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What's the problem with western women in Thailand?


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Great article, Steph. Hope you enjoy your life in Thailand. Stereotypes do often include an element of truth for example it is an objective truth that obesity is an epidemic on middle aged Caucasians from UK, US, Europe and Australia but its not confined to women. It is also true that there is no shortage of bitterness in the male ex-pat community (certainly the ones I meet).

From my perspective, and I've been here 10 years, there are four components to a successful life in Thailand First, I see that marriages where the age difference between the western man and the Thai girl are more than 15 years, often end in tears. A 70 years old man who 'pulls' a 25 year old in a bar in Pattaya, might have a few weeks of glory with the eye candy on his arm, but in my experience it tends not to last. Get a girl closer to your age.

Second, finances. Come here with more than your old age pension. Thailand isn't cheap, food is no cheaper here than in UK or US, housing and labor are much cheaper, but that's about it. I've had to bail out several "friends" who were overstayed and couldn't afford the fine or airfare to go back to their home country.

Third, follow the laws here. Follow the visa regulations and you will rarely, if ever have any trouble. Get a driver's license and try to learn to get by in the Thai language.

Lastly, treat you new Thai family with a modicum of respect and help them out occasionally. There is no mileage in forcing your wife/gf to choose between you and her family every week because you are tight.

Follow these rules and get with a girl you didn't meet in a bar and and you are more than likely to have a decent life here. The girls you meet in bars can be sweethearts, but there seem to be more failures in relationships with bar girls than girls working in shops or insurance companies. I know it is not scientific but is my rule of thumb.

What on gods green earth does this have to do with Western women, o sage? Edited by HooHaa
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After years, not two hours, of being on this forum, and others. I still find it oh so amusing that you farang men still put us Western women down. We are bitches, we are fat.

Your little Thai wife is so perfect. Then a few years or months later - the same men are asking for divorce advice.

She threw a punch at me, i am broke, i want to kidnap the six kids we had in seven years, she is cheating with her brother etc. etc. Where is that oh so pukka "I know best, my Thai wife is perfect" attitude then.

This, is all after putting Western women down. So, you sort of turn the argument around now to how the Thai lady screwed you over - it could never be your fault that you have failed in both Western and Thai relationships, could it?

It's always the woman's fault.

Perhaps, not to get you too angry. It might just be your fault....!!

Keep it up, i love reading the stories. As for Western women married to Thai men - there are quite a few on this forum. But they don't hang their dirty laundry out, if they have any, as much as the men do.

It is pretty laughable, isn't it?

One of the things that amuses me most is the comparisons some guys make between Thai women and western women. Confirmation bias writ large. Apparently all western women are old, fat and ugly, whilst all Thai women are young, slim and beautiful. You only have to walk round sober during daylight hours to see how misguided that one is. The weird part is how often western women are described as old and Thai women as young. How does that one work exactly?

Works by adding one word

'attainable' western women

'attainable' Thai women

Attainable or affordable?

People can put whatever self justifying spin they want to attainabale

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Yes, Oui and Si!!

English mothertongue, French fluent after living here, in Geneva, for 40 years and Spanish coz i love it!!

A bit moth eaten with the Spanish, but every time i have been in a situation where i can practice it i do. And all the Spanish speakers i have met have always helped me. I can read it.

Did a lot of Spanish literature at school.

The last lot were Colombians, and all i could get out of my mouth was Muy bien la cocaina en colombia!!

Also, donde es el gato? El gato es en la casa.

It's funny when you learn a language at a young age - i was 12 when i started with the Spanish. How quickly it comes back to you. I know if i ever went to Spain to live i would quickly pick it up.

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I hate Western women.

This article reminds me of a look some white woman gave me at Khao San Road like "<deleted> is he doing here?"

Thing is she was a heffer.

I find non Western women have better attitudes and be physically more attractive.

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And what if i was the most beautiful, sexy, gorgeous Western woman you have ever had the priviledge to meet? Anywhere, whether in the States, UK, France, Australia?

Intelligent, perfect manners, speaks numerous languages.

Just perfect. Got my own business, not after your money? What would you do then?

Mistress material. 10's are too much trouble for daily business.

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I just find it weird.

Expats turn up in every country in the World. I read forums from quite a few countries, including the one i live in and ones i have visited.

Never, have i read on any other countries forums such vitriol and hatred against Western women than on the Thai ones.

Bit sad, actually.

Have a look in The Philippine forums, very similar.

