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British man calls on police to fully investigate murder of Thai wife


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It's a sad reality that people forced to go to police station and demand thorough investigation, which should be done regardless. However, seems doing real police work is just not part of job description for most. "How much you pay?"

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DO not... i repeat ... do not ever... ever.ever.ever, loan any thai money unless you dont mind never getting it back. ANd loaning to thai policeman is even worse. ... and they are in debt the most... besides teachers... thats why most of them take up side jobs with the MAFIA.

I agree with you one million % , how stupid are people on here who loan money to a thai or any one just stupid.

Playing with the wiring in your house would be far easier and quicker than lending money if you want to die.

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Not uncommon for people to have business dealings unmentioned outside the relationship.

I know a guy that had to re-buy his house due to the wife signing over the property due to unknown gambling problem.


What are the chances that the women was shot by way of a random killing having taken place in a public parking lot.

Let us say the women was secretly involved in some nefarious activities and or associating with nefarious criminal types while the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth was to be exposed about the women and her nefarious dealings....if that is the case and in part the reason someone killed her.

The family and relatives and probably the husband also would not readily accept the truth as the truth would sully her character and that of the family and her husband.

In other words, lose of face, if they learned that she turned out to be a secretive character and personality that she was not known to be or some nefarious activities that she was not known to be involved in by the family members or relatives or the husband

So what else can they do but pursue the killer as if the women was innocent of any wrong doing while displaying their ignorance about her nefarious dealings while also having to feign innocence on behalf of the deceased woman.

However ...they may be opening a whole big nasty can of worms that they may regret opening if they continue to push the police

Just saying.......as they say.


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2% a month is the normal rate up in the villages,i have a Thai friend that does it, he wont loan unless they have a land title,and they sign it over to him until the loan is repaid ,its a bit of a dodgy business as 1 bullet can put the loan out forever.

Edited by lee68
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From a government web site on loan agreements:-

"The maximum Establishment fee your lender is allowed to charge is 20% of the amount borrowed. The maximum monthly fee your lender is allowed to charge is 4% of the amount borrowed each month."

In the Philippines 10% monthly is common so yes, 3% would be popular

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My partner and I did some such operations also in the past. Lending money to people who would not otherwise get a bank overdraft is current practice. The clients are generally well-known and most often repay. The going rate for this is 3% monthly. I took 2%. Still a lot compared to normal Western Credit conditions, yes. But Loan Shark seems inaccurate, as this points to large amounts, mafia connections and unhealthy collection practices.

You are lucky to be alive many would rather kill then repay

There is amount and when to lend that amount they will kill if they know it is your money.

You have to claim you are just working for the man

By the way lend me a five million US dollars

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My partner and I did some such operations also in the past. Lending money to people who would not otherwise get a bank overdraft is current practice. The clients are generally well-known and most often repay. The going rate for this is 3% monthly. I took 2%. Still a lot compared to normal Western Credit conditions, yes. But Loan Shark seems inaccurate, as this points to large amounts, mafia connections and unhealthy collection practices.

So you're a loan shark. Don't mince words or split hairs.

Over 20 years ago a guy I knew, married to a Thai wife, told me they were fading out of the small business they were in and pursuing the more lucrative business of lending money to people.

He told me his wife always had people, including their workers and the workers family members and neighbors, always asking for small loans of less than 10,000 baht usually for a week or at the most a month at a time.

He told me the business was simple enough:

Maximum loan was 20,000 baht. x 3 % to 5 % interest depending on the length of the loan.

Only collateral accepted was a motorbike or car obviously worth far more than the loan including the registration documents and or owners documents plus the keys to be kept by the wife plus a legal loan agreement with the terms and conditions

If the loan could not be paid back the car or the bike would be put up for sale within a period of time starting after an agreed upon date ( at her discretion) and if sold then they would take their money back with the agreed upon interest and a small penalty on top for the effort involved and the rest of the money given to the bike or car owner.

And never waver from the rules and terms and conditions.

The wife made more money than his business ( not big money of course ) so he eventually got out of the business he was involved in and let the wife make money while he bought some condos and played around with other investments with his money that he felt were safe...but money for the families daily, weekly, monthly expenditures were generated by the wife's loan sharking business.

The astute character Shylock, portrayed in Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" would have been impressed.


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Guys...... could it be that the woman was an honest woman in love with her husband?

RIP the lady.

I didn't see any comments prior to yours that suggested otherwise (I expect many will come later). In this case it would probably be easier for the police if she had been a loan shark. As it is, there doesn't seem to be a handle for them to start with.

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he was a banker in nSigapore,

but last 10 years when he married with her,

they were living from farming;

Money was borrowed " ONLY to friends " and their friends;

RTP will find it out ;

Maybee they have a ricemill with a huge store ??

full of rotten 1st class jasmin rice for China ?

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If it was the felang guy that got murdered, everyone would be pointing fingers at his Thai Wife .

Can you tell the police. There may be a reward they can all share.

She was a LOAN SHARK!!!! nobody is missing her

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My partner and I did some such operations also in the past. Lending money to people who would not otherwise get a bank overdraft is current practice. The clients are generally well-known and most often repay. The going rate for this is 3% monthly. I took 2%. Still a lot compared to normal Western Credit conditions, yes. But Loan Shark seems inaccurate, as this points to large amounts, mafia connections and unhealthy collection practices.

So you're a loan shark. Don't mince words or split hairs.

