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Math teacher under investigation for slapping schoolgirls in Pathum Thani


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When I was young I was hit by teachers but for good reasons, but nowadays its different. The lack of handing in homework can be dealt with detention or suspension not with physical violence. The teachers & some adults tend to forget that kids are small human beings & learn more from encouragement, than threats or violence. I think a lot of Thais have been brought up with the idea that violence against kids is fine. Old saying "you attract more flies with honey than with shit". Works in the real world with any situation.

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If you are not able to "control" a bunch of kids, without resorting to violence, you are a miserable failure at your job!

Anyone, who resorts to violence, has obviously lost the argument already!

All of you, who are so proud, that they have been slapped around in school in the "good ol' days" and who see no harm in it: welcome to the 21st century- the world has evolved!

Mind you: we are also not burning witches anymore!

Perhaps you didn't see these stats from the UK

In 2008 a new round of controversy over the issue was set off when a survey found that one teacher in five, and almost a quarter of all secondary school teachers, would still like to see corporal punishment reinstated. In 2011 another survey found that half of parents and 19% of students also wanted to bring back the cane. And as recently as 2012 the co-founder and chairman of the governors of the most high-profile of the present government's brand-new so-called "Free Schools" said he would happily restore CP if it were allowed.

19% of students in favour of bringing it back, 50% of parents and 25% of teachers.
That says a lot.

It was never a case of 'resorting to violence' the punishment for infractions was what it was. The teacher said to be quiet and you got caught whispering to another pupil, you were punished. Most people learned that silence mean't silence, even the other kids learned from seeing the punishment.

It was very few kids that ever got hit (in each term) and only usually once by a particular teacher. You might, if you were a bit of a naughty kid, get disciplined by more than one teacher (like I did - but I found life at a top private school to be difficult. I never understood how my father could be paying these people yet I wasn't allowed to order them around like I could with our servants at home).

As for witches, if we still had the ugly hags running around scaring people I'd be all for burning them!

They're not all ugly.

l have known some quite attractive witches.

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When I was young I was hit by teachers but for good reasons, but nowadays its different. The lack of handing in homework can be dealt with detention or suspension not with physical violence. The teachers & some adults tend to forget that kids are small human beings & learn more from encouragement, than threats or violence. I think a lot of Thais have been brought up with the idea that violence against kids is fine. Old saying "you attract more flies with honey than with shit". Works in the real world with any situation.

My wife and I were privileged in being able to assist , for five years, in the raising of a baby girl whose parents had fallen on bad times.

The parents were amazed that the child was so "good" when with us. Thankfully these parents were receptive to the idea that children did not need "discipline" but rather a structured and loving home environment in which they could grow and learn without having to fear violence.

Little Annie is now happily reunited ,full time, with her real Mum and Dad who regularly visit us so the child can interact with her Mom and Pop !

I admit that writing this has bought some tears to my eyes.

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I remember being hit by a teacher when I was about 13 or 14. I went home and told my dad. He hit me too for disrespecting the teacher.

Never did me any harm.

Its funny how people on here are always blaming the parents or teachers when kids do wrong, saying they have no discipline. Yet as soon as they get disciplined

there is uproar.

Thailand doesn't stand a chance, does it ?.

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Of course there are two ways of looking at this.

lt would be extremely frustrating if you are genuinely trying to teach & the class is unruly.

And of course some children find it hard to digest facts & should not be punished for that.

l have a brother who was a teacher & as he tells it a lot of teens are out of control & are so disruptive for the children that want to learn.

He says that its the parent's fault for lack of discipline.

l went to a small country school where the teacher was a tyrant & used to belt kids around the head if they couldn't remember things.

He used to bring his ruler down hard on your writing hand if you made an ink blot or used your left hand to write.

He also was a master at psychological put downs.

Made you look silly in front of the class.

Kids can be cruel & there is nothing worse than being laughed at by your mates.

So yes l shouldn't judge as l don't know what happened before this teacher lost it.

But a good cane across the backside would probably suffice.

Children & teens(in fact anyone) should never be hit across the head.

l think in this case l would have made the girls write out lines.

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

I was just about to say the same thing. I have taught high school kids, I have a stick and I use it. These little sods will fail everything with teachers that puss foot around.

The best teachers discipline their kids. I have no doubt they deserved it and expect they will behave themselves in the future.

Well done teacher.

On the contrary. Only really, really shit teachers do what you claim to do. Having a nice quiet classroom full of petrified children does not indicate a 'good teacher', just a dominant one.

I remember teachers that were physically violent at school - all ineffective and ridiculed behind their backs, entirely untrusted by students, and unable to get good results out of them. Stuck perpetually on the lowest rung of teaching.

Good teachers get results and respect by virtue of their intelligence, empathy and ability not by demonstrating that they are physically dominant in comparison to children.

You think you get respect by physically abusing minors.. what a laughing stock.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

You won't be flamed, you'll get some justified criticism of your apparent ignorance of the matter.

"Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no"

...apart from the fact you believe in violence against children???

PS - "as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time." - and really low self esteem?