I'm thinking it's one of

1. men reduced to paying for female company feeling bad about themselves and looking for someone else to blame.

2. men being divorced and feeling the courts gave them a bad deal (I'm in that group), blame the court not the woman.

3. Guys looked for love all their life, didn't find it, or it didn't work out, and looking for someone to blame.

Edited by BritManToo
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As an older fellow, I am just fine with the low number of Western women in Thailand... as it is part of the top 5 reasons I left America to come to Thailand... This particular OP does not seem to fit the bill of the types I left behind in the U.S. but there is always an exception or two. I wouldn't cross the street to have a cup of coffee with a middle aged American gal ... even if it were free.

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As an older fellow, I am just fine with the low number of Western women in Thailand... as it is part of the top 5 reasons I left America to come to Thailand... This particular OP does not seem to fit the bill of the types I left behind in the U.S. but there is always an exception or two. I wouldn't cross the street to have a cup of coffee with a middle aged American gal ... even if it were free.

So, i am Irish not american, if i was coming over to Thailand for a holiday and wanted to have a meet up. you would not come?

Is that because there may be numerous Western women at that meet up, or is it because of some other thing. Obviously your Thai wives would be there too.

How silly is that? It is so bizarre. You are basically cutting yourself off from other Westeners. Who, as i said in an earlier post may help you in future years.

Just because your ex Western wife or wives took you to the cleaners financially, kids etc. does not mean we are all like them.

I had an ex husband who beat me every day, does that mean i hate all men? No. I moved on. And so should you.

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After years, not two hours, of being on this forum, and others. I still find it oh so amusing that you farang men still put us Western women down. We are bitches, we are fat.

Your little Thai wife is so perfect. Then a few years or months later - the same men are asking for divorce advice.

She threw a punch at me, i am broke, i want to kidnap the six kids we had in seven years, she is cheating with her brother etc. etc. Where is that oh so pukka "I know best, my Thai wife is perfect" attitude then.

This, is all after putting Western women down. So, you sort of turn the argument around now to how the Thai lady screwed you over - it could never be your fault that you have failed in both Western and Thai relationships, could it?

It's always the woman's fault.

Perhaps, not to get you too angry. It might just be your fault....!!

Keep it up, i love reading the stories. As for Western women married to Thai men - there are quite a few on this forum. But they don't hang their dirty laundry out, if they have any, as much as the men do.

It is pretty laughable, isn't it?

One of the things that amuses me most is the comparisons some guys make between Thai women and western women. Confirmation bias writ large. Apparently all western women are old, fat and ugly, whilst all Thai women are young, slim and beautiful. You only have to walk round sober during daylight hours to see how misguided that one is. The weird part is how often western women are described as old and Thai women as young. How does that one work exactly?

It's simple physics. Take a Western woman with a 38 DD bust. By the time she is 50, that bust, which seems to fascinate Americans more than any other nationality, will be only just north of her navel.

On the other hand, a Thai woman with a 32 A bust will still be as cute as they come at age 50. I speak from personal experience.

It's one of the ironies of oncology that before the Second World War breast cancer rates among Japanese women were infinitesimal. As the Japanese increasingly adopted Western food items and fast foods, the breast cancer rates have nearly caught up with Western women.

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As an older fellow, I am just fine with the low number of Western women in Thailand... as it is part of the top 5 reasons I left America to come to Thailand... This particular OP does not seem to fit the bill of the types I left behind in the U.S. but there is always an exception or two. I wouldn't cross the street to have a cup of coffee with a middle aged American gal ... even if it were free.

So, i am Irish not american, if i was coming over to Thailand for a holiday and wanted to have a meet up. you would not come?

Is that because there may be numerous Western women at that meet up, or is it because of some other thing. Obviously your Thai wives would be there too.

How silly is that? It is so bizarre.

Just because your ex Western wife or wives took you to the cleaners financially, kids etc. does not mean we are all like them.

I had an ex husband who beat me every day, does that mean i hate all men? No. I moved on. And so should you.

I didn't provide details so you guessed and no fault of yours you missed the mark totally... I really do not want to create a controversy but the reason is ... middle aged women in America are afflicted with left over and out dated Feminist propaganda of decades ago where men have become the hated half of the species. It has become a hostile environment where middle age women declare openly that men are stupid, men must be managed and women are superior is all things. Despite the fact that this 1970's and 1980's mentality was flawed, middle aged women in America has taken it on with a banner and flag - not knowing much of anything else to do because that is what they were taught back then.

