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Every day child migrants drown in the Med, the UN reveals


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Every day child migrants drown in the Med, the UN reveals


On average two children have been drowning every day in the eastern Mediterranean the UN’s refugee agency has revealed.

It started its calculation from September last year, a period when the rough winter seas have made the crossing to Europe even more perilous.
inRead invented by Teads

It was in September last year that Syrian refugee Aylan Kurdi washed up on a Turkish beach and shocked much of the world.

“With children accounting now for 36 percent of those on the move, the chance of them drowning in the Aegean sea crossing from Turkey to Greece has grown proportionally,” William Spindler, a spokesman for United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said.

He added that during the first six weeks of 2016, 410 people drowned out of the 80,000 that crossed the eastern Mediterranean.

The UN is calling on governments to begin safe family reunion and resettlement programmes, pointing out that many refugees and migrants are joining relatives already living in Europe.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-20

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It was in September last year that Syrian refugee Aylan Kurdi washed up on a Turkish beach and shocked much of the world.

Yes, because his father wanted new teeth:

And his father is now on trial - in absentia - for his role in his son's death:

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Europe needs to show that it is the better man, allow these boats to land, and replace the dangerous boats with boats that won't result in the unnecessary political deaths of endless innocent people who happen to have been born in the wrong place.

I am very thankful that I was born in the right place, others seem to think it gives them the right to look down on everyone else and call them dirt as they drown.

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Yep...not to mention some Christians that have reportedly been thrown overboard...

Easy solution would be that those irresponsible parents wouldn't drag their children on board...but that is just silly wish since now the daily hoard is over 4500 to Greece.

Divide et impera version 2.0 They want to establish the Union of EU as Merkel being it's dictator. These people and drowned children are just pawns in this bigger game. Soon they will try to declare emergency and as a only solution they will come up with the United States of Socialism.

War will follow.

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Thanks to MERKEL for telling them they will all be welcome. Europe needs to be stopping the boats and not allowing them to land. Keep these people in safe places close to home.

EU should set up offices in Libia, Turkey, Syria for granting visas as well as safe and cheaper transport system by ferry boats. Each migrant pays between 1,500-2,500 € to human traffickers. Couldn't that sum enter EU pockets instead of smugglers' ?

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Europe needs to show that it is the better man, allow these boats to land, and replace the dangerous boats with boats that won't result in the unnecessary political deaths of endless innocent people who happen to have been born in the wrong place.

I am very thankful that I was born in the right place, others seem to think it gives them the right to look down on everyone else and call them dirt as they drown.

You're missing the point. They shouldn't be going to Europe in the first place. They should be looked after in Muslim countries. They are causing endless trouble in Europe which already suffers from unemployment, is under housed and has an over loaded health service.

They aren't all from Syria by a long way, many more from North Africa and other Muslims lands are economic refugees. Syrian refugees can go to Lebanon or Turkey. I'm sorry, but pictures of babies isn't a valid argument.

Another million next year? Not a good idea. Once they have an EU passport they will be importing their families also, multiplying the original two million by a factor of four to seven..

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Yep...not to mention some Christians that have reportedly been thrown overboard...

Easy solution would be that those irresponsible parents wouldn't drag their children on board...but that is just silly wish since now the daily hoard is over 4500 to Greece.

Divide et impera version 2.0 They want to establish the Union of EU as Merkel being it's dictator. These people and drowned children are just pawns in this bigger game. Soon they will try to declare emergency and as a only solution they will come up with the United States of Socialism.

War will follow.

People have talked of a Third World War, it is only now that it's becoming clear who the sides are. Basically there are three groups, Political Islam, international socialism and those defending the traditional nation states and culture from an assault by the first two. The UN and EU, by their very nature are opposed to the nation state.
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It would be interesting to know who the smugglers are and whose agenda they are following, other than the greed.

Or is that all being kept secret? I read a lot but never came across an article about the "smugglers".


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Europe needs to show that it is the better man, allow these boats to land, and replace the dangerous boats with boats that won't result in the unnecessary political deaths of endless innocent people who happen to have been born in the wrong place.

I am very thankful that I was born in the right place, others seem to think it gives them the right to look down on everyone else and call them dirt as they drown.

absolute rubbish! Have you read your own profile message at the bottom of each post you make? Please take note of it and refrain from typing such drivel.
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Every day child migrants drown in the Med, the UN reveals

Every day. In every single Country in the World, children die. It may not be nice, but it is a fact of life.

The only people responsible for the deaths of these children in the Med are the people who put them on the boats.

The UN in particular, is beginning to turn a lot of people off to the plight of the migrants, due to their over dramatics in there heart string tugging news pieces.

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It would be interesting to know who the smugglers are and whose agenda they are following, other than the greed.

Or is that all being kept secret? I read a lot but never came across an article about the "smugglers".


Have a read of this article…

Refugee crisis: Human traffickers 'netted up to £4bn last year'


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Every migrant knows that if you have a child with you then your chances of getting admitted are much higher. That you go to the front of the line for any bus or train.

