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Bangkok students caught selling sex on LINE app


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Students do this in the UK, nowt to be ashamed of, especially not here in the land of gash rfor cash.

Prove it !!!!!

The study, funded by the Big Lottery Fund, involved 6,750 students, of which 5% of men and 3.5% of women said they had worked in the sex industry, while nearly 22% overall said they had considered doing so.


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While I'm not a prude against the sex market here, people do need look beyond the simple point of it's the girls body it up to her,. Prostitution here is a main root of the corruption, it a main cause of misery & drug abuse of those involved & huge amount of various crime that pairs with it, it doing no favours for STD.Aids, doing no favours for education & long term welfare of those involved besides the guys at the top skimming from it. People say almost every thai girl got a price & unfortunately it almost true, liking for easy cash & flexible beliefs that make it all seem acceptable leaves no guilt complex but if you look at majority of old whores in thailand they are nothing but alcoholics keeping awake on yaba & cocaine & fighting illness regularly. not many make good life from the game ... can seem like a good idea when you 20 but those 50 year old hookers look to of lost out completely physically & mentally hence the 24hr drug abuse or sleeping to numb it all ...

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While I'm not a prude against the sex market here, people do need look beyond the simple point of it's the girls body it up to her,. Prostitution here is a main root of the corruption, it a main cause of misery & drug abuse of those involved & huge amount of various crime that pairs with it, it doing no favours for STD.Aids, doing no favours for education & long term welfare of those involved besides the guys at the top skimming from it. People say almost every thai girl got a price & unfortunately it almost true, liking for easy cash & flexible beliefs that make it all seem acceptable leaves no guilt complex but if you look at majority of old whores in thailand they are nothing but alcoholics keeping awake on yaba & cocaine & fighting illness regularly. not many make good life from the game ... can seem like a good idea when you 20 but those 50 year old hookers look to of lost out completely physically & mentally hence the 24hr drug abuse or sleeping to numb it all ...

I wouldn't say it's a root of the corruption, more like an offshoot. Isn't prostitution linked to the lack of prosperity / development / lucrative job opportunities / ways to get ahead in life and business that a country has to offer.

Also the lack of any social welfare system, if you took away government benefits I think a lot more students in western countries would be doing this (as posted, some already are).

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"Professor Vicharn Vitiyasai of Chang Mai University... emphasized that, 'In Thai society, boys begin to buy women when they are around 13 years old; 50 per cent of 16-year-old boys and 90 per cent of university students go to brothels. Married men also think it natural to entertain business clients and friends by taking them to brothels, and they visit brothels themselves as a part of the joy of travel.'"

Yayori Matsui, Women in the New Asia, 1999

I seem to remember some years ago that a survey of female university students found that a large proportion of them used liaisons with older men (sugar daddies) to sponsor their fees and expenses through university. I doubt this is unusual...........Just try googling Thailand sugar daddies if you are interested!!!!

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It appears that were identified through the panama papers...

Tax avoidance is seriously frowned upon here in Thailand.

Police tax that is.

All other forms of cheating are worthy of respect and not considered immoral in anyway.

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While I'm not a prude against the sex market here, people do need look beyond the simple point of it's the girls body it up to her,. Prostitution here is a main root of the corruption, it a main cause of misery & drug abuse of those involved & huge amount of various crime that pairs with it, it doing no favours for STD.Aids, doing no favours for education & long term welfare of those involved besides the guys at the top skimming from it. People say almost every thai girl got a price & unfortunately it almost true, liking for easy cash & flexible beliefs that make it all seem acceptable leaves no guilt complex but if you look at majority of old whores in thailand they are nothing but alcoholics keeping awake on yaba & cocaine & fighting illness regularly. not many make good life from the game ... can seem like a good idea when you 20 but those 50 year old hookers look to of lost out completely physically & mentally hence the 24hr drug abuse or sleeping to numb it all ...

I wouldn't say it's a root of the corruption, more like an offshoot. Isn't prostitution linked to the lack of prosperity / development / lucrative job opportunities / ways to get ahead in life and business that a country has to offer.

Also the lack of any social welfare system, if you took away government benefits I think a lot more students in western countries would be doing this (as posted, some already are).

It is a big root feeding the big weed of thai corruption, have a good look, many of the bars are owned by high ranking thai police, I know a lot about it as had links to bangrak police involved in bars at patpong, corruption goes all way out to streets around all the venues with taxi mafias touts stalls etc, you see police stops on silom & surawong this is mainly to control the taxi & tuk-tuks to paid members only & cash in on all the other crime that overlooked . mass amount of political & police figures are linked to bars & massage parlours & most have foreign illegals which linked to more corruption to immigration, it a right can of dirty worms.

