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Thai woman wanted for scamming British husband is arrested in Pattaya


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Thanks for posting and giving us the full story.
You're are probably one of many who get burnt , I'm guessing the majority just right it off.
Sounds like you have a chance to regain some of your losses, so I wish you good luck with that .


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59 minutes ago, cjb123 said:

...and... I'm the guy she scammed.


I was never married to her.


There were no contracts or anything, I was stupid, I thought 10 years was long enough to be able to trust someone. Clearly not!


She is not a great looker, granted, though she did scrub up well sometimes. But she was more of a friend (with benefits). I probably loved Thailand more than her. But she was my point of contact, my guide, for a long time. She never asked for or cheated money out of me for most of the 10 years I knew her. Groceries, yes. But nothing more.


She is in jail now for 10 years, in Samui. I can go and see her tomorrow if I want. The charge is "cheating" - 65 times money was transferred, 6 months for each time, is 32 years. She confessed and got 10. It seems extreme for fraud, and I even feel bad about it. I don't want her to go to jail for 10 years, I just want my money back.


There is a house in Udon Thani which the police are aware of, that her family are living in, and that was built not long after I gave her the money. I went to court and won a civil case which gives the lawyer power to repossess property on my behalf.


The lawyer is working on a no-win, no-fee basis, and stands to make 20 percent if the money is recovered. I have had to pay court costs (30,000B) but nothing else.


The police and lawyer have checked land records to try to find assets belonging to her but there is nothing, she has put them under another name.


The police arrested her to try to get her to cough up instead of going to jail, but she has denied everything and gone to jail. No-one has come to bail her.


I know she has at least one house that I must have inadvertently paid for, and she has boasted of having other houses before this. Some people in Samui say she was cheating another Farang before me, and she was cheating Thai people here as well.


When she said she was in Lamai, running "the bar", she was in Pattaya - there never was a bar. I was back in the UK, so....


If she wanted out of jail, she could sell her house, or one of her other houses that she said she has, but she says she has no money and so stays in jail. She's tough, maybe she can do it, even for 10 years.


The other thing is... when she was telling me the story about how things went wrong with "the bar" (which was a lie, there was no bar owned by her in Samui, at least), she said she stabbed someone and had to go into hiding in Chiang Mai working as a maid for someone. Some people (yes, bar girls) in Lamai told me that she stabbed and killed someone with a broken bottle in Pattaya, and had to run away to Chiang Mai. It sounds like there is some truth here, though why the police don't know about it, I don't know. Or maybe they do, and they couldn't pin it on her, but they have sent her down for 10 years for "cheating" instead.


I don't know. I can see her again if I want, and if she wants, presumably, but I'm not expecting anything. I have tried to put this right, and I have spent a lot more money pursuing it when I could have forgotten about it. Now, I have no money, and she is in jail for a long time. Neither of us are happy. But it was her actions that started this, and I am at least free.



I wrote of 60 million plus for the sake of 2 children.  However what goes round comes round and one day the scales will be balanced.  However my current Thai wife is  a prime mover in ensuring that the equilibrium is restored, which is why I love her so much.

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On March 23, 2016 at 1:54 PM, meatboy said:

only 1,500,000 bht.not even pocket money to what most farangs have been conned out of.

let her go,he's had 10yrs.of out of her.12,500bht.a month for service's rendered.

thats NO SCAM.

I've been here 5 years and have not been scammed out of anything

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