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US: Porn industry asks health officials not to require condoms


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Porn industry asks health officials not to require condoms

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Scores of porn actors, writers, directors and producers pleaded with state officials Thursday not to make them use condoms in films, saying such a move would criminalize and perhaps destroy their multibillion-dollar industry.

The state Division of Occupational Safety and Health's Standards Board was scheduled to vote later Thursday on a 21-page set of standards that would require, among other safety measures, that porn actors use condoms when they film sex scenes.

One after another, the people who work both in front of and behind the camera filed to the dais at a hearing room in Oakland, California, to tell the board that would be wrong.

Several said doing so would force the industry underground, prompting it to film in secret, which would essentially make all those involved criminals. They added it might also put an end to the industry's own requirement that actors be tested for sexually transmitted disease every 14 days.

"I ask you not to approve this policy that will endanger me and my colleagues," porn actress Maxine Holloway said during the hearing that continued for more than five hours.

Under the 21-page proposal the agency is considering, so-called engineering controls "such as condoms" must be used by actors engaging in sex to reduce the risk of transmitting HIV and other diseases.

Producers would also be required to pay for medical visits, treatments and other health-care costs for their performers.

The problem, several speakers said, is that a large segment of their audience loses interest in a film when they see actors with condoms. "Like it or not, there a very real market demand for condomless sex," said one woman who identified herself as a sex worker.

Some speakers said that if the rules take effect, Cal/OSHA inspectors could also eventually begin ordering actors to use safety goggles and dental dams, adding no one would want to see a film with that equipment.

"That's pure fantasy on their part," Michael Weinstein, head of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, who has pushed Cal/OSHA for years to adopt workplace safety rules aimed specifically at the porn industry, said before the hearing.

Although the new provisions make no mention of goggles or dental dams, they do require that sex workers, like those in the medical industry, make sure their eyes are protected from being infected by blood-borne pathogens. Industry officials worry that, without goggles, that could put an end to explicit oral sex scenes.

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation, which also had several former porn actors scheduled to speak at the hearing, said the condom requirement is long overdue. One of the scheduled speakers, Derrick Burts, said he became infected with HIV while making porn films.

"People have suffered serious consequences due to lack of regulation in this industry," Weinstein said.

Condoms are already required for films made in Los Angeles County, thanks to an AIDS Healthcare Foundation-sponsored ordinance that voters adopted in 2012.

Weinstein has complained that filmmakers, who sometimes work out of houses they rent for just a day are two, sometimes ignore that law.

Cal/OSHA could enforce its regulations with, among other things, the kind of workplace visits it requires of other industries.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-02-19

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what kind of pervert watches those movies anyway? it is just disgusting to see what happens when a man spews all over a womans face! just let the sperm banks eat it all up!

Pot/kettle it seems. You seem to have a pretty intimate knowledge of what goes on in those movies.

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what kind of pervert watches those movies anyway? it is just disgusting to see what happens when a man spews all over a womans face! just let the sperm banks eat it all up!

Pot/kettle it seems. You seem to have a pretty intimate knowledge of what goes on in those movies.

He forgot to add the " a friend told me that ..." protection from blame prophylactic disclaimer.

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Is the actions of a limited number of porn 'actors' responsible for some explosion of HIV in the world or are we more concerned that impressionable youngsters will be swayed into behaving 'irresponsibly' by these films?

I feel the real roots of HIV transmission are not being addressed here and some jobs-worths are trying to look productive.

The highest infection rates are apparently blood transfusion and injected drug use so surely that is where we need to start.

If porn is such an evil then simply prohibiting it from the internet would be the end of it!

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Makes some sense. All the young (and not so young) types would perhaps learn that condom use during sex is a good idea from their "role models". maybe need to develop some new moves for "actors" when it comes time for "the money shot". Snap! Ouch!

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what kind of pervert watches those movies anyway? it is just disgusting to see what happens when a man spews all over a womans face! just let the sperm banks eat it all up!

I do , and I love them. Pictures, movies, clips , ... beautiful ( well most of them). Porn is art and like art it brings up all kinds of emotions. Sex is as natural as eating , drinking and we watch culinairy shows too...

About the condoms here. Condoms are not welcome in a porn shoot as in real life. Nobody should force them to wear 'm . But they can still go to other states ... like Florida , where a large part of the US porn is made now. A lot of the porn shown on US sites is also shot in Eastern Europe with local talent and no condoms.

There is always a risk like HPV , with all the oral going on...throat cancer is a hidden risk.

Besides , isn't here on thaivisa that many were saying that HIV is so manageable that there is no reason to fear it?

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It would be interesting to know just how many porn actors have contracted HIV, as a percentage of the total number of the performers. This shouldn't be difficult if indeed they have check-ups every two weeks. It does seem remarkable, considering the amount of rubber-free coupling these people do that one so rarely hears of one of them going down (sorry!) with the disease.

I would have thought anyone with half a brain who has unprotected sex with lots of other people with endless sexual partners living must either be 100 per cent certain they are not risking it or insist on the use of a condom.

In the story only male HIV positive former porn star is mentioned as supporting the proposed ban on unprotected sex. Since women are much more at risk than men (other than homosexuals) from contracting HIV, one would expect that far more women than men would have become infected and they would be the ones demanding condoms.

As for the proposed new strictures on what actors must wear, I am trying to imagine watching a guy performing wearing not only a condom, but also oral dam and goggles. All it needs to produce a new genre of porn is for producers to come up with a mermaid outfit with a split crotch and they're laughing.

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what kind of pervert watches those movies anyway? it is just disgusting to see what happens when a man spews all over a womans face! just let the sperm banks eat it all up!

Pot/kettle it seems. You seem to have a pretty intimate knowledge of what goes on in those movies.

did i per chance ring a bell or two there? are you one of "those" who have to watch a porn movie to get it up? or does the movie replace the real thing?

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what kind of pervert watches those movies anyway? it is just disgusting to see what happens when a man spews all over a womans face! just let the sperm banks eat it all up!


Although, it's mostly gay porn since I'm gay.

I usually watch some when my partner is away working somewhere. Saves the relationship when I have an urge to tickle and he is not around. Sometimes I even get an idea or two refresh our bed activities. Nothing wrong with porn. I like to look handsome bodies and daydream sometimes.

Haven't caught any diseases yet. So it is safe, makes you satisfied when the significant other is not available without domestic troubles and gives nice ideas to improve or try something new.

One thing I wonder is that who pays for porn? The net is full of it for free.

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what kind of pervert watches those movies anyway? it is just disgusting to see what happens when a man spews all over a womans face! just let the sperm banks eat it all up!

Pot/kettle it seems. You seem to have a pretty intimate knowledge of what goes on in those movies.

did i per chance ring a bell or two there? are you one of "those" who have to watch a porn movie to get it up? or does the movie replace the real thing?

me thinks thou protest too loudly ... DahLing

You see, we are just kidding... you are dead serious ... things that make ya' go "hmmmmm"

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I don't film myself having sex. But...

I just wonder, how long it takes until these bloody, post-208463-0-48696100-1452024112_thumb. parasites (and their post-208463-0-48696100-1452024112_thumb. supporters and proponents! ...Anyway, who are they?) think that I also need their permission to have sex without condoms and goggles.

post-208463-0-48696100-1452024112_thumb. unbelievable. And adult people keep discussing about technicalities instead of principles! Doesn't "adult" mean that you are responsible for your own actions?
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