is MUCH less important than family, and family isn't really that important here.

Look at the post of that Thai girl who "believes in true love". Except for this empty phrase, did she really say anything?

Yes, off course you can find true love in Thailand. But the odds are lower here than in many other places.

Can you explain this confused.


Every Thai will tell you that a spouse is MUCH less important than family, and family isn't really that important here.

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Ok I found this on the web and want to share with you all. I thought it’s a very good and informative article. I can't write it as good as this.

“Is there still true love?”

“I believe so, but perhaps a lot of time people get hurt and no longer believe in it, without realising they missed the whole pt...

Well we all do go through feelings of attraction, its normal, and alot of times we get hurt in one of the following reasons

1. rejection

2. betrayal

3. non-commital partners

And as a result, we start wondering if our partner's original commitment of "love" is really true or even just an emotional high, a false promise.

But, then we've missed the point, love is not a feeling, its not an emotion, not even a relationship. Love is a commitment, a choice.

And a lot of time, when people are in the early stage of the relationship the "love" exist, because truly their emotional highs make commitment easy... but as the saying goes when the daylights replace the moonlight, and the homemade candlelight dinner becomes dishes. Are we STILL willing to make that commitment?

For me, its not easy even in my relationship to constantly to be in love, in light of both my partner's and mine time... we're both in the banking sector, with our constant flying about. But I am thankful for a woman who wakes up every morning, making a choice to love me, even when I do not have time for her. And making that choice is not merely lips service, but a conscious effort.

Some may deem the following actions romantic, but romantic itself is a matter of opinion, I have never been a romantic chap, not a flowers, nor good with my hands. But just last week, when she was stressed at work over deal, I knew she missed her days in Australia, dated her out for lunch, and brought her to an Aussie eatery by the waterfront. That made her day, and is my daily commitment to her. Not to do romantic actions that merely remain memories, but little actions that is reflective of my commitment to her.

This was a commitment I made to myself when we started off, "...that I will grow in love daily, one little action, one little word of affirmation, one conscious thought for her well being, one gentle gesture at a time..." because a relationship is like the great wall of China, built one brick at a time... a relationship is built one brick of love at a time...”

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It is possible to find true love anywhere any time any place

the more you look for it the more it will elude you

the harder you look the more desperate you will seem

once when you stop seeking it do you open up to everything around you

only when you open up your mind does the heart and body follow

there is so much beauty in this world that man and sometimes woman

fails to see what is surrounding them all day every day

once you accept that nature be it natural or human

comes with it's faults as well as it's beauty,

and usually the more beautiful something is, the more severe the faults.

Then and only then you will find a state of bearable happiness and contentment.

As you have to do to live with the nature of a place,so must you do to live with someone

for example

you live in an area of outstanding and dramatic stark beauty which looks and is fantastic to live in SOME of the time,

then the features that give it this dramatic beauty also give it very dramatic and sometimes very rapidly changing weather conditions

but you learn to live with it and accept it as part and parcel of life with that area

so you must do with relationships,take the good with the inevitable and hopefully only occasionally bad

and learn to weather the storms of life/love and if the weather gets too bad and too much for you

then move to another climate/relationship before it starts to destroy you or what you are.

Remember the key to living and loving is to learn to read the signs of nature/relationships

and prepare yourself for what you see coming as well as what you dont.

You physically make the choice to stay and live somewhere,as well as the choice to live with someone.

Men and Women have always and will always speak and think differently

and living in a different culture tends to put more hurdles in true loves path!

This may be why if and when you find it in the LOS that it seems all the sweeter :o

Remember There is only one certainty in life and that is once you are born you will die

it is what you do between these that counts

so eat ,drink,see love and live life to the full

for you are only here once

the past is for remembering and learning from

the present is to enjoy while you can

the future is to plan for and hope that we don't make the mistakes of yesterday

anything else after that is beyond me

thats a bit too heavy,even for me

I think it's time for another Cyder


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Forget about "true love" in Thailand.

It is not only that they are in it for the money (they are - not only bar girls, but much more the so-called middle class, the girls who won't even look at you if you don't have car and condo).

(1) How many so-called middle class women in your country marry men who don't have a car and a house?

