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Looking For A Picture Shop In Pattaya


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Does anyone know of a decent art shop (original pictures) in Pattya or the surrounding area?

The wife and I have looked and looked and come up blank. We thought we once saw one on Sukumvit near Pattya Klang , but it seems to have disappeared. Then we were directed to one on Pattaya Klang, but we can't find it.

I have seen the one in Carrefour, but there has to be something better.

Is there such a place? (Well you know how blind I am)

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Does anyone know of a decent art shop (original pictures) in Pattya or the surrounding area?

The wife and I have looked and looked and come up blank. We thought we once saw one on Sukumvit near Pattya Klang , but it seems to have disappeared. Then we were directed to one on Pattaya Klang, but we can't find it.

I have seen the one in Carrefour, but there has to be something better.

Is there such a place? (Well you know how blind I am)


End of third road left turn at the flyover and up the hill. A number of art shops on your way up. Never stopped but noted some original work while driving past.

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Does anyone know of a decent art shop (original pictures) in Pattya or the surrounding area?

Could someone enlighten me what's about this original thing? And what's it opposed to? :o:D


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Mobi I have a phone number of a guy who does fantastic pictures.There photo's in black & white with small touches of colour on them.Hard to describe put absolutely beautiful.Not in Town at present but I'll pm you the number when I get back if your interested.

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This may not be of much help but hopefully a local will give better directions...

go past tukcom on your left follw round to the crossroads, merge off to left follow road round and as you take sharp left hand corner (one with couple of motorcycle repair garages on), opposite there are couple of galleries where you can see the people painting

not too sure what their work is like, or if i've given the right directions but someone must know it? On the way to the Harley Davidson showroom up the hill?

God, sounded like a Thai giving them directions didnt I?

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Does anyone know of a decent art shop (original pictures) in Pattya or the surrounding area?

The wife and I have looked and looked and come up blank. We thought we once saw one on Sukumvit near Pattya Klang , but it seems to have disappeared. Then we were directed to one on Pattaya Klang, but we can't find it.

I have seen the one in Carrefour, but there has to be something better.

Is there such a place? (Well you know how blind I am)

Mobi the small road at the side of Mikes Shopping Mall is the home of over a dozen art shops which are displaying paintings of various subject matter and quality including still life, landscapes and portraits. Most of them do not open until later in the afternoon. This is probably your best choice of comparing so many outlets with originals displayed all within a hundred metres. :o

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