Indeed government current & past have huge blame as without proper state effort on welfare & education many have minimal choice but thais are very lazy & waste money like water so a job lying on there back with easy cash seems great ! reality if open your eyes is not so great.

Don't just look at the known famous tourist prostitution as that just the tip & slightly better than the in house catering sex dens & boarder whore sheds that are ruining lives & spreading disease at alarming rate .

Real option with prostitution is legalise it & regulate it but that hard work & less profit so thais being thais will stick to corruption denial & lies ...

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are they actual uni students or is that a rouse to get sympathy and more money?? 24-25 is not abnormal for schools like ramkamhaeng undergrad. they may have financial problems and or academic problems progressing to graduation.

the wechat mobile app is really like an online brothel. a high% selling. getting very boring on wechat. also see many selling on popular dating sites

Thai friendly is notorious for girls selling their bodies for money.

That's why I love that site.

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I'd be interested to know under which article of Law they will be prosecuted.

"selling sex" isn't in itself an offense as far as I know, maybe using the internet to do so or to advertise is a crime under computer law or the fact that they were part of an organized network will be held against them.

Maybe advertising the service in LINE is considered lewd under the Law.

I'd be interested to know more about the exact charges.

Soliciting is illegal.

Which is offering money for sex, the girls are offering sex for money, that ain't soliciting and that ain't a crime in Thailand as far as I know, but I could be wrong.

Soliciting is to offer services, not money. Soliciting for sex is exactly the same as offering sex for money.

You're totally wrong, yet feel happy to speak like your an expert.

Besides this, unlike in most Common Law countries where it's only the soliciting that's illegal, and prostitution's technically not illegal, whilst the realisation of income reliant upon the activity by a third party---even unknowingly, as with the case of a landlord who houses someone who's prostituting themselves---is a criminal matter, termed living off immoral earnings.

In Thailand such technicalities aren't there. It's illeagl to be a prostitute or to sell sex and you can be criminally charged and go to prison if you can't pay the fine.

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You're totally wrong, yet feel happy to speak like your an expert.


It's illeagl to be a prostitute or to sell sex and you can be criminally charged and go to prison if you can't pay the fine.

hihihi pot...kettle...black.

now you just have to prove what you said by referencing one or more articles of Thai Law.

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I'd be interested to know under which article of Law they will be prosecuted.

"selling sex" isn't in itself an offense as far as I know, maybe using the internet to do so or to advertise is a crime under computer law or the fact that they were part of an organized network will be held against them.

Maybe advertising the service in LINE is considered lewd under the Law.

I'd be interested to know more about the exact charges.

Soliciting is illegal.

Which is offering money for sex, the girls are offering sex for money, that ain't soliciting and that ain't a crime in Thailand as far as I know, but I could be wrong.

Soliciting is to offer services, not money. Soliciting for sex is exactly the same as offering sex for money.

You're totally wrong, yet feel happy to speak like your an expert.

Besides this, unlike in most Common Law countries where it's only the soliciting that's illegal, and prostitution's technically not illegal, whilst the realisation of income reliant upon the activity by a third party---even unknowingly, as with the case of a landlord who houses someone who's prostituting themselves---is a criminal matter, termed living off immoral earnings.

In Thailand such technicalities aren't there. It's illeagl to be a prostitute or to sell sex and you can be criminally charged and go to prison if you can't pay the fine.

Not sure how you took that as "speaking like I'm an expert", but i think you will find that it is you who is that arrogant one.

But yes, I was wrong, although solicit does mean to ask for something, and solicitation is to offer money in a way in which to encourage a crime, soliciting is offering sex for money, I was confused by this, will you ever forgive me?

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Abolish religion worldwide now! One person can touch another person anywhere on their body for money except the genitals because that is a crime?! Why? Because of some ancient text morals. So many real crimes to investigate, so many real victims to protect. Why do we care what one consenting adult does with another in this day and age?!?!!

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How pathetic to parade students in front of camera for this. There are apps and websites that Thai whores are and have been doing this stuff for years. Unhindered. The stench of Hypocrisy in Thailand got to be highest anywhere!

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Girls selling sex, in Bangkok? Say it isn't so, not here in the land of high moral values. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

8000 baht a head? Wow, must have some very hi-so customers.

Think I'll pop into Soi Cowboy tonight to watch some neked girls with my 160 baht small beer. I can also check what's on the menu for take out. tongue.png


160 Baht for a beer, were are the days of 25 Baht for an Amerit??? You don't know Amerit Beer well you mist the best beer there was, nice part of Amerit was it never gave you that full feeling Sing did. Oh that was in the days when Cowboy was still kicking and fighting with his Thai wife after he got drunk. But at least not fighting as bad as the owner boxing his Thai wife around the walls of the PJ bar on Soi 19 with the customers fleeing the bar going back to the Honey Hotel Restaurant for a quiet beer before turning in for the night, I guess those were the days!