(2) My Thai wife owns a house in BKK. Before we got married she had no idea about my financial worth.

It is also the fact that - after the novelty wears off - Thai females are so incredible boring for westerners. Their interests are sleeping, eating, watching Korean soap operas and their most intellectually challenging pursuit is shopping (if they are not too lazy). Talking about current affairs with a Thai girl? You make me laugh.

We have been married for 2 years. The novelty has not worn off. My Thai wife changed my life - before I met her I was doing well, now I am happy.

Well, some Thai females are incredibly boring and so are some western men!

I have to force my Thai wife to shop, and shop with her because she look fantastic in everything she wears.

She follows current affairs when she has time. Most of her time is taken up with studying business in grad school.

But the crucial point is that Thai culture/mentality does not value commitment. How much commitment do you see between Thais? Commitment to their parents? That's mostly lip service, in reality they have no problems staying away from they parents for years and years. Yes, they do pay money to their parents - because they are pressured endlessly to do so. Commitment to their children? When they are young, they are easily abandoned. Once the children are old enough they are mostly seen as an investment (by the poor) or an asset (by the rich). And commitment to a spouse or bf/gf? They are just a passing affair. Every Thai will tell you that a spouse is MUCH less important than family, and family isn't really that important here.

You make me laugh. BTW, I have not paid any 'sin sod' (or whatever it is called)

Look at the post of that Thai girl who "believes in true love". Except for this empty phrase, did she really say anything?

She said she believed in true love. Can you express this concept using a profound, rather than an "empty", phrase?

Yes, off course you can find true love in Thailand. But the odds are lower here than in many other places.

Generally, winners attract winners and losers attract losers. Why don't you look for true love in "the many other places?"

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Yes it is possible... will you find it? Depends on you. I have a good friend.. comes over here and treats all women as whores and every relationship as a business transaction. All I hear is how cheap he got his last date, and how she didn’t charge him to be with her. He really hates Thailand and everything about the culture. He drinks too much, smokes too much, and wears clothing thats not says I don't care about how others feel. He tells me that he keeps finding women that break his heart and clean out his wallet. He never tells me how much he cares for these woman.. he tells me what a freak she was in bed or how hot she looks. I found my true love ... working as a cashier at a restaurant. Every day I would come in flirting with her and every dayshe smiled and politely told me she doesn’t speak English. My friend came in with me one morning for breakfast and was doing the bitter expat tirade on Thailand and I was defending the place and Thai women in general. As I was paying the bill, I of course, flirted with the casher as always asking her out to dinner. She looked at me with a smile and said I could pick her up at 8 pm when she got off work. She spoke perfect English! She was raised Christian and went to a Christian school. I asked her why she had never talked to me before... she told me she thought I was just another frang that thought all Thai women were whores and she had no use for those <deleted>. She told me that she over heard me with my friend and that was it.. Started going out with her every day after that... She was working her way through collage and was about to graduate.. We have been together for two years now and we found out a couple of days ago that she is pregnant. Can true love happen? It really depends on you!

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Not an intentional flame; Though it may be a rant.

My take on it has changed massively over the last few years. I have gone from believing Thai women to be caring, loving, adorable little creatures to my more recently formed opinion (over the last 12 months or so) that a very large majority of them of gold digging, two faced, disrespectful, homophobic, ferang hating <deleted>@king bigots.

For the most part, I believe Thai women do not like us ferangs. They like there own. They respect there own. They admire there own. Thai men have (right or wrong) developed and evolved a system over the years imo, whereby they are the boss in the relationship, will often happily shag around, and often treat there women badly. Again, just my opinion but I truly believe this is what Thai women expect of a partner; to me, it is a system that seems to work for them.

Because many ferangs come from a culture where relationships are a two way thing, equal in all ways, we (for the main part) do not have it in us to act in this way and ‘boss’ it up – and they respect us less for that, again – JIMO.

I don’t have it in me to treat a GF like crap, and do everything I can financially and emotionally, making many huge sacrifices. I truly believe this has been portrayed as weakness by previous GF’s. I have always been a loving, caring dude – that said, if I had acted like a complete <deleted> I am sure my past relationships would have been much more successful.

