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Softly spoken Thai women,you must be joking.

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I have found that the sterotype of Thai ladies is they are softly spoken ,in reality i find this untrue,the Lady next to my house yells at the top of her voice to all and sundry,between coughing,spitting and sneezing fits,my ex wife was the same yelling down the street at people,it is what in the old days in the uk ,we would call Fish wives[no idea why],also the level of noise from 4 or more women toghether seems to reach fever pitch,they all talk at once no one seems to listen,until as my friend said it is like a chicken farm,what are your thoughts,i find this mostly very unappealing.

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Agree 100% Marko. I recall fondly sitting at one of my old locals watching as the beer girls assembled for their nights work. They were all utter hotties but my word they could squawk especially the one I eventually married. Even later when the gang came over the sqwarking could reach Led Zeppelin decibels levels especially if they hadn't seen each other for a while. When we return to Thailand in the summer, she can meet them on her own far from me....

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Hi Marko, below is a definition how 'Fishwife's' were named.....

A fishwife or fish fag is a woman who sells fish.... Fish women were notoriously loud and foul-mouthed as in the expression, To swear like a fishwife. One reason for their outspokenness is that their wares were highly perishable and so lost value if not sold quickly.

I do have empathy with you though......Remember this.......The word 'Listen' contains the same letters as the word 'Silent'.......But maybe not in Thai whistling.gif

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Yes,it can be loud and intense when women "talk together" as my wife calls it.But there is one exception to this,which I find very funny.Here`s the scenario: Some women talk together,i.e. at the same time.Suddenly, it is only ONE woman who talks and the others are listening.To make it even more strange,the one who talks has lowered her voice to almost a whisper.What`s going on? Answer:gossip !They all do like that,even if there is nobody else to be seen for miles.

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My Mrs is normally quiet. I remember one incident when she was screaming at her nephew for ages. I asked her what was the problem. She looks at me with a puzzled look "Nothing wrong. I am just telling him we are going to Nanas house"

Does it take so many words?

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My sister is a Jehovas Witness an when she talks it is just always a whisper an I can never hear. I ask her why she talks so low an she told me the devil listens to you an she does not want to gain his attention... hate to say it but utter nuts. Given me squawking Thai's any day of the week please!

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My wife and family are soft spoken....Have 5 close by Thai neighbors = never loud....

One time at a celebration my MIL did that Tarzan yell thing & it startled me - I'd never heard her loud & it sounded VERY loud.....

Even though our house is quiet they blare the TV when watching it....

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I'm waiting for the "My Thai/Chinese MBA, millionaire's daughter, wife never raises her voice and only murmurs gently when articulating a sentiment" brigade to emerge...

My wife doesn't even fart unless she is in the bathroom; and it has such a sweet mellodius piccolo-like quality, but absolutely no aroma.

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I'm waiting for the "My Thai/Chinese MBA, millionaire's daughter, wife never raises her voice and only murmurs gently when articulating a sentiment" brigade to emerge...

My wife doesn't even fart unless she is in the bathroom; and it has such a sweet mellodius piccolo-like quality, but absolutely no aroma.

How about her breath,do you ever get that corpse like stink of palaa,in the night,i used too,once i woke up and thought i was in an episode of the 'walking dead'

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when we lived in Bkk, my wife was soft spoken. when she came with me to USA, near silent... in the village - we live in a compound and she is so used to screaming from one house to the next that she sometimes forgets to lower her voice when standing next to me... I think it is a village thing.

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I'm waiting for the "My Thai/Chinese MBA, millionaire's daughter, wife never raises her voice and only murmurs gently when articulating a sentiment" brigade to emerge...

My wife doesn't even fart unless she is in the bathroom; and it has such a sweet mellodius piccolo-like quality, but absolutely no aroma.

And her <deleted> not stink either cheesy.gifwhistling.gif

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Don't get me going.....it's one of my "pet" hates. I'm forever telling my wife that Thai women don't need mobiles...they can quite easily be heard anywhere in Thailand when just talking normally.

I went into the bus station on Pattaya Nua last week to buy a ticket for the airport. There was about 6 staff all shouting and yelling at each other...just having a normal conversation. After me standing there for about 5 mins. one of them finally noticed me...she approached me in the same manner she used talking with her friends...she shouted at me asking me what I wanted...I politely asked her why she was shouting at me, I said I am standing beside you, I am not in BKK and there is nothing wrong with my ears, to which she replied...there is something wrong with hers...a vain attempt to be clever. I wrote to head office that night and told them that as a potential customer entering their offices I expect to be treated with dignity and respect.....and not shouted at when I am being stressed by their staff.

To my surprise I got a very sincere (appeared that way anyway) apology and the letter stated that action had been taken with that particular office. I had mentioned that in further I will be using the Pattaya office... and it's about half the price as well.

Edited by dotpoom
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I'm waiting for the "My Thai/Chinese MBA, millionaire's daughter, wife never raises her voice and only murmurs gently when articulating a sentiment" brigade to emerge...

yea right ... i found that the MBA you speak of (My Butts Amazing) is kinda shallow, like this post ................

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I honestly believe that many village Thais suffer from hearing damage due to being subjected to extremely loud music. As you know, people with hearing difficulties often speak loudly themselves.

I shouldn't laugh when I hear Thai couples arguing. Usually I can only hear the woman and she can rant for what seems like forever. Often as the woman's volume increases, so does the pitch.I'm not sure whether she has finished or she has reached a pitch that only dogs can hear :)

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Chinese......Sounds like a dozen alley cats in a metal dustbin....bah.giffacepalm.gif

the chinese are so bad that ............they do not understand what the volume controls are for , it has no meaning or use for them . it is there way of life to be first in line , loudest , and shake the finger the fastest . .................

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