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A poster on the Thai news site announcing the arrests said sarcastically: "You weren't shy when you were showing your body on Line, why are you bowing your heads now?"

Big difference between a Line with one person and being put on show for hundreds of thousands to giggle and oggle over.

Anyways, 8000 baht is over a half months pay for many Thai's, I can not blame them for chancing a bit of sex for that kinda dosh.

Edited by IAMHERE
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I hope the cops go after ALL the girls who are whoring on LINE, Badoo and Thaifriendly.

These sites have completely desecrated the mantra and code of what it means to be a monger. They have robbed mongers of their pride and swagger. It's disgraceful.

In the past, a man used to have to work for his lady of the night…sift through the detritus of the night and make the manly calls….nowadays the men sit in their hotel rooms with a beer and dial them in….or worse still, line the girls up three days before they fly in to Thailand.

They have turned mongering into a sissy spectator sport. And given the women license to ask for whatever ridiculous price that jumps into their heads.

Hopefully the BIBs will wipe out this scourge that threatens the very essence of mongering.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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While I'm not a prude against the sex market here, people do need look beyond the simple point of it's the girls body it up to her,. Prostitution here is a main root of the corruption, it a main cause of misery & drug abuse of those involved & huge amount of various crime that pairs with it, it doing no favours for STD.Aids, doing no favours for education & long term welfare of those involved besides the guys at the top skimming from it. People say almost every thai girl got a price & unfortunately it almost true, liking for easy cash & flexible beliefs that make it all seem acceptable leaves no guilt complex but if you look at majority of old whores in thailand they are nothing but alcoholics keeping awake on yaba & cocaine & fighting illness regularly. not many make good life from the game ... can seem like a good idea when you 20 but those 50 year old hookers look to of lost out completely physically & mentally hence the 24hr drug abuse or sleeping to numb it all ...

I wouldn't say it's a root of the corruption, more like an offshoot. Isn't prostitution linked to the lack of prosperity / development / lucrative job opportunities / ways to get ahead in life and business that a country has to offer.

Also the lack of any social welfare system, if you took away government benefits I think a lot more students in western countries would be doing this (as posted, some already are).

There is plenty of prostitution in the west. Places like the US make it illegal except for Nevada, but women openly advertise on places like creigs list and backpage. All the girl has to do is follow certain kinds of words and her case will hold up in court if she is arrested which rarely happens. Makeing it illegal is a horrible mistake. It creates a black market where thugs and criminals traffic women and girls, adict them to drugs to make them stay, and ruin their lives. If it were legal there would be to much competition for the bad guys to profit off of trafficking. Prohibition never works.
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"contacted four women and arranged to meet them at a Chaeng Wattana hotel promising 8,000 baht a head"

I think you will find that the police offered the extortionate amount of money , probably to ensure the entrapment of the girls. Maybe a good lawyer could have the police on a an entrapment charge???

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1st time that I went to Bangkok was in 71.Heard that prostituton was illegal.Went to a nightclub and was propositioned heavily.

No under cover stings or anything.Now 40 some years later with the Internet it's beng policed heavily.Hard for me to understand

The. Authorities are strict some ways but not other ways.

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The Thai police are cracking down on Thai girls who look for Thai customers online and have been doing so for some time. Sites like -dek sideline and sexy sideline are where college girls sell their pussies.

I knew a Thai assistant librarian on a campus that shall not be named (big, famous, central Bangkok) who arranged "dates" between students and teachers (mostly farang) staff.

It was a lot cheaper than 8,000 baht but I did not partake!

I think the Thai heirarchy look the other way where the farang red-light areas are concerned and of course they can't read the online "dating" in English!!

Things are changing in Thailand though and I believe since the junta . . . . more of a complain culture now and business owners who pay bribes are being pandered to more . . .the outside area of Nana has changed completely. 5 years ago it was full of ladyboy hookers, now, not too much because the Nana group people complained to the police and had the ladyboys harassed until they moved on. The Nana group owned 2 or 3 of the ladyboy bars inside.

The street markets will soon be gone from their traditional homes due to the shop owners complaints and Prayuth's idiocy.

The face of Bangkok has already changed . . not even worth going to Huay Kwang these days . . .

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A poster on the Thai news site announcing the arrests said sarcastically: "You weren't shy when you were showing your body on Line, why are you bowing your heads now?"

Big difference between a Line with one person and being put on show for hundreds of thousands to giggle and oggle over.

Anyways, 8000 baht is over a half months pay for many Thai's, I can not blame them for chancing a bit of sex for that kinda dosh.

Exactly, offering well over the "norm" is nothing short of entrapment, and the hyper hypocritical outrage by Thai prudes is pathetic

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