I’m sorry – but all the stereotypes are absolutely true for the most part – walking atm, stupid ferang buffalo etc etc…. I stress IMO again but I believe this to be the case for the most part.

They don’t like us – plain and simple. To answer the OP I would say yes it is possible, but it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. Actually, it’s more like looking for a needle in a stack of needles.

Someone may accuse me of generalizing here. Well yes – that’s the whole point. In general, this is how I perceive Thai women, in general.

I may also be accused of looking in the wrong places – regardless, Thai women are Thai women wherever you meet them. It’s ingrained and genetic. And no, I have never had a Thai GF from a bar…

Just my take – please respect my right to an opinion.

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Easy enough to be cynical about this. (Sometimes you can't be cynical enough in Asia). But as a general rule of thumb; learn to love yourself before asking anyone else to love you.

Look for an educated woman roughly your own age; cultural gaps are difficult enough without generation gaps widening the chasm further.

Don't bother with bar girls. Ever. Doubtless, there are a lot of people who found a wonderful woman; wife; mother; etc in a bar. But they are big exceptions to the rule.

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I dont know people think they can not. I think age different is a big factor also, true love would be harder to find if the age is a big gap, if you find someone closer to your age it would be alot easier.

True..............if you're 29, like yourself.

You're still young. Wisdom grows with age.

LaoPo :o

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Can you help restore my faith in Thai women?

Restore your faith in (Thai) women....??? :o

I would say: restore faith in yourself.

The point that you ask this question is a positive one, meaning that you are (albite slowly) opening-up yourself already.

It's not about (Thai) women; it's about yourself.

Once you have faith again in yourself...........................wait untill the world of beautiful, kind and 'really sincere' women open to YOU.

You will be amazed..............................amazed she'll probaly live around the corner where you are.

Good luck!

LaoPo :D

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I am a Thai girl who also believes in true love and a sualmate. Many of my friends and myself hope our sualmates are farangs. Almost all of my best friends get married to farangs or have farang boyfriends and they seem to live happily thus far. I also hope i can find a nice one too.

I'd like to hear more about this... I don't understand why a Thai girl would hope to find a soulmate from another country in preference over a native Thai male.


What about the cultural and language differences?

A long-term steady relationship or marriage is a difficult enough road to follow... requiring a lot of communication, patience, respect, tolerance, intellectual compatability, etc... without compounding the Venus/Mars situation with additional hurdles.

Why do you want to find a farang instead of a good Thai man?

What is wrong with Thai men?

Do you really think farang are that different?

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I am a Thai girl who also believes in true love and a sualmate. Many of my friends and myself hope our sualmates are farangs. Almost all of my best friends get married to farangs or have farang boyfriends and they seem to live happily thus far. I also hope i can find a nice one too. Well, I do believe in destiny. I think it's destiny that makes two people from different parts of the world to meet and love each other. However, i don't think ourlives are all controlled by destiny. If a person is always close, not getting to know new people, destiny may not be of help. The destiny may bring two people to meet so that they can get to know each other and eventually to fall in love with each other it cann't develop the relationship.

When two people are in love and spend sometimes together, only two of them, not destiny, that will develop the relationship. If the two people, who have totally different background, can adjust themselves to live together with love, care and understanding, their relationship should last long, although it's not easy for two people to always have smooth relationship. Some people are lucky enough to find true love and to have good relationship but some are not.

I hope that if destiny brings me the right one one day, i'll try my best to maintain the relationship. But if it doesn't work out, i'll just have to accept it.

Back to the question 'Is it possible to find true love in Thailand?

My opinion is 'yes it is. true love is in everywhere in this beautiful world but whether u'll find it or not depends on yourself and partially on destiny.

Good Luck to everyone!

Make sense... My wife and I knew one another for 2 years before we were married,,, this is our 7th year since we met, and "yes', we found true love in Thailand.