I remain ignorant of the matter as the OP video appears to have been removed. But I get to see a teacher being punished!

I would find teaching frustrating.

Edited by jacko45k
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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

I agree with you 100%

Spar the rod spoil the child.

What has this no discipline the kids done for any one?

Now we have school shootings? Perhaps because they have not been taught limits.

Violence among youth has increased. Again poor life skills.

This not being able to use strong discipline is not working. Now the tail wags the dog.The uninformed ,uneducated youth have more say than there overseers.

Every once in a while some people need a correction moment, A good slap works wonders.

I would hope you proponents would do some research on long terms effect of corporalpost-45577-0-16322700-1456442510_thumb.j punishment, but I doubt you will.

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."

Mahatma Gandhi

wow, a chance to disagree with Mahatma Ghandi.

I don't agree with taking the girls in front of the class and making sure they look bad like this or hitting them like this but a small clip around the ear might work. I don't believe the occasional clip that I got ever did me any harm, nor my school mates. In fact, I'm pretty certain we did our homework in the future.

My grandmother got a clip over the ear when she was in school . Profoundly deaf in that ear for the rest of her long life. This happened at the turn of last Century in Liverpool. And we have people advocating a return to that !!

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"I got hit and it never did me ant harm, so we should bring back the rod ibto education"!

...it obviously did a lot of harm!

School shootings, disobedient children, overall violence and disrespect do have many reasons!

Not hitting children for sure isn't one of them!

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I can't believe that in today's day and age with all the violence being performed by children that people are still defending the fact that children should not be smacked for being bad.

Kids today need a good kick in the arse to keep them in line otherwise it's only going to get worse.

And I'm sure none of you were ever slapped around by your parents when you were a kid I guess because you were all so perfect.

Simple solution for a complex problem.

We have video games like Grand Theft, and Movies that make the anti hero who bends the rules and lack any ethics somebody to be admired, we have peer pressure on kids to join groups in schools and the streets to be accepted because their parents can't give a stuff about them enough, we have kids bought up by relatives who only do it for the monthly payment,we have kids whose parents don't show a good example (drinking, drugs ,stealing,lying etc), we have corruption all over the society even down into the schools . The BIB don't do anything except selectively target some for payments, we have politicians who are self serving maggots , we have rules to cater for a functioning society called the law and yet we have the media sprewing on about loss of freedom because of the nanny state ands so on. Mixed messages for these kids indeed. These kids are growing up trying to work out where they fit and they are dragged out the front of class to be humiliated and suffer loss of face (important for Thais) .

And you think a kick up the bum hole will fix that for the next generation ?

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Bluespunk. Firstly, is that a musical reference or is your semen sick? Secondly, do you really believe in "never forgive, never forget"? smile.png

The only sick thing is a person who defends assaulting children.


assault |əˈsɔːlt, əˈsɒlt|

verb [ with obj. ]

make a physical attack on: he pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer | she was sexually assaulted as a child.

• carry out a military attack or raid on (an enemy position). they left their strong position to assault the hill.

• bombard with something undesirable or unpleasant: thunder assaulted the ears.


1 a physical attack: his imprisonment for an assault on the film director | a sexual assault.

Law an act that threatens physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm is done: he admitted an assault and two thefts | [ mass noun ] : he appeared in court charged with assault.

• a military attack or raid on an enemy position: troops began an assault on the city.

• a strong verbal attack: an articulate assault on all forms of prejudice.

2 a concerted attempt to do something demanding: a winter assault on Mt Everest.

Striking children in any form (as teflkrabi advocated in an earlier post, he called it a clip around the ear as I recall) is assault.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

You won't be flamed, you'll get some justified criticism of your apparent ignorance of the matter.

"Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no"

...apart from the fact you believe in violence against children???

PS - "as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time." - and really low self esteem?

I remain ignorant of the matter as the OP video appears to have been removed. But I get to see a teacher being punished!

I would find teaching frustrating.

MMMM...no need to worry on that count; judging from this post you don't have the language skills to become a teacher.

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I never had any children but if I had, there would have been warnings to the headmaster never to use the belt on my kids,

I would certainly use violence on any male teacher who hit my kid.

Male teacher... so you would let a female teacher beat your child?

I would find it very hard to hit a female.

You can't honestly think of any situation where you would hit a woman?

It has never happened, but I suppose if I was attacked by a woman with a lethal weapon, I would give her a slap just enough just to stop her.

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I'm sure some members will have varying degrees of anger or annoyance at what I'm about to write but I do so as a parent and can understand how parents feel about this sort of incident. I have to say my daughter's schooldays are very much a distant memory now.

Whenever there's a thread of this nature there's always posts of what a parent would do if it was their child but are they giving any thoughts to the potential outcome of their actions ?

Going to a school and smacking the shit out of a teacher would, no doubt, be witnessed by many whether they actually saw it or not and depending on how many people were around the parent could find themselves subject to to summary justice being handed, or kicked, out.

It would likely cost a lot to settle the matter but ending up in court and being convicted of a serious assault could mean deportation being considered which isn't much of a prospect for a married foreigner with family.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

You won't be flamed, you'll get some justified criticism of your apparent ignorance of the matter.

"Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no"

...apart from the fact you believe in violence against children???

PS - "as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time." - and really low self esteem?

I remain ignorant of the matter as the OP video appears to have been removed. But I get to see a teacher being punished!

I would find teaching frustrating.

MMMM...no need to worry on that count; judging from this post you don't have the language skills to become a teacher.

And you appear suitably qualified!

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

Plus 1! I'm so relieved to know that at least one other person was also punished as a child for misconduct and wasn't traumatized or left with feelings of anger because of it.

As far as I'm concerned, I turned out pretty okay thanks to it.

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

When I was in High school I was given 6 strokes of the cane on average once every month

Did it damage me

No I was an arse before and after gigglem.gif

It did teach me to be more careful in what I did rolleyes.gif

So a few bitch slaps won't damage the girls.

That will come from the boy friend whistling.gif

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I went to school in the UK and we regularly got the cane, on hand or backside, the meter Ruler over our palms and blackboard dusters thrown at us. One PE teacher would use the ropes hanging in the gym to hit you with on the backside. All these is administered would be justified in the culture that was then. This all has now stopped and culture and schooling is very different.

We all know that the culture in Thailand is very backward and that's what we're seeing here.. That slap on that girl was out of order and has no place in society. He should be sacked for that but from what I hear and believe happens this is normal behavior in schools all,over Thailand. Let's face it the school teaching and educating standards generally are useless so I guess you could argue they don't know any better and I don't think they do.. They probably got smacked across the head like this when they were at school and so it goes on. It is also a sad state of affairs when you witness and hear generally about how Thai men treat women and physical abuse seems the normall behavior in relationships also. Again something they all accept as it's always been like that !! Doesn't make it right though does it.. This needs to stop but that's only going to happen if they ever get around to realizing how to teach correctly and effectively...not in my lifetime I feel...As a footnote the cane and ruler I received when at school I'm sure didn't do me any harm either and we respected the teachers and generally didn't cause problems as we knew what would happen.

As for witches, in my country they used to roll them down a hill in a barrel. If they were alive at the bottom they deemed them to be a witch and put them to death. If they were dead they gave them a proper burial and were forgiven...work that one out..true stories !!

Edited by Nigeone
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The only sick thing is a person who defends assaulting children.

assault |əˈsɔːlt, əˈsɒlt|

verb [ with obj. ]

make a physical attack on: he pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer | she was sexually assaulted as a child.

• carry out a military attack or raid on (an enemy position). they left their strong position to assault the hill.

• bombard with something undesirable or unpleasant: thunder assaulted the ears.


1 a physical attack: his imprisonment for an assault on the film director | a sexual assault.

Law an act that threatens physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm is done: he admitted an assault and two thefts | [ mass noun ] : he appeared in court charged with assault.

• a military attack or raid on an enemy position: troops began an assault on the city.

• a strong verbal attack: an articulate assault on all forms of prejudice.

2 a concerted attempt to do something demanding: a winter assault on Mt Everest.

Striking children in any form (as teflkrabi advocated in an earlier post, he called it a clip around the ear as I recall) is assault.

I disagree with the term, but lets say I'll try to understandsmile.png

OK sometimes it could be an assaultwai.gif

Many times not! For everything is in the intention, could be done calmly with no anger at all, as a last resort with the intention to help, instead of sit back and giving up like many adults nowadays!

If done in "retaliation" of course it is probably wrong.

I have 2 sons never did I give the smallest slap, never, but the temptation was high sometimes with a few of their friends, for them being rude for instance.

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assault |əˈsɔːlt, əˈsɒlt|

verb [ with obj. ]

make a physical attack on: he pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer | she was sexually assaulted as a child.

• carry out a military attack or raid on (an enemy position). they left their strong position to assault the hill.

• bombard with something undesirable or unpleasant: thunder assaulted the ears.


1 a physical attack: his imprisonment for an assault on the film director | a sexual assault.

Law an act that threatens physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm is done: he admitted an assault and two thefts | [ mass noun ] : he appeared in court charged with assault.

• a military attack or raid on an enemy position: troops began an assault on the city.

• a strong verbal attack: an articulate assault on all forms of prejudice.

2 a concerted attempt to do something demanding: a winter assault on Mt Everest.

Striking children in any form (as teflkrabi advocated in an earlier post, he called it a clip around the ear as I recall) is assault.

I disagree with the term, but lets say I'll try to understandsmile.png

OK sometimes it could be an assaultwai.gif

Many times not! For everything is in the intention, could be done calmly with no anger at all, as a last resort with the intention to help, instead of sit back and giving up like many adults nowadays!

If done in "retaliation" of course it is probably wrong.

I have 2 sons never did I give the smallest slap, never, but the temptation was high sometimes with a few of their friends, for them being rude for instance.

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i was there!!!! It was a teaching moment. He hit them in prime numbers, and then hit them while counting by integers denominated by the square root of e.

now it did get creepy when he ran out of numbers....

but that's for another thread...

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