I was happy to exit America - in part - and leave the women behind who wanted to have a mate to control and who would serve her to perform a laundry list of chores - at her supervision... While all I wanted a companion, travel mate, best friend and lover.

In 10 to 15 years I envision long lines of taxis taking these women to assisted living centers totally alone while clutching their list of "He Shall ... "

I'll still be here in Thailand tottering along with at least a paid housekeeper - if not a devoted wife... and enjoying the occasional visits of a sweet lady to comfort me who will not hand me a 'to do' list ... or lecture me about my failings as the lesser half of the species...

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Take an ugly Thai woman. She'll be less attractive than a pretty western woman.

So what? We could make pointless comparisons like that all day. What would it prove?

Some Thai women are attractive. Some aren't. Some western women are attractive. Some aren't. Pretending all Thai women are beautiful and all western women are ogres is laughable nonsense.

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As an older fellow, I am just fine with the low number of Western women in Thailand... as it is part of the top 5 reasons I left America to come to Thailand... This particular OP does not seem to fit the bill of the types I left behind in the U.S. but there is always an exception or two. I wouldn't cross the street to have a cup of coffee with a middle aged American gal ... even if it were free.

So, i am Irish not american, if i was coming over to Thailand for a holiday and wanted to have a meet up. you would not come?

Is that because there may be numerous Western women at that meet up, or is it because of some other thing. Obviously your Thai wives would be there too.

How silly is that? It is so bizarre.

Just because your ex Western wife or wives took you to the cleaners financially, kids etc. does not mean we are all like them.

I had an ex husband who beat me every day, does that mean i hate all men? No. I moved on. And so should you.

I didn't provide details so you guessed and no fault of yours you missed the mark totally... I really do not want to create a controversy but the reason is ... middle aged women in America are afflicted with left over and out dated Feminist propaganda of decades ago where men have become the hated half of the species. It has become a hostile environment where middle age women declare openly that men are stupid, men must be managed and women are superior is all things. The fact that this 1970's and 1980's mentality was flawed, middle aged women in America has taken it on with a banner and flag - not knowing much of anything else to do because that is what they were taught back then.

I was happy to exit America - in part - and leave the women behind who wanted to have a mate to control and who would serve her to perform a laundry list of chores - at her supervision... While all I wanted a companion, travel mate, best friend and lover.

In 10 to 15 years I envision long lines of taxis taking these women to assisted living centers totally alone while clutching their list of "He Shall ... "

I'll still be here in Thailand tottering along with at least a paid housekeeper - if not a devoted wife... and enjoying the occasional visits of a sweet lady to comfort me who will not hand me a 'to do' list ... or lecture me about my failings as the lesser half of the species...

Yet another grumpy old man who doesn't know what feminism is.

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Take an ugly Thai woman. She'll be less attractive than a pretty western woman.

So what? We could make pointless comparisons like that all day. What would it prove?

Some Thai women are attractive. Some aren't. Some western women are attractive. Some aren't. Pretending all Thai women are beautiful and all western women are ogres is laughable nonsense.

You're starting to sound like Dr. Goebbels, repeating a mantra in the hope it will be accepted as a truth.

A better question would be what is the percentage of fugly's in a specific age range of Western women vs. Thai women. I'll save you the trouble of pointing out that's a matter of individual preference.

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As an older fellow, I am just fine with the low number of Western women in Thailand... as it is part of the top 5 reasons I left America to come to Thailand... This particular OP does not seem to fit the bill of the types I left behind in the U.S. but there is always an exception or two. I wouldn't cross the street to have a cup of coffee with a middle aged American gal ... even if it were free.

So, i am Irish not american, if i was coming over to Thailand for a holiday and wanted to have a meet up. you would not come?

Is that because there may be numerous Western women at that meet up, or is it because of some other thing. Obviously your Thai wives would be there too.

How silly is that? It is so bizarre.

Just because your ex Western wife or wives took you to the cleaners financially, kids etc. does not mean we are all like them.

I had an ex husband who beat me every day, does that mean i hate all men? No. I moved on. And so should you.

I didn't provide details so you guessed and no fault of yours you missed the mark totally... I really do not want to create a controversy but the reason is ... middle aged women in America are afflicted with left over and out dated Feminist propaganda of decades ago where men have become the hated half of the species. It has become a hostile environment where middle age women declare openly that men are stupid, men must be managed and women are superior is all things. The fact that this 1970's and 1980's mentality was flawed, middle aged women in America has taken it on with a banner and flag - not knowing much of anything else to do because that is what they were taught back then.