Over 20 years ago a guy I knew, married to a Thai wife, told me they were fading out of the small business they were in and pursuing the more lucrative business of lending money to people.

He told me his wife always had people, including their workers and the workers family members and neighbors, always asking for small loans of less than 10,000 baht usually for a week or at the most a month at a time.

He told me the business was simple enough:

Maximum loan was 20,000 baht. x 3 % to 5 % interest depending on the length of the loan.

Only collateral accepted was a motorbike or car obviously worth far more than the loan including the registration documents and or owners documents plus the keys to be kept by the wife plus a legal loan agreement with the terms and conditions

If the loan could not be paid back the car or the bike would be put up for sale within a period of time starting after an agreed upon date ( at her discretion) and if sold then they would take their money back with the agreed upon interest and a small penalty on top for the effort involved and the rest of the money given to the bike or car owner.

And never waver from the rules and terms and conditions.

The wife made more money than his business ( not big money of course ) so he eventually got out of the business he was involved in and let the wife make money while he bought some condos and played around with other investments with his money that he felt were safe...but money for the families daily, weekly, monthly expenditures were generated by the wife's loan sharking business.

The astute character Shylock, portrayed in Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" would have been impressed.


but she never had to pay back anything, as the small penalty was enough to get things balanced !

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If it was the felang guy that got murdered, everyone would be pointing fingers at his Thai Wife .

Can you tell the police. There may be a reward they can all share.

She was a LOAN SHARK!!!! nobody is missing her

I hope her husband sues you for that remark. He can , you know.

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Reminds me of an old acquaintance Charles "Psycho" Whelan. Wasn't a bad guy.
murder suicide they say. Best leave it to the pros. Those 'jaags' on motorbikes (enforcers) will kill. Poison or whatever.

Crazy gambling addiction in this country.

Edited by whiterussian
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Not uncommon for people to have business dealings unmentioned outside the relationship.

I know a guy that had to re-buy his house due to the wife signing over the property due to unknown gambling problem.

Not uncommon for people to opine about something that has no proven and direct relationship to the story at hand.

you got the balls to make this comment on these strings?????

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My partner and I did some such operations also in the past. Lending money to people who would not otherwise get a bank overdraft is current practice. The clients are generally well-known and most often repay. The going rate for this is 3% monthly. I took 2%. Still a lot compared to normal Western Credit conditions, yes. But Loan Shark seems inaccurate, as this points to large amounts, mafia connections and unhealthy collection practices.

2% per month? From dirt-poor Third World people? How did you live with yourself?

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Find it difficult to believe that a lone gunman would target a woman unknown to him out of random. Someone or people somewhere must have had a grudge.

I think glues should be sort from the involvements and the business activities of the couple.

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My partner and I did some such operations also in the past. Lending money to people who would not otherwise get a bank overdraft is current practice. The clients are generally well-known and most often repay. The going rate for this is 3% monthly. I took 2%. Still a lot compared to normal Western Credit conditions, yes. But Loan Shark seems inaccurate, as this points to large amounts, mafia connections and unhealthy collection practices.

My wife and I loaned money to many poorThais in the village we lived. We did not charge any interest. We like to do good deeds and help people. Did you have a work permit and pay tax on your money loaning proceeds?

How many borrowers did ever pay you back?

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Sometimes Thailand is a plainly shit country.........K. Neil is obviously struggling with the RTP.......and as always in these cases....a scapegoat is being sought............

My thoughts are with Neil.......he really has a monumental task ahead of him...........

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If it was the felang guy that got murdered, everyone would be pointing fingers at his Thai Wife .

Can you tell the police. There may be a reward they can all share.

She was a LOAN SHARK!!!! nobody is missing her

That's quite a bold statement.

I assume you have access to information we don't.

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My partner and I did some such operations also in the past. Lending money to people who would not otherwise get a bank overdraft is current practice. The clients are generally well-known and most often repay. The going rate for this is 3% monthly. I took 2%. Still a lot compared to normal Western Credit conditions, yes. But Loan Shark seems inaccurate, as this points to large amounts, mafia connections and unhealthy collection practices.

So what are we to call you ? Mr Nice-Guy-Who-Doesn't-Prey-On-Poor-People's-Desperation-But-Nevertheless-Loans-Them-Money-At-24%-Interest-A-Year ?

You and your lame attempt at justifying your disgusting practises make me puke sick.gif

Loan Hyena would be more adequate than Loan Shark. Calling you a shark is not being nice ... to sharks.

Edited by Yann55
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at least a strange story. Early morning with a lot of money and gold. Many questions. Why alone in he truck early morning? And where the assets came from? Over night? Business? What kind of? Red Light? Gambling?

I hope we will get some news soon.

Anyway RIP

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I am astonished at the talk of 3% loans as loan sharking. Going rate for all the people i have met is 20% a month if you have no connections and no collateral. 10 to 15% if you have friends who are friendly and trusted by the loan shark. 36% if memory serves is what you could pay for withdrawing money on your credit card.

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Not uncommon for people to have business dealings unmentioned outside the relationship.

I know a guy that had to re-buy his house due to the wife signing over the property due to unknown gambling problem.

Yep, my ex decided to gamble our car away, while I was abroad and there was nothing I could do about it. It was the final straw and why she is my ex. There is no reason to doubt the husband, however there is equally no reason to believe he had any idea what his wife was up to. Given the Thai penchant for guns and losing the plot over the smallest thing, this could be anything from loan sharking, a passing insult, to a pissed off relative that felt entitled to some of their money. Who knows.

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