What would be interesting to know is how many of these young children are with their own parents? I saw a BBC special about the migrant/refugee trail from Greece up to Austria and not a single child they showed was with a parent.

There must be a massive kidnapping scheme going on among the smugglers and bad guys pretending to be refugees in order to get into the EU. I doubt that story will ever make it to the public.

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"With children accounting now for 36 percent of those on the move,"

That's only if you count everyone claiming to be under 17 as a child.

If you were only to count those clearly prepuberty ........ more like 1%.

So true.

No sane human being with more than half a brain can truly believe 36% of those migrants/refugees are prepubescent children. Maybe a handful of TV posters do though.

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With children accounting now for 36 percent of those on the move,"

That's only if you count everyone claiming to be under 17 as a child.

If you were only to count those clearly prepuberty ........ more like 1%.

Over 250,000 children under the age of 14 applied for asylum in Europe in 2015 and over 125,000 between the ages of 14 and 17


Of all children seeking asylum in the EU this year, the greatest numbers originate from Syria (25 per cent), Afghanistan (18 per cent), Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) (10 per cent), Albania (8 per cent), Iraq (6 per cent) and Serbia (5 per cent). Children from three conflict-affected countries alone (Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq) account for 49 per cent of all child asylum claims in the EU, while children originating from the Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244), the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) represent 27 per cent of all asylum applications.


Edited by simple1
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It would be interesting to know who the smugglers are and whose agenda they are following, other than the greed.

Or is that all being kept secret? I read a lot but never came across an article about the "smugglers".


It's only being kept secret by the mainstream press. You must google around a little.

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simple1, on 21 Feb 2016 - 14:05, said:
MaeJoMTB, on 21 Feb 2016 - 13:54, said:

With children accounting now for 36 percent of those on the move,"

That's only if you count everyone claiming to be under 17 as a child.

If you were only to count those clearly prepuberty ........ more like 1%.

Over 250,000 children under the age of 14 applied for asylum in Europe in 2015 and over 125,000 between the ages of 14 and 17


From your link

I met an 11-year-old boy who had travelled on his own for 15 months. Fleeing war-torn Afghanistan and leaving his mother behind, he crossed borders tied to the bottom of a truck and walked hundreds of kilometres. Today he is learning French and Dutch, playing football and drawing.

Do you really believe this to be true ?

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I met an 11-year-old boy who had travelled on his own for 15 months. Fleeing war-torn Afghanistan and leaving his mother behind, he crossed borders tied to the bottom of a truck and walked hundreds of kilometres. Today he is learning French and Dutch, playing football and drawing.

Do you really believe this to be true ?

Child most likely lying, more probable he was trafficked

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Europe needs to show that it is the better man, allow these boats to land, and replace the dangerous boats with boats that won't result in the unnecessary political deaths of endless innocent people who happen to have been born in the wrong place.

I am very thankful that I was born in the right place, others seem to think it gives them the right to look down on everyone else and call them dirt as they drown.

absolute rubbish! Have you read your own profile message at the bottom of each post you make? Please take note of it and refrain from typing such drivel.

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The pictures they always get of these migrants always have children when in reality most are just young fit muslim men coming to milk the Western welfare state. As Donald Trump said "Until we can work out what the hell is going on, All Muslims must be blocked for national security". It's time Germany made Merkel pay the price for her incompetency. She is responsible for the Welcome signs that encourage these people to Europe. Never asked the people. Yet we end up paying for this mess.

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Does anyone of you" haters" understand that we are talking about people that are bloody bombed on a daily basis and have nowhere else to go? Furthermore, you are all sitting here in " paradise" ( whatever that may mean ) and writing all this BS! Yes, we are all Falang! But please show some dignity and humanity for the people that are in much worse shape than you. Yes. I am Swedish, and I do welcome them, as long as they can contribure to society, just like they have always done. My counrtry has been created by immigrants workingvery very hard to create the wellbeing I am enjoying today, and they do not scare me at all. Obviously systems has to be in place to monitor the entrances, but that is not such a big deal, we have done so forever....... Shame on anybody speaking in these terms because you do not deserve any place on internet whatsoever. Please do comment and try to argue with me, I have plenty of time on my hands........

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Loser 1, on 22 Feb 2016 - 06:02, said:

Does anyone of you" haters" understand that we are talking about people that are bloody bombed on a daily basis and have nowhere else to go? Furthermore, you are all sitting here in " paradise" ( whatever that may mean ) and writing all this BS! Yes, we are all Falang! But please show some dignity and humanity for the people that are in much worse shape than you. Yes. I am Swedish, and I do welcome them, as long as they can contribure to society, just like they have always done. My counrtry has been created by immigrants workingvery very hard to create the wellbeing I am enjoying today, and they do not scare me at all. Obviously systems has to be in place to monitor the entrances, but that is not such a big deal, we have done so forever....... Shame on anybody speaking in these terms because you do not deserve any place on internet whatsoever. Please do comment and try to argue with me, I have plenty of time on my hands........

Since you have plenty of time on your hands.

Perhaps you should research where the majority of these migrants are coming from. Then collate a list of the Countries that are bombing them.






Various Balkan Nations

Are not being bombed by anyone.

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