I was happy to exit America - in part - and leave the women behind who wanted to have a mate to control and who would serve her to perform a laundry list of chores - at her supervision... While all I wanted a companion, travel mate, best friend and lover.

In 10 to 15 years I envision long lines of taxis taking these women to assisted living centers totally alone while clutching their list of "He Shall ... "

I'll still be here in Thailand tottering along with at least a paid housekeeper - if not a devoted wife... and enjoying the occasional visits of a sweet lady to comfort me who will not hand me a 'to do' list ... or lecture me about my failings as the lesser half of the species...

Yet another grumpy old man who doesn't know what feminism is.

From your myopic point of view 'grumpy'. How ridiculous ... not even close in my real life. I have a lively life with many friends Farang and Thai - men and women friends. They don't think I am grumpy... You do not know me and you just do not understand the concept of how the better parts of Feminism got lost in the propaganda and indoctrination of a movement that lost its way in America... I know exactly what Feminism has morphed into in the U.S. among middle aged women and it is not good. Feminism in America has become an ugly 'WE - THEY' ... where women who subscribe to this misapplied doctrine posture and ronounce that they are superior and men are just - WELL - Men - a substandard part of the species... Many women who have succumbed to the Feminist Dogma and Indoctrination became blind to the fact that they are outside the current norm as time has past. Younger women in America are throwing off the doctrine of Feminism as they see it went astray from the concept of women's rights and equal pay to Female Superiority thus producing an alienation from the other 1/2 of the species.

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Take an ugly Thai woman. She'll be less attractive than a pretty western woman.

So what? We could make pointless comparisons like that all day. What would it prove?

Some Thai women are attractive. Some aren't. Some western women are attractive. Some aren't. Pretending all Thai women are beautiful and all western women are ogres is laughable nonsense.

You're starting to sound like Dr. Goebbels, repeating a mantra in the hope it will be accepted as a truth.

A better question would be what is the percentage of fugly's in a specific age range of Western women vs. Thai women. I'll save you the trouble of pointing out that's a matter of individual preference.

I see what you did there.

Nice reference.

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As an older fellow, I am just fine with the low number of Western women in Thailand... as it is part of the top 5 reasons I left America to come to Thailand... This particular OP does not seem to fit the bill of the types I left behind in the U.S. but there is always an exception or two. I wouldn't cross the street to have a cup of coffee with a middle aged American gal ... even if it were free.

So, i am Irish not american, if i was coming over to Thailand for a holiday and wanted to have a meet up. you would not come?

Is that because there may be numerous Western women at that meet up, or is it because of some other thing. Obviously your Thai wives would be there too.

How silly is that? It is so bizarre.

Just because your ex Western wife or wives took you to the cleaners financially, kids etc. does not mean we are all like them.

I had an ex husband who beat me every day, does that mean i hate all men? No. I moved on. And so should you.

I didn't provide details so you guessed and no fault of yours you missed the mark totally... I really do not want to create a controversy but the reason is ... middle aged women in America are afflicted with left over and out dated Feminist propaganda of decades ago where men have become the hated half of the species. It has become a hostile environment where middle age women declare openly that men are stupid, men must be managed and women are superior is all things. The fact that this 1970's and 1980's mentality was flawed, middle aged women in America has taken it on with a banner and flag - not knowing much of anything else to do because that is what they were taught back then.

I was happy to exit America - in part - and leave the women behind who wanted to have a mate to control and who would serve her to perform a laundry list of chores - at her supervision... While all I wanted a companion, travel mate, best friend and lover.

In 10 to 15 years I envision long lines of taxis taking these women to assisted living centers totally alone while clutching their list of "He Shall ... "

I'll still be here in Thailand tottering along with at least a paid housekeeper - if not a devoted wife... and enjoying the occasional visits of a sweet lady to comfort me who will not hand me a 'to do' list ... or lecture me about my failings as the lesser half of the species...

Yet another grumpy old man who doesn't know what feminism is.