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When reading this post, I found myself contemplating why I love my Thai wife so much, and why she is so different from the many women in my past.I believe it is her faith..and upbringing that have endeared me to her most.She grew up in Isaan, the daughter of a rice farmer.She had no toys. She brought cold water to the house from a communal pump in her village.She crawled through chicken s@#t every morning to get the single egg she was allowed to take to school with her for lunch.She watched with a childs eyes, her mother weeping openly when asked why they came to reposess the refrigerator.She worked in the fields enduring scorpian bites, and told to use the other hand to pick..when her bitten hand swelled until useless.She polished the floors of her shack of a home..by rubbing the husk of a coconut endlessly over the wooden boards.When finally getting on a bus to Bangkok and searching for a job, she walked five miles every morning and evening rather than borrow the 3 bhat needed for the bus...she would wait until she got her first paycheck. She endured all these things thanking the Lord Buddha daily for her blessings.

My wife appreciates everything Things I have always taken for granted are now apparent to me. She has opened my eyes to a new world.

I have never met a more brutally honest woman...and have no doubts about her feelings for me.

I thank the Lord as well..for having met her.

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Not an intentional flame; Though it may be a rant.

My take on it has changed massively over the last few years. I have gone from believing Thai women to be caring, loving, adorable little creatures to my more recently formed opinion (over the last 12 months or so) that a very large majority of them of gold digging, two faced, disrespectful, homophobic, ferang hating <deleted>@king bigots.

For the most part, I believe Thai women do not like us ferangs. They like there own. They respect there own. They admire there own. Thai men have (right or wrong) developed and evolved a system over the years imo, whereby they are the boss in the relationship, will often happily shag around, and often treat there women badly. Again, just my opinion but I truly believe this is what Thai women expect of a partner; to me, it is a system that seems to work for them.

In general, I heartily agree with you, but, as one can see from reading TV there are many exeptions. It takes time to tell. :o

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I married a Thai girl of 21 when I was 38, back in 1991. At that time I could not speak any Thai but she spoke a little English. Everything was fine in the beginning, but as I got to speak Thai and understand more of the culture and the way Thais think, things started to go wrong. Without going into a deep explanation of what went wrong, we finally split and divorced after 12 years together.

I think that anyone who marries a Thai should live with them first and learn their language - it's not that difficult. Once you are able to get a deeper understanding of the way they think, then you will know if you have a good one or a lazy one like mine was.

Since our divorce, I have met another woman who is divorced from a Thai husband and has a son. I have been with her for nearly three years now and NEVER been happier. We met totally by chance - neither of us was really looking for a partner. But, it worked right from the beginning. I count myself to be extremely lucky. We have not married and probably never will as we do not see the necessity - everything is perfect as it is so why not leave it that way?

My advice: learn the language; learn how they think and feel; live with the girl before even contemplating marriage; if she starts demanding money etc, run; don't expect too much from your girl; if possible, use a lot of give and take.

Good luck! :o

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When reading this post, I found myself contemplating why I love my Thai wife so much, and why she is so different from the many women in my past.I believe it is her faith..and upbringing that have endeared me to her most.She grew up in Isaan, the daughter of a rice farmer.She had no toys. She brought cold water to the house from a communal pump in her village.She crawled through chicken s@#t every morning to get the single egg she was allowed to take to school with her for lunch.She watched with a childs eyes, her mother weeping openly when asked why they came to reposess the refrigerator.She worked in the fields enduring scorpian bites, and told to use the other hand to pick..when her bitten hand swelled until useless.She polished the floors of her shack of a home..by rubbing the husk of a coconut endlessly over the wooden boards.When finally getting on a bus to Bangkok and searching for a job, she walked five miles every morning and evening rather than borrow the 3 bhat needed for the bus...she would wait until she got her first paycheck. She endured all these things thanking the Lord Buddha daily for her blessings.

My wife appreciates everything Things I have always taken for granted are now apparent to me. She has opened my eyes to a new world.

I have never met a more brutally honest woman...and have no doubts about her feelings for me.

I thank the Lord as well..for having met her.

Beautiful Story...How do you understand sweet if you never had sour... How do you recognize good if you never experienced bad... Who was it said "Walk a mile in my shoes" a bit profound but...

I think there should be a good number of guys who should envy you.. The member who said, learn to love yourself that others may, was dead on the mark in my book..Respect is something you earn and Love grows every day... Der Duck

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