From your myopic point of view 'grumpy'. How ridiculous ... not even close in my real life. I have a lively life with many friends Farang and Thai - men and women friends. They don't think I am grumpy... You do not know me and you just do not understand the concept of how the better parts of Feminism got lost in the propaganda and indoctrination of a movement that lost its way in America... I know exactly what Feminism has morphed into in the U.S. among middle aged women and it is not good. Feminism in America has become an ugly 'WE - THEY' ... where women who subscribe to this misapplied doctrine posture and ronounce that they are superior and men are just - WELL - Men - a substandard part of the species... Many women who have succumbed to the Feminist Dogma and Indoctrination became blind to the fact that they are outside the current norm as time has past. Younger women in America are throwing off the doctrine of Feminism as they see it went astray from the concept of women's rights and equal pay to Female Superiority thus producing an alienation from the other 1/2 of the species.

Personally I think you are either deranged or satirizing yourself.

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That's a pretty pointless question, then, isn't it?

No, because IMHO you beat the individual preference drum from a minority position.

A minority? How so?

In Thailand

I really have no idea what point you're trying to make here. Of course I'm a minority in Thailand.

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As an older fellow, I am just fine with the low number of Western women in Thailand... as it is part of the top 5 reasons I left America to come to Thailand... This particular OP does not seem to fit the bill of the types I left behind in the U.S. but there is always an exception or two. I wouldn't cross the street to have a cup of coffee with a middle aged American gal ... even if it were free.

So, i am Irish not american, if i was coming over to Thailand for a holiday and wanted to have a meet up. you would not come?

Is that because there may be numerous Western women at that meet up, or is it because of some other thing. Obviously your Thai wives would be there too.

How silly is that? It is so bizarre.

Just because your ex Western wife or wives took you to the cleaners financially, kids etc. does not mean we are all like them.

I had an ex husband who beat me every day, does that mean i hate all men? No. I moved on. And so should you.

I didn't provide details so you guessed and no fault of yours you missed the mark totally... I really do not want to create a controversy but the reason is ... middle aged women in America are afflicted with left over and out dated Feminist propaganda of decades ago where men have become the hated half of the species. It has become a hostile environment where middle age women declare openly that men are stupid, men must be managed and women are superior is all things. The fact that this 1970's and 1980's mentality was flawed, middle aged women in America has taken it on with a banner and flag - not knowing much of anything else to do because that is what they were taught back then.

I was happy to exit America - in part - and leave the women behind who wanted to have a mate to control and who would serve her to perform a laundry list of chores - at her supervision... While all I wanted a companion, travel mate, best friend and lover.

In 10 to 15 years I envision long lines of taxis taking these women to assisted living centers totally alone while clutching their list of "He Shall ... "

I'll still be here in Thailand tottering along with at least a paid housekeeper - if not a devoted wife... and enjoying the occasional visits of a sweet lady to comfort me who will not hand me a 'to do' list ... or lecture me about my failings as the lesser half of the species...

Yet another grumpy old man who doesn't know what feminism is.

From your myopic point of view 'grumpy'. How ridiculous ... not even close in my real life. I have a lively life with many friends Farang and Thai - men and women friends. They don't think I am grumpy... You do not know me and you just do not understand the concept of how the better parts of Feminism got lost in the propaganda and indoctrination of a movement that lost its way in America... I know exactly what Feminism has morphed into in the U.S. among middle aged women and it is not good. Feminism in America has become an ugly 'WE - THEY' ... where women who subscribe to this misapplied doctrine posture and ronounce that they are superior and men are just - WELL - Men - a substandard part of the species... Many women who have succumbed to the Feminist Dogma and Indoctrination became blind to the fact that they are outside the current norm as time has past. Younger women in America are throwing off the doctrine of Feminism as they see it went astray from the concept of women's rights and equal pay to Female Superiority thus producing an alienation from the other 1/2 of the species.

Personally I think you are either deranged or satirizing yourself.

I'm just amazed he didn't say 'feminazi'.

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That's a pretty pointless question, then, isn't it?

No, because IMHO you beat the individual preference drum from a minority position.

A minority? How so?

In Thailand
Are you suggesting he's left-handed? You can't always tell, just by looking
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No, because IMHO you beat the individual preference drum from a minority position.

A minority? How so?

In Thailand

I really have no idea what point you're trying to make here. Of course I'm a minority in Thailand.

Try using that degree you like to brandish on TV occasionally.

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A minority? How so?

In Thailand

I really have no idea what point you're trying to make here. Of course I'm a minority in Thailand.

Try using that degree you like to brandish on TV occasionally.

Grow up and cut the personal stuff.

Do you even have a point - or is this just rage posting now?

Shall we move on?

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